OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

I'm a partisan hardly unbiased....but can see bullshit when it's spoken ,,and this pos Kavanaugh is FOS and your congress doesn't give a Fuk for the country ,,only party

Come on, ed.

You heard the testimony yesterday, do you REALLY believe that Judge and Kavanaugh hosted weekly Rape Train Parties with Quaalude and grain alcohol in Washington DC and no one ever found out?

Your a pretty sharp guy, ed
Nice deflection bitch. She has sworn testimony that the FBI would be required to use to investigate. SHE GAVE THEM NOTHING.
Grow the fuck up.

That's not the point bitch lol. You have 3 ladies attacking a choir boy... you should do something about it if you have any balls ;)

Talk to your cuck partner, I listened to the bullshit testimony. It was bullshit.

If it was not total BULLSHIT, tell me where Christine Fords husband, the Father of her Children, was?

Obviously he doesn't believe the crap, or he would have been there supporting her.

This is ALMOST AS GOOD AS A TRUMP WIN IN 2016!!!....Sid VICIOUS should have been prosecuted for Stolen Valor, as we Vietnam vets see it!

Cotton to Blumenthal: You don't have credibility to question Kavanaugh ^ | MEGAN KELLER - 09/27/18 07:01 PM EDT .

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) ripped into Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on Thursday for lying about his military service and then questioning Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's credibility.

"@SenBlumenthal lied for years about serving in Vietnam, which is all you need to know about his courage & honesty," Cotton, who is not on the Senate Judiciary Committee, tweeted during the questioning. "Maybe he should reconsider before questioning Judge Kavanaugh’s credibility."

Blumenthal has said he served in Vietnam, when he in fact sought at least five military deferments and eventually landed a spot in the Marine Reserve, where he was essentially guaranteed not to serve in the conflict itself, The New York Times reports.

Blumenthal went after Kavanaugh's credibility in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings Thursday of Christine Blasey Ford's allegations that Kavanaugh sexually assault her in 1982.

The senator asked Kavanaugh if he was familiar with "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus" which is a legal principle that dictates jurors can rule a witness to be false in everything if he says one thing that is not true.

"The core of why we're here is really, credibility," Blumenthal said Thursday, before drilling into a variety of things Kavanaugh said throughout the hearing Thursday, pressing him on the veracity of the statements.

A spokesperson for Blumenthal when asked to comment said Cotton's tweet was "not worth dignifying with a response."

"Wow - from a colleague," former Senate aide and Democratic strategist Jim Manley shot back in response to Cotton. "The senate is imploding."

Kavanaugh's confirmation vote is scheduled to be held Friday, though Senate Republicans are meeting Thursday night to determine the next steps on his nomination.

The nominee has unequivocally denied Ford's allegations and provided his calendars from the summer of 1982, which show no trace of the party at which she says he attacked her.

The three other people she has said attended the party have said they have not been to an event resembling the one she described.
The reason for the entire Kavanaugh assassination

BINGO. The whole TRUTH behind the assault on Kavanaugh. (via Peter Baker at the New York Times)

“Saving the Supreme Court from Trump’s clutches has always involved a very complicated two-step: first, block Kavanaugh, then fight like hell to win back the Senate,” said Brian Fallon, a 2016 campaign adviser to Hillary Clinton who helped start a group called Demand Justice to fight conservative judicial nominations. “If Kavanaugh drops out, we’re halfway there. If Democrats are able to win back the Senate, we’d have a path to blocking Trump from picking any of the archconservatives on his shortlist.”
I've posted it before, but I will again, just to address your comment. If Judge Kavanaugh has any taste or class, it would be a poor decision to drag to court a woman, who very well may have been manipulated by any number of people (I don't know and don't care to guess), and who has demonstrated emotional distress, for no other purpose than making her life more miserable than it may already be.
Justice Thomas didn't haul Anita Hill to court over those allegations, she went on to prosper from her position, while he remains a Supreme Court Justice.

Wow wasn't expecting that one lol. Hiding behind taste or class... priceless.

There are 2 other accusers on the back burner. Hint: This needs to be addressed now by the FBI ;)

You want a cloud like this over the supreme court? Good luck with that (tilt)
Wow wasn't expecting that one lol. Hiding behind taste or class... priceless.

There are 2 other accusers on the back burner. Hint: This needs to be addressed now by the FBI ;)

You want a cloud like this over the supreme court? Good luck with that (tilt)

It's possible your head being in the clouds more closely defines who is hiding from what. An FBI investigation regarding a baseless accusation more appropriately indicates who wants to hang a cloud on the court. You can own that; don't hide from it.
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The reason for the entire Kavanaugh assassination

BINGO. The whole TRUTH behind the assault on Kavanaugh. (via Peter Baker at the New York Times)

“Saving the Supreme Court from Trump’s clutches has always involved a very complicated two-step: first, block Kavanaugh, then fight like hell to win back the Senate,” said Brian Fallon, a 2016 campaign adviser to Hillary Clinton who helped start a group called Demand Justice to fight conservative judicial nominations. “If Kavanaugh drops out, we’re halfway there. If Democrats are able to win back the Senate, we’d have a path to blocking Trump from picking any of the archconservatives on his shortlist.”

I blame solely Diane Feinstein for this mess to delay the Kavanugh nomination that should have been held two weeks ago.
I'm talking about being accused of sexual assault. 30 years later. with no real evidence.

Once again. You'll get your 'real' evidence through a 'real' FBI investigation.

1991: Anita Hill accusing Clarence Thomas. George H. W. Bush is president: FBI investigation.
2018: Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick accusing Kavanaughty. Donald F. Trump 'grab them by the pussy' is president: No FBI.

My guess is that Republican wives will be locked at home for the mid-terms LOL

It is clear you refuse to realize that the FBI in 1991 stated that Anita Hill's accusations were UNFOUNDED, which is probably why then Chairman Biden rejected it! The FBI a week or so ago stated they will just amend the Kavanaugh file, said it was a LOCAL matter. They have no reason to investigate an alleged drunken party involving MINORS at a PRIVATE residence.

I see that many democrats here and other places fail to realize/understand that Dr. Ford can request the county prosecutor in Maryland for an investigation, or just sue him there. The statute of Limitations on her allegations NEVER runs out in the state of Maryland.

Why did Dr. Ford avoid the legal route?


I've posted it before, but I will again, just to address your comment. If Judge Kavanaugh has any taste or class, it would be a poor decision to drag to court a woman, who very well may have been manipulated by any number of people (I don't know and don't care to guess), and who has demonstrated emotional distress, for no other purpose than making her life more miserable than it may already be.
Justice Thomas didn't haul Anita Hill to court over those allegations, she went on to prosper from her position, while he remains a Supreme Court Justice.

Wow wasn't expecting that one lol. Hiding behind taste or class... priceless.

There are 2 other accusers on the back burner. Hint: This needs to be addressed now by the FBI ;)

You want a cloud like this over the supreme court? Good luck with that (tilt)
Even the NY SLIMES wouldn't post #3s story as being TOO UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!
The reason for the entire Kavanaugh assassination

BINGO. The whole TRUTH behind the assault on Kavanaugh. (via Peter Baker at the New York Times)

“Saving the Supreme Court from Trump’s clutches has always involved a very complicated two-step: first, block Kavanaugh, then fight like hell to win back the Senate,” said Brian Fallon, a 2016 campaign adviser to Hillary Clinton who helped start a group called Demand Justice to fight conservative judicial nominations. “If Kavanaugh drops out, we’re halfway there. If Democrats are able to win back the Senate, we’d have a path to blocking Trump from picking any of the archconservatives on his shortlist.”

I blame solely Diane Feinstein for this mess to delay the Kavanugh nomination that should have been held two weeks ago.
She's 106 years old, ....Dementia!

Besides her Chinese spy driver told her what to do!....Do I hear collusion?...lololol!
because it can't be proven. it's word against word and people will just group up into their standard groups and duke it out.

when you can prove what you say, come forward with it. if you can't, shut up.
This means that a huge amount of sexual assault cases will never be reported. After all a lot of those come down to he said, she said.
so what would be your answer to be fair to both? you can't simply accuse people w/o proof. are you not seeing how easily that can manipulated?
Sure I can see that this can be manipulated. The point is if I have to choose between doing right by victims of sexual assault and doing right by those that commit sexual assault, I will side on the side of the victims because I know they are more numerous. There's no perfect solution. And I'm perfectly willing to agree that judicial standards should be upheld when you're talking about jailing someone. But you are asking to give the benefit of the doubt to someone for a seat on the supreme court.
you're asking me to give someone the benefit of doubt who has a history of "resist" and "obstruction" and womans rights.

which to me this all boils down to. roe vs. wade. ie, its all political which to me brings *any* accusation into doubt. most people i talk to sooner or later get to roe vs wade and womans rights and when i say "then this is political, not justice" and by that time they are wrapped in emotions and scream YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT...

which comes back to a very common theme for the left these days. any means to get to their end is ok.

that is a dangerous road for a country to be on and simply cannot be allowed. legitimizing this only means the right will eventually do the same and then the left will have to kick this up quite a bit and take us again to a new level of stupid.

i will agree i would NOT want to prevent actual victims to come forward; but with this being political vs. legal, how does what ford is doing *help* others who may have been assaulted come forward? it would seem that the actual goal of stopping the violence against women is just as harmed from her own actions.

so *if* this is all about the political games, then this is character assassination. *If* allowed because we don't like his politics or this is todays "business as usual" then where do we go from here as we legitimize "anything goes" in our politics?
i will agree i would NOT want to prevent actual victims to come forward; but with this being political vs. legal, how does what ford is doing *help* others who may have been assaulted come forward? it would seem that the actual goal of stopping the violence against women is just as harmed from her own actions.
-First I saw Ford's testimony. She has to be the worlds greatest actrice to have concocted this. It's her credibility that you have to asses. After all it's not the Democrats who are leveling this charge,it's Ford. Is there politics involved... most certainly. Does that mean the accusation is untrue... it most certainly not.
-The statement that coming forward on sexual assault is hurtful to people coming forward is not just wrong, but in essence epitomizes all that's wrong about this. People are afraid to come forward because they know that coming forward carries a huge psychological cost. A cost that is exacted because it is a he said she said story. What you just seemed to imply that when someone does come forward it should be when nobody else has to hear it.
-I just saw a clip from someone confronting Flake who just voted to confirm Kavanaugh. She goes after him for demeaning her assault by voting to confirm. It's a raw appeal to emotion but it also shows the effect the GOP's decision has on everybody dealing with this. You just blamed the victim for having the courage to speak out.
- if "ford" is leading the charge - great. is she after justice or politics now because "justice" would be to go through local law enforcement, not take it to her state reps. while you're right you can't say this makes her accusations "untrue" - by the same logic therefor they can't be "true" either. at best, stalemate, now what? the left also continues to demand for an FBI investigation. the FBI has done (6) background checks and nothing like this came up from *anyone* questioned. what exactly would they be investigating and if you were the FBI and told to do this by trump, where would you start?

- i never denied the counter reactions to this can get nasty. they get nasty to the accused also as his life is now instantly socially judged and his family now under attack from the extreme left who do not want him as a SCOTUS. we seem to bypass how easily this emotional standoff can be manipulated to make a liar have a lot more power than they should. i'm not calling FORD a liar at this point, but i am saying any witness she's called on so far has said "nope, didn't happen". when do we say enough is enough if no named witnesses verify her claim? can we also agree that the power this gives the accuser is beyond measure if left unchecked and simply believed due to the nature of the accusation? we seem to be leaving a door wide open to trust that can be easily manipulated by people for whatever gain they are after at the time.

- you just believed the "victim" because she spoke out. this is a "danger zone" that shouldn't be "rewarded" so easily. the ability to misuse sexual accusations is vast and powerful. or do you disagree that it could/would be used in a political or revenge fashion?
FBI Agent to witness one: Were you at a party with 5 other people at a non specific time, at a non specific home, after leaving a none specific place, sometime in the summer of 1982?

Witness number 1: Are you out of your freaking mind, what the hell kind of question is that?

Case closed.
There are two vastly different "hearings" going on today! One is when Democrats have their 5 minutes in which they spend the majority of that time telling Ms. Ford how proud they are of her. The other is the 5 minutes where someone actually asks questions that will lead us to understand whether or not she is believable.

It would be nice if there were more of the latter...if of course you actually want to get at the truth in this matter...

Yeah, let the trained GOP pit bull chick who's covering for men who don't have the balls to ask their own damn questions have at it nonstop! :rolleyes:
Pit bull chick? Oh, you mean the woman who's been extremely courteous with all of her questions to Ms. Ford? Is that the "chick" that you're speaking of?

It was fun to watch the angry old white guys take over with Kav. The look on her face was priceless. My personal favorite was Little Lindsey. Thought he was gonna pop a vein.
He was of course, performing for an audience of ONE. Clearly bucking for a top job in DOJ once Dotard starts firing people.
Kav's opening statement was fine, but then he went sideways. It's okay though - ram his ass through and see how it goes for ya in the midterms. :)

"Little Lindsey's" message was to Republicans, Doc! He was basically telling Corker and Flake that it was time to put aside their squabbles with the President and step up to do the right thing in the face of some of the sleaziest political smearing I've ever witnessed. In case you didn't notice...both came out for Kavanaugh following Lindsey's tongue lashing!

As for the midterms? You progressives got sleazy again...just like you did with the Trump "dossiers". I wonder if moderates aren't tiring of the games that you've been playing? The GOP will be running on issues in the coming election. You folks? You'll be running on identity politics.

Yeah, good luck with that. Trump has lost women, blacks, browns and independents. Buckle up - gonna be a hard fall!

GOP poised for midterm wipeout as 'blue wave' scenario gives Democrats a 12-point lead: NBC-WSJ poll

Anyone with even a modicum of common sense knows that you progressives just USED Ford for political reasons! Kamala Harris leaked her confidential letter to the press. Her lawyers didn't tell her that the GOP leadership in Judicial were willing to come to California to get her statement. Why did both of those things happen? Because this was never about justice for her! Oh, no...this was about stalling the confirmation of a qualified Supreme Court nominee by whatever means necessary! You liberals PRETEND to be there for women but when it comes to pushing your agenda treat women like Ms. Ford like disposable tissue!
Please excuse the rant but I have to vent:
The only truth in any of this is that the Senate Judiciary Committee, pundits (political or otherwise), and all of us have no idea what really took place here. This has turned into a show for the populations consumption, pure entertainment. What kind of statement is that about who we are as a people? Both accuser and accused have been ripped apart in the most public, uncaring, undignified, and intentionally reckless manner, all for our amusement and an attempt to gain a small political advantage. Other than the baseless and thoughtless vitriol being tossed around, everyone is right here. It is our inability to grasp the complexity and entirety of this situation and other issues that has led us down this path. Our politicians, news outlets and communities like this one represent who, we as a people, have become. I invite everyone to consider what it would feel like if your mother, daughter, sister or wife was in Ford’s position. I just as emphatically encourage us to imagine if Judge K was your father, brother, son or husband. Instead of stepping back and recognizing the carnage we have created, we just continue to scream and yell at one another, dividing ourselves into camps that become more deeply entrenched in nothing but hatred for the other (whoever that may be). Societies that become this divided usually end one way, one group dominating everyone else. A great solution so far as you find yourself in the group that has power.
We are giving away our democracy because we are too lazy and myopic to accept that people who don’t agree with us still possess a right to have or express their opinions. Rights denied to any are rights denied to all.
...and this is how a free people, freely give away their liberties.
Now feel free to attack me as a rape apologist, conservative nazis and/or a feminazis liberal whinny nabob while you still can.
FBI Agent to witness one: Were you at a party with 5 other people at a non specific time, at a non specific home, after leaving a none specific place, sometime in the summer of 1982?

Witness number 1: Are you out of your freaking mind, what the hell kind of question is that?

Case closed.

Dr. Christine Ford: Is this suppose to be a non specific set of questions?
(in a sarcastic tone) Lol
I'm a partisan hardly unbiased....but can see bullshit when it's spoken ,,and this pos Kavanaugh is FOS and your congress doesn't give a Fuk for the country ,,only party

Come on, ed.

You heard the testimony yesterday, do you REALLY believe that Judge and Kavanaugh hosted weekly Rape Train Parties with Quaalude and grain alcohol in Washington DC and no one ever found out?

Your a pretty sharp guy, ed
kids brag. A LOT. there's no way this would stay secret from the students and/or continue on over time w/o being busted.

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