OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

It's amazing how for 30 years Repubtards were beyond obsessed that Clinton may have harassed a couple women, yet now support a rapist who spews Clinton conspiracy theories. Republicans had FBI investigating Clinton while allowing 9/11 attacks, but refuse the FBI investigate repubtard political operative judges rape.
Clinton’s DNA was all over the place! Please produce Kavanaugh’s DNA.
LOL - DNA on dress of a willing Clinton groopie who threw herself at him. LOL
Give the FBI 30+ years to investigate Kavanaugh's forced rape + attempted murder!!!

The FBI could investigate for 100 years and find nothing

There is nothing there. She lied
No, she did not lie. She just hasn't yet proven her charges beyond any reasonable doubt. Repubtards & Kavanaugh are refusing an FBI investigation because it could prove her charges beyond any reasonable doubt.

Attempting rape & murder is far beyond any sexual harassment accusations against Donald Trump, Clarence Thomas or Bill Clinton!!!
Actually in honesty, proving something like this beyond reasonable doubt 35 years after is unlikely. It should't matter since this isn't a trail.
Kavanaugh going on and on trying to waste the 5 minutes of questioning time.
I was hollering into the television screen, "YES or NO" If this had been a courtroom, Kav would have been shut down quick by the judge for all his equivocating and roundabout answers. Amazing how Grassley had NO problem with them.
I'm sure she believes what she believes, I'm just not sure what she believes is reality.

Her accusation is NOT credible, she has no direct corroboration, and she can't even give an exact date and location so as to allow a proper defense of said accusation.

It's not just a job interview. If you really believe all this to be true, shouldn't he be Impeached from the DC Circuit, the 2nd highest court in the country?

Don't you think this would basically ruin him professionally if he is denied the nomination based on this?

She doesn't have to be lying in her own mind for her testimony not to be true. Time does that.
I think you are interchanging two terms. Credible and certain. You don't need corroboration to find something credible. You do need it to reach a level of certainty.
I find the whole argument that "yes I believe she believes she was sexually assaulted, but no I don't believe she was", pretty incredible. Since we are talking about what is credible and what isn't. Unless you have reason to believe she is delusional. Do you?
As to if he should lose his job altogether. I'm pretty sure there is a process for that. The thing is, he is interviewing for a new job. And it's that job we are talking about. I assert that if the standard you hold a supreme court justice too, is no higher then that you aren't sure that he committed sexual assault, you really need to reassess that standard.
Even from a political standpoint this seems self-destructive. The GOP has given a clear signal to all woman that they care about sexual assault only as far as it doesn't interfere with it's political agenda. I don't think that's a message you want out there.

Credible is an variable definition term, and it seems to slide to the more wishful thinking side the more progressive a person is, in this particular case (BK).

You don't have to be delusional to mold a memory or change it over 30+ years, delusional is more appropriate for bending reality on a shorter timescale.

How would you like to be denied a job based on an uncorroborated (at the time) accusation from 35+ years ago, that involves someone who can't even tell you when and where it happened? How would you like that to be part of the public record, that you were denied the job FOR THAT REASON, and probably professionally ruined?

Right now they are showing they care about the rule of law and due process. What Dems are showing is they will do ANYTHING to take and keep power.

-Somebody just molded their memory so it included Kavanaugh and Judge? Not anybody else, just those 2? Offering little details to corroborate the timescale. You know, I don't remember were I was 14 days ago at 4 pm. I do remember exactly were I was when my mother died, I'm ashamed to admit that I don't know the exact date on that. Were I was when the Twin Towers fell, I know the exact date on that because the public description of it has become a concept in itself. If you would ask me what I had for dinner that day, I wouldn't be able to tell you but I do remember bits and pieces from that day. That's how memory works. You might not remember all the details but you do remember the important stuff.
What you are suggesting is that someone INVENTED the most crucial detail about one of the most traumatic events of her life. On that unlikely scenario you are suggesting to promote somebody to the highest judicial position in the land.
-As to due process, I'll let slide that due process has often been the least of the GOP's concern. Due process in the case of something like this has always included the effort to establish the facts of these allegations. That's not the case here. At the very best Graham and the likes are contending that because the Democrats brought this up to late, they are exempt from having to follow due process. A dubious argument at best.

The difference is you are not trying to use those memories to ruin someone's life. Once you try to do that you damn well better remember enough to allow them to defend themselves.

Show me where the GOP has been against due process.
-I'm sorry, but are you now again suggesting that because Ford remembers her assault, this somehow makes it unfair to Kavanaugh to bring her sexual assault up? Again this guy is up for SCOTUS, not a dog catcher.
-They have refused to call up Mark Judge, Ramires or Swetnick. They have refused to ask the President to reopen the FBI background check. They have refused actually ANY witness except Ford or Kavanaugh.

The bigger issue is if that he's not appointed because of the accusation his career is likely over and he is forever tainted over something:

1. He denies vehemently
2. That cannot be proven in any court of law, be it criminal or even civil.

The fact that the memories that could be checked out in any way is the most damning thing about this, be it a willful fabrication or just her mind remembering parts of what happened (to her) that didn't actually happen.

The background check would turn up nothing additional, because there is ZERO documentation of the incident in question.

As for the other 3, the committee (as a whole) had access to all the statements made, and even questioned some of them via paper.

Is your lust for power so great that ruining a possibly innocent man is worth it?
Kavanaugh going on and on trying to waste the 5 minutes of questioning time.
I was hollering into the television screen, "YES or NO" If this had been a courtroom, Kav would have been shut down quick by the judge for all his equivocating and roundabout answers. Amazing how Grassley had NO problem with them.

Considering Ford's accusations would never get to the point of a trial, calling for the Standards of Judge to be enacted would result in the hearing never happening in the first place.
Kavanaugh going on and on trying to waste the 5 minutes of questioning time.
I was hollering into the television screen, "YES or NO" If this had been a courtroom, Kav would have been shut down quick by the judge for all his equivocating and roundabout answers. Amazing how Grassley had NO problem with them.

Considering Ford's accusations would never get to the point of a trial, calling for the Standards of Judge to be enacted would result in the hearing never happening in the first place.
Just a comment. When having a hearing, if I were asking a yes or no question, I would want an answer. They weren't "trick" questions, from what I recall.
Oh, is that right? And what is this "nasty ride" you're feeling all confident about? All I hear is the whining sour grapes of helpless impotence.

Well for starters, the American bar association (ABA) finally woke up and just sent a letter asking for due process and an FBI investigation.

A lot of sour grapes about to take to the streets
Kavanaugh going on and on trying to waste the 5 minutes of questioning time.
I was hollering into the television screen, "YES or NO" If this had been a courtroom, Kav would have been shut down quick by the judge for all his equivocating and roundabout answers. Amazing how Grassley had NO problem with them.

Considering Ford's accusations would never get to the point of a trial, calling for the Standards of Judge to be enacted would result in the hearing never happening in the first place.

I for one hopes someone files criminal charges and then we can see his life get ruined, he was lying and it was so obvious.
Yep, it's settled it for me when he said he was a Catholic, lol. My wife looked at me (we both were baptized Catholic and went to C school) and said we all know how it was.
Those Catholic school girls we always fought with in junior high were totally wild.

Beat ya to a pulp didn't they? Most certainly the Irish Catholic girls
I never actually joined in the fisticuffs, but yeah, they beat the snot out of us public school girls. Mean little shits, and like I said, WILD.
Kavanaugh Testimony

I [painfully] watched the whole thing. Here are my impressions.

Ballsy Ford

The Dims went out of their way to turn her into some kind of martyr. The GOP caved, using the prosecutor to low ball their questioning. Not once did anyone ask about her political activity on behalf of Shrillary or her participation in anti-Trump acts and demonstrations. These would’ve clearly shown the political reasoning behind her accusations and the way the Dim members of te committee handled it.

The Left trumpets her bravery in testifying and the Repubs failed to show how her intentions were purely political.

Did I believe her? Not one bit.

Judge Kavanaugh

His opening statement was powerful and his presentation was that of one who has been put through hell and had to watch the torture of his family. He not only laid out a credible defense but cited stuff to back himself up. I was amazed by his calendar and it left no doubt in my mind that his accuser was clearly wrong. If anything, his emotionalism made me uncomfortable and I have to admit to wondering how this experience will shade his judgment as an associate justice.

The Dims quickly showed their agreed-to tactic of trying to find the judge guilty by using the FBI investigation tactic. As per the previous hearing, it showed the emptiness and political desperation of the Dims.

I cringed and silently begged him to respond to the Dims question about whether or not he thought Ford’s accusation was political. “Of course it is!” I wanted him to answer.

Using the same prosecutor to ask questions of the judge as she did Ford really riled me. I was amazed and pleased as hell when Lindsay Graham said to hell with it and spoke up. I applauded him and sighed with relief that the remainder of the Repubs on the committee took their five minutes.

Did I believe him? You better believe it! Especially in that final segment when Senator Kennedy asked him to look him in the eye and swear to God whether or not the accuser was right. Kavanaugh’s response left no doubts in my mind.

My heart went out to the judge and the members of his family who have been put through hell by DimocRATic tactics. I think it will rouse conservatives and independents to vote red in November.
I have to admit to wondering how this experience will shade his judgment as an associate justice
That and his self-pitying, cry baby opening statement together with his sometimes flippant and even downright rude replies to Democratic questions, tell me what I needed to know about his character.
I do not stand behind his nomination, based on his character, regardless of whether he manhandled girls as a drunken teenager.
You sure don’t know how to read people. That was not cry baby or self pity! The dirty democrats tried to destroy him and they got the deserved shit storm that was delivered to them yesterday!
Kavanaugh going on and on trying to waste the 5 minutes of questioning time.
I was hollering into the television screen, "YES or NO" If this had been a courtroom, Kav would have been shut down quick by the judge for all his equivocating and roundabout answers. Amazing how Grassley had NO problem with them.

Considering Ford's accusations would never get to the point of a trial, calling for the Standards of Judge to be enacted would result in the hearing never happening in the first place.

I for one hopes someone files criminal charges and then we can see his life get ruined, he was lying and it was so obvious.

There is the hilarious thing....criminal charges would never stick. You need fucking proof dimwit

You're so fcking stupid
Oh, is that right? And what is this "nasty ride" you're feeling all confident about? All I hear is the whining sour grapes of helpless impotence.

Well for starters, the American bar association (ABA) finally woke up and just sent a letter asking for due process and an FBI investigation.

A lot of sour grapes about to take to the streets
American Bar Association tells Senate: Delay Kavanaugh until FBI investigates assault allegations - CNNPolitics
Nobody can seem to explain how Ford knew that Kavvy, Mark Judge, and this PJ person were all good friends. According to Kavvy, he and his friends did not socialize with girls from Ford's school, he did not know her, and she did not know him.

So how did she know? How did she ever become aware of the three of them, much less the fact that they were friends? How did she ever know information about Kavvy's childhood? If it was someone else who assaulted her, how would she have magically mistake someone else in the room who just happens to also be Kavvy's childhood friend?
Kavanaugh going on and on trying to waste the 5 minutes of questioning time.
I was hollering into the television screen, "YES or NO" If this had been a courtroom, Kav would have been shut down quick by the judge for all his equivocating and roundabout answers. Amazing how Grassley had NO problem with them.

Considering Ford's accusations would never get to the point of a trial, calling for the Standards of Judge to be enacted would result in the hearing never happening in the first place.
Just a comment. When having a hearing, if I were asking a yes or no question, I would want an answer. They weren't "trick" questions, from what I recall.

Usually it's an Attorney on either side that wants the yes or no response only, not the judge. The judge only decides if the attorney's request is valid or not.
Oh, is that right? And what is this "nasty ride" you're feeling all confident about? All I hear is the whining sour grapes of helpless impotence.

Well for starters, the American bar association (ABA) finally woke up and just sent a letter asking for due process and an FBI investigation.

A lot of sour grapes about to take to the streets
For what.
The FBI doesn't reach a conclusion. The report would be worthless.

At least that's what Biden used to say.
How Joe Biden’s comments about the FBI and Anita Hill are now being used against Democrats

Kavanaugh going on and on trying to waste the 5 minutes of questioning time.
I was hollering into the television screen, "YES or NO" If this had been a courtroom, Kav would have been shut down quick by the judge for all his equivocating and roundabout answers. Amazing how Grassley had NO problem with them.

Considering Ford's accusations would never get to the point of a trial, calling for the Standards of Judge to be enacted would result in the hearing never happening in the first place.

I for one hopes someone files criminal charges and then we can see his life get ruined, he was lying and it was so obvious.

They better have real evidence, unlike all the ones so far.

It's amazing how petty you progressive twats are.
I think you are interchanging two terms. Credible and certain. You don't need corroboration to find something credible. You do need it to reach a level of certainty.
I find the whole argument that "yes I believe she believes she was sexually assaulted, but no I don't believe she was", pretty incredible. Since we are talking about what is credible and what isn't. Unless you have reason to believe she is delusional. Do you?
As to if he should lose his job altogether. I'm pretty sure there is a process for that. The thing is, he is interviewing for a new job. And it's that job we are talking about. I assert that if the standard you hold a supreme court justice too, is no higher then that you aren't sure that he committed sexual assault, you really need to reassess that standard.
Even from a political standpoint this seems self-destructive. The GOP has given a clear signal to all woman that they care about sexual assault only as far as it doesn't interfere with it's political agenda. I don't think that's a message you want out there.

Credible is an variable definition term, and it seems to slide to the more wishful thinking side the more progressive a person is, in this particular case (BK).

You don't have to be delusional to mold a memory or change it over 30+ years, delusional is more appropriate for bending reality on a shorter timescale.

How would you like to be denied a job based on an uncorroborated (at the time) accusation from 35+ years ago, that involves someone who can't even tell you when and where it happened? How would you like that to be part of the public record, that you were denied the job FOR THAT REASON, and probably professionally ruined?

Right now they are showing they care about the rule of law and due process. What Dems are showing is they will do ANYTHING to take and keep power.

-Somebody just molded their memory so it included Kavanaugh and Judge? Not anybody else, just those 2? Offering little details to corroborate the timescale. You know, I don't remember were I was 14 days ago at 4 pm. I do remember exactly were I was when my mother died, I'm ashamed to admit that I don't know the exact date on that. Were I was when the Twin Towers fell, I know the exact date on that because the public description of it has become a concept in itself. If you would ask me what I had for dinner that day, I wouldn't be able to tell you but I do remember bits and pieces from that day. That's how memory works. You might not remember all the details but you do remember the important stuff.
What you are suggesting is that someone INVENTED the most crucial detail about one of the most traumatic events of her life. On that unlikely scenario you are suggesting to promote somebody to the highest judicial position in the land.
-As to due process, I'll let slide that due process has often been the least of the GOP's concern. Due process in the case of something like this has always included the effort to establish the facts of these allegations. That's not the case here. At the very best Graham and the likes are contending that because the Democrats brought this up to late, they are exempt from having to follow due process. A dubious argument at best.

The difference is you are not trying to use those memories to ruin someone's life. Once you try to do that you damn well better remember enough to allow them to defend themselves.

Show me where the GOP has been against due process.
-I'm sorry, but are you now again suggesting that because Ford remembers her assault, this somehow makes it unfair to Kavanaugh to bring her sexual assault up? Again this guy is up for SCOTUS, not a dog catcher.
-They have refused to call up Mark Judge, Ramires or Swetnick. They have refused to ask the President to reopen the FBI background check. They have refused actually ANY witness except Ford or Kavanaugh.

The bigger issue is if that he's not appointed because of the accusation his career is likely over and he is forever tainted over something:

1. He denies vehemently
2. That cannot be proven in any court of law, be it criminal or even civil.

The fact that the memories that could be checked out in any way is the most damning thing about this, be it a willful fabrication or just her mind remembering parts of what happened (to her) that didn't actually happen.

The background check would turn up nothing additional, because there is ZERO documentation of the incident in question.

As for the other 3, the committee (as a whole) had access to all the statements made, and even questioned some of them via paper.

Is your lust for power so great that ruining a possibly innocent man is worth it?
-Actually that is in the scheme of things pretty minor. Firstly, he STILL holds a position at the appellate court. He still has a career. Also the law is bigger then one man. The Supreme Court makes decisions for all Americans.
-AN FBI investigation could actually be helpful. They could interview Mark Judge for instance. Something that is better then simply accepting a statement. They could check when Judge worked at that supermarket establishing a time of the assault. Something that Ford suggested by the way. They could talk to the other 2 people who have made similar allegations and look for corroboration or exonerating evidence for Kavanaugh in the form of alibis or what not. There are a lot of facts the FBI could uncover that the Senate committee is simply not equipped for.
I'm sure they would. They'd find the house, the date, interview Judge as well as the rest of the people that were in the house and tell them that Kav and Judge were drunken fools. If you can't spot a liar after Trump you have a problem.
Though she was well coached, it was clear to anyone who knows their stuff that she is a manipulative prevaricator.
Kavanaugh going on and on trying to waste the 5 minutes of questioning time.
I was hollering into the television screen, "YES or NO" If this had been a courtroom, Kav would have been shut down quick by the judge for all his equivocating and roundabout answers. Amazing how Grassley had NO problem with them.

Considering Ford's accusations would never get to the point of a trial, calling for the Standards of Judge to be enacted would result in the hearing never happening in the first place.

I for one hopes someone files criminal charges and then we can see his life get ruined, he was lying and it was so obvious.

They better have real evidence, unlike all the ones so far.

It's amazing how petty you progressive twats are.
Petty and deranged.
Kavanaugh going on and on trying to waste the 5 minutes of questioning time.
I was hollering into the television screen, "YES or NO" If this had been a courtroom, Kav would have been shut down quick by the judge for all his equivocating and roundabout answers. Amazing how Grassley had NO problem with them.
amazing how you have no problem with unfounded accusations.

wait. it's you. not its not. carry on with the leftist bashing. i think we both know if someone on the left were accused of something so stupid you'd NOT be believing the accuser at that point and your tone would be very different.

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