OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

how did the WAPO know to contact you?
The same way they contact other people. They call them after paying for information that provides access to their phone numbers and addresses.

How would they know who to look for...….since she had first contacted them on the anonymous tip line??? Then she said she had waited for them to contact her. How can they if the report was anonymous?
what I just said.

But if she contacted WaPo anonymously and never told anyone else...….where did the names, phone numbers and addresses come from to pay for as Asclepias mentioned
Wapo contacted her. Arent you listening to the testimony?

Yes I have and currently am......aren't you?

She had said she had first contacted WaPo's anonymous tip line......then said she waited for them to contact her. Since they didn't, she then contacted Feinstein & another Rep.
handily? With Russian help and an ec vote while losing the popular vote?
Thank you for responding by lying your ass off......

ZERO evidence of the BS you just spewed.....

...meanwhile, Hillary colluded with / paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in TRYING to win, and like with her Party's nomination, she couldn't do it!

Funny how Harris didn’t ask any questions, just five minutes of telling Ford how “brave” she is. What a joke.
Drumpf is just a moron. He may be evil but he is just a moron.

He handily defeated Hillary, who - after rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud during the primaries, and violating Election and Campaign Finance laws - could not win her own party's nomination.....

So if Trump is a 'moron', that makes Hillary....

handily? With Russian help and an ec vote while losing the popular vote?

Popular vote decide the presidency?
nope, but it gives a mandate.

Not common to win the ec and lose the popular vote. It is a fluke

but thanks for the offer of red herring
handily? With Russian help and an ec vote while losing the popular vote?
Thank you for responding by lying your ass off......

ZERO evidence of the BS you just spewed.....

...meanwhile, Hillary colluded with / paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in TRYING to win, and like with her Party's nomination, she couldn't do it!

really? Trump's own Justice dept and intel agencies say it's true LOL
This is such BS. Democrats already played their hand when Trump nominated Kavanaugh. They vowed to stop Kavanaugh even before any hearings took place. Of course they are going to call Christine Ford courageous and believable. None of this can be proven or dis-proven. Our government at work.
Gorsuch took the Scalia seat, so a conservative replaced a conservative.

The Dems are fighting dirty to keep a conservative from taking a swing vote seat.

See the difference?

Quotas on the Court? No seat on the Court belongs to an ideology

What is dirty about asking the FBI to do what they did with Anita Hill?

Anita Hill testing during the hearing.

This fake accusation was brought up after the hearing concluded.
It came up before he was confirmed

That is all that matters

the sole reason it came up
Ford wrote her letter in July
The staged Prosecutor acting as if Ford is on trial, says "let me cut to the chase" as if she was prosecuting a witness in a court of law.

Christine Ford is NOT on trial

These McCarthy type hearings are a stain on America's soul
It is a damn hearing. What the heck do you want it to sound like?

A hearing is very close to a trial and sounds the same.
A hearing is like a trial? With an accused and a prosecutor?

You need help
It is CLOSE. At least as far as the questioning here is concerned. Again, what do you think it should sound like. How are they supposed to ask those exploratory questions that would make you happy?
Blumenthal is such a creepy hack.
Not as creepy as president Donald Groper of Pussies
View attachment 218850

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Kavanaugh has decided to use a Clinton strategy -- I did not have sex with that woman … .

It will be Kavanaugh's undoing.

According to the testimony he didn’t have sex with her. It’s not even alleged
You know the Republicans have lost when their strongest defense is about Ford's fear of flying.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Their defense is that if the bitch lies about one thing then she will lie about other things.

Then there is the very strong defense that the bitch is a TDS afflicted Moon Bat.

Then we have the fact that she has absolutely no evidence or collaboration.

Of course we have the fact that Kavanaugh has a stellar record with absolutely no indication of that kind of behavior.
The demeanor of the prosecutor lady has changed. She now knows she has the upper hand because of Ford's dishonesty.
That was a good one. :laughing0301:

The demeanor of the prosecutor lady has changed. She now knows she has the upper hand because of Ford's dishonesty.
That was a good one. :laughing0301:

Is this true? You’re the body language expert.
The prosecutor is exceptional. She just doesnt have much to go on because Ford is eating her lunch.
FOrd is eating whos lunch?
The prosecutors.
Oh the horror of not believing a story that has way too many holes. How can anyone be so evil?

You are why I have to fear for the well-being of my son once he’s old enough to date. You’ll believe someone was raped just bc they said they were. You’ll believe it even when the timing is beyond suspicious and the motive of the accuser (and in this case those who back her) is apparent.

This is about logic and common fucking sense, something anyone who believes her story despite the major lack of evidence is NOT using.
Just do your job and raise him properly and your son wouldn't have anything to worry about.
Drumpf is just a moron. He may be evil but he is just a moron.

He handily defeated Hillary, who - after rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud during the primaries, and violating Election and Campaign Finance laws - could not win her own party's nomination.....

So if Trump is a 'moron', that makes Hillary....

handily? With Russian help and an ec vote while losing the popular vote?

Popular vote decide the presidency?
nope, but it gives a mandate.

Not common to win the ec and lose the popular vote. It is a fluke

but thanks for the offer of red herring

Not the forum to be discussing this

(but, thanks for the laugh)
There the FBI had jurisdiction, and the incident was less time in the past.

Here the FBI has no jurisdiction.
No one has said the FBI had jurisdiction. Thank you for the offer f of red herring

I guess the longer in the past an incident is, the less you want it investigated.


So you are saying the FBI can just up and investigate someone breaking a State law (which is what Kavenaugh is accused of) without the permission of the State law enforcement?

It's not a Red Herring, it's how things work.

The FBI investigates federal crimes, crimes across State lines (which usually become federal crimes), can be invited by Local law enforcement to assist. At most otherwise they can come in when local law enforcement is doing their jobs (watch Mississippi Burning for that) but even then that falls under the category of federal crimes.
Actually the FBI is also responsible for doing background checks. They don't need even a suggestion of criminal behavior for that. So suggesting that it's impossible for the FBI to investigate someone up for a position in the federal government, is wrong.

They already did one. Six of them. They wouldn't turn up anything more on this, because as we have seen, there is ZERO documentation of what happened that night.

The Committee has sent questions to anyone they can reach who was involved, that is the same thing the FBI would do, it would just take them longer.

A background check is a very specific thing. They just gather INFORMATION, they don't use it to build a case, which is basically what the left is calling for here.
So if I investigate somebody 100 times but afterwards stuff comes out that I missed does that mean I don't have a right to investigate those things? The only thing I've seen the left, or anybody do is ask for an investigation. Show me one who is even suggesting prosecuting Kavanaugh?

They had months and months to investigate this. Feinstein had the information TWO MONTHS before the official hearings were held.

So we should keep trying people until we find the guilty? How Fascist of you.

Actually trying to prosecute him would be better because you would be held to a far higher standard of evidence, and any judge would throw out the charges in a heartbeat.

They are asking for "An investigation" as cover to vote no and use Ford's accusation as a shield, at least the Dems from Red States are.
handily? With Russian help and an ec vote while losing the popular vote?
Thank you for responding by lying your ass off......

ZERO evidence of the BS you just spewed.....

...meanwhile, Hillary colluded with / paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in TRYING to win, and like with her Party's nomination, she couldn't do it!

really? Trump's own Justice dept and intel agencies say it's true LOL
Since you are trying to hijack the thread - especially with BS that has been debunked - I am going to ignore you, seeing as you are so distraught after the 'Herman Cain'ing of Kavanaugh so completely failed.


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