OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Diane Feinstein kept it secret for 45 days, ignoring her duty to report it to the committee. She should have told Dr. Ford immediately that she could do everything in her power to keep her anonymity, but she could not guarantee it.
Of course we all know why she sat on this false allegation.

I really expect this will go against the Circus Party.
Was that a secret? No one anywhere knew he had those two friends?

She knows. That is the point. How would she have ever come to know that, unless they became acquainted back then?

She knows. That is the point.

If it wasn't a secret, if another Dem operative could have given her 2 names, that wrecks your "point".

Yes, because it is such a reasonable hypothesis that back in 2012 Democrat operatives were furiously digging into Kavvy's past, just in case he was nominated to the Supreme Court come 2018, and were feeding information to Ford so she could talk about Mark Judge back then. And they kept it up all these years, just so Ford could fabricate a sexual assault that never happened.

It's completely ridiculous. Your suggestion would imply that Ford has made the whole thing up. There seems to be many people who think that Ford's story is generally credible, but that she is mistaken to believe it's Kavvy. But you are going the other direction and saying that she's just a raging liar who invented the whole thing in her mind, and that it's a years long elaborate conspiracy. It's birther level bullshit.

Yes, because it is such a reasonable hypothesis that back in 2012 Democrat operatives were furiously digging into Kavvy's past, just in case he was nominated to the Supreme Court come 2018, and were feeding information to Ford so she could talk about Mark Judge back then.

Did the therapist notes mention Kavanaugh's or Judge's name?

I don't think so. I believe it was her husband to whom she'd told the names. But even if we ignore that, and imagine that the first time she involved Judge's name was her letter she wrote in July, the problem remains the same. And you would still be making a birther style argument.

I don't think so. I believe it was her husband to whom she'd told the names.

Okay. So hearsay.

And you would still be making a birther style argument.

Unless only a few dozen of Kavanaugh's closest friends knew he was friends with Judge and P.J., the fact that she was able to come up with those 2 names isn't proof that she knew him, let alone was attacked by him.

Maybe Judge molested her? Sounds like she was a heavy drinker too, based on her yearbooks.
Republicans have the votes, Demonrats just stormed out.
I'm still watching booker speak, how so?
A handful of Democratic Senators walked out in protest of the Senate Judiciary Committee meeting Friday on the confirmation vote for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after it became clear that Republicans have the votes to recommend Kavanaugh to the Senate.

“Democratic senators Kamala Harris of California, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Patrick Leahy of Vermont walked out of the meeting in protest,” ABC News reports. “Staff for Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey left the room, signaling he might walk out too.”

The protest followed the announcement by Republican Sen. Jeff Flake, one of the key “swing votes,” that he plans to vote to confirm Kavanaugh, which, as NBC News reports, “guaranteed that the committee would vote to send the nomination to the full Senate.”

Democrats Walk Out Of Kavanaugh Meeting After It Becomes Clear GOP Has The Votes

And now we have to listen to their excuses for their behavior...time for some Bonanza reruns.
Republicans have the votes, Demonrats just stormed out.
I'm still watching booker speak, how so?
A handful of Democratic Senators walked out in protest of the Senate Judiciary Committee meeting Friday on the confirmation vote for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after it became clear that Republicans have the votes to recommend Kavanaugh to the Senate.

“Democratic senators Kamala Harris of California, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Patrick Leahy of Vermont walked out of the meeting in protest,” ABC News reports. “Staff for Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey left the room, signaling he might walk out too.”

The protest followed the announcement by Republican Sen. Jeff Flake, one of the key “swing votes,” that he plans to vote to confirm Kavanaugh, which, as NBC News reports, “guaranteed that the committee would vote to send the nomination to the full Senate.”

Democrats Walk Out Of Kavanaugh Meeting After It Becomes Clear GOP Has The Votes
I'm just saying I'm watching right now and there are many democrats there. so I find that odd.
Senator Booker is currently speaking, knocking it out of the ballpark :clap:

EDIT: Booker just sited, by name, a currently registered Republican, that knows Kavanaugh from the same time period that claims Kavanaugh was known to be stumbling drunk, on many ocassions. This person is willing to talk with FBI.
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Republicans have the votes, Demonrats just stormed out.
I'm still watching booker speak, how so?
booker is doing his best to sell this. he keeps talking about how hard this is on *her* but nothing about *him*.

at least cruz recognized both parties in this. cruz actually gained some respect from me in this. CNN dove deeper into bullshit cause they were showing coons while cruz was talking. i had to swap feeds to see who was talking.
Where did that come from?

someone was smart enuff to use Kavanaughs own calendar to show that Kavanaugh is a liar.

Then are you saying that:

A. Dr. Ford is a guy?

B. That Ford is lying?


God, you are so stupid.

The calander shows a party with 6 Males, no females.

If this is your evidence, then either Dr. Ford is lying, or that she is actually a Male. Which one is it?
Kavanaugh likely didn't know the girls were going there when he made his schedule & why would he write in a girl he just attacked?
so you still can't put her there.
Republicans have the votes, Demonrats just stormed out.
I'm still watching booker speak, how so?
booker is doing his best to sell this. he keeps talking about how hard this is on *her* but nothing about *him*.

at least cruz recognized both parties in this. cruz actually gained some respect from me in this. CNN dove deeper into bullshit cause they were showing coons while cruz was talking. i had to swap feeds to see who was talking.
booker needed to recuse himself. sorry, I'm not listening to an admitted sexual assault artist lecture me on sexual assault.
Republicans have the votes, Demonrats just stormed out.
I'm still watching booker speak, how so?
booker is doing his best to sell this. he keeps talking about how hard this is on *her* but nothing about *him*.

at least cruz recognized both parties in this. cruz actually gained some respect from me in this. CNN dove deeper into bullshit cause they were showing coons while cruz was talking. i had to swap feeds to see who was talking.
booker needed to recuse himself. sorry, I'm not listening to an admitted sexual assault artist lecture me on sexual assault.
still going blah, blah, blah sexual assaulter. cut this fker off.
Booker is just stating the obvious. Nobody knows of what Ford testified too.

Good Lord, what a dork.

None can confirm her testimony.
he's just drama'ing shit up. pretty much saying we need to stop doing the very things he is doing now.
This has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with a calculated smear campaign.
BULLSHIT It has to do with Kavanaugh being in favor of giving Trump huge executive power AND protection from being indicted as well as a vote against Roe v Wade You nitwits want to call smear when facts stare you in the face

Your analysis is spot on. Its a win/win for evangelicals/Trump.... (and Putin)

We're wasting a lot of energy trying to convince brainwashed pawns that voted for a guy that boasted grabbing women by the pussy ?!
Entertaining to say the least.... same thing is happening right now in the committee room.

The chessboard is being re-arranged to favor an Authoritarian regime of the kind Trump admires. An arrogant and condescending Kavanaughty in the equation obviously enables this.

This puss-like situation has been fermenting for at least 25 years. Dr Pimple would have a field day.
Senator Booker is currently speaking, knocking it out of the ballpark :clap:

We know he knocked his wife out of the ballpark and couple other places

nice troll shit, troll.
he's a sexual assaulter. admitted to it. I don't need his fking lecture. All I hear is blah, blah, blah, and he needed to recuse himself.

Has he, or any of the Democrats yet YELLED AT FEINSTEIN for keeping this a secret?


Tells you this is purely political theater

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