OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

I'm still bent over laughing over that 'track and field' effort back in the summer of '82 .... to run faster LMAO
I'm still bent over laughing over that 'track and field' effort back in the summer of '82 .... to run faster LMAO

You should be laughing at the fact that Ford cannot remember what she did seven weeks ago but has clear memory of what happened 36 years ago.
Bullshit. You are a delusional leftist. There was no evidence here and she was not credible. Take off your blue goggles. If leftists wanted justice they would have shared the letter with the FBI immediately

Only time will tell who is delusional here ;)

This blitzkrieg nomination sadly reeks of the third Reich.

A German term for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower.

They aren't rushing it. Six FBI investigations, impeccable record. Best Leftists could was find something 36 yrs ago. Ford remembers that but not what she did 7 weeks ago? She cannot remember the time and place or how she got there or how she left. Her own friends and the girl who she was with cannot corroborate this.

The real Nazis are Leftists:

Kaep --- Kneeling for the Anthem
Watters --- Telling Leftists to beat up Trump supporters
Cuomo --- Saying America was Never great
Antifa --- Free Speech is not free if people find it offensive.


NOT Democrats but you. I am a Jew and I can smell Nazis. You stink.
I'm Jewish also and can smell republican nazi's also
Bullshit. You are a delusional leftist. There was no evidence here and she was not credible. Take off your blue goggles. If leftists wanted justice they would have shared the letter with the FBI immediately

Only time will tell who is delusional here ;)

This blitzkrieg nomination sadly reeks of the third Reich.

A German term for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower.

They aren't rushing it. Six FBI investigations, impeccable record. Best Leftists could was find something 36 yrs ago. Ford remembers that but not what she did 7 weeks ago? She cannot remember the time and place or how she got there or how she left. Her own friends and the girl who she was with cannot corroborate this.

The real Nazis are Leftists:

Kaep --- Kneeling for the Anthem
Watters --- Telling Leftists to beat up Trump supporters
Cuomo --- Saying America was Never great
Antifa --- Free Speech is not free if people find it offensive.


NOT Democrats but you. I am a Jew and I can smell Nazis. You stink.
I'm Jewish also and can smell republican nazi's also

Bullshit. If you were Jewish you would never stand for this. Unless you're "Jewish" and do not give a shit about our ancestors.

suddenly you want evidence.

how fucked up is that? blind accusations are cool when you like the direction but now a party foul.

sorry - but FUCK THAT. i ain't playing that game. if you establish that accusations are enough and the accused must prove their innocence, then you prove they're NOT friends.

now tell me, is this a good tactic to become "standard"?


Your boy Kavvy walked right into a glaring discrepancy, and now you're melting down because nobody will believe your made up claims.

blind accusations w/o proof suck and i'm not going to go along with them from anyone on any side.

discrepancy - like 4 guys!. no wait, 2 and 2 were down stairs. no wait, i had a girlfriend with me... funny you don't give a shit about her ever changing story.

And yet you still can't escape the fact that Ford knew details about Kavvy's childhood which, according to Kavvy's testimony, should be impossible.

And yet you still can't escape the fact that Ford knew details about Kavvy's childhood

What details did she know?

Who his close friends were when he was in high school. If this was a case of mistaken identity she would not have happened to mistakenly identify someone whose existence would--according to Kavvy's testimony--have been unknown to her. She hasn't said that Kavvy and some other person she was well acquainted with were the ones in the room. She has pointed to someone that Kavvy himself says was his close friend in those days. She has pointed out that she also knew this PJ figure and that PJ was good friends with Kavvy in those days. Kavvy corroborates that he was good friends with PJ in high school.

But according Kavvy, he didn't know Ford, he claims that Judge never knew Ford, he claims that he and his friends never associated with students from Ford's school, and that there would have been no way for their respective social circles to have overlapped.

Who his close friends were when he was in high school.

Was that a secret? No one anywhere knew he had those two friends?
So why didn’t she go to the police again?

look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.

She had not decided to go public, she decided she wanted to remain anonymous with Feinstein and she was anonymous with the Washington Post... they did not know who she was.... from my understanding,

until someone leaked it to the post.... the search to find out who leaked is still on going.... at first people said Fenstein, but no, it was not her, then they said it was a Feinstein Staffer... but they questioned them and all on staff say no, it was not them... now we are on to, it must have been one of her friends that caved and gave her name up... tomorrow it will be a republican operative...

the point is, it does not matter when it comes to the questions at hand or quite simply, the issue of who is telling the truth and who is lying...

Did it happen, or not?

was Ford lying, and for what purpose?

was Kavanaugh lying, and for what purpose?

Does Kavanaugh still drink too much or has he finally gotten control over his alcoholism habits? Has he stopped grinding his body parts against women? Has he passed out from drinking too much as an adult... say the past 10-20 years or so? Is he capable of being a Neutral justice or is he going to hold a grudge? Does he have the cool temperament to be a supreme court justice for life? Is he honest? Does he lie, when convenient or for his own benefit?
so now he's an alcoholic. hey, i *am* an alcoholic. not touched it in 4 years but i can promise you i was not able to hide it from many people, especially my friends.

can the left be "neutral" or are they holding a grudge to spawn all this?

again you demand something of the other side you won't also hold to your side. therein lies the biggest reason these keep coming up as issues. we can, you can't, stop it.
This is where we are. If you belong to the other tribe, and you drink beer, you're automatically an alcoholic.

We've become conditioned to think almost exclusively in hyperbole and simplistic conclusions.

We've completely lost our shit, and there's no indication we're going to ever find it again.
if we're going to pick on alcohol abuse, how did a 15 year old get to a party w/o knowing where, who or other details? just want 1 set of standards to go by, not all this "individualization" crap going on these days.
Senator Klobuchar is currently telling like it is; she is a former prosecutor & she is not fucking around.
look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.

She had not decided to go public, she decided she wanted to remain anonymous with Feinstein and she was anonymous with the Washington Post... they did not know who she was.... from my understanding,

until someone leaked it to the post.... the search to find out who leaked is still on going.... at first people said Fenstein, but no, it was not her, then they said it was a Feinstein Staffer... but they questioned them and all on staff say no, it was not them... now we are on to, it must have been one of her friends that caved and gave her name up... tomorrow it will be a republican operative...

the point is, it does not matter when it comes to the questions at hand or quite simply, the issue of who is telling the truth and who is lying...

Did it happen, or not?

was Ford lying, and for what purpose?

was Kavanaugh lying, and for what purpose?

Does Kavanaugh still drink too much or has he finally gotten control over his alcoholism habits? Has he stopped grinding his body parts against women? Has he passed out from drinking too much as an adult... say the past 10-20 years or so? Is he capable of being a Neutral justice or is he going to hold a grudge? Does he have the cool temperament to be a supreme court justice for life? Is he honest? Does he lie, when convenient or for his own benefit?
so now he's an alcoholic. hey, i *am* an alcoholic. not touched it in 4 years but i can promise you i was not able to hide it from many people, especially my friends.

can the left be "neutral" or are they holding a grudge to spawn all this?

again you demand something of the other side you won't also hold to your side. therein lies the biggest reason these keep coming up as issues. we can, you can't, stop it.
This is where we are. If you belong to the other tribe, and you drink beer, you're automatically an alcoholic.

We've become conditioned to think almost exclusively in hyperbole and simplistic conclusions.

We've completely lost our shit, and there's no indication we're going to ever find it again.
if we're going to pick on alcohol abuse, how did a 15 year old get to a party w/o knowing where, who or other details? just want 1 set of standards to go by, not all this "individualization" crap going on these days.
well for me, the real issue is that a 15 year old girl was supposedly hanging with boys two years her senior. Really? not in my life did that happen in high school.
Senator Whitehouse is currently telling it like IT IS!

HOLY SHIT! Whitehouse just HIT THE TRIFECTA!!!! USING Kavanaugh's own calendar. :clap2:

Whitehouse just blew this shit up; IT JUST GOT REAL!!!

Holy Shit; Whitehouse just threw down the gauntlet @ Kavanaugh's feet!!!!!!!!!!!

Klobuchar is giving a pretty impassioned plea, too.
Live: Brett Kavanaugh faces Senate committee vote - CNNPolitics

Why wasn't Christine Fords own Husband not even at the hearing to support her?

Was it because he doesn't even believe her? Too bizarre to ignore
if we're going to pick on alcohol abuse, how did a 15 year old get to a party w/o knowing where, who or other details? just want 1 set of standards to go by, not all this "individualization" crap going on these days.

Ford's parents would know, they should know anyhow.

But I bet the broad is an orphan.

And that's one of the reasons why she was picked for this role.
Senator Whitehouse is currently telling it like IT IS!

HOLY SHIT! Whitehouse just HIT THE TRIFECTA!!!! USING Kavanaugh's own calendar. :clap2:

Whitehouse just blew this shit up; IT JUST GOT REAL!!!

Holy Shit; Whitehouse just threw down the gauntlet @ Kavanaugh's feet!!!!!!!!!!!

Klobuchar is giving a pretty impassioned plea, too.
Live: Brett Kavanaugh faces Senate committee vote - CNNPolitics
she's a tool. an investigation was done. hmmmm she lied. ford got her moment to tell her story, Klobuchar lied again. why? to delay. we know it's about delay.

BTW, 95% of all two story homes have bathrooms at the top of the stairs. LOL. this is so stupid.

now confidential? she's calling out her own party. hmmmmmmm

again, had an investigation. got letters from witnesses. hmmmm liar.
Senator Whitehouse is currently telling it like IT IS!

HOLY SHIT! Whitehouse just HIT THE TRIFECTA!!!! USING Kavanaugh's own calendar. :clap2:

Whitehouse just blew this shit up; IT JUST GOT REAL!!!

Holy Shit; Whitehouse just threw down the gauntlet @ Kavanaugh's feet!!!!!!!!!!!

Klobuchar is giving a pretty impassioned plea, too.
Live: Brett Kavanaugh faces Senate committee vote - CNNPolitics
she's a tool.

No shit.
As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 day
Investigating claims about behavior that took place a few years earlier, questioning co-workers who were easily found cannot be compared to finding evidence 36 years later especially since she had no address, no time frame and no fucking witnesses.

  • You've got a year book (with great anecdotes lol)
  • Tons of drunken parties
  • 2 fantastic books by Mark Judge (and a bong to boot)
  • 2 more accusers
  • Youthful memories of the best time of their lives
  • Kavanaughty's highly detailed calendars (just like his father)
Man... you start digging here and you've got a gold mine under oath. I figure at least a few months of watching witnesses on the stand spilling the beans LMAO

You've got a year book (with great anecdotes lol)

Does it mention Ford?

Tons of drunken parties

Like the ones mentioned in Ford's yearbooks?

2 fantastic books by Mark Judge (and a bong to boot)

Do the books mention Ford?

2 more accusers

The accuser that even the New York Times wouldn't publish...….
And the woman who knew about rape rooms but kept attending the parties until she herself was raped.
Or was she raped first, and then kept attending? Yeah, really credible accusers.

Youthful memories of the best time of their lives

And Ford's spotty memories.

Kavanaughty's highly detailed calendars (just like his father)

Yeah, the calendars that really didn't help Ford's vague claims.

Man... you start digging here and you've got a gold mine under oath.

Sure thing, Sparky.

I figure at least a few months of watching witnesses on the stand spilling the beans LMAO

Too bad it'll never happen.
Senator Whitehouse is currently telling it like IT IS!

HOLY SHIT! Whitehouse just HIT THE TRIFECTA!!!! USING Kavanaugh's own calendar. :clap2:

Whitehouse just blew this shit up; IT JUST GOT REAL!!!

Holy Shit; Whitehouse just threw down the gauntlet @ Kavanaugh's feet!!!!!!!!!!!

Klobuchar is giving a pretty impassioned plea, too.
Live: Brett Kavanaugh faces Senate committee vote - CNNPolitics

Why wasn't Christine Fords own Husband not even at the hearing to support her?

Was it because he doesn't even believe her? Too bizarre to ignore

Kavanaugh dragged his poos ass wife to that hearing yesterday & put his own wife through that bS.

Did anyone ask to question Kavanaugh's wife? NO, they did not.

Now, you can stop with the stupid shit. Thanks
Senator Whitehouse is currently telling it like IT IS!

HOLY SHIT! Whitehouse just HIT THE TRIFECTA!!!! USING Kavanaugh's own calendar. :clap2:

Whitehouse just blew this shit up; IT JUST GOT REAL!!!

Holy Shit; Whitehouse just threw down the gauntlet @ Kavanaugh's feet!!!!!!!!!!!

Klobuchar is giving a pretty impassioned plea, too.
Live: Brett Kavanaugh faces Senate committee vote - CNNPolitics

Why wasn't Christine Fords own Husband not even at the hearing to support her?

Was it because he doesn't even believe her? Too bizarre to ignore

Kavanaugh dragged his poos ass wife to that hearing yesterday & put his own wife through that bS.

Did anyone ask to question Kavanaugh's wife? NO, they did not.

Now, you can stop with the stupid shit. Thanks

Kav didn't know his wife in high school. Dubya introduced the two of them.

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