Official thread to state the crime(s) Rod Rosenstein committed

List of Crimes Rosenstein Could Be Charged With Based On the Evidence Of His Crimes:

18 U.S. Code § 371:

Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

18 US Code Chapter 115:

18 U.S. Code § 2384:
Seditious Conspiracy

18 U.S. Code § 2385:
Advocating the Overthrow Of the US Government

18 U.S. Code § 1621:

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act:
DOJ/NSA/CIA/FBI knowingly collaborated / colluded with a known foreign spy who held a personal hatred for the President, one who was working with the Russians and who delivered a Russian-authored propaganda-filled unsubstantiated document, for which he and the Russians were paid by Hillary Clinton. They knowingly and intentionally illegally used this information they knew to be false to commit crimes involving defrauding / conning the FISA Court and Congress. This foreign spy was even working for the FBI.

18 U.S. Code § 1001:
Fraud and false Statements:

18 U.S.C. § 1519:
Obstruction: Refused Non-Compliance With Congressional Subpoenas

And if Congress so chose to do, they could add H. Rept. 105-792: Contempt Of congress.

I am quite sure the law enforcement agencies and lawyers could add quite a bit to these....
List of Crimes Rosenstein Could Be Charged With Based On the Evidence Of His Crimes:

18 U.S. Code § 371:

Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

18 US Code Chapter 115:

18 U.S. Code § 2384:
Seditious Conspiracy

18 U.S. Code § 2385:
Advocating the Overthrow Of the US Government

18 U.S. Code § 1621:

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act:
DOJ/NSA/CIA/FBI knowingly collaborated / colluded with a known foreign spy who held a personal hatred for the President, one who was working with the Russians and who delivered a Russian-authored propaganda-filled unsubstantiated document, for which he and the Russians were paid by Hillary Clinton. They knowingly and intentionally illegally used this information they knew to be false to commit crimes involving defrauding / conning the FISA Court and Congress. This foreign spy was even working for the FBI.

18 U.S. Code § 1001:
Fraud and false Statements:

18 U.S.C. § 1519:
Obstruction: Refused Non-Compliance With Congressional Subpoenas

And if Congress so chose to do, they could add H. Rept. 105-792: Contempt Of congress.

I am quite sure the law enforcement agencies and lawyers could add quite a bit to these....
What is the sedition that Rosenstein committed?
I got you where I wanted you, Oddball.
Now you have to explain how Rosenstein committed treason. Which foreign power at war with the USA did he help?
I named the criminal acts....You just refuse to accept the truth because you are a fucking hack....You may now go fuck yourself.
Do you even know the definition of treason?
"It's a disconcerting experience to try to have a conversation with Trump, because he talks all the time. he asks questions, but then he starts talking and never shuts up...his thoughts are frenetic...everything he says he rephrases 2 or 3 times as if he's stuck in some holding pattern waiting for an impulse to arrive that kicks off the next thing he says... it was a bizarre encounter " - Rosenstein
I got you where I wanted you, Oddball.
Now you have to explain how Rosenstein committed treason. Which foreign power at war with the USA did he help?
I named the criminal acts....You just refuse to accept the truth because you are a fucking hack....You may now go fuck yourself.
Do you even know the definition of treason?
Where did I say treason?...Oh, that's right, I didn't.

He committed a fraud on the courts, which led up to all the diversionary RUSSIA! shit....Then he and his co-conspiratrors (also a crime) acted outside their jurisdiction (i.e. under color of law) to try and gin up a phony 25th Amendment case.

If 1/10th of this shit had been tried against your dear deified Oboingo, you'd still be cleaning the shit out of your pants.
I got you where I wanted you, Oddball.
Now you have to explain how Rosenstein committed treason. Which foreign power at war with the USA did he help?
I named the criminal acts....You just refuse to accept the truth because you are a fucking hack....You may now go fuck yourself.
No you did not. Besides the fake FISA crime that has nothing to do with the 25th amendment, You didn’t state any crime. This guy allegedly try to topple the president of the United States. You better give me something.
Oddball is living up to his nic here
No you did not. Besides the fake FISA crime that has nothing to do with the 25th amendment,

Evidence shows Obama and members of his Cabinet - Directors and members of the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI - did collude and collaborate to attempt to perpetrate treason / sedition and carry out a coup against the President of the United States.

Former disgraced/fired FBI Agent Strzok exposed much of the evidence that this group was referred to, at least by Strzok, as the 'Secret Society' that met to discuss their treason.
-- Evidence of this 'Secret Society' meeting is exposed in McCabe's Interview in which he states meetings were held in which the conspirators discussed using the 25th Amendment to overthrow the President.

DOJ Member Ohr exposed part of the Conspiracy by testifying:
- The foreign agent working with the Russians was working for the FBI and hated Trump
- The dossier was debunked and that he told the DOJ/NSA/CIA/FBI...& they still illegally used it
- Mueller was already 'onboard', working w/the DOJ, FBI, & the foreign spy before the investigation had been opened and before he had been appointed.

Evidence Shows that their plan to affect the coup included several strategies:
- Illegal use of the Russian-Hillary Dossier
- False accusation of Obstruction
- The 25th Amendment plot to declare the President unfit.

'Obstruction' fell through.

The 25th Amendment was discussed and rejected because it would look exactly like what it was - Treason...and they knew they still had their 'Insurance Policy': MUELLER

The DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI all knowingly criminally used the debunked dossier to defraud / lie to / con the FISA court into giving them warrants to spy against the President and his team and defraud / lie to Congress to get them to open an investigation of a NON-EXISTENT CRIME and to appoint their waiting co-conspirator, Robert Mueller.
And the FISA claim has been debunked as soon as it was made. The Dossier was NOT the only...or even the main evidence presented TO him
I got you where I wanted you, Oddball.
Now you have to explain how Rosenstein committed treason. Which foreign power at war with the USA did he help?
I named the criminal acts....You just refuse to accept the truth because you are a fucking hack....You may now go fuck yourself.
Do you even know the definition of treason?
Where did I say treason?...Oh, that's right, I didn't.

He committed a fraud on the courts, which led up to all the diversionary RUSSIA! shit....Then he and his co-conspiratrors (also a crime) acted outside their jurisdiction (i.e. under color of law) to try and gin up a phony 25th Amendment case.

If 1/10th of this shit had been tried against your dear deified Oboingo, you'd still be cleaning the shit out of your pants.
Why not say TREASON?

"The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government."

18 U.S. Code § 2381 -- TREASON:
"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

In 2014 evidence shows Russia began perpetrating ACTS OF WAR against the United States by attempting to hack the servers / e-mail accounts of high-ranking US government officials and politicians (and did, according to the US IG), attempting to hack the US Power Grid, by successfully conducting a Counter-Intelligence operation against the US through Social Media (successfully getting liberal snowflakes to organize and march for them in events / riots), and by successfully getting willing (treason) Liberal Hate / Violence Groups (Antifa, Black Lives Matter, & The Black Fist) to take cash to spread racial hatred and violence in the US.

For 2 years, despite knowing about what the Russians were doing, Barry did nothing about it - let it happen.

During the election Hillary / the Democrats were colluding / collaborating with foreign spies and Russians - during their on-going 'acts of war' against the US....

And for the last 2+ years the Democrats have been aiding / abetting the Russians in splitting this nation apart and undermining the government / President while still trying to affect their coup.

And the FISA claim has been debunked as soon as it was made. The Dossier was NOT the only...or even the main evidence presented TO him


Ohr testified and other evidence exists showing FBI Agent Strzok worked with NSA Director Clapper and CIA Director Brennan to use the known-debunked Dossier to author the Intel Community Assessment (ICR) which Clapper sent out to a select group of Trump-Hating Intel members to control the feedback they would get back. Once they got that desirable feedback Strzok (the top counter-Intel operator in the FBI, whose job is was to make fake claims / news accepted as true) and Brennan then authored the Intel Community Report (ICR) - ALL BASED ON THE DOSSIER.

Comey's Stooges then presented the FAKE ICR, that is supposed to be based on 100% VERIFIABLE LEGITIMATE INTEL, to the FISA Court, withholding key information like the fact that all the info was from Oppo-Research bought from the Russians by Hillary and that Ohr had already warned them that it was all fake.

At the same time Brennan briefed the ICR, based on the Dossier, to Congress, lying to them like the FBI was doing to the FISA Court, to get an investigation of a non-existent crime opened and to get their 'Insurance Policy', Mueller, appointed Special Prosecutor.


Evidence show the FBI and DOJ knew that the infamous Steele dossier had been financed by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee when the agencies applied for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in order to spy on Carter Page.

"FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe told congressional investigators that the FISA warrant against Page would not have been granted without RELIANCE ON THE DOSSIER."

Memo Says Spy Warrant Would Not Have Been Sought Without Dossier

in this thread, we shall state the crimes Rod Rosenstein committed if he asked others whether they would agree that the 25th Amendment of the USA constitution could be used to oust President Trump.

The legal definition of said crime(s) shall be included along with the claim.

Thank you in advance.

Republicans will state the crimes any minute now. Google is slow today.

I'm sure with an investigation we could find a process crime or 2 against Rosenstein.
Which crimes?

Process crimes that will be found through investigating Rosensteins involvement in the FBI investigation of TRUMP and why he picked Mueller. Both McCabe and Comey have committed the crime of lying to congress, and Rosensteins story of his comments on wearing a wire don't match up with McCabe's. If process crimes are good enough to take down people like Flynn then they are good enough to take down people like Rosenstein. If Rosenstein doesn't want to go to jail, he can "sing" and if TRUMP likes his tune maybe Rosenstein could get a pardon.

Makes me wonder what TRUMP may have talked to Rosenstein about on that plane ride.

I wonder if Rosenstein realizes if TRUMP is re-elected there will be nothing stopping him from releasing everything and if TRUMP loses the 2020 election there will also be nothing stoping TRUMP from releasing everything.
'Process Crimes' nothing....


I hear he exceeds the posted speed limits and he rarely uses his turn signals.
No you did not. Besides the fake FISA crime that has nothing to do with the 25th amendment,

Evidence shows Obama and members of his Cabinet - Directors and members of the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI - did collude and collaborate to attempt to perpetrate treason / sedition and carry out a coup against the President of the United States.

Former disgraced/fired FBI Agent Strzok exposed much of the evidence that this group was referred to, at least by Strzok, as the 'Secret Society' that met to discuss their treason.
-- Evidence of this 'Secret Society' meeting is exposed in McCabe's Interview in which he states meetings were held in which the conspirators discussed using the 25th Amendment to overthrow the President.

DOJ Member Ohr exposed part of the Conspiracy by testifying:
- The foreign agent working with the Russians was working for the FBI and hated Trump
- The dossier was debunked and that he told the DOJ/NSA/CIA/FBI...& they still illegally used it
- Mueller was already 'onboard', working w/the DOJ, FBI, & the foreign spy before the investigation had been opened and before he had been appointed.

Evidence Shows that their plan to affect the coup included several strategies:
- Illegal use of the Russian-Hillary Dossier
- False accusation of Obstruction
- The 25th Amendment plot to declare the President unfit.

'Obstruction' fell through.

The 25th Amendment was discussed and rejected because it would look exactly like what it was - Treason...and they knew they still had their 'Insurance Policy': MUELLER

The DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI all knowingly criminally used the debunked dossier to defraud / lie to / con the FISA court into giving them warrants to spy against the President and his team and defraud / lie to Congress to get them to open an investigation of a NON-EXISTENT CRIME and to appoint their waiting co-conspirator, Robert Mueller.

You should forward all your evidence to Trumpybears DOJ. I'm sure it's all fact based too. Looks like they could use all the help they can get because they seem to be lacking the evidence that you appear to have. Send it over right away so they can wrap this up, okay?
You should forward all your evidence to Trumpybears DOJ.
What a stupid idea.

There were already several Congressional hearings where this all came out. holder swore all those responsible would be held accountable. He committed perjury, and Barry made sure he was not held accountable. Congress Censured him for his crime, making holder the 1st US Presidential Cabinet member to ever be Censured by Congress. Years later no one in Obama's administration was held accountable - several agents were re-assigned, but no one - as usual in the Obama administration - was held truly accountable.

Its over. The Democrats and their Fake News surrogates have moved on to more recent and important scandals / crimes to cover up for Democrats.
You should forward all your evidence to Trumpybears DOJ.
What a stupid idea.

There were already several Congressional hearings where this all came out. holder swore all those responsible would be held accountable. He committed perjury, and Barry made sure he was not held accountable. Congress Censured him for his crime, making holder the 1st US Presidential Cabinet member to ever be Censured by Congress. Years later no one in Obama's administration was held accountable - several agents were re-assigned, but no one - as usual in the Obama administration - was held truly accountable.

Its over. The Democrats and their Fake News surrogates have moved on to more recent and important scandals / crimes to cover up for Democrats.

You're conflating again.

:1peleas: :oops8:
in this thread, we shall state the crimes Rod Rosenstein committed if he asked others whether they would agree that the 25th Amendment of the USA constitution could be used to oust President Trump.

The legal definition of said crime(s) shall be included along with the claim.

Thank you in advance.

So, you are suggesting a coup is legal? Nice way to run a Republic, don't you think-)
Wait...are you saying that the 25th Amendment is unconstitutional? Illegal?

Nope, I am not! But have you read the parameters of invoking it? Those parameters were NOT met, therefore they could NOT LEGALLY use it.

Now, I don't know if it is a crime to discuss using it if the parameters are not met; it may very well not be. But if nothing else, it shows that political appointees have no qualms at bending our constitution to accomplish their goals. The Left talks about collusion. Well, now we have a talking point, and it is called......SUBVERSION-)
So...DID they invoke the 25th Amendment? Help us out here.....
it doesn't matter.
List of Crimes Rosenstein Could Be Charged With Based On the Evidence Of His Crimes:

18 U.S. Code § 371:

Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

18 US Code Chapter 115:

18 U.S. Code § 2384:
Seditious Conspiracy

18 U.S. Code § 2385:
Advocating the Overthrow Of the US Government

18 U.S. Code § 1621:

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act:
DOJ/NSA/CIA/FBI knowingly collaborated / colluded with a known foreign spy who held a personal hatred for the President, one who was working with the Russians and who delivered a Russian-authored propaganda-filled unsubstantiated document, for which he and the Russians were paid by Hillary Clinton. They knowingly and intentionally illegally used this information they knew to be false to commit crimes involving defrauding / conning the FISA Court and Congress. This foreign spy was even working for the FBI.

18 U.S. Code § 1001:
Fraud and false Statements:

18 U.S.C. § 1519:
Obstruction: Refused Non-Compliance With Congressional Subpoenas

And if Congress so chose to do, they could add H. Rept. 105-792: Contempt Of congress.

I am quite sure the law enforcement agencies and lawyers could add quite a bit to these....
They don't fucking care....It's chopper time.

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