Official Presidential Debate Thread --- Round 3 --- 2016

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Donald Trump is winning the debate imo. I think Hillary had some good moments during the abortion part (I'm probably life) but she got absolutely stomped in the Russian section

You are insane. He's losing due to lack of substance and overblown negative rhetoric.

Your intrinsic biases say he's losing. You aren't judging the debate objectively.

Trust me. He's doing nothing to gain voters. He is losing.

Is that all you can say? Trust you? Why?
Trump is losing.

He should divert.

Saying that Hillary paid rioters is not the right diversion.
This woman is about late term abortion... sick situation. Just think about everything this women is about... wow
He just said he didn't apologize to his wife. She said he did. Which one is lying?
Not defending Trump on his suppose sexual acts but when Gloria Allred is involved there is a reason to pause and ask if some of this is just political horse shit!
She's rehashing the locker talk...Locker talk all you want, Donald. Just change the direction of this country. Get jobs here, make our country safe again. Thanks
Trump will belittle anyone who he thinks is a pice of you Hitlery....
Trump is losing.

He should divert.

Saying that Hillary paid rioters is not the right diversion.
Wallace had no business bringing up the women stuff.. That was vetted in the last debate, and Wallace just screwed over the American people.
Hillary plunges the sword deeper in Trump. That's a good moment for her.

He really has no good answer for this. He's really screwed himself.
After 30 years of service what the fuck has she done?

right on. Trump could buy USA steel when she started sucking public money.
bitch has a tour bus, it goes around the country dumping shit, literally dumping literal shit, all over the place, but trump is a bad guy because he made a deal to purchase building materials. what a joke.
I'd give my left nut for Trump to mention Bill Clinton being friends with the guy that owns pedophile island.
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