OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

3 letters would avoid threads like these (and a shitload of speculation):


The accounting of energy expended on coverage and committees VS a 3 day FBI investigation (Anita Hill) ? Probably 1,000,000 to 1
Should have been called 7 weeks ago check would have been completed but NOOOO.Feinstein used it to DELAY...You know what ABNORMALS FUCKED UP, THEY LOSE! Actions have consequences!
That is such a LIE.... Dr. Ford asked for it to be confidential from Feinstein and the victim is the one who gets to decide.

but once it was out in the open, there is no reaso to not spend the 3 or so days, and follow the protocol of the law on this, reopen the back ground check for the FBI.... as they have done with every single person they have vetted, they reopen the background check if something new comes up.

Seems to me, there are a lot of skeletons in his past with his alcoholism involved, that they are trying to hide.

Pick another Conservative Supreme Court Justice


You all have dug in your heels for a man that should not be on the Supreme Court for the rest of his life, all because of Trump's black Magic Spell on you.... :dunno:

It really is scary, to see what he's done to all of you.
there is but only one way it made it out in the open. can you tell me how it did? I know, but I got laugh waiting you won't say it.
Should have been called 7 weeks ago check would have been completed but NOOOO.Feinstein used it to DELAY...You know what ABNORMALS FUCKED UP, THEY LOSE! Actions have consequences!

LMAO. 7 weeks..... 1 week... who bloody cares. As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 days and we're at least 2 weeks into this quagmire.

You're using ultra-partisan Chucky lines (Grassley) as your sole defense BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Nakedly partisan Kavanaughty is being railroaded to the SC to support a future evangelical rule and protect Trump-style dictatorships.

Gotta admit he'd look better with that black turban... At least we'd be spared that fake hair !

As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 day

Investigating claims about behavior that took place a few years earlier, questioning co-workers who were easily found cannot be compared to finding evidence 36 years later especially since she had no address, no time frame and no fucking witnesses.
Considering there is no address, no time frame and no fucking witnesses, Grassley seems to be setting high store by the four WITNESSES he says he has sworn statements from denying that it happened. If we can have that much "evidence," why do you believe the FBI could not come up with any more?
you talking hill or ford at this point?
She asked a hard question, but she didn't pull those allegations out of her ass. She was at least trying to do her job. I notice that the Republicans used their time during the Kavanaugh questioning to complain about the Dems and argue about holding onto the letter for six weeks, etc. etc. and nothing to do with the actual accusations.

She [Senator Klobuchar] asked a question that didn't address the allegation Dr. Ford made, and requiring an answer that doesn't apply to an event there is no proof of occurring. The Republicans expressed their concerns over the idea the Democrats on the Committee were doing exactly what you are trying to do here.

You are attempting to require an answer to a question regarding an event no one but the accuser claims occurred, and cannot provide any proof that it actually did occur. Likewise, you are expecting the Republicans to play along, and ask questions about an event the witness [Kavanaugh] had already stated never occurred.

Why would they ask Kavanaugh questions Dr. Ford couldn't answer about her own allegations?
Ford said he was very inebriated. How is the Senator's questioning not relevant?
Should have been called 7 weeks ago check would have been completed but NOOOO.Feinstein used it to DELAY...You know what ABNORMALS FUCKED UP, THEY LOSE! Actions have consequences!

LMAO. 7 weeks..... 1 week... who bloody cares. As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 days and we're at least 2 weeks into this quagmire.

You're using ultra-partisan Chucky lines (Grassley) as your sole defense BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Nakedly partisan Kavanaughty is being railroaded to the SC to support a future evangelical rule and protect Trump-style dictatorships.

Gotta admit he'd look better with that black turban... At least we'd be spared that fake hair !
Funny, Hill was a fucking liar also didn't work then either, REAL Americans know bullshit when they hear it!
Good one Perverts like Kavanaugh and Thomas real Americans ? lol lol With the pervert in chief as president
still in the gutter eh? go figure. Hill lied and so has ford. when someone can't remember correctly 95% of a story to say 100% for the 5% isn't logical. Even her own girlfriend said she wasn't there. that was a huge oops.
BTW, I see we're going around in circles now. here we go round in circles,
Men and women kept molestation by Catholic priests secret for over 30 years is quite common to keep sexual assault a secret

Bill Cosby went to jail for it
Diane Feinstein kept it secret for 45 days, ignoring her duty to report it to the committee. She should have told Dr. Ford immediately that she could do everything in her power to keep her anonymity, but she could not guarantee it. And that, under those terms, she could withdraw the allegation or go forward. But Dr. Ford had already gone to the press at that point, so one really has to wonder how coherent her mind is. She had to have known that WaPo would relentlessly pursue her story. There is no way a 50+ year old college professor could be that naive.
Should have been called 7 weeks ago check would have been completed but NOOOO.Feinstein used it to DELAY...You know what ABNORMALS FUCKED UP, THEY LOSE! Actions have consequences!

LMAO. 7 weeks..... 1 week... who bloody cares. As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 days and we're at least 2 weeks into this quagmire.

You're using ultra-partisan Chucky lines (Grassley) as your sole defense BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Nakedly partisan Kavanaughty is being railroaded to the SC to support a future evangelical rule and protect Trump-style dictatorships.

Gotta admit he'd look better with that black turban... At least we'd be spared that fake hair !
so why did feinstein not request the investigation six weeks earlier when she had the letter? why did the democrats not join the GOP in the discussions with the witnesses? son, see when you have a bad hand, you should fold.
I'm talking about being accused of sexual assault. 30 years later. with no real evidence.

Once again. You'll get your 'real' evidence through a 'real' FBI investigation.

1991: Anita Hill accusing Clarence Thomas. George H. W. Bush is president: FBI investigation.
2018: Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick accusing Kavanaughty. Donald F. Trump 'grab them by the pussy' is president: No FBI.

My guess is that Republican wives will be locked at home for the mid-terms LOL
I'm talking about being accused of sexual assault. 30 years later. with no real evidence.

Once again. You'll get your 'real' evidence through a 'real' FBI investigation.

1991: Anita Hill accusing Clarence Thomas. George H. W. Bush is president: FBI investigation.
2018: Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick accusing Kavanaughty. Donald F. Trump 'grab them by the pussy' is president: No FBI.

My guess is that Republican wives will be locked at home for the mid-terms LOL

No, you won't. The FBI doesn't have some magical time machine to go back and document what happened in 1982.

Again, Anita Hill accused a Federal Employee of harassment at a Federal Agency, on Federal Property. In that case the FBI has original jurisdiction on the matter.
The FBI could investigate for 100 years and find nothing

There is nothing there. She lied
No, she did not lie. She just hasn't yet proven her charges beyond any reasonable doubt. Repubtards & Kavanaugh are refusing an FBI investigation because it could prove her charges beyond any reasonable doubt.

Attempting rape & murder is far beyond any sexual harassment accusations against Donald Trump, Clarence Thomas or Bill Clinton!!!
I really don't see how the FBI has anything but "She now remembers" to go on... Where is her calendar, diary, journal from 36 years ago? What did she tell her parents, her minister, her teachers, the police back then ----- or even now for that matter?
Four people have given sworn affidavits to the committee stating what Ford told them about the accusation years BEFORE he was nominated. She has further asserted she told her congressman about Kavanaugh when he was put on the shortlist. She also wrote the Washington Post around the same time. Meaning there is a written record the accusation didn't just surface with his nomination.
That is false and incomplete information that paints a false narrative. The 4 sworn papers handed to the committee are from HUSBAND and other relatives =(self testimony) while those claimed there say it never happened, those people hold more weight. We don't know if they merely state her accounting an incident and not naming the perp. and or them filing in the blank to support her, especially since time and time again we find MSM tweeking their narrative to fit their propaganda.
Wow so evidence can not possibly be true. It has to be fabricated?
what evidence?
Considering there is no address, no time frame and no fucking witnesses, Grassley seems to be setting high store by the four WITNESSES he says he has sworn statements from denying that it happened. If we can have that much "evidence," why do you believe the FBI could not come up with any more?

They didn't say that the event didn't happen the way Dr. Ford alleged it did. They said the event never occurred at all, and/or that they were never at a party where the event could have occurred with Dr. Ford and Kavanaugh. The FBI cannot investigate something that never occurred, and has no one with any knowledge of when or where, any event could have happened. What they have is one person telling them something occurred somewhere at some time, and the witnesses she named, saying it never happened anywhere at any time.

There is no need to investigate something that has no substantial basis for investigation, outside of an empty accusation that cannot be proven because no one has any information when and where it could have ever happened (including the witnesses she named).
They gave them an extra freaking week to dig more dirt and coach her for her testimony.

That's not their job..... (rolleyes).... Federal Bureau of Investigation is there for that.

The FBI would merely report what they already had from the previous 6 background checks the did on him.
Again, it is not their jurisdiction.

You are a half trick pony, nothing more.
I'm talking about being accused of sexual assault. 30 years later. with no real evidence.

Once again. You'll get your 'real' evidence through a 'real' FBI investigation.

1991: Anita Hill accusing Clarence Thomas. George H. W. Bush is president: FBI investigation.
2018: Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick accusing Kavanaughty. Donald F. Trump 'grab them by the pussy' is president: No FBI.

My guess is that Republican wives will be locked at home for the mid-terms LOL

No, you won't. The FBI doesn't have some magical time machine to go back and document what happened in 1982.

Again, Anita Hill accused a Federal Employee of harassment at a Federal Agency, on Federal Property. In that case the FBI has original jurisdiction on the matter.

Funny how people think something that supposedly happened 30+ years ago can be investigated 30+ years later.

Ford should have told her parents what happened and they would have contacted the police and investigation would have been done then.

This whole thing is a crock of shit.
They didn't say that the event didn't happen the way Dr. Ford alleged it did. They said the event never occurred at all, and/or that they were never at a party where the event could have occurred with Dr. Ford and Kavanaugh. The FBI cannot investigate something that never occurred, and has no one with any knowledge of when or where, any event could have happened. What they have is one person telling them something occurred somewhere at some time, and the witnesses she named, saying it never happened anywhere at any time.
There is no need to investigate something that has no substantial basis for investigation.

You bet there is. Slandering a choir boy like Kavanaughty is a major offense !!!
His family has undergone death threats !!!
His reputation is shot !!!
This is scandalous and deserves a long trial to put Ford behind bars for life !!! .... and beyond !!!
I'm talking about being accused of sexual assault. 30 years later. with no real evidence.

Once again. You'll get your 'real' evidence through a 'real' FBI investigation.

1991: Anita Hill accusing Clarence Thomas. George H. W. Bush is president: FBI investigation.
2018: Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick accusing Kavanaughty. Donald F. Trump 'grab them by the pussy' is president: No FBI.

My guess is that Republican wives will be locked at home for the mid-terms LOL

No, you won't. The FBI doesn't have some magical time machine to go back and document what happened in 1982.

Again, Anita Hill accused a Federal Employee of harassment at a Federal Agency, on Federal Property. In that case the FBI has original jurisdiction on the matter.

Funny how people think something that supposedly happened 30+ years ago can be investigated 30+ years later.

Ford should have told her parents what happened and they would have contacted the police and investigation would have been done then.

This whole thing is a crock of shit.

Exactly, even if nothing ever happened from it, there would be contemporary records, which probably would have been found in the background check, and would have gotten BK off the short list.
I'm talking about being accused of sexual assault. 30 years later. with no real evidence.

Once again. You'll get your 'real' evidence through a 'real' FBI investigation.

1991: Anita Hill accusing Clarence Thomas. George H. W. Bush is president: FBI investigation.
2018: Ford, Ramirez, Swetnick accusing Kavanaughty. Donald F. Trump 'grab them by the pussy' is president: No FBI.

My guess is that Republican wives will be locked at home for the mid-terms LOL

No, you won't. The FBI doesn't have some magical time machine to go back and document what happened in 1982.

Again, Anita Hill accused a Federal Employee of harassment at a Federal Agency, on Federal Property. In that case the FBI has original jurisdiction on the matter.

Funny how people think something that supposedly happened 30+ years ago can be investigated 30+ years later.

Ford should have told her parents what happened and they would have contacted the police and investigation would have been done then.

This whole thing is a crock of shit.
where's her diary with the entry of the incident? If she had that, would put corroboration on the table. but alas!! I still find it funny that ford can't remember if she handed a document to the WAPO, two weeks ago, but she's 100% confident on kavanaugh after 36 years. Yeah. BTW, that isn't all she couldn't remember from just the last six weeks. and yet we're all supposed to believe her memory from 36 years ago. ahhhhhh NO!

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