OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh Vote Until FBI Investigates

Will the AMA request make any difference to Senate Republicans?

They are a liberal advocacy group and the Dems look nakedly desperate asking for this. The FBI could uncover NOTHING.

They will hold the vote. And I really think Kavanaugh will be confirmed. You lose---AGAIN

Will the ABA disbar Kavanaugh?

For what? For accusations that could not even get a warrant? From 40 years ago? are you on drugs?
American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh Vote Until FBI Investigates

Will the AMA request make any difference to Senate Republicans?

They are a liberal advocacy group and the Dems look nakedly desperate asking for this. The FBI could uncover NOTHING.

They will hold the vote. And I really think Kavanaugh will be confirmed. You lose---AGAIN

Will the ABA disbar Kavanaugh?

I highly suggest that if Kavanaugh is voted onto the SCOTUS that the ABA keep their nose above partisan politics...
American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh Vote Until FBI Investigates

Will the AMA request make any difference to Senate Republicans?

They are a liberal advocacy group and the Dems look nakedly desperate asking for this. The FBI could uncover NOTHING.

They will hold the vote. And I really think Kavanaugh will be confirmed. You lose---AGAIN

Will the ABA disbar Kavanaugh?

Do you know I watched replays on two different news channels on YouTube, and there were non-Republicans on there absolutely DISGUSTED by the Democrats, many vowing never to vote Dem again?

This might be playing well in Crazy Town, but rest assured among regular Americans it blew up. Don't believe me? Watch Morning Joe at 6. They will tell you. Graham handed you all your butts.
American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh Vote Until FBI Investigates

Will the AMA request make any difference to Senate Republicans?

They are a liberal advocacy group and the Dems look nakedly desperate asking for this. The FBI could uncover NOTHING.

They will hold the vote. And I really think Kavanaugh will be confirmed. You lose---AGAIN

Will the ABA disbar Kavanaugh?

For what? For accusations that could not even get a warrant? From 40 years ago? are you on drugs?

We'll know after the FBI investigation they requested. Plus, criminal charges can still be filed against Kavanaugh in Maryland.

Even after all the Democrats have done to this man, it appears he's going to get out of committee.

Sucks to be you. When a man emerges from the ashes of his destruction, he'll always be stronger than before.

To borrow a phrase from anime: Kavanaugh went Super Saiyan on on that committee, Goku to Lindsey's Vegeta.

Kavanaugh and Graham roasted the Dems, there's no denying that flame thrower. They laid it out so raw and plain that no one who watched it could deny it.

Shame it had to come to that. One can only hope that Kavanaugh and Ford are both able to pick up the pieces of their lives.
American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh Vote Until FBI Investigates

Will the AMA request make any difference to Senate Republicans?

They are a liberal advocacy group and the Dems look nakedly desperate asking for this. The FBI could uncover NOTHING.

They will hold the vote. And I really think Kavanaugh will be confirmed. You lose---AGAIN

Will the ABA disbar Kavanaugh?

For what? For accusations that could not even get a warrant? From 40 years ago? are you on drugs?

We'll know after the FBI investigation they requested. Plus, criminal charges can still be filed against Kavanaugh in Maryland.

"FBI Investigation" has CLEARLY become the new RUSSIA, like a tic you guys can't let go of. RUSSIA!111!!! .....remember that? When you lose.

Conservatives, carry that up today, because that's what it is. It's just the new RUSSIA!!!, and just as valid. It's stupid and insane by DEMOCRAT standards. Joe Biden said so 20 years ago.
Kavanaugh and Graham roasted the Dems, there's no denying that flame thrower. They laid it out so raw and plain that no one who watched it could deny it.

Shame it had to come to that. One can only hope that Kavanaugh and Ford are both able to pick up the pieces of their lives.

Precisely what a YT commenter said, one who was NOT a Republican. He said Graham was so blunt that "even a CNN viewer can understand it".
Kavanaugh and Graham roasted the Dems, there's no denying that flame thrower. They laid it out so raw and plain that no one who watched it could deny it.

Shame it had to come to that. One can only hope that Kavanaugh and Ford are both able to pick up the pieces of their lives.

Precisely what a YT commenter said, one who was NOT a Republican. He said Graham was so blunt that "even a CNN viewer can understand it".

Ouch. Well the unfortunate part is now we have to clean up the shit pile this disgrace has left on the floor. It's going to take a long time to get that stink out of the carpet...
Kavanaugh and Graham roasted the Dems, there's no denying that flame thrower. They laid it out so raw and plain that no one who watched it could deny it.

Shame it had to come to that. One can only hope that Kavanaugh and Ford are both able to pick up the pieces of their lives.

Precisely what a YT commenter said, one who was NOT a Republican. He said Graham was so blunt that "even a CNN viewer can understand it".

Ouch. Well the unfortunate part is now we have to clean up the shit pile this disgrace has left on the floor. It's going to take a long time to get that stink out of the carpet...

The entirety of the Graham speech was pretty epic, but one really effective part was when he said, "Well you came to the WRONG town..."

I think that was a great acknowledgement of just how crooked and twisted they KNOW they are. Discouraging.
Kavanaugh and Graham roasted the Dems, there's no denying that flame thrower. They laid it out so raw and plain that no one who watched it could deny it.

Shame it had to come to that. One can only hope that Kavanaugh and Ford are both able to pick up the pieces of their lives.

Precisely what a YT commenter said, one who was NOT a Republican. He said Graham was so blunt that "even a CNN viewer can understand it".

Ouch. Well the unfortunate part is now we have to clean up the shit pile this disgrace has left on the floor. It's going to take a long time to get that stink out of the carpet...

The entirety of the Graham speech was pretty epic, but one really effective part was when he said, "Well you came to the WRONG town..."

I think that was a great acknowledgement of just how crooked and twisted they KNOW they are. Discouraging.

I'm more concerned that they don't take it to heart. Though I do think that at least some of them did, I think I saw a couple light bulbs that might show them the runway home.
Dr. Ford, though nervous, was surprisingly well prepared, and did a good job of reciting the facts as she remembered them in a logical and respectful manner. Judge Kavanaugh, by comparison was angry, loud, disrespectful, and at times went off message to attack those who dared question him. His lashing out at Democrats and partisan rantings won't score many points with the general public,
Yeah...surprisingly well prepared, surprisingly composed
for someone who is so traumatized, still 37 years later,
and is being called a liar!

Her initial version of events didn't make sense,
and her edited version of events, is still full of inconsistencies!

She remembers what has traumatized her all these years,
but, not where the trauma took place...yeah, right

She says she went to use the bathroom,
which was up on the second floor...
How would she know where the bathroom was,
unless she already knew or had to ask someone

She stated the stairway was narrow, leading up to the washroom,
and after she locked herself in the washroom,
she heard them leave the bedroom,
heard them pin balling off the walls going down the stairs,
and when she didn't hear them come back up the stairs,
she left the bathroom, ran down the stairs,
through the living room and out the door

She heard them leave the bedroom,
she heard them bouncing off the walls,
going down the stairs, listened to see,
if they'd come back up the stairs....

Well, in order for either of them
to push her into the bedroom,
and since she claims both were together,
when she was pushed into the bedroom,

means, they both had to be right behind her
as she was walking up the stairs, to the washroom...
she did not hear them directly behind her?

She claims 4 boys were there...
3 she named, 1 she did not, none whom she called a friend
The 1 girl she named, claimed was there, and said was her friend,
wouldn't remember her running through the living room,
out the door...wouldn't wonder what happened...
wouldn't call her to ask her why she ran out of the house?

How does jumping on a bed
cause people to tumble off the bed?

How does someone who was so drunk,
he was bouncing off the walls on the staircase,
become capable of jumping onto a bed, not once, twice?
He can't walk but, he can jump...yeah, ok

How was she able to break free and run out of the room,
if the door was locked, without first unlocking the door?

What happened to him pinning her down,
and trying to take her clothes off, from the inside out?

Oh yeah, doesn't make sense
since people only have 2 hands, not 4

First she said she didn't tell anyone,
but, did mention it to her husband,
though, not in detail...

The details came out in couples counseling,
her husband remembers her mentioning Brett's name,
but, his name is never mentioned in the therapists notes

Brett had ever right to be angry and loud.
I don't blame him for lashing out at Democrats

I was cheering him on
and was happy to see him defend himself,
in the manner in which he did

For someone who has been so traumatized,
been called a liar, had her family uprooted,
she should have been angry, loud, distraught,
and wanted to face Brett, one on one

She will get hers
You make me sick! Since your head is shoved so far up your lying ass, take the article you linked to, print a copy of it, roll it up nice and tight, shove it down your throat, so you can shove it up your ass!
This is a public forum of opinion. It should be a place to relax and blow off a little steam. However, if a person (such as I) on that forum makes you so angry and physically ill, I'm the least of your problems. You might seek help someplace.
This is a public forum of opinion. It should be a place to relax and blow off a little steam. However, if a person (such as I) on that forum makes you so angry and physically ill, I'm the least of your problems. You might seek help someplace.

you're like a zit on my ass...
Here today, gone tomorrow

You need to talk to someone, if you honestly believe,
I allow you to live rent free in my mind...
It's amazing how for 30 years Repubtards were beyond obsessed that Clinton may have harassed a couple women, yet now support a rapist who spews Clinton conspiracy theories. Republicans had FBI investigating Clinton while allowing 9/11 attacks, but refuse the FBI investigate repubtard political operative judges rape.
Clinton’s DNA was all over the place! Please produce Kavanaugh’s DNA.
Even more reason to let the justice system handle it.

And they didn't get the walkman, they just hit me 10-15 times. few bruises.
Please just answer my question I highlighted.

Because human memory is fallible. because witnesses die off and/or forget things as well.

Plus you add alcohol to the situation and things become even more muddled. Time doesn't help that.

Over time people have the ability to believe what they want to, and mold their memory to fit it.
Ah so you think someone will just pull out a name out of their ass in a case like this? Furthermore let me ask you this. I've watched these hearings. Not one GOP member said Ford was not credible. So why should Kavanaugh be appointed to the highest court in the country when there is a CREDIBLE accusation of sexual assault. This confirmation process is after all a job interview?

I'm sure she believes what she believes, I'm just not sure what she believes is reality.

Her accusation is NOT credible, she has no direct corroboration, and she can't even give an exact date and location so as to allow a proper defense of said accusation.

It's not just a job interview. If you really believe all this to be true, shouldn't he be Impeached from the DC Circuit, the 2nd highest court in the country?

Don't you think this would basically ruin him professionally if he is denied the nomination based on this?

She doesn't have to be lying in her own mind for her testimony not to be true. Time does that.
I think you are interchanging two terms. Credible and certain. You don't need corroboration to find something credible. You do need it to reach a level of certainty.
I find the whole argument that "yes I believe she believes she was sexually assaulted, but no I don't believe she was", pretty incredible. Since we are talking about what is credible and what isn't. Unless you have reason to believe she is delusional. Do you?
As to if he should lose his job altogether. I'm pretty sure there is a process for that. The thing is, he is interviewing for a new job. And it's that job we are talking about. I assert that if the standard you hold a supreme court justice too, is no higher then that you aren't sure that he committed sexual assault, you really need to reassess that standard.
Even from a political standpoint this seems self-destructive. The GOP has given a clear signal to all woman that they care about sexual assault only as far as it doesn't interfere with it's political agenda. I don't think that's a message you want out there.

Credible is an variable definition term, and it seems to slide to the more wishful thinking side the more progressive a person is, in this particular case (BK).

You don't have to be delusional to mold a memory or change it over 30+ years, delusional is more appropriate for bending reality on a shorter timescale.

How would you like to be denied a job based on an uncorroborated (at the time) accusation from 35+ years ago, that involves someone who can't even tell you when and where it happened? How would you like that to be part of the public record, that you were denied the job FOR THAT REASON, and probably professionally ruined?

Right now they are showing they care about the rule of law and due process. What Dems are showing is they will do ANYTHING to take and keep power.
In Stark Contrast to Ford's Measured Appearance, Kavanaugh Falls Apart With 'Rage, Terror, and Fear' on National TV - "This is the face of a man who is facing consequences for his actions for the first time in his life. At age 53." - In a public meltdown that many found nearly impossibly to comprehend,Brett Kavanaugh's opening statement and early responses before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday offered a stark contrast to Dr. Christine Ford's morning appearance, as the Supreme Court nominee launched into an angry, tear-streaked tirade against the Democratic Party and those who have alleged that he sexual assaulted them.

The reaction by those watching was a mix of disbelief and shock that Kavanaugh would try to win confirmation with his remarks and attitude before the committee: "
He must have a new coach.
You make me sick!

Since your head is shoved so far up your lying ass,
take the article you linked to, print a copy of it,
roll it up nice and tight, shove it down your throat,
so you can shove it up your ass!

She's never met a left loon thought, ideal, platform or sleaze campaign she hasn't embraced

After yesterday my contempt for the left has risen dramatically. This is not how things are supposed to be done, it's wrong to destroy someone over unprovable allegations.

Nearly every leftist on this forum joined in on the attack. Like a pack of vicious and rabid animals. Mob rule at it's most disgusting hour.
It's amazing how for 30 years Repubtards were beyond obsessed that Clinton may have harassed a couple women, yet now support a rapist who spews Clinton conspiracy theories. Republicans had FBI investigating Clinton while allowing 9/11 attacks, but refuse the FBI investigate repubtard political operative judges rape.
Clinton’s DNA was all over the place! Please produce Kavanaugh’s DNA.
LOL - DNA on dress of a willing Clinton groopie who threw herself at him. LOL
Give the FBI 30+ years to investigate Kavanaugh's forced rape + attempted murder!!!
It's amazing how for 30 years Repubtards were beyond obsessed that Clinton may have harassed a couple women, yet now support a rapist who spews Clinton conspiracy theories. Republicans had FBI investigating Clinton while allowing 9/11 attacks, but refuse the FBI investigate repubtard political operative judges rape.
Clinton’s DNA was all over the place! Please produce Kavanaugh’s DNA.
LOL - DNA on dress of a willing Clinton groopie who threw herself at him. LOL
Give the FBI 30+ years to investigate Kavanaugh's forced rape!!!

The FBI could investigate for 100 years and find nothing

There is nothing there. She lied
It is now most obvious why Judge Kavanaugh recorded and kept that calendar from his youth... GOD KNEW THAT HE'd NEED it at this time! His earthly father set the example for him, and Judge Kavanaugh followed that example. Nothing happens by accident. It is pure providence.

The liberals in this country have been shown to be the EVIL ones. They will stop at nothing to prevent what they feel is a threat and anyway contrary to their values, opinions, and deeds...

I do not like the Senator from NEW JERSEY. He is a hack of the worst kind. I'm from New Jersey and I should know. But I would never try to destroy his character through innuendos and things that may have happened when he was a teenager. I wonder if the Senator from New Jersey's background would stand up to such scrutiny. He is a creep.
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