OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

So why didn’t she go to the police again?

look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.

She had not decided to go public, she decided she wanted to remain anonymous with Feinstein and she was anonymous with the Washington Post... they did not know who she was.... from my understanding,

until someone leaked it to the post.... the search to find out who leaked is still on going.... at first people said Fenstein, but no, it was not her, then they said it was a Feinstein Staffer... but they questioned them and all on staff say no, it was not them... now we are on to, it must have been one of her friends that caved and gave her name up... tomorrow it will be a republican operative...

the point is, it does not matter when it comes to the questions at hand or quite simply, the issue of who is telling the truth and who is lying...

Did it happen, or not?

was Ford lying, and for what purpose?

was Kavanaugh lying, and for what purpose?

Does Kavanaugh still drink too much or has he finally gotten control over his alcoholism habits? Has he stopped grinding his body parts against women? Has he passed out from drinking too much as an adult... say the past 10-20 years or so? Is he capable of being a Neutral justice or is he going to hold a grudge? Does he have the cool temperament to be a supreme court justice for life? Is he honest? Does he lie, when convenient or for his own benefit?
so now he's an alcoholic. hey, i *am* an alcoholic. not touched it in 4 years but i can promise you i was not able to hide it from many people, especially my friends.

can the left be "neutral" or are they holding a grudge to spawn all this?

again you demand something of the other side you won't also hold to your side. therein lies the biggest reason these keep coming up as issues. we can, you can't, stop it.
This is where we are. If you belong to the other tribe, and you drink beer, you're automatically an alcoholic.

We've become conditioned to think almost exclusively in hyperbole and simplistic conclusions.

We've completely lost our shit, and there's no indication we're going to ever find it again.
WHERE do you get that from Mac?

it has to do with paying attention to what has been reported on and said...

his heavy drinking started young... before the age of 18, which medical analysis has shown that those who start when younger teens are more apt to develop alcoholism... than starting to drink as an adult.... it does NOT mean you will become an alcoholic from your younger year's abuse. I drank when under age... not a lot, because I learned early on that I would end up just grossly chucking it, and i am not an alcoholic... and other than 1, none of my friends became alcoholics... but most all of them were not HEAVY SKUNKING DRUNK, DRINKERS like Kavanaugh was..

all through college, according to his room mate, other friends of his and writings in books regarding his youth, he was a heavy heavy heavy drinker, and a nasty drunk... and accusers saying in 1998 there was was an incident with him and friends went out to eat and he got drunk and when leaving he did his famous grinding routine in public with an unwilling women who was at the dinner, and in front of everyone including another woman's daughter who was also present at the dinner, and the other accusor with mention of his dangling ding dong in the face routine....

all allegedly when extremely drunk...

then in his testimony yesterday, repeating the same prepared and repeated lines about his drinking when young... for every single different question asked on it,

to me, showed a man hiding something and not willing to just answer each question honestly like Dr Ford did when she was asked questions.... something to hide something to hide was SCREAMING out of the Tv at me! :D

Then, he kept repeating over and over and over and over....

I LIKE BEER and even said, I STILL LIKE BEER.... but it was .... I don't know how to explain it. it was kind of creepy... or gave me a goose bump, feminine intuition moment of....

AH HAAAAAA.... the reopening of the FBI background investigation is not wanted by him and the republicans because it's not him being a naughty teen boy grinding a girl with his pants on when drunk thingy, but the drinking problem itself that could surface....?

Trust me, my comment was well thought out and what you claimed it was, is simply not true....
Klobuchar is giving a pretty impassioned plea, too.
Live: Brett Kavanaugh faces Senate committee vote - CNNPolitics

Why wasn't Christine Fords own Husband not even at the hearing to support her?

Was it because he doesn't even believe her? Too bizarre to ignore

Kavanaugh dragged his poos ass wife to that hearing yesterday & put his own wife through that bS.

Did anyone ask to question Kavanaugh's wife? NO, they did not.

Now, you can stop with the stupid shit. Thanks
why wouldn't she, she's married to him and it affects her life. are you really that stupid?

no one asked anyone other than Kavanaugh & Ford to testify at the hearing.

why are you being such a tool?
well they did, sorry Judge said no. hmmmmmm why do you always lie?

Judge refused to talk face to face with investigators; he supplied a signed affidavit.

The hearing yesterday was an opportunity for Ford & for Kavanaugh to testify; no one else.

Thanks for demonstrating your EXTREME IGNORANCE on this.
Was that a secret? No one anywhere knew he had those two friends?

She knows. That is the point. How would she have ever come to know that, unless they became acquainted back then?

She knows. That is the point.

If it wasn't a secret, if another Dem operative could have given her 2 names, that wrecks your "point".

Yes, because it is such a reasonable hypothesis that back in 2012 Democrat operatives were furiously digging into Kavvy's past, just in case he was nominated to the Supreme Court come 2018, and were feeding information to Ford so she could talk about Mark Judge back then. And they kept it up all these years, just so Ford could fabricate a sexual assault that never happened.

It's completely ridiculous. Your suggestion would imply that Ford has made the whole thing up. There seems to be many people who think that Ford's story is generally credible, but that she is mistaken to believe it's Kavvy. But you are going the other direction and saying that she's just a raging liar who invented the whole thing in her mind, and that it's a years long elaborate conspiracy. It's birther level bullshit.

someone was smart enuff to use Kavanaughs own calendar to show that Kavanaugh is a liar.

There’s an Entry on Kavanaugh’s 1982 Calendar That Supports Ford’s Story Better Than His Own

July 1st Questioning

How in Hell did Ford put the info together that aligns with Kavanaugh's July 1 calendar entry?
She would have to be a psychic to put that all together, OR ELSE she was there and was assaulted, as she has claimed.
Kavanaugh is guilty as Hell, IMO.
It is NO WONDER the Senate GOP wants NOTHING to do with a FBI investigation.
This is a COVER UP, plain & simple.
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look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.

She had not decided to go public, she decided she wanted to remain anonymous with Feinstein and she was anonymous with the Washington Post... they did not know who she was.... from my understanding,

until someone leaked it to the post.... the search to find out who leaked is still on going.... at first people said Fenstein, but no, it was not her, then they said it was a Feinstein Staffer... but they questioned them and all on staff say no, it was not them... now we are on to, it must have been one of her friends that caved and gave her name up... tomorrow it will be a republican operative...

the point is, it does not matter when it comes to the questions at hand or quite simply, the issue of who is telling the truth and who is lying...

Did it happen, or not?

was Ford lying, and for what purpose?

was Kavanaugh lying, and for what purpose?

Does Kavanaugh still drink too much or has he finally gotten control over his alcoholism habits? Has he stopped grinding his body parts against women? Has he passed out from drinking too much as an adult... say the past 10-20 years or so? Is he capable of being a Neutral justice or is he going to hold a grudge? Does he have the cool temperament to be a supreme court justice for life? Is he honest? Does he lie, when convenient or for his own benefit?
so now he's an alcoholic. hey, i *am* an alcoholic. not touched it in 4 years but i can promise you i was not able to hide it from many people, especially my friends.

can the left be "neutral" or are they holding a grudge to spawn all this?

again you demand something of the other side you won't also hold to your side. therein lies the biggest reason these keep coming up as issues. we can, you can't, stop it.
This is where we are. If you belong to the other tribe, and you drink beer, you're automatically an alcoholic.

We've become conditioned to think almost exclusively in hyperbole and simplistic conclusions.

We've completely lost our shit, and there's no indication we're going to ever find it again.
WHERE do you get that from Mac?

it has to do with paying attention to what has been reported on and said...

his heavy drinking started young... before the age of 18, which medical analysis has shown that those who start when younger teens are more apt to develop alcoholism... than starting to drink as an adult.... it does NOT mean you will become an alcoholic from your younger year's abuse. I drank when under age... not a lot, because I learned early on that I would end up just grossly chucking it, and i am not an alcoholic... and other than 1, none of my friends became alcoholics... but most all of them were not HEAVY SKUNKING DRUNK, DRINKERS like Kavanaugh was..

all through college, according to his room mate, other friends of his and writings in books regarding his youth, he was a heavy heavy heavy drinker, and a nasty drunk... and accusers saying in 1998 there was was an incident with him and friends went out to eat and he got drunk and when leaving he did his famous grinding routine in public with an unwilling women who was at the dinner, and in front of everyone including another woman's daughter who was also present at the dinner, and the other accusor with mention of his dangling ding dong in the face routine....

all allegedly when extremely drunk...

then in his testimony yesterday, repeating the same prepared and repeated lines about his drinking when young... for every single different question asked on it,

to me, showed a man hiding something and not willing to just answer each question honestly like Dr Ford did when she was asked questions.... something to hide something to hide was SCREAMING out of the Tv at me! :D

Then, he kept repeating over and over and over and over....

I LIKE BEER and even said, I STILL LIKE BEER.... but it was .... I don't know how to explain it. it was kind of creepy... or gave me a goose bump, feminine intuition moment of....

AH HAAAAAA.... the reopening of the FBI background investigation is not wanted by him and the republicans because it's not him being a naughty teen boy grinding a girl with his pants on when drunk thingy, but the drinking problem itself that could surface....?

Trust me, my comment was well thought out and what you claimed it was, is simply not true....
wow drinking by a boy in college. hmmmmm most probably that's 90% of young men there.
Kavanaugh's accomplice gets away scot free?
Women won't forget. How many Republicans have said woman are hysterical?
Republicans know they can't really attack Dr. Ford, so they attack Diane Feinstein?
Women won't forget. Believe it, they won't forget.



First of all, Republicans attacked Feinstein for what she said, "
Senator Whitehouse is currently telling it like IT IS!

HOLY SHIT! Whitehouse just HIT THE TRIFECTA!!!! USING Kavanaugh's own calendar. :clap2:

Whitehouse just blew this shit up; IT JUST GOT REAL!!!

Holy Shit; Whitehouse just threw down the gauntlet @ Kavanaugh's feet!!!!!!!!!!!

Klobuchar is giving a pretty impassioned plea, too.
Live: Brett Kavanaugh faces Senate committee vote - CNNPolitics

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota) said in her partial statement:
"It wasn't about She Said/He Said. It was about She Said. They Said."

Huh? Lol

Have another drink Senator Klobuchar. Geesh.

Senator Klobuchar is a former prosecutor with a stellar record. She is well educated & has a very high IQ.
She is human & humans can make mistakes when speaking I do that, Trump does it, I'm sure you do it too.

You bring up such petty shit; it only makes you look like the immature POS that you are.

AFA as drinking: Kavanaugh testified that he likes to drink beer, has consumed beer on occasions to the point of, "ralphing" in Kavanaugh's own words.
Kavanaugh admits attending many parties where alcohol was consumed in excess.

Take your comments about Klobuchar & shove them up your ass.

I see you are "taking one for the team". Lol
As for Kavanaugh, he never denied that he ever did. Duih!

She left without telling her best friend?
She left without WARNING her friend there were two rapists in the house?
She can remember how many beers she had (one) but not whose house she was in, how she got home, the date, the place, how many people were there (sometimes it’s 4, or 5 or 6), or anything solid?
After she locked herself in the bathroom, Brett and Mark didn’t try to get at her? Didn’t jiggle the doorknob? Didn’t try to claim they were kidding? All tuned up for a rape, they just gave up and went downstairs like nothing happened?
No one asked why she was leaving or found it strange enough to ask her the following day why she just vanished from the party?
Kavanaugh-No I will not initiate the launch of an investigation into myself to prove myself innocent
Libs-But....but....but Hillary, she lost
Kav- Act like adults.
Libs- in Cages.....
Kav-You are grotesque
Public-Kav is right, they are grotesque

Then are you saying that:

A. Dr. Ford is a guy?

B. That Ford is lying?

well shit, perhaps they should have turned in the letter per process in July. you might have got your wish. too bad, blame the dems.

When you want the truth.... time is usually not an issue. Unless you're close to a mid-term, have a majority and need to stuff the SC without interference ;)

Hell yeah !! Blitzkrieg !!

That's a real short term strategy with the potential of a shit storm exploding in your face in a few weeks though :blowup:

I think that's the expectation... Trump's party is toast. Kavanaughty is just a 'get out of jail free' card.
Was that a secret? No one anywhere knew he had those two friends?

She knows. That is the point. How would she have ever come to know that, unless they became acquainted back then?

She knows. That is the point.

If it wasn't a secret, if another Dem operative could have given her 2 names, that wrecks your "point".

Yes, because it is such a reasonable hypothesis that back in 2012 Democrat operatives were furiously digging into Kavvy's past, just in case he was nominated to the Supreme Court come 2018, and were feeding information to Ford so she could talk about Mark Judge back then. And they kept it up all these years, just so Ford could fabricate a sexual assault that never happened.

It's completely ridiculous. Your suggestion would imply that Ford has made the whole thing up. There seems to be many people who think that Ford's story is generally credible, but that she is mistaken to believe it's Kavvy. But you are going the other direction and saying that she's just a raging liar who invented the whole thing in her mind, and that it's a years long elaborate conspiracy. It's birther level bullshit.

Yes, because it is such a reasonable hypothesis that back in 2012 Democrat operatives were furiously digging into Kavvy's past, just in case he was nominated to the Supreme Court come 2018, and were feeding information to Ford so she could talk about Mark Judge back then.

Did the therapist notes mention Kavanaugh's or Judge's name?

She left without telling her best friend?
She left without WARNING her friend there were two rapists in the house?
She can remember how many beers she had (one) but not whose house she was in, how she got home, the date, the place, how many people were there (sometimes it’s 4, or 5 or 6), or anything solid?
After she locked herself in the bathroom, Brett and Mark didn’t try to get at her? Didn’t jiggle the doorknob? Didn’t try to claim they were kidding? All tuned up for a rape, they just gave up and went downstairs like nothing happened?
No one asked why she was leaving or found it strange enough to ask her the following day why she just vanished from the party?

Oh yeah. She was one credible witness.

A witness who "knows nothing."
look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.

She had not decided to go public, she decided she wanted to remain anonymous with Feinstein and she was anonymous with the Washington Post... they did not know who she was.... from my understanding,

until someone leaked it to the post.... the search to find out who leaked is still on going.... at first people said Fenstein, but no, it was not her, then they said it was a Feinstein Staffer... but they questioned them and all on staff say no, it was not them... now we are on to, it must have been one of her friends that caved and gave her name up... tomorrow it will be a republican operative...

the point is, it does not matter when it comes to the questions at hand or quite simply, the issue of who is telling the truth and who is lying...

Did it happen, or not?

was Ford lying, and for what purpose?

was Kavanaugh lying, and for what purpose?

Does Kavanaugh still drink too much or has he finally gotten control over his alcoholism habits? Has he stopped grinding his body parts against women? Has he passed out from drinking too much as an adult... say the past 10-20 years or so? Is he capable of being a Neutral justice or is he going to hold a grudge? Does he have the cool temperament to be a supreme court justice for life? Is he honest? Does he lie, when convenient or for his own benefit?
so now he's an alcoholic. hey, i *am* an alcoholic. not touched it in 4 years but i can promise you i was not able to hide it from many people, especially my friends.

can the left be "neutral" or are they holding a grudge to spawn all this?

again you demand something of the other side you won't also hold to your side. therein lies the biggest reason these keep coming up as issues. we can, you can't, stop it.
This is where we are. If you belong to the other tribe, and you drink beer, you're automatically an alcoholic.

We've become conditioned to think almost exclusively in hyperbole and simplistic conclusions.

We've completely lost our shit, and there's no indication we're going to ever find it again.
WHERE do you get that from Mac?

it has to do with paying attention to what has been reported on and said...

his heavy drinking started young... before the age of 18, which medical analysis has shown that those who start when younger teens are more apt to develop alcoholism... than starting to drink as an adult.... it does NOT mean you will become an alcoholic from your younger year's abuse. I drank when under age... not a lot, because I learned early on that I would end up just grossly chucking it, and i am not an alcoholic... and other than 1, none of my friends became alcoholics... but most all of them were not HEAVY SKUNKING DRUNK, DRINKERS like Kavanaugh was..

all through college, according to his room mate, other friends of his and writings in books regarding his youth, he was a heavy heavy heavy drinker, and a nasty drunk... and accusers saying in 1998 there was was an incident with him and friends went out to eat and he got drunk and when leaving he did his famous grinding routine in public with an unwilling women who was at the dinner, and in front of everyone including another woman's daughter who was also present at the dinner, and the other accusor with mention of his dangling ding dong in the face routine....

all allegedly when extremely drunk...

then in his testimony yesterday, repeating the same prepared and repeated lines about his drinking when young... for every single different question asked on it,

to me, showed a man hiding something and not willing to just answer each question honestly like Dr Ford did when she was asked questions.... something to hide something to hide was SCREAMING out of the Tv at me! :D

Then, he kept repeating over and over and over and over....

I LIKE BEER and even said, I STILL LIKE BEER.... but it was .... I don't know how to explain it. it was kind of creepy... or gave me a goose bump, feminine intuition moment of....

AH HAAAAAA.... the reopening of the FBI background investigation is not wanted by him and the republicans because it's not him being a naughty teen boy grinding a girl with his pants on when drunk thingy, but the drinking problem itself that could surface....?

Trust me, my comment was well thought out and what you claimed it was, is simply not true....
I like beer, I liked beer when I was younger, and I'm not an alcoholic.

That goes for another few dozens of millions of Americans.

If a Democrat had said those words, the tables would be reversed.

Then are you saying that:

A. Dr. Ford is a guy?

B. That Ford is lying?

again, they were seniors and she was a sophomore, how many senior boys hang with sophomores?
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NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.

She had not decided to go public, she decided she wanted to remain anonymous with Feinstein and she was anonymous with the Washington Post... they did not know who she was.... from my understanding,

until someone leaked it to the post.... the search to find out who leaked is still on going.... at first people said Fenstein, but no, it was not her, then they said it was a Feinstein Staffer... but they questioned them and all on staff say no, it was not them... now we are on to, it must have been one of her friends that caved and gave her name up... tomorrow it will be a republican operative...

the point is, it does not matter when it comes to the questions at hand or quite simply, the issue of who is telling the truth and who is lying...

Did it happen, or not?

was Ford lying, and for what purpose?

was Kavanaugh lying, and for what purpose?

Does Kavanaugh still drink too much or has he finally gotten control over his alcoholism habits? Has he stopped grinding his body parts against women? Has he passed out from drinking too much as an adult... say the past 10-20 years or so? Is he capable of being a Neutral justice or is he going to hold a grudge? Does he have the cool temperament to be a supreme court justice for life? Is he honest? Does he lie, when convenient or for his own benefit?
so now he's an alcoholic. hey, i *am* an alcoholic. not touched it in 4 years but i can promise you i was not able to hide it from many people, especially my friends.

can the left be "neutral" or are they holding a grudge to spawn all this?

again you demand something of the other side you won't also hold to your side. therein lies the biggest reason these keep coming up as issues. we can, you can't, stop it.
This is where we are. If you belong to the other tribe, and you drink beer, you're automatically an alcoholic.

We've become conditioned to think almost exclusively in hyperbole and simplistic conclusions.

We've completely lost our shit, and there's no indication we're going to ever find it again.
WHERE do you get that from Mac?

it has to do with paying attention to what has been reported on and said...

his heavy drinking started young... before the age of 18, which medical analysis has shown that those who start when younger teens are more apt to develop alcoholism... than starting to drink as an adult.... it does NOT mean you will become an alcoholic from your younger year's abuse. I drank when under age... not a lot, because I learned early on that I would end up just grossly chucking it, and i am not an alcoholic... and other than 1, none of my friends became alcoholics... but most all of them were not HEAVY SKUNKING DRUNK, DRINKERS like Kavanaugh was..

all through college, according to his room mate, other friends of his and writings in books regarding his youth, he was a heavy heavy heavy drinker, and a nasty drunk... and accusers saying in 1998 there was was an incident with him and friends went out to eat and he got drunk and when leaving he did his famous grinding routine in public with an unwilling women who was at the dinner, and in front of everyone including another woman's daughter who was also present at the dinner, and the other accusor with mention of his dangling ding dong in the face routine....

all allegedly when extremely drunk...

then in his testimony yesterday, repeating the same prepared and repeated lines about his drinking when young... for every single different question asked on it,

to me, showed a man hiding something and not willing to just answer each question honestly like Dr Ford did when she was asked questions.... something to hide something to hide was SCREAMING out of the Tv at me! :D

Then, he kept repeating over and over and over and over....

I LIKE BEER and even said, I STILL LIKE BEER.... but it was .... I don't know how to explain it. it was kind of creepy... or gave me a goose bump, feminine intuition moment of....

AH HAAAAAA.... the reopening of the FBI background investigation is not wanted by him and the republicans because it's not him being a naughty teen boy grinding a girl with his pants on when drunk thingy, but the drinking problem itself that could surface....?

Trust me, my comment was well thought out and what you claimed it was, is simply not true....
wow drinking by a boy in college. hmmmmm most probably that's 90% of young men there.

high school.... college, a lot more than drinking was done...

but not everybody was skunking drunk in high school and college and every time they drank at all... could not stop... even in adulthood....

now let me say now... God Bless recovering alcoholics.... it's a hard road...

But if he even does have a drinking problem, as I am clearly speculating on... (with the best of my knowledge from what has been reported/alleged so far) he has not come to terms with it and it still may be continuing....

Then are you saying that:

A. Dr. Ford is a guy?

B. That Ford is lying?


God, you are so stupid.

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