Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

This bullshit! There are SO many unanswered questions. We all know trump has a long shady ass history with Russia and I refuse to believe he didn’t collude. What is Manafort hiding?! If there’s no “there” there then why was he stonewalling and sending the signal to Manafort not to flip?!? Manafort has and IS the key!
You conveniently side stepped that which contradicted your bullshit cover in your Trump piss drinking rant that the Liar-in-Chief "...has been cleared of any wrongdoing." That is pure BULLSHIT out of a horse's ass!

As I already stated and which I cite and quote here and now from AG Barr's summary released today;
There is the truth of it and you were dead fucking wrong, Hotshot, though you'll find another dodge to avoid going anywhere near the topic honestly! Perhaps this time going to the Obama bin of deflections rather than the Hillary bin, ya fucking dancing coward!
Well, tell me what ya got? Just what is he not exonerated of, Skippy?
You conveniently side stepped that which contradicted your bullshit cover in your Trump piss drinking rant that the Liar-in-Chief "...has been cleared of any wrongdoing." That is pure BULLSHIT out of a horse's ass!

As I already stated and which I cite and quote here and now from AG Barr's summary released today;
There is the truth of it and you were dead fucking wrong, Hotshot, though you'll find another dodge to avoid going anywhere near the topic honestly! Perhaps this time going to the Obama bin of deflections rather than the Hillary bin, ya fucking dancing coward!
Well, tell me what ya got? Just what is he not exonerated of, Skippy?
Well, tell me what ya got? Just what is he not exonerated of, Skippy?
I got Barr's summary, Hotshot! The onus is on you to prove your false claim that;
Trump has been cleared of any wrongdoing.
The Special Counsel states that while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him. [emphasis added]
~~ ~~
Reconcile the two quotes directly above, Hotshot!
Barr citing Mueller puts the lie, the error in your claim! Your dodging again you corrupt, intellectually dishonest POS!
Stay tuned, Skippy, it's all going to come out.
Wow, you're good a name calling, must be one of those internet tough guys with the cool aluminum foil hats

So you're saying, five hundred posts later you still don't have a link.

Which leaves us still wondering what your purpose in starting this thread was.
Do ypu even read the threads you post in? There have been NUMEROUS links to the statement and the report from Mueller summarized by Barr.

Did you read the thread title?

As I did just before I got here?
No collusion. No obstruction. No inditements

I commend Mueller for his service.

I read the report and it exhonarated Trump on being tried for Collusion which is not a triable crime. Collusion is not even mentioned in any of the lawbooks.

Aas for the obstruction, that's still on the table and cannot be done by the Justice Department. That has to be done by Congress. Like it should have been, that was left up for grabs as well as many other things. But as long as Trump is President, the "Other Things" he is protected from prosecution from until after he leaves office. Get your partial lie a little straighter. Most aren't buying it.
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Is it finally over? No more RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA? I am sad, the leftists will have nothing to talk about, what will happen to their butthurt now?

Still multiple investigations ongoing into the Blob as is the Stone trial.

Stay tuned.
Well of course there is, darling....all from the butthurt left. Sheesh

Its the Benghazi standard.

I don’t think Stone’s upcoming trial is coming from the left, small one.
Stone, who? The thread is about Trump and conspiracy/collusion/obstruction/Russia/Mueller darlin, try and keep up.

Wow...are you being funny or are you that uniformed?
All is not lost yet, there is still time to discover true or false answers! no justice, no peace baby!

I got Barr's summary, Hotshot! The onus is on you to prove your false claim that;
Reconcile the two quotes directly above, Hotshot!
Barr citing Mueller puts the lie, the error in your claim! Your dodging again you corrupt, intellectually dishonest POS!
Stay tuned, Skippy, it's all going to come out.
Wow, you're good a name calling, must be one of those internet tough guys with the cool aluminum foil hats

So you're saying, five hundred posts later you still don't have a link.
So after 500 posts we shouldn't have even a discussion on it.
The man is innocent until he isn't, I gave what CNN had.

Where was that?

It said Rump was "in the clear" did it? That's what the title says on my screen.
You say tomato and I say banana

Actually I say "Link?" and you say ___________________
This bullshit! There are SO many unanswered questions. We all know trump has a long shady ass history with Russia and I refuse to believe he didn’t collude. What is Manafort hiding?! If there’s no “there” there then why was he stonewalling and sending the signal to Manafort not to flip?!? Manafort has and IS the key!

I had a tough time accepting the Patriots loss to the Giants in 2008 as well. So, I know how you feel. But, Trump didn't collude with the Russians and no one gives a crap about Comey. So, its time to move on.
All is not lost yet, there is still time to discover true or false answers! no justice, no peace baby!


And we're back to Troll-Boi waving his arms going HEY! LOOKA ME!!!

This is where I came in.
Since we still have not seen the Mueller report you are making an assertion that has no basis. There are other things pertaining to the piss poor performance of his job that's going to cost Trump.

As Don Meridith used to sing...TURN OUT THE LIGHTS, THE PARTIES OVER!

Published 3 hours ago
Last Update 51 mins ago
Mueller report summary released, showing no proof Trump team conspired with Russia
By Gregg Re | Fox News

Ty Cobb: Nobody can deny the thoroughness or professionalism of Mueller's investigation

Attorney General William Barr on Sunday released the "principal conclusions" of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's completed Russia probe in a bombshell four-page letter to Capitol Hill lawmakers, which stated definitively that Mueller did not establish evidence that President Trump's team or any associates of the Trump campaign had conspired with Russia to sway the 2016 election -- "despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign."

For Trump, who has tweeted more than 230 times that he did not collude with Russians amid a torrent of allegations from media and political figures, the moment amounted to a near-total vindication. Although Mueller noted that his report did not "exonerate" Trump on obstruction, Barr wrote, the "report does not recommend any further indictments, nor did the Special Counsel obtain any sealed indictments that have yet to be made public."

"No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION," Trump wrote on Twitter Sunday afternoon. "KEEP AMERICA GREAT!"
...You voted for a proven criminal. End of story.
Yep. And that criminality had not yet been proven at the time that I voted for her.

I regret voting for her. I have said ever-since then that I felt like I needed a shower leaving the voting booth.

Your boy, unfortunately, is better at covering his tracks, but the Southern District for New York, and Congress, are just getting warmed up.

Coming soon to a theater near you... Emoluments Clause, Campaign Finance, Inauguration, Influence Peddling, and a cast of thousands.

The difference between you and I is that I regret voting for Shrillary due to her failings, but you are incapable of the same, over Trump.

Your boy is slime... unfit for high office... so enjoy your weekend of No Conclusive Findings over collusion... the 'quiet' will not last long.
No, it's not. I read the little report and it doesn't exonerate him on many things. The only thing it does exonerate him on is Collusion with the Russians. And that is not a crime since their is no mention of collusion in the law books. Now, about the other things. It's not up to the Justice Department to indite trump on anything that isn't an extremely serious felonious crime. it's up for Congress to do this. They are the Judge and Jury for a sitting President. Since we have no idea what is in the real report, even commenting on it is just plain silly at this tiime.
... and still no Russian connection

There’s connections. Just not conspiracy.
Na, not really
The only connections are the Clintons

And you know this how? Did your toaster tell you this in confidence? Where is YOUR certificate of Sanity? I got mine.
This guy told me...

You should be aware you are in serious need of some of the help I received, don't you? What weird, he used to visit me and giive advice in thhe past as well.

I am out of here for now, This doubble and tripplee key stroke crap is more than a little annoying. Not a way too run a railroad.
All is not lost yet, there is still time to discover true or false answers! no justice, no peace baby!


And we're back to Troll-Boi waving his arms going HEY! LOOKA ME!!!

This is where I came in.
in my defense, i have big arms that deserve everyone's attention!
I live in Kansas and Republican policies have ruined this state. Was Arnold a democrat?

Well of course democrats control all the big cities. Educated people flock to big cities. Thats why democrats control big cities, and republicans control trailerparkville.
oh yeah, it was all a bed of pretty smelling roses when President Clinton had to endure Kenneth Starr for four plus years.... :rolleyes:
Unlike President Trump, Bill Clinton was actually guilty. :eusa_doh:

The thing here is, that Trump is under multiple investigations.

This application of a double standard shows republican dishonesty. The evaluation of this report is from a man who wrote a 19 page opinion showing his bias against the Mueller investigation. If Comey was crooked, so is Barr.
Mueller said no further indictments. That's all you need to know.
Yes, he needs to pretend. :rolleyes:

The guy that even Donald Trump's lawyer said was an honorable, stand up man and 'American Hero. " ;)

He also said he doesn't think it is a witch hunt...

"Robert Mueller is an “American hero” who is deliberative and justice-oriented, said Ty Cobb, a former White House lawyer who previously represented President Donald Trump on the special counsel’s probe into Russian election meddling.

Cobb said he doesn’t see Mueller’s investigation as a “witch hunt,” disputing a claim his former boss has repeatedly lodged.

“I don’t feel the same way about Mueller,” Cobb said in an interview for the latest episode of ABC News’s podcast “The Investigation.” “I don’t feel the investigation is a witch hunt.”"

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

I guess you'd know better right? Sitting at home in Wisconsin making lunatic GoFund Me accounts to try and remove politicians from office... :abgg2q.jpg:
There's a reason Cobb is Trump's former lawyer. Mueller is a piece of shit, as are all those who defend him.

Yes there is a reason why Cobb is Trump's former lawyer. He was irritated that he was trying to defend a man that can't tell the truth, and he didn't want to go down with the sinking ship.
He was in the Mueller camp, which means he refused to properly defend his client.

Link for proof? So what's your excuse for Don McGhan to quit?
He refused to prosecute Hillary. He's a deep state douche just like Comey and Mueller. The reality is he's a coward who didn't want to be the focus of Dim hatred.

Why do you post as facts, issues which you have no evidence to prove or even know?
Stay tuned, Skippy, it's all going to come out.
Wow, you're good a name calling, must be one of those internet tough guys with the cool aluminum foil hats

So you're saying, five hundred posts later you still don't have a link.
So after 500 posts we shouldn't have even a discussion on it.
The man is innocent until he isn't, I gave what CNN had.

Where was that?

It said Rump was "in the clear" did it? That's what the title says on my screen.
You say tomato and I say banana

Actually I say "Link?" and you say ___________________

oh yeah, it was all a bed of pretty smelling roses when President Clinton had to endure Kenneth Starr for four plus years.... :rolleyes:
Unlike President Trump, Bill Clinton was actually guilty. :eusa_doh:

The thing here is, that Trump is under multiple investigations.

This application of a double standard shows republican dishonesty. The evaluation of this report is from a man who wrote a 19 page opinion showing his bias against the Mueller investigation. If Comey was crooked, so is Barr.
Mueller said no further indictments. That's all you need to know.

No it's not.

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