Official Stats on Those Aweful Police Inciting Violence


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
Let's take a look at just what the police have suffered so far at the hands of these "peaceful communist protesters." You have to wonder how all this can happen as a result of a bunch of people who are so PEACEFUL!

The riots across the country over the last several days have resulted in millions of dollars in damage and more than 9,000 arrests. They have also led to the deaths of at least three law enforcement officers and injuries to more than 400 others. All of this has been justified and excused by the domestic anarchist-terrorists based on a single arrest of a criminal black man who died after being taken into custody by the Minneapolis Police May 25, 2020.

Incidents so far include:
  • Albany, NY – police officer hit by a brick on May 30; treated and released
  • Asbury Park, NJ – police officer hit by a rock on June 1; condition unknown
  • Atlanta, GA – police officer Maximilian Brewer struck by an ATV on May 30; recovering from surgery
  • Boston, MA – seven officers suffered unspecified injuries; conditions unknown
  • Brockton, MA – state trooper and multiple police officers hit by bottles and rocks on June 2; conditions unknown
  • Buffalo, NY – Buffalo officer and two state troopers struck by vehicles on June 1, one of those troopers run over and suffered serious injuries; conditions unknown
  • Champaign, IL – multiple officers suffered unspecified minor injuries on May 31
  • Columbia, SC – three Richland County Sheriff’s deputies and 12 Columbia officers suffered unspecified minor injuries on May 30
  • Chicago – 132 officers suffered unspecified injuries in multiple incidents over the weekend through Monday, June 1. One officer was seriously injured with broken bones on May 30.
  • Davenport, IA – undercover officer in unmarked vehicle shot in ambush on June 1; condition unknown
  • Denver, CO – three officers struck by a vehicle in a hit-and-run incident on May 30; two have been released from the hospital, condition of the third unknown
  • Harrisburg, PA – two Pennsylvania Capitol Police officers suffered unspecified minor injuries on May 30
  • Huntsville, AL – one officer suffered a minor injury to his head by a thrown object on June 3
  • Jacksonville, FL – a police officer’s neck was slashed by a rioter; condition unknown
  • Las Vegas, NV – Las Vegas Police officer Shay Mikalonis was shot in the head during a protest on June 1; currently on life support in critical condition. Twelve other officers injured on May 29; conditions unknown
  • Los Angeles, CA – 27 Los Angeles police officers injured in multiple incidents, one suffering a fractured skull
  • New York City, NY – at least 33 officers injured in multiple incidents; conditions unknown. One officer struck by a vehicle in intentional hit-and-run; hospitalized in stable condition. One officer stabbed in the neck and two others shot in ambush; conditions unknown
  • Oakdale, CA – two officers suffered unspecified minor injuries breaking up a fight between protesters and counterprotesters
  • Oak Lawn, IL – three officers suffered unspecified minor injuries on June 1
  • Oakland, CA – End of Watch May 29 – Federal law enforcement officer David Patrick Underwood was shot and killed in a drive-by ambush outside the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building where he and another officer were providing security. The other officer was also wounded and is in critical condition.
  • Philadelphia, PA – at least 13 officers suffered unspecified minor injuries in multiple incidents
  • Pittsburgh, PA – nine officers suffered unspecified minor injuries from thrown objects on June 1; treated and released
  • Prince William County, VA – four county officers hit by rocks and other objects in the overnight period of May 30-31; one hospitalized. Virginia State Police reported 10 troopers injured.
  • Providence, RI – eight to ten officers were hit by bricks on June 2; only minor injuries reported
  • Richmond, VA – two Capitol police officers hit by baseball bat and beer bottle on May 30; recovering. Two officers struck during exchange of gunfire with rioter
  • Sacramento, CA – seven officers sustained minor injuries when hit by objects on May 29
  • Salt Lake City, UT – 21 officers injured on May 30, including one hit in the head with a baseball bat; all treated and released
  • San Antonio, TX – three officers hit by thrown bricks and bottles; conditions unknown
  • San Jose, CA – multiple officers struck by rocks and bottles on May 29; one officer hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries
  • Santa Ana, CA – two officers hit in the head by flying objects, possibly fireworks, on May31; both hospitalized
  • St. Louis, MO – End of Watch June 2 – Retired police Captain David Dorn was killed by a gunshot fired by a looter, as he was checking on a store owned by a friend. Four other officers were shot on the same day when an unknown shooter took random shots at a police line; wounds were not considered life-threatening.
  • Washington, D.C. – approximately 50 agents and 11 police officers injured by bricks, bottles and Molotov cocktails on May 31. Most injuries minor, but one police officer will require surgery for broken leg.
  • Wichita, KS – three officers hit by rocks, bottles and cinder blocks; treated and released
Note: this list does not include officers who were assaulted without injury, including officers who were protected from harm by ballistic armor.

Now note: in all these cases, police are there to defend property, hold a perimeter or enforce peace. They do not initiate assault, all of these injuries were the result of aggression by "peaceful protesters."

Obviously the Leftists on this board in favor of the violence by their terrorist allies will not respond to your post. Why/ because you've written and posted the truth.....
They cannot argue it, they cannot deny it, so they will all ignore it and pretend it never happened like AG Barr's one-sided "interview."
Obviously the Leftists on this board in favor of the violence by their terrorist allies will not respond to your post. Why/ because you've written and posted the truth.....
They cannot argue it, they cannot deny it, so they will all ignore it and pretend it never happened like AG Barr's one-sided "interview."

Notice the crickets chirping....
Obviously the Leftists on this board in favor of the violence by their terrorist allies will not respond to your post. Why/ because you've written and posted the truth.....
They cannot argue it, they cannot deny it, so they will all ignore it and pretend it never happened like AG Barr's one-sided "interview."

Notice the crickets chirping....
I doesn't serve their "Blame Trump" agenda talking about how hundreds of cops are dead and injured from peaceful protestors. I understand three or four of them are also permanently blind now as well.


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