OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Bullshit, she had to go to a shrink to be JOLTED to remember....damn. you fools think we dont read the news? Morons no wonder zI call them ABNORMALS!
Oh, is that right? And what is this "nasty ride" you're feeling all confident about? All I hear is the whining sour grapes of helpless impotence.

Well for starters, the American bar association (ABA) finally woke up and just sent a letter asking for due process and an FBI investigation.

A lot of sour grapes about to take to the streets
American Bar Association tells Senate: Delay Kavanaugh until FBI investigates assault allegations - CNNPolitics
The FBI does not investigate beyond age 18. According to the accuser he was 17, she 15. Now what part of that do ewe not understand?
Unfortunately these hearing has left lots of doubt about this guy.

1. He did not answer many of the questions asked of him, instead going out in left field in many cases. Why did he avoid answering those questions?

2. What judicial demeanor? His demeanor was angry, unbalanced, almost deranged at times. Judicial ethical standards require that a judge be courteous, dignified, and patient.
who would want to have their case held in his court with that demeanor?

3. And a big one there remain accusations that he committed felony sexual abuse, without any evidence to the contrary. An FBI investigation could have discovered that evidence, but unfortunately it was not looked for.

4. Finally, if he did in fact commit even a single one of the accused crimes, he also committed perjury.

There exist many possible candidates for the Supreme Court without all these doubts. Trump said there should be no doubts. Let's pick a candidate with no doubts!
So why didn’t she go to the police again?

look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.
my feelings exactly about racist lying corrupt republicans AND the man at the head of their party
He’s white, she is white! Why is your dumb ass playing the race card!
Did you see his smart ass response to Senator Klobuchar? She was doing her job of trying to get to bottom of the allegations. He asked if SHE had ever been blackout drunk.
C'mon, that wasn't USMB. Smart ass responses to something like that are unprofessional. If you missed it, the exchange is below. Trying to determine if he drank to excess and might have forgotten an incident is at the heart of the allegations and wasn't "partisan" on Senator Klobuchar's part. After a potty break, Kavanaugh came back and apologized to her--apparently someone took him aside and told him it was out of line. His excuse was "this is a tough process." Poor him.

Kavanaugh Apologizes to Klobuchar For Drinking Question

Klobuchar is an annoying bitch like the rest of them. Kavanaugh apologized because he is gentlemanly, something that is wasted on Democrat women these days.
She asked a hard question, but she didn't pull those allegations out of her ass. She was at least trying to do her job. I notice that the Republicans used their time during the Kavanaugh questioning to complain about the Dems and argue about holding onto the letter for six weeks, etc. etc. and nothing to do with the actual accusations.
It has everything to do with the accusations, it places the context and motive for the committee to be A) using a non substantiated accusation B)calling for delay tactic FBI investigation (which we now know they can abuse power to rig) even though they already know that is not their jurisdiction or how these things work..
Don't be so Naive, you are being used and abused by the lawless party as much as Ford is.
it was not Feinstein who leaked the letter, and her staff after long questioning, all deny it, say it was not them.... and now we are finding out it could have been a friend of hers that must have leaked it to the press or the press just dug deeper or it was a Republican operative or who knows?

But as Old Lady said, it has NOTHING AT ALL, not even a NANO BIT to do with Dr. Ford and her TELLING THE TRUTH about what happened to her at 15 and WHO the perpetrators were....

Dr. Ford was not lying, EVERYONE who watched and listened to the hearing KNOWS that Dr. Ford was NOT lying.


And by his actions in this hearing, he SHOWED on NEON blinking SIGNS that he was LYING and obfuscating.

Honestly, he does not have the temperament to be a Judge on any court, let alone the highest court in the land for a lifetime, after watching him squirm and repeat his memorized lines yesterday.

What we got from him over and over again

1)that was a smokescreen reply not a rebutle to what I said.
2)you revictimised the true victim and lied about Ford not lying, she was already caught in many contradictions whether intentional or mental.
3)you are contradicting her own witnesses, not Kavanaugh's not thecRepublican's, but Ford's own claims therefore you are calling Ford a liar yet saying she never lied. That is how confused you are.
Balsy sounded like she was drugged up. Slow speech. didnt remember aALWAYS talking to her lawyer before answering....Typical ABNORMAL behavior when put on the spot and a lawyer has to try to cover her lies!
Unfortunately these hearing has left lots of doubt about this guy.

1. He did not answer many of the questions asked of him, instead going out in left field in many cases. Why did he avoid answering those questions?

2. What judicial demeanor? His demeanor was angry, unbalanced, almost deranged at times. Judicial ethical standards require that a judge be courteous, dignified, and patient.
who would want to have their case held in his court with that demeanor?

3. And a big one there remain accusations that he committed felony sexual abuse, without any evidence to the contrary. An FBI investigation could have discovered that evidence, but unfortunately it was not looked for.

4. Finally, if he did in fact commit even a single one of the accused crimes, he also committed perjury.

There exist many possible candidates for the Supreme Court without all these doubts. Trump said there should be no doubts. Let's pick a candidate with no doubts!
So why didn’t she go to the police again?

look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.
my feelings exactly about racist lying corrupt republicans AND the man at the head of their party
He’s white, she is white! Why is your dumb ass playing the race card!
cause they want people to think in stereotypes. they have demonized the "right" as racist so now it's a free card in the game.
This pretty much sums it up. As Kavanaugh noted, the Dems are not interested in Advise & Consent (or Due Process), they are engaged in Search & Destroy against ANYONE who does not conform to their hideous secular Prog Religion.

On the eve of yesterday's hearing, Republicans released just their investigation of every insane allegation against judge Kavanaugh. One of those was that he had raped a woman on a boat in Newport, Rhode Island.

The allegation was made by some random Twitter user, and Republicans clearly released this information as part of their message that they took every allegation, no matter how ridiculous, seriously enough to investigate.

Media figures pounced, airing the allegation alongside claims that a 15 year old had run a gang rape scheme in high school.

In other words, instead of treating gingerly one of the worst accusations that can be made against a man, Democrats fed a chain of accusations the media, who happily, without vetting, regurgitated them as writ.

I try very hard not to swear on this website, but it is precisely this b******* or some variant up with which we must constantly put whenever the left gets its panties in a twist.

Whatever the truth of Dr. Ford's allegations, they were weaponized against not only a judicial candidate, but the right, without direct corroborating evidence and with the megaphone of the media happily supplied.

The fact that there is no contemporaneous, corroborating, direct or even indirect evidence is strongly suggestive of at the very least the inaccuracy of the claims.

But in the same way the FBI's conclusion that the allegations against Clarence Thomas were baseless, ordinary rules of logic and evidence go out the window, and the media plays along, when Republicans are accused of sex crimes.

This b******* is why we are in raged. Democrats are sending a message that if you mess with their sacrament, they will burn you to the ground, and like so many clapping seals, are media cheers them on.

And then, the cherry on top? A man is accused of serial violation of helpless women, one of the worst possible accusations that can be made against a man, roars back his defiance, and is accused of being unbalanced.

F*** all that.

The message that both the political and media wings of the Democratic Party are sending is that if you are a conservative and want to be in public life, they will destroy you.

Live Blog | September 28, 2018 06:49:33
Its material to this discussion......

Almost invariably, the people backing Ford here are the same people who fell for the Russian collusion hoax....the somehow just fail to be able to connect the dots on stuff. For example.....alot of these same people are talking about the FBI like it is relevant here. They buy the loose association nonsense thrown out by the msm. Most folks can connect the dots.
Unfortunately these hearing has left lots of doubt about this guy.

1. He did not answer many of the questions asked of him, instead going out in left field in many cases. Why did he avoid answering those questions?

2. What judicial demeanor? His demeanor was angry, unbalanced, almost deranged at times. Judicial ethical standards require that a judge be courteous, dignified, and patient.
who would want to have their case held in his court with that demeanor?

3. And a big one there remain accusations that he committed felony sexual abuse, without any evidence to the contrary. An FBI investigation could have discovered that evidence, but unfortunately it was not looked for.

4. Finally, if he did in fact commit even a single one of the accused crimes, he also committed perjury.

There exist many possible candidates for the Supreme Court without all these doubts. Trump said there should be no doubts. Let's pick a candidate with no doubts!
So why didn’t she go to the police again?

look it up, google it

why sexual assault victims do not report


you can ask one of the hundreds of teens those pedophile Priests sexually assaulted and did not report it for 20 to 40 years...
NO. I am asking about why when she did decide to go public why she first went to the Washington Post and then to Diane Feinstein? According to you guys he committed a felony. There is no statute of limitations! She has two masters degrees and a PhD. She has two lawyers who know who know what a felony is. So, why didn’t they go to the police or to the FBI? Want me to tell you? She was nobody’s victim. This was a political hit job start to finish. It was not about justice or truth or the American way. It was about a corrupt political party and revenge. Poor Democrats they are so evil and mindless. I loathe them.
my feelings exactly about racist lying corrupt republicans AND the man at the head of their party
He’s white, she is white! Why is your dumb ass playing the race card!
There are two vastly different "hearings" going on today! One is when Democrats have their 5 minutes in which they spend the majority of that time telling Ms. Ford how proud they are of her. The other is the 5 minutes where someone actually asks questions that will lead us to understand whether or not she is believable.

It would be nice if there were more of the latter...if of course you actually want to get at the truth in this matter...

Yeah, let the trained GOP pit bull chick who's covering for men who don't have the balls to ask their own damn questions have at it nonstop! :rolleyes:
Pit bull chick? Oh, you mean the woman who's been extremely courteous with all of her questions to Ms. Ford? Is that the "chick" that you're speaking of?

It was fun to watch the angry old white guys take over with Kav. The look on her face was priceless. My personal favorite was Little Lindsey. Thought he was gonna pop a vein.
He was of course, performing for an audience of ONE. Clearly bucking for a top job in DOJ once Dotard starts firing people.
Kav's opening statement was fine, but then he went sideways. It's okay though - ram his ass through and see how it goes for ya in the midterms. :)
LOL okay Ford having just escaped an attempted rape, fearing for her life she runs outside, fearing that Kavanaugh may chase her down, so she's outside the house moments after escaping this harrowing ordeal AND can't remember how she got home??? Give me a freaking break.
Go ahead explain it, she's 15, no drivers license no car miles from home so how did she get home? Here's why she forgot that part, because the driver would have been called on to corroborate her phony story.

Yeah.... everyone forgets that the hearing is not a court. You hear to forge an opinion. If you want facts you need the F B I to corroborate testimony.

Without facts you end up with partisan puke like that 'Trump guided' Graham outburst reminiscent of inquisition times where blind faith primed over reason.
It was fun to watch the angry old white guys take over with Kav. The look on her face was priceless. My personal favorite was Little Lindsey. Thought he was gonna pop a vein.
He was of course, performing for an audience of ONE. Clearly bucking for a top job in DOJ once Dotard starts firing people.
Kav's opening statement was fine, but then he went sideways. It's okay though - ram his ass through and see how it goes for ya in the midterms. :)

That's a given. He's replacing Sessions after the mid-terms.... if Republicans keep house and senate.
Should have been called 7 weeks ago check would have been completed but NOOOO.Feinstein used it to DELAY...You know what ABNORMALS FUCKED UP, THEY LOSE! Actions have consequences!

LMAO. 7 weeks..... 1 week... who bloody cares. As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 days and we're at least 2 weeks into this quagmire.

You're using ultra-partisan Chucky lines (Grassley) as your sole defense BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Nakedly partisan Kavanaughty is being railroaded to the SC to support a future evangelical rule and protect Trump-style dictatorships.

Gotta admit he'd look better with that black turban... At least we'd be spared that fake hair !
Funny, Hill was a fucking liar also didn't work then either, REAL Americans know bullshit when they hear it!
Good one Perverts like Kavanaugh and Thomas real Americans ? lol lol With the pervert in chief as president
still in the gutter eh? go figure. Hill lied and so has ford. when someone can't remember correctly 95% of a story to say 100% for the 5% isn't logical. Even her own girlfriend said she wasn't there. that was a huge oops.
There is documentation of Ford telling the story before Kavenaugh was nominated

To Feinstein, who held the info back until after the hearings concluded.

To her therapist
Four other witnesses came out yesterday saying she had told them the story

Very true and still worthless since NONE of them are first hand witnesses of the alleged event. Have you heard of the HEARSAY rule that makes such support useless in court?

Since DR. Ford named FOUR people as witnesses including a long time female friend as being there, but those same people all say under oath as never being in the party she alleges happened.

From CNN,

"1) Simply put, “Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”

“I have no memory of this alleged incident,” said (2) Mark Judge in a September 18 letter sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee. He said he did not recall the party and never saw Brett Kavanaugh act in the matter Ford describes.

(3) Patrick J. Smyth issued a statement:

“I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as ‘PJ’ who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post. I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.

Personally speaking, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him to be a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed any improper conduct by Brett Kavanaugh towards women. To safeguard my own privacy and anonymity, I respectfully request that the Committee accept this statement in response to any inquiry the Committee may have.”


DR. Ford is running on empty.
Let’s hear the testimony tomorrow as well as the two other women

We've seen most of the actual "evidence" now. All the hearings will be is a circus.
Anyone with a capacity for critical thought would wonder why Dr. Ford would go to the press if she was serious about keeping her anonymity. She is a smart woman who has lived on this Earth for a good amount of time. She couldn't credibly believe that such an explosive claim wouldn't be investigated relentlessly by the Washington Post.

Which leads me to not her testimony, which I thought credible, but her mental state. She talked about fear of flying, claustrophobia, marital problems for which she sought couples and individual counseling. There is nothing wrong with any of this. Such neuroses do not make me disbelieve what she believes she testified to. But it does make me question her ability to
Should have been called 7 weeks ago check would have been completed but NOOOO.Feinstein used it to DELAY...You know what ABNORMALS FUCKED UP, THEY LOSE! Actions have consequences!

LMAO. 7 weeks..... 1 week... who bloody cares. As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 days and we're at least 2 weeks into this quagmire.

You're using ultra-partisan Chucky lines (Grassley) as your sole defense BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Nakedly partisan Kavanaughty is being railroaded to the SC to support a future evangelical rule and protect Trump-style dictatorships.

Gotta admit he'd look better with that black turban... At least we'd be spared that fake hair !

As per Anita Hill, the investigation took 3 day

Investigating claims about behavior that took place a few years earlier, questioning co-workers who were easily found cannot be compared to finding evidence 36 years later especially since she had no address, no time frame and no fucking witnesses.
Considering there is no address, no time frame and no fucking witnesses, Grassley seems to be setting high store by the four WITNESSES he says he has sworn statements from denying that it happened. If we can have that much "evidence," why do you believe the FBI could not come up with any more?
You really think that if he is not confirmed for this, and the Dems take the house, their base won't clamor for his Impeachment?

I find it comical you appeal to the law when if this was a court proceeding under the law he wouldn't be indicted.

All the investigation thing is moot because Dems waited 2 months to bring this up for political reasons, sorry, actions have consequences.

Floor vote time.
-They may clamor for it. Doesn't mean they will get it.By the way what makes you think if the Democrats win they wouldn't clamor for his impeachment if he gets on the bench?
-This is a political appointment not a court of law. There's a difference. If someone would suggest that Kavanaugh would be jailed for this I would have a problem with them because THAT does require judicial standards of proof.
- There goes your argument that Republicans are following due process..... So because you suspect political motivation the Republicans should not find out the truth of these matters? Glad you don't use political motivation. "Hey it's just a lifetime appointment to the supreme court for a suspected rapist, what's the big deal?"
-I've said it before. I'm not big on fortune telling I'm really not, but I will make this prediction. Confirm Kavanaugh and the GOP can say goodbye to any but the most ardent females in the Trump base. All other ones will go out and vote just to spite them.

They clamored for forcing the Republicans to use the Nuke option against Gorusch (and they got it).

How did that work out for Dems?

So you are Ok with their life being ruined and political gain from false accusations. Got it.

The hearing was the way to try to get to the bottom of things. The process is being followed to the letter in this case.

You are forgetting about mothers with sons, and wives with husbands who may worry their child or spouse can get railroaded by 30 year old accusations.
-If some random person would accuse another random person of sexual assault, chances are that person committed sexual assault. One doesn't typically levy that accusation unmerited. Being able to prove it beyond reasonable doubt is another matter.
-The US finds it perfectly appropriate to have public registers of sex crime offenders. These people are branded for life. If that is appropriate I will not shed a tear for the few people who get wrongly accused of sexual crimes in cases were embarrassment on the local level is the worst they suffer.
- As to the hearing being meant to get to the bottom of things. You can't both admit that Republicans refused to take steps in the investigation and in the next breath say to they wanted to get to the bottom of things.
All the investigation thing is moot because Dems waited 2 months to bring this up for political reasons, sorry, actions have consequences.

Wow, nice job ignoring hundreds of years of american legal precedent. Innocent until proven guilty.

Wow, guess you would be more concerned otherwise if it happened to you.

They could have just went with a vote, or had the hearing monday. They bent over backwards to a point to give this woman the floor, and give the Dems another chance to bolster their 2020 campaign ads.
It did happen to me from the perspective of the victim in case you forgot Marty.

I'm talking about being accused of sexual assault. 30 years later. with no real evidence.

Oh great.... 'born again' GW Bush comes back to haunt. I'll never forget his 'rapture' speech.... sheesh. A guy like Kavanaughty would obviously help his cause (rolleyes)

Bush Rapture Plan
The Rapturous George Bush | HuffPost
Today, former President George W. Bush is giving the keynote speech in Irvine, Texas, at a major fundraising convention for a messianic religious group whose goal is to convert Jews to Christianity, so there can be the Rapture.
Mitchel the sexual crimes prosecutor who questioned Ford says...she could not take this anywhere near a court room, she wouldn't even seek a search warrant so Ford is a big fat liar!
Yes she is, but Mitchel's statement isn't based on Ford's lies, but on the lack of evidence and uncorroborated statements.

Ford's extremely selective amnesia is PROOF she's a big fat lying liberal puke.
Normally it's the traumatic parts of an event that are difficult to remember as the brain tries to push them aside. When and where, those are remembered

LOL okay Ford having just escaped an attempted rape, fearing for her life she runs outside, fearing that Kavanaugh may chase her down, so she's outside the house moments after escaping this harrowing ordeal AND can't remember how she got home??? Give me a freaking break.

Go ahead explain it, she's 15, no drivers license no car miles from home so how did she get home? Here's why she forgot that part, because the driver would have been called on to corroborate her phony story.

None of her "witnesses" corroborated anything she said.

BK will be on the SC.
You really think that if he is not confirmed for this, and the Dems take the house, their base won't clamor for his Impeachment?

I find it comical you appeal to the law when if this was a court proceeding under the law he wouldn't be indicted.

All the investigation thing is moot because Dems waited 2 months to bring this up for political reasons, sorry, actions have consequences.

Floor vote time.
-They may clamor for it. Doesn't mean they will get it.By the way what makes you think if the Democrats win they wouldn't clamor for his impeachment if he gets on the bench?
-This is a political appointment not a court of law. There's a difference. If someone would suggest that Kavanaugh would be jailed for this I would have a problem with them because THAT does require judicial standards of proof.
- There goes your argument that Republicans are following due process..... So because you suspect political motivation the Republicans should not find out the truth of these matters? Glad you don't use political motivation. "Hey it's just a lifetime appointment to the supreme court for a suspected rapist, what's the big deal?"
-I've said it before. I'm not big on fortune telling I'm really not, but I will make this prediction. Confirm Kavanaugh and the GOP can say goodbye to any but the most ardent females in the Trump base. All other ones will go out and vote just to spite them.

They clamored for forcing the Republicans to use the Nuke option against Gorusch (and they got it).

How did that work out for Dems?

So you are Ok with their life being ruined and political gain from false accusations. Got it.

The hearing was the way to try to get to the bottom of things. The process is being followed to the letter in this case.

You are forgetting about mothers with sons, and wives with husbands who may worry their child or spouse can get railroaded by 30 year old accusations.
-If some random person would accuse another random person of sexual assault, chances are that person committed sexual assault. One doesn't typically levy that accusation unmerited. Being able to prove it beyond reasonable doubt is another matter.
-The US finds it perfectly appropriate to have public registers of sex crime offenders. These people are branded for life. If that is appropriate I will not shed a tear for the few people who get wrongly accused of sexual crimes in cases were embarrassment on the local level is the worst they suffer.
- As to the hearing being meant to get to the bottom of things. You can't both admit that Republicans refused to take steps in the investigation and in the next breath say to they wanted to get to the bottom of things.
All the investigation thing is moot because Dems waited 2 months to bring this up for political reasons, sorry, actions have consequences.

Wow, nice job ignoring hundreds of years of american legal precedent. Innocent until proven guilty.

Wow, guess you would be more concerned otherwise if it happened to you.

They could have just went with a vote, or had the hearing monday. They bent over backwards to a point to give this woman the floor, and give the Dems another chance to bolster their 2020 campaign ads.
Bent over backwards??? They did less than the minimum any rookie cop would do to find the facts.

They gave them an extra freaking week to dig more dirt and coach her for her testimony.

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