OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

so she can point to his close friends in high school is proof he's lying?

Yes. Because, according to his testimony, that would be impossible.

According to some of her friends, they don't even recall Kavanaugh even being the man who would do what she (Ford) "claims" Kavanaugh is "accused" of doing. It wasn't just the 65 other women that came forward with written testimonies backing him up.

So, my question is: How so?
This has never been about the truth. It is a political delay. Feinstein should be ashamed of herself.

Yawn... with a bit of time you get the truth.

There's only one reason for the confirmation hurry: to hide the inconvenient truth.

Kavanaughty will:
  • Help shield the president and his family from the judiciary
  • Push the evangelical agenda.
From the point of view of Republicans... these women are short term collateral damage.

If Republicans survive the mid-terms. Sessions gets kicked out to be replaced by Lindsey Graham.
Lindsey Graham then forces Rosenstein out. Replacement is easy with house and senate majority intact.

If Republicans don't survive the mid-terms. Impeachment of Trump (the orange guy) begins.... but Kavanaughty stays to protect the emperor ;)
Unfortunately these hearing has left lots of doubt about this guy.

1. He did not answer many of the questions asked of him, instead going out in left field in many cases. Why did he avoid answering those questions?

2. What judicial demeanor? His demeanor was angry, unbalanced, almost deranged at times. Judicial ethical standards require that a judge be courteous, dignified, and patient.
who would want to have their case held in his court with that demeanor?

3. And a big one there remain accusations that he committed felony sexual abuse, without any evidence to the contrary. An FBI investigation could have discovered that evidence, but unfortunately it was not looked for.

4. Finally, if he did in fact commit even a single one of the accused crimes, he also committed perjury.

There exist many possible candidates for the Supreme Court without all these doubts. Trump said there should be no doubts. Let's pick a candidate with no doubts!
So why didn’t she go to the police again?

look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.

She had not decided to go public, she decided she wanted to remain anonymous with Feinstein and she was anonymous with the Washington Post... they did not know who she was.... from my understanding,

until someone leaked it to the post.... the search to find out who leaked is still on going.... at first people said Fenstein, but no, it was not her, then they said it was a Feinstein Staffer... but they questioned them and all on staff say no, it was not them... now we are on to, it must have been one of her friends that caved and gave her name up... tomorrow it will be a republican operative...

the point is, it does not matter when it comes to the questions at hand or quite simply, the issue of who is telling the truth and who is lying...

Did it happen, or not?

was Ford lying, and for what purpose?

was Kavanaugh lying, and for what purpose?

Does Kavanaugh still drink too much or has he finally gotten control over his alcoholism habits? Has he stopped grinding his body parts against women? Has he passed out from drinking too much as an adult... say the past 10-20 years or so? Is he capable of being a Neutral justice or is he going to hold a grudge? Does he have the cool temperament to be a supreme court justice for life? Is he honest? Does he lie, when convenient or for his own benefit?
This has never been about the truth. It is a political delay. Feinstein should be ashamed of herself.

Yawn... with a bit of time you get the truth.

There's only one reason for the confirmation hurry: to hide the inconvenient truth.

Kavanaughty will:
  • Help shield the president and his family from the judiciary
  • Push the evangelical agenda.
From the point of view of Republicans... these women are short term collateral damage.

If Republicans survive the mid-terms. Sessions gets kicked out to be replaced by Lindsey Graham.
Lindsey Graham then forces Rosenstein out. Replacement is easy with house and senate majority intact.

If Republicans don't survive the mid-terms. Impeachment of Trump (the orange guy) begins.... but Kavanaughty stays to protect the emperor ;)

Bullshit. You are a delusional leftist. There was no evidence here and she was not credible. Take off your blue goggles. If leftists wanted justice they would have shared the letter with the FBI immediately
Bullshit. You are a delusional leftist. There was no evidence here and she was not credible. Take off your blue goggles. If leftists wanted justice they would have shared the letter with the FBI immediately

Only time will tell who is delusional here ;)

This blitzkrieg nomination sadly reeks of the third Reich.

A German term for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower.
Remember when they screamed they thought Obama was born in Kenya? Even Trump said that turned out to be a lie.
But every thing we know about Trump and Kavanaugh seems to be true. So many witnesses.

Women won't forget.

Unfortunately these hearing has left lots of doubt about this guy.

1. He did not answer many of the questions asked of him, instead going out in left field in many cases. Why did he avoid answering those questions?

2. What judicial demeanor? His demeanor was angry, unbalanced, almost deranged at times. Judicial ethical standards require that a judge be courteous, dignified, and patient.
who would want to have their case held in his court with that demeanor?

3. And a big one there remain accusations that he committed felony sexual abuse, without any evidence to the contrary. An FBI investigation could have discovered that evidence, but unfortunately it was not looked for.

4. Finally, if he did in fact commit even a single one of the accused crimes, he also committed perjury.

There exist many possible candidates for the Supreme Court without all these doubts. Trump said there should be no doubts. Let's pick a candidate with no doubts!
So why didn’t she go to the police again?

look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.

She had not decided to go public, she decided she wanted to remain anonymous with Feinstein and she was anonymous with the Washington Post... they did not know who she was.... from my understanding,

until someone leaked it to the post.... the search to find out who leaked is still on going.... at first people said Fenstein, but no, it was not her, then they said it was a Feinstein Staffer... but they questioned them and all on staff say no, it was not them... now we are on to, it must have been one of her friends that caved and gave her name up... tomorrow it will be a republican operative...

the point is, it does not matter when it comes to the questions at hand or quite simply, the issue of who is telling the truth and who is lying...

Did it happen, or not?

was Ford lying, and for what purpose?

was Kavanaugh lying, and for what purpose?

Does Kavanaugh still drink too much or has he finally gotten control over his alcoholism habits? Has he stopped grinding his body parts against women? Has he passed out from drinking too much as an adult... say the past 10-20 years or so? Is he capable of being a Neutral justice or is he going to hold a grudge? Does he have the cool temperament to be a supreme court justice for life? Is he honest? Does he lie, when convenient or for his own benefit?

Hey! I found the leaker who leaked her story and her was the Russians! Lol (Yes, I am being sarcastic)
This has never been about the truth. It is a political delay. Feinstein should be ashamed of herself.
she, nor her staff leaked it. TRY AGAIN

No, according to Ford, Her Beach Friends did...........

You can't make this shit up.

And where is the press looking for these "Beach Friends"?

That's all you need to know.
Senator Whitehouse is currently telling it like IT IS!

HOLY SHIT! Whitehouse just HIT THE TRIFECTA!!!! USING Kavanaugh's own calendar. :clap2:

Whitehouse just blew this shit up; IT JUST GOT REAL!!!

Holy Shit; Whitehouse just threw down the gauntlet @ Kavanaugh's feet!!!!!!!!!!!
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so she can point to his close friends in high school is proof he's lying?

Yes. Because, according to his testimony, that would be impossible.

According to some of her friends, they don't even recall Kavanaugh even being the man who would do what she (Ford) "claims" Kavanaugh is "accused" of doing. It wasn't just the 65 other women that came forward with written testimonies backing him up.

So, my question is: How so?
and if you're holding weekly gang bang parties, that would be hard to hide in a prep school where everyone knows each other. does sound like some wild times for teens, but that seems to be the culture, not a few people.
Unfortunately these hearing has left lots of doubt about this guy.

1. He did not answer many of the questions asked of him, instead going out in left field in many cases. Why did he avoid answering those questions?

2. What judicial demeanor? His demeanor was angry, unbalanced, almost deranged at times. Judicial ethical standards require that a judge be courteous, dignified, and patient.
who would want to have their case held in his court with that demeanor?

3. And a big one there remain accusations that he committed felony sexual abuse, without any evidence to the contrary. An FBI investigation could have discovered that evidence, but unfortunately it was not looked for.

4. Finally, if he did in fact commit even a single one of the accused crimes, he also committed perjury.

There exist many possible candidates for the Supreme Court without all these doubts. Trump said there should be no doubts. Let's pick a candidate with no doubts!
So why didn’t she go to the police again?

look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.

She had not decided to go public, she decided she wanted to remain anonymous with Feinstein and she was anonymous with the Washington Post... they did not know who she was.... from my understanding,

until someone leaked it to the post.... the search to find out who leaked is still on going.... at first people said Fenstein, but no, it was not her, then they said it was a Feinstein Staffer... but they questioned them and all on staff say no, it was not them... now we are on to, it must have been one of her friends that caved and gave her name up... tomorrow it will be a republican operative...

the point is, it does not matter when it comes to the questions at hand or quite simply, the issue of who is telling the truth and who is lying...

Did it happen, or not?

was Ford lying, and for what purpose?

was Kavanaugh lying, and for what purpose?

Does Kavanaugh still drink too much or has he finally gotten control over his alcoholism habits? Has he stopped grinding his body parts against women? Has he passed out from drinking too much as an adult... say the past 10-20 years or so? Is he capable of being a Neutral justice or is he going to hold a grudge? Does he have the cool temperament to be a supreme court justice for life? Is he honest? Does he lie, when convenient or for his own benefit?
so now he's an alcoholic. hey, i *am* an alcoholic. not touched it in 4 years but i can promise you i was not able to hide it from many people, especially my friends.

can the left be "neutral" or are they holding a grudge to spawn all this?

again you demand something of the other side you won't also hold to your side. therein lies the biggest reason these keep coming up as issues. we can, you can't, stop it.
Kavanaugh's accomplice gets away scot free?
Women won't forget. How many Republicans have said woman are hysterical?
Republicans know they can't really attack Dr. Ford, so they attack Diane Feinstein?
Women won't forget. Believe it, they won't forget.


Senator Whitehouse is currently telling it like IT IS!

HOLY SHIT! Whitehouse just HIT THE TRIFECTA!!!! USING Kavanaugh's own calendar. :clap2:

Senator Whitehouse just made the dumbest statement ever. He pulled out a calander reference to a party, attended by many more people than Ford said there was, and showed there were no girls, and used it as the place the incident allegedly occurred?

What a moron. He just blew Fords testimony out of the water.

Is he a Moron?
Unfortunately these hearing has left lots of doubt about this guy.

1. He did not answer many of the questions asked of him, instead going out in left field in many cases. Why did he avoid answering those questions?

2. What judicial demeanor? His demeanor was angry, unbalanced, almost deranged at times. Judicial ethical standards require that a judge be courteous, dignified, and patient.
who would want to have their case held in his court with that demeanor?

3. And a big one there remain accusations that he committed felony sexual abuse, without any evidence to the contrary. An FBI investigation could have discovered that evidence, but unfortunately it was not looked for.

4. Finally, if he did in fact commit even a single one of the accused crimes, he also committed perjury.

There exist many possible candidates for the Supreme Court without all these doubts. Trump said there should be no doubts. Let's pick a candidate with no doubts!
So why didn’t she go to the police again?

look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.

She had not decided to go public, she decided she wanted to remain anonymous with Feinstein and she was anonymous with the Washington Post... they did not know who she was.... from my understanding,

until someone leaked it to the post.... the search to find out who leaked is still on going.... at first people said Fenstein, but no, it was not her, then they said it was a Feinstein Staffer... but they questioned them and all on staff say no, it was not them... now we are on to, it must have been one of her friends that caved and gave her name up... tomorrow it will be a republican operative...

the point is, it does not matter when it comes to the questions at hand or quite simply, the issue of who is telling the truth and who is lying...

Did it happen, or not?

was Ford lying, and for what purpose?

was Kavanaugh lying, and for what purpose?

Does Kavanaugh still drink too much or has he finally gotten control over his alcoholism habits? Has he stopped grinding his body parts against women? Has he passed out from drinking too much as an adult... say the past 10-20 years or so? Is he capable of being a Neutral justice or is he going to hold a grudge? Does he have the cool temperament to be a supreme court justice for life? Is he honest? Does he lie, when convenient or for his own benefit?
so now he's an alcoholic. hey, i *am* an alcoholic. not touched it in 4 years but i can promise you i was not able to hide it from many people, especially my friends.

can the left be "neutral" or are they holding a grudge to spawn all this?

again you demand something of the other side you won't also hold to your side. therein lies the biggest reason these keep coming up as issues. we can, you can't, stop it.
This is where we are. If you belong to the other tribe, and you drink beer, you're automatically an alcoholic.

We've become conditioned to think almost exclusively in hyperbole and simplistic conclusions.

We've completely lost our shit, and there's no indication we're going to ever find it again.
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.
my feelings exactly about racist lying corrupt republicans AND the man at the head of their party
He’s white, she is white! Why is your dumb ass playing the race card!
Who has more motivation to lie the lying sb or the lady with nothing to gain And fyi the republican party is the hiding place for racists
you don't exactly come across as "Unbisaed" when you say LYING SB or the lady.

and fyi - no, it's not. the left loves to paint the that way so their temper tantrums seem more justified.
I'm a partisan hardly unbiased....but can see bullshit when it's spoken ,,and this pos Kavanaugh is FOS and your congress doesn't give a Fuk for the country ,,only party
Bullshit. You are a delusional leftist. There was no evidence here and she was not credible. Take off your blue goggles. If leftists wanted justice they would have shared the letter with the FBI immediately

Only time will tell who is delusional here ;)

This blitzkrieg nomination sadly reeks of the third Reich.

A German term for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower.

They aren't rushing it. Six FBI investigations, impeccable record. Best Leftists could was find something 36 yrs ago. Ford remembers that but not what she did 7 weeks ago? She cannot remember the time and place or how she got there or how she left. Her own friends and the girl who she was with cannot corroborate this.

The real Nazis are Leftists:

Kaep --- Kneeling for the Anthem
Watters --- Telling Leftists to beat up Trump supporters
Cuomo --- Saying America was Never great
Antifa --- Free Speech is not free if people find it offensive.


NOT Democrats but you. I am a Jew and I can smell Nazis. You stink.

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