Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

it seems that since the scum know one another that if cafe nominates a scum free team they would object
Interesting. Understanding the concept more...

So after three noms are given, we then privately PM Scarlet whether we agree with them nominations or not. It'd be neat if those PM votes could be public for vote analysis.

I say we nominate me for the mission.

Wolfie, you Scum Ma'am? Reads on Avi?
Approve/Reject votes for team composition are revealed by me all at the same time.

Only the votes of people on the missions remain hidden.

So the people put into the mission... their votes remain hidden. What would they be voting for?

Also could we vote like this, to nominate a player for a mission?

Vote: Wolfsister

Since the missions are flavor, it's not necessarily a bad thing to get nom'd, right?

(This is very new to me. Pretty neat, too. Sorry for all the questions. :D )
so who should we encourage cafe to choose to clean up the courts?
I'd like to say good luck, and don't you dare eliminate me first...I'm trying to break my record...

shouldn't be tough since no one gets eliminated. But if anyone can manage to get eliminated, I'm sure it's you
the big question we need to answer is whether cafe is resistance or scum.

I'd like to lynch someone.

I can't lynch someone.

Titus, would you please break this down for us in basic Mafia terms?
You all can tell Cafe who to nominate. Cafe picks three people. Town wants all town. Scum want a least 1 scum. After Cafe's proposal, the entire group votes up or down on the team.

They vote to succeed or fail missions. Town must vote to succeed. Scum can succeed or fail. One scum fail vote gets scum a point. No fails gets town a point. First to three wins.

Sounds good. Wake, I have no experience at all. (Gah!)

Throw some suggestions at me all.
This should be a really interesting game. Reminds me strongly of Mastermind - a board game with essentially the same concepts.

Fast paced though - we have three days to try and put an all town team together to go on the mission...

So the people put into the mission... their votes remain hidden. What would they be voting for?

Also could we vote like this, to nominate a player for a mission?

Vote: Wolfsister

Since the missions are flavor, it's not necessarily a bad thing to get nom'd, right?

(This is very new to me. Pretty neat, too. Sorry for all the questions. :D )
If I understand this correctly, we don't nominate people for the mission, Cafe does that. We can merely suggest. Once cafe picks the players, we can vote to reject the list (and I suppose that means Cafe re-picks the list if there is time and we vote again) or vote to send the team that Cafe has selected.

So the people put into the mission... their votes remain hidden. What would they be voting for?

Also could we vote like this, to nominate a player for a mission?

Vote: Wolfsister

Since the missions are flavor, it's not necessarily a bad thing to get nom'd, right?

(This is very new to me. Pretty neat, too. Sorry for all the questions. :D )
If I understand this correctly, we don't nominate people for the mission, Cafe does that. We can merely suggest. Once cafe picks the players, we can vote to reject the list (and I suppose that means Cafe re-picks the list if there is time and we vote again) or vote to send the team that Cafe has selected.

If you reject Cafe's nominations, the next leader in line goes. Beyond that, everything else is accurate.
it seems that since the scum know one another that if cafe nominates a scum free team they would object
True. There is also the fact that if Cafe manages to get a scum free team off the bat the game is essentially over. The next leader simply chooses the same team and the outcome should be the same.

Scum CAN vote to pass a mission so a passed mission is not necessarily all town but I don't see the value added in that unless the team chosen has multiple scum in it. Plus they would be faced with the same dilemma. Essentially, we just need to hit one all town team.

Unfortunately, that is going to be rather difficult given the ratio. We have a rather slim majority.
Well, I'm not even sure who to suggest Cafe picks for the first mission because we have very little information to go on. If we can see who accepts or rejects a group for a mission or if the mission passes or fails and who is on it, that is something to discuss. Right now, without the usual ways of looking for scum you find in regular mafia games to start things out-voting, etc it might be tougher to figure out who goes on the first mission. Based on who has posted so far, Avi and FA look o.k. due to trying to figure things out. I wouldn't mind seeing what others have to say before putting final suggestions out there. I imagine Cafe will pick herself to go regardless of alignment. So 2 more names will be needed before Friday.
problem finding scum in this game is since it's an entirely different game we can't rely on metas as much. And unless we put someone on a team we can't know for sure.
if you are a town leader the wise thing to do is put yourself on the mission so we have one confirmed town vote
Well, I'm not even sure who to suggest Cafe picks for the first mission because we have very little information to go on. If we can see who accepts or rejects a group for a mission or if the mission passes or fails and who is on it, that is something to discuss. Right now, without the usual ways of looking for scum you find in regular mafia games to start things out-voting, etc it might be tougher to figure out who goes on the first mission. Based on who has posted so far, Avi and FA look o.k. due to trying to figure things out. I wouldn't mind seeing what others have to say before putting final suggestions out there. I imagine Cafe will pick herself to go regardless of alignment. So 2 more names will be needed before Friday.

I agree this may be harder, I think SR's post start of game making accusations and or voting will help us find those who are town ( hopefully) . Issue is if people don't speak or speak little with no content, it will be hard to read their meta.

I see now.

So... what if Cafe is Scum? Can she manipulate the process if she were Scum?

Do we search for the same Scumhunting tells? Could I ask Cafe to nominate me?

It's a different concept than basic lynching, but neat, and I'm sure we'll get the hang of this, too.

Hummm, asking to nominate yourself three times in a row. Should I be worried here Wake or are you waving a big red townie flag? Or pretending to be town with all the set up spec?

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