OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Should have been called 7 weeks ago check would have been completed but NOOOO.Feinstein used it to DELAY...You know what ABNORMALS FUCKED UP, THEY LOSE! Actions have consequences!

LMAO. 7 weeks..... 1 week... who bloody cares. As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 days and we're at least 2 weeks into this quagmire.

You're using ultra-partisan Chucky lines (Grassley) as your sole defense BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Nakedly partisan Kavanaughty is being railroaded to the SC to support a future evangelical rule and protect Trump-style dictatorships.

Gotta admit he'd look better with that black turban... At least we'd be spared that fake hair !

As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 day

Investigating claims about behavior that took place a few years earlier, questioning co-workers who were easily found cannot be compared to finding evidence 36 years later especially since she had no address, no time frame and no fucking witnesses.
Considering there is no address, no time frame and no fucking witnesses, Grassley seems to be setting high store by the four WITNESSES he says he has sworn statements from denying that it happened. If we can have that much "evidence," why do you believe the FBI could not come up with any more?

The FBI does field investigations on Background checks. So far you have nothing that would lead beyond what we have in testimony.

That being, the alleged victim cannot remember:

The date
The time
The location
Where she was prior to the party
How she got to the party
How she left the party
If she called for a ride
If she got a ride
If she got a ride, who gave her the ride
If she got a ride, how she contacted the person that gave her the ride

If she can't, under oath, give even those details, details that the victim should know, what the hell would the FBI Investigate?
3 letters would avoid threads like these (and a shitload of speculation):

Yet ONE thing could be done- Dr. Christine Blasey Ford finally makes a sexual assault police report in Montgomery County according to proper procedure. The PD or Sherriffs can call the FBI in at any time. So sorry that we can see the game and that Biden opened this game up. Nobody needs an infinite FBI investigation...and besides, according to Biden the FBI reports are inconclusive. So sorry.

11 Md. lawmakers call for Montgomery County investigation into sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh
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There are two vastly different "hearings" going on today! One is when Democrats have their 5 minutes in which they spend the majority of that time telling Ms. Ford how proud they are of her. The other is the 5 minutes where someone actually asks questions that will lead us to understand whether or not she is believable.

It would be nice if there were more of the latter...if of course you actually want to get at the truth in this matter...

Yeah, let the trained GOP pit bull chick who's covering for men who don't have the balls to ask their own damn questions have at it nonstop! :rolleyes:
Pit bull chick? Oh, you mean the woman who's been extremely courteous with all of her questions to Ms. Ford? Is that the "chick" that you're speaking of?

It was fun to watch the angry old white guys take over with Kav. The look on her face was priceless. My personal favorite was Little Lindsey. Thought he was gonna pop a vein.
He was of course, performing for an audience of ONE. Clearly bucking for a top job in DOJ once Dotard starts firing people.
Kav's opening statement was fine, but then he went sideways. It's okay though - ram his ass through and see how it goes for ya in the midterms. :)

"Little Lindsey's" message was to Republicans, Doc! He was basically telling Corker and Flake that it was time to put aside their squabbles with the President and step up to do the right thing in the face of some of the sleaziest political smearing I've ever witnessed. In case you didn't notice...both came out for Kavanaugh following Lindsey's tongue lashing!

As for the midterms? You progressives got sleazy again...just like you did with the Trump "dossiers". I wonder if moderates aren't tiring of the games that you've been playing? The GOP will be running on issues in the coming election. You folks? You'll be running on identity politics.
They gave them an extra freaking week to dig more dirt and coach her for her testimony.

That's not their job..... (rolleyes).... Federal Bureau of Investigation is there for that.

Listen, for the 2000th time, sexual allegations are not a FEDERAL crime. The FBI cannot make a specific pointed investigation of this unless so ordered by the President. But the FBI has already done 6 extensive background checks on Kavanaugh and they never before turned up anything from anyone about Kavanaugh ever assaulting anyone.
It was fun to watch the angry old white guys take over with Kav. The look on her face was priceless. My personal favorite was Little Lindsey. Thought he was gonna pop a vein.
He was of course, performing for an audience of ONE. Clearly bucking for a top job in DOJ once Dotard starts firing people.
Kav's opening statement was fine, but then he went sideways. It's okay though - ram his ass through and see how it goes for ya in the midterms. :)

That's a given. He's replacing Sessions after the mid-terms.... if Republicans keep house and senate.

No question that's what he's looking for. Then he can pull a Bork on Mueller. It won't play well, and the subpoenas will fly!
Should have been called 7 weeks ago check would have been completed but NOOOO.Feinstein used it to DELAY...You know what ABNORMALS FUCKED UP, THEY LOSE! Actions have consequences!

LMAO. 7 weeks..... 1 week... who bloody cares. As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 days and we're at least 2 weeks into this quagmire.

You're using ultra-partisan Chucky lines (Grassley) as your sole defense BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Nakedly partisan Kavanaughty is being railroaded to the SC to support a future evangelical rule and protect Trump-style dictatorships.

Gotta admit he'd look better with that black turban... At least we'd be spared that fake hair !

As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 day

Investigating claims about behavior that took place a few years earlier, questioning co-workers who were easily found cannot be compared to finding evidence 36 years later especially since she had no address, no time frame and no fucking witnesses.
Considering there is no address, no time frame and no fucking witnesses, Grassley seems to be setting high store by the four WITNESSES he says he has sworn statements from denying that it happened. If we can have that much "evidence," why do you believe the FBI could not come up with any more?

The FBI does field investigations on Background checks. So far you have nothing that would lead beyond what we have in testimony.

That being, the alleged victim cannot remember:

The date
The time
The location
Where she was prior to the party
How she got to the party
How she left the party
If she called for a ride
If she got a ride
If she got a ride, who gave her the ride
If she got a ride, how she contacted the person that gave her the ride

If she can't, under oath, give even those details, details that the victim should know, what the hell would the FBI Investigate?
silly man - why he did it. he has to prove he didn't, not she has to prove he did.

this is the new america, brought to you by the left. but much like the "biden rule" they will claim their situation is different and get mad when done back to them.
3 letters would avoid threads like these (and a shitload of speculation):


The accounting of energy expended on coverage and committees VS a 3 day FBI investigation (Anita Hill) ? Probably 1,000,000 to 1
how? six were already done. what is it they'd find they already haven't? why did feinstein sit on the letter rather than get the fbi involved? dude you sunk your own ship.
It was fun to watch the angry old white guys take over with Kav. The look on her face was priceless. My personal favorite was Little Lindsey. Thought he was gonna pop a vein.
He was of course, performing for an audience of ONE. Clearly bucking for a top job in DOJ once Dotard starts firing people.
Kav's opening statement was fine, but then he went sideways. It's okay though - ram his ass through and see how it goes for ya in the midterms. :)

That's a given. He's replacing Sessions after the mid-terms.... if Republicans keep house and senate.

No question that's what he's looking for. Then he can pull a Bork on Mueller. It won't play well, and the subpoenas will fly!

Pull a Bork? You think Mueller's up for a Supreme Court position? What are you even babbling about, Doc? Seriously...I think you got into Professor Ford's "happy pills"!
They gave them an extra freaking week to dig more dirt and coach her for her testimony.

That's not their job..... (rolleyes).... Federal Bureau of Investigation is there for that.

Listen, for the 2000th time, sexual allegations are not a FEDERAL crime. The FBI cannot make a specific pointed investigation of this unless so ordered by the President. But the FBI has already done 6 extensive background checks on Kavanaugh and they never before turned up anything from anyone about Kavanaugh ever assaulting anyone.

Even then they have to have the backup of a Federal Law being broken.

In the case known as "Mississippi Burnings" Where the three civil rights workers vanished, the Feds only got involved via the civil rights of the 3 being violated.

They couldn't try the perpetrators for murder because that was the State's jurisdiction, even when the State refused to investigate or prosecute.
Ford said he was very inebriated. How is the Senator's questioning not relevant?

Dr. Ford could have said he was an alien from Mars, Senator Klobuchar could have asked Kavanaugh if he was an alien from Mars, and it still would not provide any valid evidence as to whether or not Kavanagh was ever at an event where what Dr. Ford accused him of ever occurred.
The Dems struck out with this crock of shit.

They will also strike out come Nov.

Happy trails idiots. LOL
Unfortunately these hearing has left lots of doubt about this guy.

1. He did not answer many of the questions asked of him, instead going out in left field in many cases. Why did he avoid answering those questions?

2. What judicial demeanor? His demeanor was angry, unbalanced, almost deranged at times. Judicial ethical standards require that a judge be courteous, dignified, and patient.
who would want to have their case held in his court with that demeanor?

3. And a big one there remain accusations that he committed felony sexual abuse, without any evidence to the contrary. An FBI investigation could have discovered that evidence, but unfortunately it was not looked for.

4. Finally, if he did in fact commit even a single one of the accused crimes, he also committed perjury.

There exist many possible candidates for the Supreme Court without all these doubts. Trump said there should be no doubts. Let's pick a candidate with no doubts!
So why didn’t she go to the police again?

look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.
my feelings exactly about racist lying corrupt republicans AND the man at the head of their party
He’s white, she is white! Why is your dumb ass playing the race card!
Who has more motivation to lie the lying sb or the lady with nothing to gain And fyi the republican party is the hiding place for racists
The Dems continue to show their true colors with the Drama Queen Temper Tantrum walk out.
If she can't, under oath, give even those details, details that the victim should know, what the hell would the FBI Investigate?

Simple: false claims !
Especially claims that cause important permanent damage to reputations and that delay confirmation processes.
Full background checks on FORD, RAMIREZ, SWETNICK.
Send the guilty party(ies) to jail !!!

What are you guys waiting for ? This is the perfect opportunity to shut them up !
So why didn’t she go to the police again?

look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.
my feelings exactly about racist lying corrupt republicans AND the man at the head of their party
He’s white, she is white! Why is your dumb ass playing the race card!
Who has more motivation to lie the lying sb or the lady with nothing to gain And fyi the republican party is the hiding place for racists

The people with the biggest motivation to lie are the Dems who see power slipping from their grasp. DiFi is top of the list.
Too bad the female prosecutor DIDN'T spend the time on the polygraph rest....2 questions and not one about the NEW SCOTUS JUDGE!!!!

Can you ABNORMALS FEEL the power of the court SLIPPING away from you yet?....NO more shit like changing Obozocare from a penalty to a TAX!!!

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