Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Trump said his campaign never had any contact with the Russians,

Barr said that Mueller found that campaign had turned down many Russia offers to help.

How did they turn it down if there were no contact?
Turning down "many" offers is not turning down "all" efforts and why weren't these offers reported to the FBI?

Why? Those offers are not illegal in the first place! There is no law against "collusion" which didn't even take place.

Why would you report something to the FBI that is not illegal? Do you call the cops when your neighbor left his front porch light on all night?
Foreign aid is illegal in a campaign. Trump accepting them would be illegal.
Yes it is. You have no need to know Mueller's speculations and opinions or facts that aren't relevant to his mission.
Well, tough shit, because congress is going to see to it that we do....
They have no power to publish the report.

Yes they do.
The report is classified. They can go to prison if they publish it.

I don't think it is classified. Furthermore documents can and have been declassified. Besides if the president is innocent why hide behind a classified claim?

It's classified.

He won the popular vote in 49 states its a facts
Nope. But you probably believe that because you are a cultist.

If you add the popular vote of the other 49 states (and DC too, BTW), and do not include California, Trump had more popular votes. FACT!
Yeah....another one who ignores the millions of people who live in California. I bet y'all would love to disenfranchise us.

Tho, the cool thing is, a lot of us are moving and bringing our blue votes to other states now.
You are moving because democrat policies destroyed California lol

I live in Kansas and Republican policies have ruined this state. Was Arnold a democrat?
What policies ??
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics
Also take your maga clown hat off for a moment and read this latest from the DOJ, and I hope you unAmerican Russian/tRump puppets pour a river of sweat and anxiety attacks: Investigations will continue despite submission of the Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Of course they will. The democrap Party is as un American as you can get. They are globalists, and a strong America weakens their positions. That's why they will continue to fling poo until the election hoping that some will stick and prevent a trump reelection.

This is all about politics. Nothing more.
He got impeached for lying under oath. If he told the truth about, nothing would've happened.
Why was he being asked about a consensual relationship in an investigation of a 1978 land deal?

For that matter:

Why was there a Special Counsel in the 1990s investigating a land deal from 1978?

What does manfort money laundering have to do with anything, I thought that was the IRS job?

No it’s election fraud. It’s conspiracy with the Russians to aid them in helping Trump win election.
You're had two years to prove that claim. The people who have seen all the evidence say it didn't happen. People who blindly believe CNN and MSDNC say it did.

Meanwhile, there is proof Democrats conspired with the media and with foreign entities to sway the election.

The left's refusal to accept that reality does not alter that reality.
I think it’s already proven. Manafort, as campaign manager,delivered internal polling to a Russian with known close ties to the FSB.
"No new indictments."
He got impeached for lying under oath. If he told the truth about, nothing would've happened.
Why was he being asked about a consensual relationship in an investigation of a 1978 land deal?

For that matter:

Why was there a Special Counsel in the 1990s investigating a land deal from 1978?

What does manfort money laundering have to do with anything, I thought that was the IRS job?

No it’s election fraud. It’s conspiracy with the Russians to aid them in helping Trump win election.
You're had two years to prove that claim. The people who have seen all the evidence say it didn't happen. People who blindly believe CNN and MSDNC say it did.

Meanwhile, there is proof Democrats conspired with the media and with foreign entities to sway the election.

The left's refusal to accept that reality does not alter that reality.
The obstruction of justice is self-evident, from his comments to the kremlin officials in the Oval Office to his statement to Lester Holt.
"No new indictments."
No I understand exactly what I'm saying and what I stand for. Yes I do reserve the right to tell others what they can do when it comes down to their behavior that impacts the environment, the choices of others and quality of life of all of us. YOU want to tell others what they can do in matters of personal choice and privacy that people make -choices that are none of your fucking business and have no effect on you.

Your comment on marriage and civil unions is extremely ignorant and insensitive and ample evidence that you have no business claiming the high ground on the subject of who is telling others what they can do. I would comment further on that but it would be off topic for this thread
On what basis do you believe you have authority to dictate to others?

On the basis of being a member of human society who cares about others and the earth. I doubt that you can understand that though

You have no authority at all over others no matter what you tell yourself. So since you see yourself as a superior human being how do you think you'll get us all to do what you think we should?
The same way leftists throughout history have threat of death by government violence.

You either comply, or you die. That's their preferred solution. They can't offer facts, logic, and reason to get people to go along with their agenda -- because there are no facts, logic, and reason that support it.

So they'll simply put your body in a mass grave.

This is why leftists simply can't be trusted with power. They're big fans of state murder.
I see you’re still big on buzzwords!
Do you need help with them? I try to write as simply as I can.
I live in Kansas and Republican policies have ruined this state. Was Arnold a democrat?

Well of course democrats control all the big cities. Educated people flock to big cities. Thats why democrats control big cities, and republicans control trailerparkville.
You want to know why Trump won?

Because of people like you.

Good job!
Yes it is. You have no need to know Mueller's speculations and opinions or facts that aren't relevant to his mission.
Well, tough shit, because congress is going to see to it that we do....
They have no power to publish the report.

Yes they do.
The report is classified. They can go to prison if they publish it.

I don't think it is classified. Furthermore documents can and have been declassified. Besides if the president is innocent why hide behind a classified claim?
Who's hiding?

Trump Says ‘Let People See’ Mueller’s Report When It’s Released

President Donald Trump indicated he wants Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report made public after it’s submitted to Attorney General William Barr.

“Let it come out,” Trump told reporters at the White House as he departed Wednesday for a fundraiser and public remarks in Ohio. “Let people see it. It’s up to the attorney general.”

The president also said: “I want to see the report.”
Trump should pardon General Flynn this week
And he should throw in the words “fully exonerated” just to melt lib brains
Who will pardon your Russian puppet and criminal against humanity so-called president 45 from those anticipated SDNY state charges that are so mountainous against this 45 tyrant, in itself, should be enough to cause a avalanche of consequences. Yet keep riding the tRumpMobil that appears to have a destination sign of "Hell" on its front end.
Trump should pardon General Flynn this week
And he should throw in the words “fully exonerated” just to melt lib brains
Who will pardon your Russian puppet and criminal against humanity so-called president 45 from those anticipated SDNY state charges that are so mountainous against this 45 tyrant, in itself, should be enough to cause a avalanche of consequences. Yet keep riding the tRumpMobil that appears to have a destination sign of "Hell" on its from end.
bless your heart.
In case anyone here is keeping score, Trump wins yet again and the lefttards lose yet again. This is a very one sided game indeed. Can it be that Trump alone is smarter than all of the dumb democommies combined? From the looks of their most recent recruits like AOC, apparently so.
Are you sure about that Dude. Only in the minds of idiots and the delusional did he win. It is far from over. He has not been exonerated. If there was a winner today, it's the American people and all those who want to restore decency and sanity to government .

You might want to read some of this Live updates: Mueller report summary is out - CNNPolitics

The American people will be winners because, now, this mess is sure to drag on to the election, disrupt and cast a cloud over the campaign and likely result in the Orange Blob's fat ass being kicked out of office along with the piece of shit known as Pence.

Wrong on EVERY count. As usual for the regressive pervert. It's OVER. You LOST. No arrest, no indictment, no removal from office. Trump wins and you lose. Right now Trump is rolling to re-election. No amount of your crying changes that. The only cloud will be over the socialist moron you idiots put up for a beating in 2020. Enjoy 6 more years of Trump you dictator wanna be.
You are, apparently as detached from reality as the Orange Blob. It ain't over Bubba. I am not crying, I am rejoicing This will dog him into the election and we will be rid of him and the shit bag Pence as well.

Everyone should have a dream. You're delusional and crying because NO evidence of collusion, NO evidence of obstruction of justice. IT IS OVER. We'll be sure to rub your face in it when Trump wins re-election. Guess what moron. Americans are disgusted with the lying people on YOUR side. Enoy the upcoming IG report which will set off investigations into the Dems illegal acts. Enoy 6 more years of Trump whiner.
NO exoneration. The investigation are continuing -moron

NO exoneration. The investigation are continuing -moron

Speaking of making no sense......
Media conspiracy theorists for the past two years: “COLLUSION IS EVERYTHING!”

Same media conspiracy theorists today: “It doesn’t matter if there was no collusion.”

Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday

So I gots a question.

--- Who the fuck died and appointed YOU the "official" USMB arbiter handing out orders?

i did not make the thread title, one of the mods did. you really need to get a life

It's got YOUR name on it, liar. Mods don't create threads and dump your name on them.
Barr must now charge mueller with high treason


He was given free reign to go after any potential crime

Since he did only crimes connected to trump ... That proves he was part of the coup against the American voter

If Barr does not charge mueller with high treason. Trump must fire him and replace with a real AG

This is high treason by the whole deep state !!

The men now knows this and will use their real power to force these high treason criminals to justice !!
Barr must now charge mueller with high treason


He was given free reign to go after any potential crime

Since he did only crimes connected to trump ... That proves he was part of the coup against the American voter

If Barr does not charge mueller with high treason. Trump must fire him and replace with a real AG

This is high treason by the whole deep state !!

The men now knows this and will use their real power to force these high treason criminals to justice !!

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