Official Presidential Debate Thread --- Round 3 --- 2016

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I have to say, I'm not a yuge fan of Hillary, but I'm constantly amazed at her poise. The stress she must be feeling at this point is probably incredible, yet she's always so damn calm, cool and collected next to the orange cheeto troll who's constantly interrupting her. Respect.
Spoken like a yuge fanboy

I wish I was. I was a Bernie supporter, and I still struggle here and there over having to vote for her. These debates do manage to help me though, I have to say.
See wasnt so hard to admit it
Donald Trump is winning the debate imo. I think Hillary had some good moments during the abortion part (I'm probably life) but she got absolutely stomped in the Russian section

You are insane. He's losing due to lack of substance and overblown negative rhetoric.

Your intrinsic biases say he's losing. You aren't judging the debate objectively.

Trust me. He's doing nothing to gain voters. He is losing.
Loserterian trash! HIllary is kicking the shit out of him and proving this crap to be the shit that it is.
Obama created 14 million jobs and saved this country from a much worse depression. What did the republicans do? Oh'yess, bloc nearly everything Obama attempted to do after 2010.
The trade rhetoric makes no sense.

I brought it up in the past, but why get upset over something that is mutually profitable?
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