OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Senator Booker is currently speaking, knocking it out of the ballpark :clap:

EDIT: Booker just sited, by name, a currently registered Republican, that knows Kavanaugh from the same time period that claims Kavanaugh was known to be stumbling drunk, on many ocassions. This person is willing to talk with FBI.
Booker cant knock anything out of the ballpark. He knows of someone? Why weren't they produced? Booker is a little punk crybaby. He never makes any sense. In your mind, a guy gets drunk and that automatically makes him a sexual predator? Nice reach. Like I said, Booker cant tie his shoes much less knock anything out of a ballpark.

The person came forward after yesterdays' testimony by Ford & Kavanaugh.

They stated they could no longer stay silent when they heard Kavanaugh LIE about his drinking issues during the time period in question.

This is actually good news, no matter what happens. People of good conscience will continue to come forward, in the wake of the testimony offered by Ford & Kavanaugh.
Or those wishing for their few minutes of fame.
As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 day
Investigating claims about behavior that took place a few years earlier, questioning co-workers who were easily found cannot be compared to finding evidence 36 years later especially since she had no address, no time frame and no fucking witnesses.

  • You've got a year book (with great anecdotes lol)
  • Tons of drunken parties
  • 2 fantastic books by Mark Judge (and a bong to boot)
  • 2 more accusers
  • Youthful memories of the best time of their lives
  • Kavanaughty's highly detailed calendars (just like his father)
Man... you start digging here and you've got a gold mine under oath. I figure at least a few months of watching witnesses on the stand spilling the beans LMAO

You've got a year book (with great anecdotes lol)

Does it mention Ford?

Tons of drunken parties

Like the ones mentioned in Ford's yearbooks?

2 fantastic books by Mark Judge (and a bong to boot)

Do the books mention Ford?

2 more accusers

The accuser that even the New York Times wouldn't publish...….
And the woman who knew about rape rooms but kept attending the parties until she herself was raped.
Or was she raped first, and then kept attending? Yeah, really credible accusers.

Youthful memories of the best time of their lives

And Ford's spotty memories.

Kavanaughty's highly detailed calendars (just like his father)

Yeah, the calendars that really didn't help Ford's vague claims.

Man... you start digging here and you've got a gold mine under oath.

Sure thing, Sparky.

I figure at least a few months of watching witnesses on the stand spilling the beans LMAO

Too bad it'll never happen.
doesn't mention pool party either.
Senator Whitehouse (a former prosecutor) from a couple hours ago, hits the TRIFECTA, with Kavanaugh's own calendar. BOOM

Remember when they screamed they thought Obama was born in Kenya? Even Trump said that turned out to be a lie.
But every thing we know about Trump and Kavanaugh seems to be true. So many witnesses.

Women won't forget.


Allegations are just that. Empty air. Like the rest of the Leftist party.
This has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with a calculated smear campaign.
BULLSHIT It has to do with Kavanaugh being in favor of giving Trump huge executive power AND protection from being indicted as well as a vote against Roe v Wade You nitwits want to call smear when facts stare you in the face

Your analysis is spot on. Its a win/win for evangelicals/Trump.... (and Putin)

We're wasting a lot of energy trying to convince brainwashed pawns that voted for a guy that boasted grabbing women by the pussy ?!
Entertaining to say the least.... same thing is happening right now in the committee room.

The chessboard is being re-arranged to favor an Authoritarian regime of the kind Trump admires. An arrogant and condescending Kavanaughty in the equation obviously enables this.

This puss-like situation has been fermenting for at least 25 years. Dr Pimple would have a field day.

WTF? You're either blind or stupid but this is complete and utter BS.
Ford did not give the date, She could not say what house this happened in, how she got there and how she got home. The witnesses swear they were not there. An FBI investigation would reveal the same facts and non facts the hearing relied on.
A person has the right be deemed innocent until proven guilty. How can she give facts that do not back her story ?

This really isn't CSI material... Kavanaughty for one has all the best calendars you need ROFL... maintained in impeccable condition (his father's recommendation)... Oh yeah don't forget about his 'track and field' effort in the summer of '82 (to make him run faster)
The fact that this happened in a school context makes it even easier and don't forget that this period (1982) was so wild his best friend (Mark Judge) deemed it justifiable to write 2 books about it.

There's something under the rock... but hey... who cares when you have a majority ;)
Bullshit. You are a delusional leftist. There was no evidence here and she was not credible. Take off your blue goggles. If leftists wanted justice they would have shared the letter with the FBI immediately

Only time will tell who is delusional here ;)

This blitzkrieg nomination sadly reeks of the third Reich.

A German term for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower.

Now THAT is some funny shit, 2020! A confirmation hearing is like the German blitzkrieg? Really? The only tactic I saw on display here was you progressives using yet another smear campaign against another conservative! You're now the party of Michael Avenatti and Richard Steele! That's what you run on. Not promises for a better run on run on lies.

I'm amused that the same people who kept this from being investigated in a timely manner are now the ones who are screaming that it's a rush to judgement! Ford SHOULD have been questioned by investigators from the Judiciary Committee! She was asked to come to Washington to give answers to questions and she deferred saying she had a fear of flying. Funny, she doesn't seem to have a problem flying when it's to a vacation spot far, far away! Then her lawyers were told that the Committee investigators would come to her in California but they appear never to have told her that (Well either that or it's totally slipped her mind that took place which begs the question...what kind of meds is she on these days?)! Why? It's obvious that the lawyers that Diane Feinstein referred Ms. Ford to had another agenda other than seeking justice for her. They appear to be more concerned with how long they could draw this process out than they were about getting to the truth!
Not only did her “witnesses” not materialize they Refuted her contentions!
What else could libbies want?
Ford is never going to confess and I doubt she really does know what happened
that's not true... none refuted it, they have said up until the trial, they could not remember it....


And none went before the professional FBI investigators who do this for a living and know how to question people, to get more facts out of them.... and they do their interviews twice usually, to see if the witness's story has changed or they remember more now.... and they follow through with any other information or witnesses that may come to light.

It really should be done, especially if I were Kavanaugh and truly innocent of these accusations.... it's just one big cloud over his head, for a lifetime... that screaming Democrats democrats democrats Clinton and democrats conspiracy crap ad nauseam,

ain't gonna make it go away. Only the truth will do that... and wouldn't you want the FBI doing it, with sworn secrecy to their report, than for the Press, who WILL FOLLOW THROUGH and Investigate this until the cows come home, if he is seated without an investigation for some fact finding...

This sweeping it under the rug will NOT bode well for Senators rejecting it, by Americans and patriots and those who love their country.... and true justice, for ALL.
Where did that come from?

someone was smart enuff to use Kavanaughs own calendar to show that Kavanaugh is a liar.

Then are you saying that:

A. Dr. Ford is a guy?

B. That Ford is lying?


God, you are so stupid.

The calander shows a party with 6 Males, no females.

If this is your evidence, then either Dr. Ford is lying, or that she is actually a Male. Which one is it?
pop, come on! Dr. Ford did NOT have Brett's calendar when she described the party, who, when and where of what she remembered ...

yet the date, timing, house neighborhood and 3 or 4 of the people she mentioned ahead of this evidence on his calendar that came forth WERE CORRECT.

him not writing the girls there on his calendar means squat... the fact that he was there, at that house, 3 or 4 of the boys that she mentioned and during the time frame she mentioned...

that... corroborates part of her testimony

please call your senators and have the fbi background check reopened.

we are setting a very very bad example by not doing so on him, when with all others in similar messes, the FBI reopens their check, and investigates

this deep stating by the Republican Committee Senators, to prevent any investigation by the FBI OR to interview any witnesses... to put in their wall street CRONY in to the supreme court....

I'm sorry, that's not justice... that's privilege,

to the good ole boys club in govt..... your so called, deep state...

him not writing the girls there on his calendar means squat... the fact that he was there, at that house, 3 or 4 of the boys that she mentioned and during the time frame she mentioned...

that... corroborates part of her testimony

The people she said were there, said they don't remember any such party as she claims.

Her own friend said she doesn't ever remember meeting Kavanaugh.

please call your senators and have the fbi background check reopened.

What do you want the FBI to do?
This means that a huge amount of sexual assault cases will never be reported. After all a lot of those come down to he said, she said.
so what would be your answer to be fair to both? you can't simply accuse people w/o proof. are you not seeing how easily that can manipulated?
Sure I can see that this can be manipulated. The point is if I have to choose between doing right by victims of sexual assault and doing right by those that commit sexual assault, I will side on the side of the victims because I know they are more numerous. There's no perfect solution. And I'm perfectly willing to agree that judicial standards should be upheld when you're talking about jailing someone. But you are asking to give the benefit of the doubt to someone for a seat on the supreme court.
you're asking me to give someone the benefit of doubt who has a history of "resist" and "obstruction" and womans rights.

which to me this all boils down to. roe vs. wade. ie, its all political which to me brings *any* accusation into doubt. most people i talk to sooner or later get to roe vs wade and womans rights and when i say "then this is political, not justice" and by that time they are wrapped in emotions and scream YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT...

which comes back to a very common theme for the left these days. any means to get to their end is ok.

that is a dangerous road for a country to be on and simply cannot be allowed. legitimizing this only means the right will eventually do the same and then the left will have to kick this up quite a bit and take us again to a new level of stupid.

i will agree i would NOT want to prevent actual victims to come forward; but with this being political vs. legal, how does what ford is doing *help* others who may have been assaulted come forward? it would seem that the actual goal of stopping the violence against women is just as harmed from her own actions.

so *if* this is all about the political games, then this is character assassination. *If* allowed because we don't like his politics or this is todays "business as usual" then where do we go from here as we legitimize "anything goes" in our politics?
i will agree i would NOT want to prevent actual victims to come forward; but with this being political vs. legal, how does what ford is doing *help* others who may have been assaulted come forward? it would seem that the actual goal of stopping the violence against women is just as harmed from her own actions.
-First I saw Ford's testimony. She has to be the worlds greatest actrice to have concocted this. It's her credibility that you have to asses. After all it's not the Democrats who are leveling this charge,it's Ford. Is there politics involved... most certainly. Does that mean the accusation is untrue... it most certainly not.
-The statement that coming forward on sexual assault is hurtful to people coming forward is not just wrong, but in essence epitomizes all that's wrong about this. People are afraid to come forward because they know that coming forward carries a huge psychological cost. A cost that is exacted because it is a he said she said story. What you just seemed to imply that when someone does come forward it should be when nobody else has to hear it.
-I just saw a clip from someone confronting Flake who just voted to confirm Kavanaugh. She goes after him for demeaning her assault by voting to confirm. It's a raw appeal to emotion but it also shows the effect the GOP's decision has on everybody dealing with this. You just blamed the victim for having the courage to speak out.
- if "ford" is leading the charge - great. is she after justice or politics now because "justice" would be to go through local law enforcement, not take it to her state reps. while you're right you can't say this makes her accusations "untrue" - by the same logic therefor they can't be "true" either. at best, stalemate, now what? the left also continues to demand for an FBI investigation. the FBI has done (6) background checks and nothing like this came up from *anyone* questioned. what exactly would they be investigating and if you were the FBI and told to do this by trump, where would you start?

- i never denied the counter reactions to this can get nasty. they get nasty to the accused also as his life is now instantly socially judged and his family now under attack from the extreme left who do not want him as a SCOTUS. we seem to bypass how easily this emotional standoff can be manipulated to make a liar have a lot more power than they should. i'm not calling FORD a liar at this point, but i am saying any witness she's called on so far has said "nope, didn't happen". when do we say enough is enough if no named witnesses verify her claim? can we also agree that the power this gives the accuser is beyond measure if left unchecked and simply believed due to the nature of the accusation? we seem to be leaving a door wide open to trust that can be easily manipulated by people for whatever gain they are after at the time.

- you just believed the "victim" because she spoke out. this is a "danger zone" that shouldn't be "rewarded" so easily. the ability to misuse sexual accusations is vast and powerful. or do you disagree that it could/would be used in a political or revenge fashion?
-Justice for sexual assault victims does NOT always run through the justice department. If you honestly think about it, you have to know that. It's that realization that's one of the reasons that both keeps victims from reporting, and them seeking revenge another way, as I suspect is the case here.
-As to the danger of unscrupulous people abusing sexual assault accusations. Have you seen her testimony and if you did can you honestly claim she was faking? Not even Kavanaugh himself tried to claim that, just that he didn't do it.
-In the event of stalemate as you put it, I side with the victim. I find someone willing to testify and take the predictable punishment for that testimony as more credible then the person denying it. Since the reality is that more people who accuse someone are speaking the truth then those who deny they did, speak the truth.
- There is even a side to this that I keep on reiterating that I just don't get a satisfactory answer to. If we are talking about a position on the Supreme Court is it not reasonable that person to be beyond reproach? Is the standard so low that not being sure he committed sexual assault,is sufficiently satisfactory to appoint him to this position. Even more, he very much showed in yesterdays testimony that he holds the left responsible for his troubles. How easy would it be for ANY left wing group having to defend something before the supreme court to demand he recuse himself simply playing his testimony yesterday? He isn't the only right wing judge out there. Trump had 25 people on the shortlist. You guys are ramming somebody through for the highest judicial post in the country, risking disruption to the court, not to mention losing 3/4 of the women in the country, for what?
Bullshit. You are a delusional leftist. There was no evidence here and she was not credible. Take off your blue goggles. If leftists wanted justice they would have shared the letter with the FBI immediately

Only time will tell who is delusional here ;)

This blitzkrieg nomination sadly reeks of the third Reich.

A German term for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower.

Now THAT is some funny shit, 2020! A confirmation hearing is like the German blitzkrieg? Really? The only tactic I saw on display here was you progressives using yet another smear campaign against another conservative! You're now the party of Michael Avenatti and Richard Steele! That's what you run on. Not promises for a better run on run on lies.

I'm amused that the same people who kept this from being investigated in a timely manner are now the ones who are screaming that it's a rush to judgement! Ford SHOULD have been questioned by investigators from the Judiciary Committee! She was asked to come to Washington to give answers to questions and she deferred saying she had a fear of flying. Funny, she doesn't seem to have a problem flying when it's to a vacation spot far, far away! Then her lawyers were told that the Committee investigators would come to her in California but they appear never to have told her that (Well either that or it's totally slipped her mind that took place which begs the question...what kind of meds is she on these days?)! Why? It's obvious that the lawyers that Diane Feinstein referred Ms. Ford to had another agenda other than seeking justice for her. They appear to be more concerned with how long they could draw this process out than they were about getting to the truth!

She has clear memory of what happened 36 years ago but not seven weeks ago? Really?
Senator Booker is currently speaking, knocking it out of the ballpark :clap:

We know he knocked his wife out of the ballpark and couple other places

nice troll shit, troll.
he's a sexual assaulter. admitted to it. I don't need his fking lecture. All I hear is blah, blah, blah, and he needed to recuse himself.

Has he, or any of the Democrats yet YELLED AT FEINSTEIN for keeping this a secret?


Tells you this is purely political theater
dude, they seemed to imply someone on the GOP side did it. amazing. they sold their souls to the devil.
so what would be your answer to be fair to both? you can't simply accuse people w/o proof. are you not seeing how easily that can manipulated?
Sure I can see that this can be manipulated. The point is if I have to choose between doing right by victims of sexual assault and doing right by those that commit sexual assault, I will side on the side of the victims because I know they are more numerous. There's no perfect solution. And I'm perfectly willing to agree that judicial standards should be upheld when you're talking about jailing someone. But you are asking to give the benefit of the doubt to someone for a seat on the supreme court.
you're asking me to give someone the benefit of doubt who has a history of "resist" and "obstruction" and womans rights.

which to me this all boils down to. roe vs. wade. ie, its all political which to me brings *any* accusation into doubt. most people i talk to sooner or later get to roe vs wade and womans rights and when i say "then this is political, not justice" and by that time they are wrapped in emotions and scream YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT...

which comes back to a very common theme for the left these days. any means to get to their end is ok.

that is a dangerous road for a country to be on and simply cannot be allowed. legitimizing this only means the right will eventually do the same and then the left will have to kick this up quite a bit and take us again to a new level of stupid.

i will agree i would NOT want to prevent actual victims to come forward; but with this being political vs. legal, how does what ford is doing *help* others who may have been assaulted come forward? it would seem that the actual goal of stopping the violence against women is just as harmed from her own actions.

so *if* this is all about the political games, then this is character assassination. *If* allowed because we don't like his politics or this is todays "business as usual" then where do we go from here as we legitimize "anything goes" in our politics?
i will agree i would NOT want to prevent actual victims to come forward; but with this being political vs. legal, how does what ford is doing *help* others who may have been assaulted come forward? it would seem that the actual goal of stopping the violence against women is just as harmed from her own actions.
-First I saw Ford's testimony. She has to be the worlds greatest actrice to have concocted this. It's her credibility that you have to asses. After all it's not the Democrats who are leveling this charge,it's Ford. Is there politics involved... most certainly. Does that mean the accusation is untrue... it most certainly not.
-The statement that coming forward on sexual assault is hurtful to people coming forward is not just wrong, but in essence epitomizes all that's wrong about this. People are afraid to come forward because they know that coming forward carries a huge psychological cost. A cost that is exacted because it is a he said she said story. What you just seemed to imply that when someone does come forward it should be when nobody else has to hear it.
-I just saw a clip from someone confronting Flake who just voted to confirm Kavanaugh. She goes after him for demeaning her assault by voting to confirm. It's a raw appeal to emotion but it also shows the effect the GOP's decision has on everybody dealing with this. You just blamed the victim for having the courage to speak out.
- if "ford" is leading the charge - great. is she after justice or politics now because "justice" would be to go through local law enforcement, not take it to her state reps. while you're right you can't say this makes her accusations "untrue" - by the same logic therefor they can't be "true" either. at best, stalemate, now what? the left also continues to demand for an FBI investigation. the FBI has done (6) background checks and nothing like this came up from *anyone* questioned. what exactly would they be investigating and if you were the FBI and told to do this by trump, where would you start?

- i never denied the counter reactions to this can get nasty. they get nasty to the accused also as his life is now instantly socially judged and his family now under attack from the extreme left who do not want him as a SCOTUS. we seem to bypass how easily this emotional standoff can be manipulated to make a liar have a lot more power than they should. i'm not calling FORD a liar at this point, but i am saying any witness she's called on so far has said "nope, didn't happen". when do we say enough is enough if no named witnesses verify her claim? can we also agree that the power this gives the accuser is beyond measure if left unchecked and simply believed due to the nature of the accusation? we seem to be leaving a door wide open to trust that can be easily manipulated by people for whatever gain they are after at the time.

- you just believed the "victim" because she spoke out. this is a "danger zone" that shouldn't be "rewarded" so easily. the ability to misuse sexual accusations is vast and powerful. or do you disagree that it could/would be used in a political or revenge fashion?
-Justice for sexual assault victims does NOT always run through the justice department. If you honestly think about it, you have to know that. It's that realization that's one of the reasons that both keeps victims from reporting, and them seeking revenge another way, as I suspect is the case here.
-As to the danger of unscrupulous people abusing sexual assault accusations. Have you seen her testimony and if you did can you honestly claim she was faking? Not even Kavanaugh himself tried to claim that, just that he didn't do it.
-In the event of stalemate as you put it, I side with the victim. I find someone willing to testify and take the predictable punishment for that testimony as more credible then the person denying it. Since the reality is that more people who accuse someone are speaking the truth then those who deny they did, speak the truth.
- There is even a side to this that I keep on reiterating that I just don't get a satisfactory answer to. If we are talking about a position on the Supreme Court is it not reasonable that person to be beyond reproach? Is the standard so low that not being sure he committed sexual assault,is sufficiently satisfactory to appoint him to this position. Even more, he very much showed in yesterdays testimony that he holds the left responsible for his troubles. How easy would it be for ANY left wing group having to defend something before the supreme court to demand he recuse himself simply playing his testimony yesterday? He isn't the only right wing judge out there. Trump had 25 people on the shortlist. You guys are ramming somebody through for the highest judicial post in the country, risking disruption to the court, not to mention losing 3/4 of the women in the country, for what?

You re an antisemite and a Holocaust denier. Prove me wrong. The burden of proof is on you. I am a Jew and I can tell by your writing style that you are an antisemite.
no date, no time, no house. you're mistaken. See he kept records and it doesn't say anything about a pool party or anything else she stated. so iit's unclear your point other than you making fake news up again.

Give the FBI a few seconds... they'll find the house, time and date.
... remember, this is 2018 ;)

'Merica was great in the 50's ... WWII winners, helping Europe and Japan rebuild. Yeah ! I'm having an orgasm.
Bullshit. You are a delusional leftist. There was no evidence here and she was not credible. Take off your blue goggles. If leftists wanted justice they would have shared the letter with the FBI immediately

Only time will tell who is delusional here ;)

This blitzkrieg nomination sadly reeks of the third Reich.

A German term for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower.

Now THAT is some funny shit, 2020! A confirmation hearing is like the German blitzkrieg? Really? The only tactic I saw on display here was you progressives using yet another smear campaign against another conservative! You're now the party of Michael Avenatti and Richard Steele! That's what you run on. Not promises for a better run on run on lies.

I'm amused that the same people who kept this from being investigated in a timely manner are now the ones who are screaming that it's a rush to judgement! Ford SHOULD have been questioned by investigators from the Judiciary Committee! She was asked to come to Washington to give answers to questions and she deferred saying she had a fear of flying. Funny, she doesn't seem to have a problem flying when it's to a vacation spot far, far away! Then her lawyers were told that the Committee investigators would come to her in California but they appear never to have told her that (Well either that or it's totally slipped her mind that took place which begs the question...what kind of meds is she on these days?)! Why? It's obvious that the lawyers that Diane Feinstein referred Ms. Ford to had another agenda other than seeking justice for her. They appear to be more concerned with how long they could draw this process out than they were about getting to the truth!

She has clear memory of what happened 36 years ago but not seven weeks ago? Really?

My take on Ford is that she was dazed and confused for most of the day. The only things she was clear on was that she was 100% sure that it was Brett Kavanaugh that assaulted her 36 years ago. I'm not sure what it was that her handlers gave her to get her through the day but I guarantee you it wasn't just coffee!
so what would be your answer to be fair to both? you can't simply accuse people w/o proof. are you not seeing how easily that can manipulated?
Sure I can see that this can be manipulated. The point is if I have to choose between doing right by victims of sexual assault and doing right by those that commit sexual assault, I will side on the side of the victims because I know they are more numerous. There's no perfect solution. And I'm perfectly willing to agree that judicial standards should be upheld when you're talking about jailing someone. But you are asking to give the benefit of the doubt to someone for a seat on the supreme court.
you're asking me to give someone the benefit of doubt who has a history of "resist" and "obstruction" and womans rights.

which to me this all boils down to. roe vs. wade. ie, its all political which to me brings *any* accusation into doubt. most people i talk to sooner or later get to roe vs wade and womans rights and when i say "then this is political, not justice" and by that time they are wrapped in emotions and scream YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT...

which comes back to a very common theme for the left these days. any means to get to their end is ok.

that is a dangerous road for a country to be on and simply cannot be allowed. legitimizing this only means the right will eventually do the same and then the left will have to kick this up quite a bit and take us again to a new level of stupid.

i will agree i would NOT want to prevent actual victims to come forward; but with this being political vs. legal, how does what ford is doing *help* others who may have been assaulted come forward? it would seem that the actual goal of stopping the violence against women is just as harmed from her own actions.

so *if* this is all about the political games, then this is character assassination. *If* allowed because we don't like his politics or this is todays "business as usual" then where do we go from here as we legitimize "anything goes" in our politics?
i will agree i would NOT want to prevent actual victims to come forward; but with this being political vs. legal, how does what ford is doing *help* others who may have been assaulted come forward? it would seem that the actual goal of stopping the violence against women is just as harmed from her own actions.
-First I saw Ford's testimony. She has to be the worlds greatest actrice to have concocted this. It's her credibility that you have to asses. After all it's not the Democrats who are leveling this charge,it's Ford. Is there politics involved... most certainly. Does that mean the accusation is untrue... it most certainly not.
-The statement that coming forward on sexual assault is hurtful to people coming forward is not just wrong, but in essence epitomizes all that's wrong about this. People are afraid to come forward because they know that coming forward carries a huge psychological cost. A cost that is exacted because it is a he said she said story. What you just seemed to imply that when someone does come forward it should be when nobody else has to hear it.
-I just saw a clip from someone confronting Flake who just voted to confirm Kavanaugh. She goes after him for demeaning her assault by voting to confirm. It's a raw appeal to emotion but it also shows the effect the GOP's decision has on everybody dealing with this. You just blamed the victim for having the courage to speak out.
- if "ford" is leading the charge - great. is she after justice or politics now because "justice" would be to go through local law enforcement, not take it to her state reps. while you're right you can't say this makes her accusations "untrue" - by the same logic therefor they can't be "true" either. at best, stalemate, now what? the left also continues to demand for an FBI investigation. the FBI has done (6) background checks and nothing like this came up from *anyone* questioned. what exactly would they be investigating and if you were the FBI and told to do this by trump, where would you start?

- i never denied the counter reactions to this can get nasty. they get nasty to the accused also as his life is now instantly socially judged and his family now under attack from the extreme left who do not want him as a SCOTUS. we seem to bypass how easily this emotional standoff can be manipulated to make a liar have a lot more power than they should. i'm not calling FORD a liar at this point, but i am saying any witness she's called on so far has said "nope, didn't happen". when do we say enough is enough if no named witnesses verify her claim? can we also agree that the power this gives the accuser is beyond measure if left unchecked and simply believed due to the nature of the accusation? we seem to be leaving a door wide open to trust that can be easily manipulated by people for whatever gain they are after at the time.

- you just believed the "victim" because she spoke out. this is a "danger zone" that shouldn't be "rewarded" so easily. the ability to misuse sexual accusations is vast and powerful. or do you disagree that it could/would be used in a political or revenge fashion?
-Justice for sexual assault victims does NOT always run through the justice department. If you honestly think about it, you have to know that. It's that realization that's one of the reasons that both keeps victims from reporting, and them seeking revenge another way, as I suspect is the case here.
-As to the danger of unscrupulous people abusing sexual assault accusations. Have you seen her testimony and if you did can you honestly claim she was faking? Not even Kavanaugh himself tried to claim that, just that he didn't do it.
-In the event of stalemate as you put it, I side with the victim. I find someone willing to testify and take the predictable punishment for that testimony as more credible then the person denying it. Since the reality is that more people who accuse someone are speaking the truth then those who deny they did, speak the truth.
- There is even a side to this that I keep on reiterating that I just don't get a satisfactory answer to. If we are talking about a position on the Supreme Court is it not reasonable that person to be beyond reproach? Is the standard so low that not being sure he committed sexual assault,is sufficiently satisfactory to appoint him to this position. Even more, he very much showed in yesterdays testimony that he holds the left responsible for his troubles. How easy would it be for ANY left wing group having to defend something before the supreme court to demand he recuse himself simply playing his testimony yesterday? He isn't the only right wing judge out there. Trump had 25 people on the shortlist. You guys are ramming somebody through for the highest judicial post in the country, risking disruption to the court, not to mention losing 3/4 of the women in the country, for what?
I do know that when someone doesn't document an incident, the ability of recall is actually useless without corroboration. period. I don't accept any claim 20 years and out. one can't collect evidence after the fact ever. EVER. total bullshit what these weak demoloser women pull out. they exploit women.

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