OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Quotas on the Court? No seat on the Court belongs to an ideology

What is dirty about asking the FBI to do what they did with Anita Hill?

Anita Hill testing during the hearing.

This fake accusation was brought up after the hearing concluded.
It came up before he was confirmed

That is all that matters

the sole reason it came up
Ford wrote her letter in July

and was under the impression it would never become public.

Until she agreed to make it public
Again, a reminder to media pals: the standard here isnt where you “look” or “sound” “credible”. It is whether you provide evidence. All witnesses she has mentioned deny her claim—that was case before this started and remains case now

— Kimberley Strassel (@KimStrassel) September 27, 2018
There's a major problem with the whole setup of this hearing today. The sexual assault consultant hired by the 11 Repubs without balls, seems MORE INTERESTED in implicating a Demo conspiracy, than fact finding on Kavanaugh. This is because she's being PAID to be yet another political shill tossed into this cluster fuck.

Big mistake... This is a Congressional inquiry, not a rape counseling or legal interrogation. And as USUAL, the Repubs entirely FOLD and shrink from their duties..

No idea WHICH of 4 (now 5) kids present LIVED IN THE HOUSE. How she got there. Alone or with someone else and who they were.

No wonder these senile ball-less wonders need a surrogate questioner.

WATCH -- When Kavanaugh gets up there, the Demos are gonna pound him like an Abalone. If you don't answer that -- you're not nearer to ANY truth....
Notice how the Dems keep pushing for an FBI investigation? That seems to be the only thing they really care about. Wonder why that is? :9:
Actually, the question should be why don't the Republicans want one?

Why not have one after the confirmation? If he is guilty, he could be impeached. If there is an investigation now, what is to stop other accusers to step up at the last minute again? This could go on forever. The goal here is CLEARLY to delay the confirmation to the mid-terms.
Funny how Harris didn’t ask any questions, just five minutes of telling Ford how “brave” she is. What a joke.

Don't forget when she was praising all that Ford had done and was doing that Kavanough has not :rolleyes:

Harris would lose a debate to a mannequin.

Debate?????? Hell usually she's interrogating......and today she's blubbering at Fords feet.

But either way...….Harris's mouth runsamuck…..a debate takes a second commentary and she leaves no room for anyone else
From the other BREAKING NEWS thread that got axed:

Now this smells to high heaven. Two guys coming forward to claim they were the attempted rapist at the same time? That is pretty sly. I'll give them credit.
I agree. These rape allegations suddenly came forward. Why not fight fire with fire.

But, I don't believe any of them on either side. None of this shit even happened. It's a delay tactic and this is done to muddy the waters.

There would be no risk admitting to a sexual assault that occurred in 1982 because the statue of limitations ran about 20 years ago. So, why not.

Hell, I am the one who did all this shit to these women. It was me, not BK.
Also, what Ford described as attempted rape could of been a couple of guys at a party simply roughhousing with her with no intention of raping her. If the guys were really trying to rape her, I think they would of done a much better job of ripping her cloths off.

Perhaps they would even take her clothes off!
Maybe so....
LOL... I am the worst about leaving out that "e". Sue me!

Your summons is in process. You will be served later today! :D
Ford is a dingbat. Edith Bunker only dumber.

She can't even remember what happened last month. She has the Hillary defense, selective memory.

It's time to get the other people she claims were at the party to testify.

Hey, in no way whatsoever compare this Ford character to Edith Bunker...…….Edith could kick her ass
Edith dealt with a rape too.
Now that they've lost it, they've gone from "she's a political hack" to "she's a well coached witness!!"

not exclusive, very well could be both
Don't give a damn about them being mutually exclusive or not, the point is that your Republican masters have given the word from on-high, and your fellow Trump-bots have followed-suit. That's all I'm saying.

No you keep flapping your stupid gums. I be never seen anyone talk so much and yet say absolutely Nothing. Well done Marc.
There's a major problem with the whole setup of this hearing today. The sexual assault consultant by the 11 Repubs without balls, seems MORE INTERESTED in implicating a Demo conspiracy, than fact finding on Kavanaugh. This is because she's being PAID to be yet another political shill tossed into this cluster fuck.

Big mistake... This is a Congressional inquiry, not a rape counseling or legal interrogation. And as USUAL, the Repubs entirely FOLD and shrink from their duties..
She is doing a poor job

Ford gave compelling testimony and Mitchel was more concerned with minutia
There's a major problem with the whole setup of this hearing today. The sexual assault consultant by the 11 Repubs without balls, seems MORE INTERESTED in implicating a Demo conspiracy, than fact finding on Kavanaugh. This is because she's being PAID to be yet another political shill tossed into this cluster fuck.

Big mistake... This is a Congressional inquiry, not a rape counseling or legal interrogation. And as USUAL, the Repubs entirely FOLD and shrink from their duties..

Agreed. However, I think they are relying on Kavanaugh to present himself as more believable.

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