OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 day
Investigating claims about behavior that took place a few years earlier, questioning co-workers who were easily found cannot be compared to finding evidence 36 years later especially since she had no address, no time frame and no fucking witnesses.

  • You've got a year book (with great anecdotes lol)
  • Tons of drunken parties
  • 2 fantastic books by Mark Judge (and a bong to boot)
  • 2 more accusers
  • Youthful memories of the best time of their lives
  • Kavanaughty's highly detailed calendars (just like his father)
Man... you start digging here and you've got a gold mine under oath. I figure at least a few months of watching witnesses on the stand spilling the beans LMAO
3 letters would avoid threads like these (and a shitload of speculation):


The accounting of energy expended on coverage and committees VS a 3 day FBI investigation (Anita Hill) ? Probably 1,000,000 to 1
Should have been called 7 weeks ago check would have been completed but NOOOO.Feinstein used it to DELAY...You know what ABNORMALS FUCKED UP, THEY LOSE! Actions have consequences!
That is such a LIE.... Dr. Ford asked for it to be confidential from Feinstein and the victim is the one who gets to decide.

but once it was out in the open, there is no reaso to not spend the 3 or so days, and follow the protocol of the law on this, reopen the back ground check for the FBI.... as they have done with every single person they have vetted, they reopen the background check if something new comes up.

Seems to me, there are a lot of skeletons in his past with his alcoholism involved, that they are trying to hide.

Pick another Conservative Supreme Court Justice


You all have dug in your heels for a man that should not be on the Supreme Court for the rest of his life, all because of Trump's black Magic Spell on you.... :dunno:

It really is scary, to see what he's done to all of you.
Mostly because they know he will protect the POS in the WH from indictment
Didnt help BLOW JOB, now did it!

they're not playing fair with our unfair accusations.

How do you know the accusation is unfair?
because it can't be proven. it's word against word and people will just group up into their standard groups and duke it out.

when you can prove what you say, come forward with it. if you can't, shut up.
This means that a huge amount of sexual assault cases will never be reported. After all a lot of those come down to he said, she said.
so what would be your answer to be fair to both? you can't simply accuse people w/o proof. are you not seeing how easily that can manipulated?
Sure I can see that this can be manipulated. The point is if I have to choose between doing right by victims of sexual assault and doing right by those that commit sexual assault, I will side on the side of the victims because I know they are more numerous. There's no perfect solution. And I'm perfectly willing to agree that judicial standards should be upheld when you're talking about jailing someone. But you are asking to give the benefit of the doubt to someone for a seat on the supreme court.
you're asking me to give someone the benefit of doubt who has a history of "resist" and "obstruction" and womans rights.

which to me this all boils down to. roe vs. wade. ie, its all political which to me brings *any* accusation into doubt. most people i talk to sooner or later get to roe vs wade and womans rights and when i say "then this is political, not justice" and by that time they are wrapped in emotions and scream YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT...

which comes back to a very common theme for the left these days. any means to get to their end is ok.

that is a dangerous road for a country to be on and simply cannot be allowed. legitimizing this only means the right will eventually do the same and then the left will have to kick this up quite a bit and take us again to a new level of stupid.

i will agree i would NOT want to prevent actual victims to come forward; but with this being political vs. legal, how does what ford is doing *help* others who may have been assaulted come forward? it would seem that the actual goal of stopping the violence against women is just as harmed from her own actions.

so *if* this is all about the political games, then this is character assassination. *If* allowed because we don't like his politics or this is todays "business as usual" then where do we go from here as we legitimize "anything goes" in our politics?
Mitchel the sexual crimes prosecutor who questioned Ford says...she could not take this anywhere near a court room, she wouldn't even seek a search warrant so Ford is a big fat liar!
Yes she is, but Mitchel's statement isn't based on Ford's lies, but on the lack of evidence and uncorroborated statements.

Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Funny, Hill was a fucking liar also didn't work then either, REAL Americans know bullshit when they hear it!

I don't know what qualifies as a "REAL" American and doubt that you could provide a rational definition.
That said, discerning individuals can determine the difference. Thomas was a bit of a sleaze but that has not been shown to color his judicial decisions, and yes Anita Hill and her pubic hair coke was a crock.

they're not playing fair with our unfair accusations.

How do you know the accusation is unfair?
because it can't be proven. it's word against word and people will just group up into their standard groups and duke it out.

when you can prove what you say, come forward with it. if you can't, shut up.
Seems a lot has changed since november 2017
because the floodgates have been opened up.

i don't disagree there are some asshole men out there. we're seeing far too much of it and to a point i'm glad we're finding out just who these people are. but to the other point, we weren't around for a picture, we don't know the entire story and i still think if you didn't stop him 10 years ago, why bother now?

fad. pop culture. trend.

but if we're calling for moores head based on accusations and mob justice, gotta take diaperboy also.

there was a lot of other context left out of this along the way - but kudos for reaching back a year to pull this out.
Wasn't hard, just typed your name and Al Franken and voila. As to it being out of context. it was your OP calling for the ousting of a public figure about ALLEGED sexual misconduct. pretty relevant in this context.
no - it's a good point and i'll need to stop and give it thought as to where i'm coming from. in this case from what i recall "diaperboy" had a known / documented history of trolling high schools, making this more believable due to his own actions that *could* be verified.

i don't see the same in kavanaugh. he passed (6) FBI background checks and if he were holding spiked punch rape parties, *someone* from his past would have found out. i've talked to a military friend who had to go through one for clearance and he said they were *very* thorough. to me this says his has no history of doing actions that would make this accusation more believable, and moore didn't have that same "clear" background.

but again - kudos to you - that was a good reply.
Nope. I really had not decided how I would decide on this until I heard them both. So I watched them both yesterday, and what I said earlier about my impression of his character and also the strident partisan tone of his statement--and attitude toward the Democratic questioners--stands. Your insults don't change my mind in the least.

So you have a problem with a partisan answer to a partisan question?
Did you see his smart ass response to Senator Klobuchar? She was doing her job of trying to get to bottom of the allegations. He asked if SHE had ever been blackout drunk.
C'mon, that wasn't USMB. Smart ass responses to something like that are unprofessional. If you missed it, the exchange is below. Trying to determine if he drank to excess and might have forgotten an incident is at the heart of the allegations and wasn't "partisan" on Senator Klobuchar's part. After a potty break, Kavanaugh came back and apologized to her--apparently someone took him aside and told him it was out of line. His excuse was "this is a tough process." Poor him.

Kavanaugh Apologizes to Klobuchar For Drinking Question

Klobuchar is an annoying bitch like the rest of them. Kavanaugh apologized because he is gentlemanly, something that is wasted on Democrat women these days.
She asked a hard question, but she didn't pull those allegations out of her ass. She was at least trying to do her job. I notice that the Republicans used their time during the Kavanaugh questioning to complain about the Dems and argue about holding onto the letter for six weeks, etc. etc. and nothing to do with the actual accusations.

That's because the accusations were shit. The behavior of the Democrats was on display for all to see.
Mitchel the sexual crimes prosecutor who questioned Ford says...she could not take this anywhere near a court room, she wouldn't even seek a search warrant so Ford is a big fat liar!
Yes she is, but Mitchel's statement isn't based on Ford's lies, but on the lack of evidence and uncorroborated statements.

Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Normally it's the traumatic parts of an event that are difficult to remember as the brain tries to push them aside. When and where, those are remembered
suddenly you want evidence.

how fucked up is that? blind accusations are cool when you like the direction but now a party foul.

sorry - but FUCK THAT. i ain't playing that game. if you establish that accusations are enough and the accused must prove their innocence, then you prove they're NOT friends.

now tell me, is this a good tactic to become "standard"?


Your boy Kavvy walked right into a glaring discrepancy, and now you're melting down because nobody will believe your made up claims.

blind accusations w/o proof suck and i'm not going to go along with them from anyone on any side.

discrepancy - like 4 guys!. no wait, 2 and 2 were down stairs. no wait, i had a girlfriend with me... funny you don't give a shit about her ever changing story.

And yet you still can't escape the fact that Ford knew details about Kavvy's childhood which, according to Kavvy's testimony, should be impossible.

And yet you still can't escape the fact that Ford knew details about Kavvy's childhood

What details did she know?

Who his close friends were when he was in high school. If this was a case of mistaken identity she would not have happened to mistakenly identify someone whose existence would--according to Kavvy's testimony--have been unknown to her. She hasn't said that Kavvy and some other person she was well acquainted with were the ones in the room. She has pointed to someone that Kavvy himself says was his close friend in those days. She has pointed out that she also knew this PJ figure and that PJ was good friends with Kavvy in those days. Kavvy corroborates that he was good friends with PJ in high school.

But according Kavvy, he didn't know Ford, he claims that Judge never knew Ford, he claims that he and his friends never associated with students from Ford's school, and that there would have been no way for their respective social circles to have overlapped.
so she can point to his close friends in high school is proof he's lying?

and you retro-emote me for "reaching" on things.
Unfortunately these hearing has left lots of doubt about this guy.

1. He did not answer many of the questions asked of him, instead going out in left field in many cases. Why did he avoid answering those questions?

2. What judicial demeanor? His demeanor was angry, unbalanced, almost deranged at times. Judicial ethical standards require that a judge be courteous, dignified, and patient.
who would want to have their case held in his court with that demeanor?

3. And a big one there remain accusations that he committed felony sexual abuse, without any evidence to the contrary. An FBI investigation could have discovered that evidence, but unfortunately it was not looked for.

4. Finally, if he did in fact commit even a single one of the accused crimes, he also committed perjury.

There exist many possible candidates for the Supreme Court without all these doubts. Trump said there should be no doubts. Let's pick a candidate with no doubts!
So why didn’t she go to the police again?
How many don't or didn't ? Embarrassment ?? Not wanting to piss in the wind knowing nothing would become of it?

She wants to derail a man's entire career and life with this. She should meet a pretty high standard of credibility, and she hasn't. The timing of the story's release and her lack of verifiable details make it difficult to believe her, unless you're determined that you will, no matter what.
3 letters would avoid threads like these (and a shitload of speculation):


The accounting of energy expended on coverage and committees VS a 3 day FBI investigation (Anita Hill) ? Probably 1,000,000 to 1
Should have been called 7 weeks ago check would have been completed but NOOOO.Feinstein used it to DELAY...You know what ABNORMALS FUCKED UP, THEY LOSE! Actions have consequences!
That is such a LIE.... Dr. Ford asked for it to be confidential from Feinstein and the victim is the one who gets to decide.

but once it was out in the open, there is no reaso to not spend the 3 or so days, and follow the protocol of the law on this, reopen the back ground check for the FBI.... as they have done with every single person they have vetted, they reopen the background check if something new comes up.

Seems to me, there are a lot of skeletons in his past with his alcoholism involved, that they are trying to hide.

Pick another Conservative Supreme Court Justice


You all have dug in your heels for a man that should not be on the Supreme Court for the rest of his life, all because of Trump's black Magic Spell on you.... :dunno:

It really is scary, to see what he's done to all of you.
She didnt do a very good job of it being confidential, as you ABNORMALS opened her up to fucking MEMORY LAPSE of 30 years?....We were born in the dark but it wasn't last night!...How many background checks do you want to hold this off until you idiots think you can win Congress?....Again, we were born in the dark....funny we look at you mind dead leftists and say the same thing you people suspend reality to whatever way YOU want bad because....
The Democrats have gone way over the edge of sanity this summer.

The thought that Kavanaugh organized Rape Train parties as a student in prep school just seems absurd.

But before this, the Democrats compared President Trump's presser in Helsinki where he trolled the media with the Holocaust.

The D's have gone coo-coo.
Stormy, I know how good actresses can be. Yesterday's hearing was merely a performance by a very talented actress/psychologist who is (1) A serial DNC activist (2) A person who thinks her performance did a great service to womankind, and (3) That she personally got rid of a Conservative SCJOTUSA in a thespian masterpiece of her talented way with her superior hyperbolic performance of a lifetime, backed by her PhD that proves only that she didn't snore her way through college. Oh, and did you know her scientific forte is creating scenarios that will persuade people into anything she likes politically, which just happens to be liberal hatred for Republicans? IOW, her performance was all bs.
Ford and her story would be ripped to shreds in a courtroom.
That’s what Cosby supporters said.

Mitchell the sex crimes prosecutor says after questioning Ford she could not take this anywhere near a court room, she wouldn't even seek a search warrant. OH SNAP!

The issue isn't whether a crime was committed. It's a question of character. Kavanaugh isn't on trial. He's being considered for a job opening.

That said, it sure smells like a political stunt. Democrats are pulling out all the stops to prevent, or at least delay, the Court tilting further to the right. Similar to the games the Republicans played to deny Obama's last appointment.
She wants to derail a man's entire career and life with this. She should meet a pretty high standard of credibility, and she hasn't. The timing of the story's release and her lack of verifiable details make it difficult to believe her, unless you're determined that you will, no matter what.

Ford's entire life was derailed by Kavanaughty. Kavanaughty is 53. She suffered for 38 years... I guess it's his turn now.
Karma ?

If you want verifiable details you need the F B I. You might even send Ford to jail with that!!!.

Sheesh I wonder why the republicans didn't think of that ? Hmmmmmm......

Where is Kojak when you need him!
So you have a problem with a partisan answer to a partisan question?
Did you see his smart ass response to Senator Klobuchar? She was doing her job of trying to get to bottom of the allegations. He asked if SHE had ever been blackout drunk.
C'mon, that wasn't USMB. Smart ass responses to something like that are unprofessional. If you missed it, the exchange is below. Trying to determine if he drank to excess and might have forgotten an incident is at the heart of the allegations and wasn't "partisan" on Senator Klobuchar's part. After a potty break, Kavanaugh came back and apologized to her--apparently someone took him aside and told him it was out of line. His excuse was "this is a tough process." Poor him.

Kavanaugh Apologizes to Klobuchar For Drinking Question

Klobuchar is an annoying bitch like the rest of them. Kavanaugh apologized because he is gentlemanly, something that is wasted on Democrat women these days.
She asked a hard question, but she didn't pull those allegations out of her ass. She was at least trying to do her job. I notice that the Republicans used their time during the Kavanaugh questioning to complain about the Dems and argue about holding onto the letter for six weeks, etc. etc. and nothing to do with the actual accusations.
It has everything to do with the accusations, it places the context and motive for the committee to be A) using a non substantiated accusation B)calling for delay tactic FBI investigation (which we now know they can abuse power to rig) even though they already know that is not their jurisdiction or how these things work..
Don't be so Naive, you are being used and abused by the lawless party as much as Ford is.
it was not Feinstein who leaked the letter, and her staff after long questioning, all deny it, say it was not them.... and now we are finding out it could have been a friend of hers that must have leaked it to the press or the press just dug deeper or it was a Republican operative or who knows?

But as Old Lady said, it has NOTHING AT ALL, not even a NANO BIT to do with Dr. Ford and her TELLING THE TRUTH about what happened to her at 15 and WHO the perpetrators were....

Dr. Ford was not lying, EVERYONE who watched and listened to the hearing KNOWS that Dr. Ford was NOT lying.


And by his actions in this hearing, he SHOWED on NEON blinking SIGNS that he was LYING and obfuscating.

Honestly, he does not have the temperament to be a Judge on any court, let alone the highest court in the land for a lifetime, after watching him squirm and repeat his memorized lines yesterday.

What we got from him over and over again

1)that was a smokescreen reply not a rebutle to what I said.
2)you revictimised the true victim and lied about Ford not lying, she was already caught in many contradictions whether intentional or mental.
3)you are contradicting her own witnesses, not Kavanaugh's not thecRepublican's, but Ford's own claims therefore you are calling Ford a liar yet saying she never lied. That is how confused you are.
So you have a problem with a partisan answer to a partisan question?
Did you see his smart ass response to Senator Klobuchar? She was doing her job of trying to get to bottom of the allegations. He asked if SHE had ever been blackout drunk.
C'mon, that wasn't USMB. Smart ass responses to something like that are unprofessional. If you missed it, the exchange is below. Trying to determine if he drank to excess and might have forgotten an incident is at the heart of the allegations and wasn't "partisan" on Senator Klobuchar's part. After a potty break, Kavanaugh came back and apologized to her--apparently someone took him aside and told him it was out of line. His excuse was "this is a tough process." Poor him.

Kavanaugh Apologizes to Klobuchar For Drinking Question

Klobuchar is an annoying bitch like the rest of them. Kavanaugh apologized because he is gentlemanly, something that is wasted on Democrat women these days.
She asked a hard question, but she didn't pull those allegations out of her ass. She was at least trying to do her job. I notice that the Republicans used their time during the Kavanaugh questioning to complain about the Dems and argue about holding onto the letter for six weeks, etc. etc. and nothing to do with the actual accusations.
It has everything to do with the accusations, it places the context and motive for the committee to be A) using a non substantiated accusation B)calling for delay tactic FBI investigation (which we now know they can abuse power to rig) even though they already know that is not their jurisdiction or how these things work..
Don't be so Naive, you are being used and abused by the lawless party as much as Ford is.
it was not Feinstein who leaked the letter, and her staff after long questioning, all deny it, say it was not them.... and now we are finding out it could have been a friend of hers that must have leaked it to the press or the press just dug deeper or it was a Republican operative or who knows?

But as Old Lady said, it has NOTHING AT ALL, not even a NANO BIT to do with Dr. Ford and her TELLING THE TRUTH about what happened to her at 15 and WHO the perpetrators were....

Dr. Ford was not lying, EVERYONE who watched and listened to the hearing KNOWS that Dr. Ford was NOT lying.


And by his actions in this hearing, he SHOWED on NEON blinking SIGNS that he was LYING and obfuscating.

Honestly, he does not have the temperament to be a Judge on any court, let alone the highest court in the land for a lifetime, after watching him squirm and repeat his memorized lines yesterday.

What we got from him over and over again

for someone not lying, it's strange how all those who were "there" say they don't know of such a party.
Mitchel the sexual crimes prosecutor who questioned Ford says...she could not take this anywhere near a court room, she wouldn't even seek a search warrant so Ford is a big fat liar!
Yes she is, but Mitchel's statement isn't based on Ford's lies, but on the lack of evidence and uncorroborated statements.

Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Normally it's the traumatic parts of an event that are difficult to remember as the brain tries to push them aside. When and where, those are remembered

LOL okay Ford having just escaped an attempted rape, fearing for her life she runs outside, fearing that Kavanaugh may chase her down, so she's outside the house moments after escaping this harrowing ordeal AND can't remember how she got home??? Give me a freaking break.

Go ahead explain it, she's 15, no drivers license no car miles from home so how did she get home? Here's why she forgot that part, because the driver would have been called on to corroborate her phony story.

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