Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

"Historians will be puzzling over this colossal exercise in mass delusion and conspiratorial fantasy for decades (centuries?) to come. It’s that epically bad

Can we finally get to the real foreign influence in our elections? mandated illegal alien anchor baby citizens, mandated counting in the Census, and motor-voter allowing so many of them to register to vote?"
"The special counsel’s nearly two-year-long probe concluded without finding adequate evidence to show that officials with Trump’s 2016 campaign aided Russian attempts to interfere with the election" - Politico

OMG...politico is STILL doing it. “Without finding adequate evidence”?! It was a TOTAL VINDICATION and they cannot admit this.

Breaking: Trump won the 2016 election
"This is not only a win for President Trump, his supporters, and republicans. But a win for the people of America, we are the best, most powerful and influential society in the world. The people don’t need Putin to make their decisions. Let’s hope the left can look at this as a positive thing and finally begin to work with the right." - Ted Cruz

Coming from the guy who shut the government down, and kisses the ass of the guy that trashed his wife and his father.

What a pussy. From the right.

Been watching CNN & MSNBC for the past 2 hours and it's a replay of the 2016 election night. Tears as big as hoss turds rolling down the cheeks of the anchors and "expert" panels consisting of washed up lawyers and educators with their gravy stained ties and in need of haircuts. Those "experts" who exist on the handouts from the fake news that keeps them just above the poverty level. Trying to topple a billionaire/MAGA President.
"Hey liberals! Hot tip for you: You want to go after Trump? Point out he hasn’t kept any of his promises.

The only surprise about this report is that liberals seem to have seriously believed there was Russian collusion. Not just for ratings." - Coulter
Why do you object to the vindication of a man your party falsely accused?

The democratic party did not do that. Trump was investigated based on information from multiple intelligence agencies. It has been said that most Trump supporters are not very well educated. Your comments validate this claim. Now as we move on, we can now pay more attention to the incompetence of this president and his administration as well as his miserable failure of policy.
All the information came from one source: The Steele dossier. Stock and company sourced it out to different agencies and the claimed the information was from each of these agencies when the ultimate source was the Steele dossier. It's a colossal con.

No it isn't.

It is bullshit. Just like pizzagate, the Rich murder and a bunch of other crap you idiots believe.
You're the idiot, and this article proves it:

You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” - Lyin' Adam Schiff 2018

“Here you have a president who I can tell you and guarantee you is in collusion with the Russians to undermine our democracy,” - Crazy Maxine Waters 2018
"I never thought I’d see the day where Democrats are visibly upset that the President of The United States DIDN’T collude with the Russians." - Don Jr
Link for proof? So what's your excuse for Don McGhan to quit?

He refused to prosecute Hillary. He's a deep state douche just like Comey and Mueller. The reality is he's a coward who didn't want to be the focus of Dim hatred.

He didn't try to convict Hillary because he didn't see Mens Rea.

Mens Rea wasn't required for someone to be guilty, douchebag.

Mens rea: "an evil intent, a guilty mind"
Ballentine's Law Dictionary, pg. 791

Your poor education and lack of knowledge on the issue of law is so apparent I thought you need edification, thus:

Note: This link is from the Federalist Society.

REad the statute, moron. Mens Rea isn't required. Only gross negligence. If Hillary intended to break the law, then it wouldn't be negligence. However, we all know she did intend to break the law. She is supposed to know that what she did was illegal.

What statute, post it. Read the link I posted, and then STFU.
You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence,” - Lyin' Adam Schiff 2018

“Here you have a president who I can tell you and guarantee you is in collusion with the Russians to undermine our democracy,” - Crazy Maxine Waters 2018

Next they will be saying Trump went to dinner at Putin's house in Russia.
Michael Cohen. Russian Felix Sater talk about getting Trump elected, and involving Putin


You see those squiggly things after the word "sent"? That's called a date. Trump hadn't even participated in a primary yet.

Also, the email is from Sater to Cohen. What does that prove? Cohen was doing work for Trump. Big surprise!
This expected glitch in 45's favor is not over by a long shot and to think your darling Russian puppet and criminal against humanity 45 is off the hook, then it you Trumpeters are indeed doing a victory lap with blinders on. In addition to the SDNY state investigation against your chief that cannot be pardoned, which is as high profile as this bogus investigation in 45's favor, the DOJ does not have the upper hand at what Congress knows and hopefully will let it be known completely for the publican to decide. This is considering it appears the public was barred from getting a complete disclosure of this so-called report the taxpayer paid for. It is really not smart to go running off with skewed facts just because 45's conies down at the DOJ says its legitimate: Schiff: Despite no more Mueller indictments, there is 'significant evidence' of collusion" Schiff: Despite no more Mueller indictments, there is 'significant evidence' of collusion
I hereby declare today to be known, from this point forward, as national Own The Libs Day. And so it shall be.

Current mood.

oh yeah, it was all a bed of pretty smelling roses when President Clinton had to endure Kenneth Starr for four plus years.... :rolleyes:
Unlike President Trump, Bill Clinton was actually guilty. :eusa_doh:
The thing here is, that Trump is under multiple investigations.
Actually, the thing here is the astounding stupidity of the left. An exhaustive Mueller investigation has wholly exonerated President Trump of the false “Russian Collusion” charges. Why the fuck would he attempt to interfere with an investigation that he knew would exonerate him since he never engaged in “collusion”? :eusa_doh:

It’s remarkable how the functionality of the brain is so severely disrupted by Trump Derangement Syndrome.
"its time to move on" - Rep Jim Jordan

A prosecution should follow for the democrats, not just move on. Vengeance you say? No, accountability.
What statute, post it. Read the link I posted, and then STFU.
I love how leftists continue to latch on to the fact that Hitlery is “innocent” because she had no “intent” to commit a crime.

A. That is completely and totally irrelevant

B. You can’t accidentally commission a private email server

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