Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

"Mueller did not find sufficient evidence to establish conspiracy, notwithstanding Russian offers to help Trump’s campaign, their acceptance, and a litany of concealed interactions with Russia. I trust Mueller’s prosecutorial judgement, but the country must see the evidence" - Adam Shitt
"This is not only a win for President Trump, his supporters, and republicans. But a win for the people of America, we are the best, most powerful and influential society in the world. The people don’t need Putin to make their decisions. Let’s hope the left can look at this as a positive thing and finally begin to work with the right." - Ted Cruz

Coming from the guy who shut the government down, and kisses the ass of the guy that trashed his wife and his father.

What a pussy. From the right.
wah. he doesnt feel like i do so hes wrong. wah.

sounds like a liberal.
It's always been about getting Donald Trump removed from office, not through the ballot box where the american people get to make the decisions, but through power, through impeachment, through the 25th amendment, and that itself is a terrible threat
Media conspiracy theorists for the past two years: “COLLUSION IS EVERYTHING!”

Same media conspiracy theorists today: “It doesn’t matter if there was no collusion.”

Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday

So I gots a question.

--- Who the fuck died and appointed YOU the "official" USMB arbiter handing out orders?

"Putin's mafia structure is designed to give "Russia" deniability. Like using mercenaries instead of conscripts. How broadly was Mueller allowed to construe someone like Deripaska serving "Russia"?

Putin speak openly about "Russian patriots" hacking other countries, or "pro-Russian militants" invading Ukraine. This feeble deniability works because the free world stupidly accepts it too often." - Wacky Gary Kasparov
Media conspiracy theorists for the past two years: “COLLUSION IS EVERYTHING!”

Same media conspiracy theorists today: “It doesn’t matter if there was no collusion.”

Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday

So I gots a question.

--- Who the fuck died and appointed YOU the "official" USMB arbiter handing out orders?

i did not make the thread title, one of the mods did. you really need to get a life
Trump should pardon General Flynn this week
And he should throw in the words “fully exonerated” just to melt lib brains
On the basis of being a member of human society who cares about others and the earth. I doubt that you can understand that though

You have no authority at all over others no matter what you tell yourself. So since you see yourself as a superior human being how do you think you'll get us all to do what you think we should?
The same way leftists throughout history have threat of death by government violence.

You either comply, or you die. That's their preferred solution. They can't offer facts, logic, and reason to get people to go along with their agenda -- because there are no facts, logic, and reason that support it.

So they'll simply put your body in a mass grave.

This is why leftists simply can't be trusted with power. They're big fans of state murder.
So in your world, there are no facts and there is no logic and reason behind our wanting to protect the environment and promote human rights?? Really? Very sad as your orange ogre would say
You want to kill people who disagree with you. This is undeniable; too many leftists have said that's exactly what they want. And history is deep with the blood of those who disagreed with leftists.

And you lack the wit...the reason...the basic see what's wrong with that.

I wouldn't trust you with a Little League bake sale, much less political power.
No fool I don't want to kill anyone. The fact that you seem to believe that tells me all that I need to know about the state of your mental health
Yeah, that's credible.
I see you haven't yet come to terms with the impossibility of a Trump perp-walk.

Meanwhile, it's inescapable that the Obama Admin perverted justice for political reasons.

But you just keep excusing it, exactly as programmed.
I see you haven't yet come to terms with the impossibility of a Trump perp-walk.
Are you sufficiently indoctrinated to believe in Trump's integrity?

501 Days of Trump & Co. Stealing America Blind

"More than at any time in history, the president of the United States is actively using the power and prestige of his office to line his own pockets: landing loans for his businesses, steering wealthy buyers to his condos, securing cheap foreign labor for his resorts, preserving federal subsidies for his housing projects, easing regulations on his golf courses, licensing his name to overseas projects, even peddling coffee mugs and shot glasses bearing the presidential seal.

"For Trump, whose business revolves around the marketability of his name, there has proved to be no public policy too big, and no private opportunity too crass, to exploit for personal profit."
Yet you're silent when Democrats do the same thing.

Face it, George. ORANGE MAN BAD.

That's all you've got. That's all you are. That's all you're capable of.
et you're silent when Democrats do the same thing.

Face it, George. ORANGE MAN BAD.

That's all you've got. That's all you are. That's all you're capable of.
Face this.
I wasn't ignorant enough to vote for either Clinton or Trump.
Were you?

Opinion | The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit

"Similarly, Mr. Giuliani’s longtime friend James Kallstrom, a former head of the New York F.B.I. office, was channeling on TV what he said was the F.B.I.’s anti-Clinton preference.

"Mr. Kallstrom, who founded a nonprofit that received more than $1.3 million in donations from Mr. Trump, told Megyn Kelly, 'The agents are furious.'

"In one radio interview, Mr. Kallstrom even called the Clintons a 'crime family' akin to the New York Mafia: 'It’s like organized crime,' he said, and “the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool.'

"In those final days, F.B.I. leaders appeared to be caught in a whirlwind of anti-Clinton rumors and speculation. In his report, Mr. Horowitz acknowledges the role that the threat of leaks played in the F.B.I. leadership’s decision to make the news about Mr. Weiner’s laptop public.

"Numerous agents and officials confirmed it: Mr. Strzok and Lisa Page, an F.B.I. lawyer at the time; James Rybicki, then the F.B.I. chief of staff; James Baker, then the F.B.I. general counsel; and Sally Yates, then deputy attorney general.

"The discussion was somebody in New York will leak this,' Mr. Baker said. 'If we don’t put something out, somebody will leak it.'"

It'$ the $ame crime family.
Lemme were a Bern Victim, weren't you?

He sold you out.
Lemme were a Bern Victim, weren't you?

He sold you out.
The DNC sold Bernie out.
Oh, gosh, yet another liberal who wants Israel destroyed.

Man, you guys sure do hate Jews.
He refused to prosecute Hillary. He's a deep state douche just like Comey and Mueller. The reality is he's a coward who didn't want to be the focus of Dim hatred.

He didn't try to convict Hillary because he didn't see Mens Rea.

Mens Rea wasn't required for someone to be guilty, douchebag.

Mens rea: "an evil intent, a guilty mind"
Ballentine's Law Dictionary, pg. 791

Your poor education and lack of knowledge on the issue of law is so apparent I thought you need edification, thus:

Note: This link is from the Federalist Society.

REad the statute, moron. Mens Rea isn't required. Only gross negligence. If Hillary intended to break the law, then it wouldn't be negligence. However, we all know she did intend to break the law. She is supposed to know that what she did was illegal.

What statute, post it. Read the link I posted, and then STFU.


Well, tell me what ya got? Just what is he not exonerated of, Skippy?
Well, tell me what ya got? Just what is he not exonerated of, Skippy?
Well, tell me what ya got? Just what is he not exonerated of, Skippy?
I got Barr's summary, Hotshot! The onus is on you to prove your false claim that;
Trump has been cleared of any wrongdoing.
The Special Counsel states that while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him. [emphasis added]
~~ ~~
Reconcile the two quotes directly above, Hotshot!
Barr citing Mueller puts the lie, the error in your claim! Your dodging again you corrupt, intellectually dishonest POS!
Stay tuned, Skippy, it's all going to come out.
Wow, you're good a name calling, must be one of those internet tough guys with the cool aluminum foil hats

So you're saying, five hundred posts later you still don't have a link.

Which leaves us still wondering what your purpose in starting this thread was.
Do ypu even read the threads you post in? There have been NUMEROUS links to the statement and the report from Mueller summarized by Barr.

Did you read the thread title?

As I did just before I got here?
Mueller left it up to the Attorney General to decide if there was obstruction as he clearly did NOT have a real case to claim there was. The Attorney General and the Assistant Attorney General ruled no obstruction occurred.As is their JOB. But I got a question for you..... If there was NO COLLUSION as Mueller STATED there was none, then EXACTLY WHY would Trump Obstruct Justice since that was what he was supposed to be doing it for? Further it is a FACT of Government, the Constitution and LAW that the President can fire the Head of the FBI ANYTIME he wants for ANY REASON or even for NO REASON. Further Trump was ADVICED by the Assistant Attorney General TO FIRE HIM.
"Thinking of all the #Trump2016 team members who haven’t had it easy over the past two years - as the Dems, joined by many in the Main Stream Media, tried to destroy the lives of anyone associated with" - Dastardly Dan Scavino, Trump's social media director

'Don’t forget us Trump supporters who eat sleep and breathe defending his honor, taking hits, getting suspended & fighting to the death for him & you guys" - Michael Flynn's son
Why do you object to the vindication of a man your party falsely accused?

The democratic party did not do that. Trump was investigated based on information from multiple intelligence agencies. It has been said that most Trump supporters are not very well educated. Your comments validate this claim. Now as we move on, we can now pay more attention to the incompetence of this president and his administration as well as his miserable failure of policy.
All the information came from one source: The Steele dossier. Stock and company sourced it out to different agencies and the claimed the information was from each of these agencies when the ultimate source was the Steele dossier. It's a colossal con.

No it isn't.

It is bullshit. Just like pizzagate, the Rich murder and a bunch of other crap you idiots believe.


He got impeached for lying under oath. If he told the truth about, nothing would've happened.
Why was he being asked about a consensual relationship in an investigation of a 1978 land deal?

For that matter:

Why was there a Special Counsel in the 1990s investigating a land deal from 1978?

What does manfort money laundering have to do with anything, I thought that was the IRS job?

No it’s election fraud. It’s conspiracy with the Russians to aid them in helping Trump win election.
You're had two years to prove that claim. The people who have seen all the evidence say it didn't happen. People who blindly believe CNN and MSDNC say it did.

Meanwhile, there is proof Democrats conspired with the media and with foreign entities to sway the election.

The left's refusal to accept that reality does not alter that reality.
Hi Dave. :lol:
Hey, Synth, how's it going?

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