Official USMB Debate 2020 -- "Round One" Thread..

Was the first presidential debate a "shit show"?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 88.1%
  • No

    Votes: 8 11.9%

  • Total voters
The debate was the angry right vs the woke mob left. Just a war.

I believe a Civil War is happening and after November election no matter who win the other side will not accept the election results...
Not sure I d go that far but there will be rioting. I feel Sorry for my kids. Sigh

I feel sorry for this Country and fear the path we are charging down will lead to many more people being killed because both sides can not stand each other...

It is clear America is going to see some very dark times soon...

Don't confuse the small but vocal minority left with the rest of America. We'll all be fine after the left are defeated.

You do realize there are a good amount of people that do not want Trump and it is not a small amount...

There is a large amount that want Trump to stay and there is a large amount that want him gone, and the biggest question which side has the votes...

So rioting will be widespread no matter who win...

Nobody wants Biden's hellish TAX INCREASE GREEN FUCKED UP STUPIDITY plan.
He said Antifa is an idea and to send shrinks with police officers on calls. He is nuts.
Exactly! Trump got his message across, Biden did not. Trump wanted a brawl and that's what he got. Biden couldn't say law and order and said Antifa was an "idea." Great stuff for Trump campaign.
I watched the first hour before I was tired of the shoutfest and went to bed.
What a freaking mess. Trump simply doesn't know when to shut up.
Biden passed his very low brow test, no one expecting much out of him - and we didn't get it.
Trump was a schoolyard bully. He hardly let Biden say two words without interrupting, so the last thing Biden had to worry about was having senior moments.... he never got a moment to show one.

In my opinion - Biden won. He won because he made it. He survived it. He did so without any major senile moments due to Trumps beating. Trump fucked it up like I was afraid he would. He looked childish, bullyish throwing tantrums. Absolutely terrible.
And he gave Biden great reasons to have no more debates.
I think that was the impression Chris Wallace gave everyone......because Wallace was there to keep Trump off of Biden.
Biden could interrupt Trump any time he wanted.....but Trump wasn't even allowed to finish his thoughts without Wallace going....but...but...but...but....this is a tactic Wallace uses on his Sunday shows. When he doesn't like the answer....he starts doing his motorboat routine. It's why I stopped watching his show.
This is a trend I've seen with debate moderators....the Republican isn't just debating the Democrat....he has to deal with an argumentative moderator as well.
In my opinion, all Trump had to do was show up and let Biden destroy himself. But it went the other way around. The debate isn't going to change anyone's mind that is already made up. Like both of ours. I am not voting for Biden now, just like I wasn't yesterday. But there are people on the fence. There are folks that can go either way, and last night I believe Trump took more hits than Biden. It was a schoolyard brawl, a complete mess.
And I do agree Wallace does indeed interrupt too much. It isn't a high school debate forum. That can add frustration to an already obvious tense debate. I agree he certainly interrupted Trump more than Biden, particularly when it was Trump's turn and he would start to talk and Wallace would interrupt simply to tell him it is his turn. That was dumb, and he did it 3 times by my count.
But in the end - I think for fence sitters... Biden looked better. Everyone was expecting little from him, but also expected him to falter and lose his place...confused.. but Trump never gave him more than 10 seconds to speak.
Trump was agressive and got his message across. Biden did not.
I watched the first hour before I was tired of the shoutfest and went to bed.
What a freaking mess. Trump simply doesn't know when to shut up.
Biden passed his very low brow test, no one expecting much out of him - and we didn't get it.
Trump was a schoolyard bully. He hardly let Biden say two words without interrupting, so the last thing Biden had to worry about was having senior moments.... he never got a moment to show one.

In my opinion - Biden won. He won because he made it. He survived it. He did so without any major senile moments due to Trumps beating. Trump fucked it up like I was afraid he would. He looked childish, bullyish throwing tantrums. Absolutely terrible.
And he gave Biden great reasons to have no more debates.
Biden lied, exaggerated, ...and won because he survived? Living in a basement is surviving. He has been living as a politician in a basement for 47 years while accomplishing nothing...but NOW he wants to do something for America? No thanks. He and his family have enriched themselves enough.
I totally agree. Biden lied most of the time, scoffed and chuckled about things that were true. In other words - like any politician. I am only speaking about the debate itself. Just the debate.
You can't possibly say Trump acted like a President last night. That was the leader of the free world??
I don't know what happened to him. He has never acted that unhinged before.

Chris Wallace’s overt defense of Joe Biden throughout the debate on Tuesday night was so obvious, so blatant, he should be proscribed from ever “moderating” a debate again.

Wallace’s performance was as Biden’s protector, his advocate, and that is undeniable. He stepped in at every moment Biden seemed lost: court-packing, lack of support of law enforcement, and Hunter’s criminality.

The debate was so poorly managed. The questions were designed to aid Biden, to coddle him. No wonder Trump felt duty-bound to interrupt. Trump was debating both Wallace and Biden and only one of them is sentient.

Wallace’s intent was clear – sabotage Trump. Wallace succeeded only in looking like the stooge he is.

Why a two-minute rule? That hardly gives either man time to rebut what was just said about him. Wallace even brought up the Charlottesville charge but did not admit it was a manufactured lie without giving Trump the time to deny the lie.
Wallace, a member in good standing of the mainstream media is a handmaiden of the Democrat party in which winning by any means necessary is the rule. Wallace’s bias for Biden was appalling.
I watched the first hour before I was tired of the shoutfest and went to bed.
What a freaking mess. Trump simply doesn't know when to shut up.
Biden passed his very low brow test, no one expecting much out of him - and we didn't get it.
Trump was a schoolyard bully. He hardly let Biden say two words without interrupting, so the last thing Biden had to worry about was having senior moments.... he never got a moment to show one.

In my opinion - Biden won. He won because he made it. He survived it. He did so without any major senile moments due to Trumps beating. Trump fucked it up like I was afraid he would. He looked childish, bullyish throwing tantrums. Absolutely terrible.
And he gave Biden great reasons to have no more debates.
I think that was the impression Chris Wallace gave everyone......because Wallace was there to keep Trump off of Biden.
Biden could interrupt Trump any time he wanted.....but Trump wasn't even allowed to finish his thoughts without Wallace going....but...but...but...but....this is a tactic Wallace uses on his Sunday shows. When he doesn't like the answer....he starts doing his motorboat routine. It's why I stopped watching his show.
This is a trend I've seen with debate moderators....the Republican isn't just debating the Democrat....he has to deal with an argumentative moderator as well.
In my opinion, all Trump had to do was show up and let Biden destroy himself. But it went the other way around. The debate isn't going to change anyone's mind that is already made up. Like both of ours. I am not voting for Biden now, just like I wasn't yesterday. But there are people on the fence. There are folks that can go either way, and last night I believe Trump took more hits than Biden. It was a schoolyard brawl, a complete mess.
And I do agree Wallace does indeed interrupt too much. It isn't a high school debate forum. That can add frustration to an already obvious tense debate. I agree he certainly interrupted Trump more than Biden, particularly when it was Trump's turn and he would start to talk and Wallace would interrupt simply to tell him it is his turn. That was dumb, and he did it 3 times by my count.
But in the end - I think for fence sitters... Biden looked better. Everyone was expecting little from him, but also expected him to falter and lose his place...confused.. but Trump never gave him more than 10 seconds to speak.

Chis Wallace rescued that Biden idiot almost every time Biden was about to get himself into trouble.
If Trump brings up Hunter Biden tonight, here is how I would recommend that Joe Biden respond:

What did I or Hunter do that was illegal - or even unethical? I would remind you that you have two family members working for you in the White House - and both were denied security clearances - which you overrode. This means that you gave them access to our nation's top secrets. Why were they denied security clearances in the first place?

Fire the prosecutor and you get your billion dollars. Biden in full media view about the investigation of his son Hunter.

You are lying! That is false information that has been thoroughly debunked. Your lying dog won't hunt.
Nothing was debunked. Biden said it full view of everyone. Try again.

Funny. You have totally ignored all related CONTEXT. Everyone wanted that dishonest lying Ukraine prosecutor fired - and it had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

Well Ol Hunter was making a fortune sitting on a board that does a business he knows nothing about. Nothing illegal but one has to wonder why he was on that board. That inspector was investigating Burisma and Biden used his office to get him fired. I wonder why?? Could it be so his son could keep his cushy job. Hell the dumbass outed himself on National television.
I'm watching Fox And Friends.....Ainsley Earhart claimed that Biden's crooked kid kicking his drug habit was so heartwarming. What makes her think he's beat drug addiction. He was given a commission in the military and was booted out after a year because of his drug use. He's a cokehead. I don't feel sorry for him. Then they put this drug addict son on boards in Ukraine, Russia, and China. The kid has no expertise in any of these fields. The last report was the widow of the mayor of Moscow wired Hunter Biden $3.5 million for something.....and Biden said he knew nothing about it.
The leftist talking heads couldn't do anything but what Wallace did for 197 mins....defend Joe Biden. What Biden said didn't matter.....and it really didn't matter....because it was nothing but empty platitudes.
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I can tell you this... Bidens camp last night probably had one helluva party after the debate.
You can bet they were worried. Sitting on pins and needles... oh God... is he going to forget something major and stand there and stutter??
How many times will he do it??... And in came Trump to the rescue, never giving him the chance to. All Trump had to do was let Biden talk. He didn't.
Meanwhile Trumps camp was no doubt horrified.
If Trump brings up Hunter Biden tonight, here is how I would recommend that Joe Biden respond:

What did I or Hunter do that was illegal - or even unethical? I would remind you that you have two family members working for you in the White House - and both were denied security clearances - which you overrode. This means that you gave them access to our nation's top secrets. Why were they denied security clearances in the first place?

If Trump brings up Hunter Biden tonight, here is how I would recommend that Joe Biden respond:

What did I or Hunter do that was illegal - or even unethical? I would remind you that you have two family members working for you in the White House - and both were denied security clearances - which you overrode. This means that you gave them access to our nation's top secrets. Why were they denied security clearances in the first place?

Fire the prosecutor and you get your billion dollars. Biden in full media view about the investigation of his son Hunter.

You are lying! That is false information that has been thoroughly debunked. Your lying dog won't hunt. Tonight's moderator, Chris Wallace, knows the truth.

False information? You mean the video of quid pro Joe saying he threatened to withhold a billion if the guy looking into his sons company wasn't fired?

That would be the one. The dumbass outed himself on National television. Illegal, no. Unethical. You bet.
You guys are morons.... Trump wasnt playing for votes. Trump was playing to solidify his income stream after the election. That requires entertaining the 35% of American fools who like his reality TV schtick. His goal is to stay tight with them so he can feed on them after he is out of the white house. He doesnt care to win this election.
I can tell you this... Bidens camp last night probably had one helluva party after the debate.
You can bet they were worried. Sitting on pins and needles... oh God... is he going to forget something major and stand there and stutter??
How many times will he do it??... And in came Trump to the rescue, never giving him the chance to. All Trump had to do was let Biden talk. He didn't.
Meanwhile Trumps camp was no doubt horrified.

I doubt they had a party. I'd bet they were glad Biden got through it without looking like a bumbling idiot.

Oh and I'd bet Trumps camp was pretty happy with his performance. Bout time he told the Dems exactly what he thinks since they have done nothing but try to get him out of office since 2016.

I had loads of the questions I had answered last night. I'll be voting for Trump, not green Biden.
I watched the first hour before I was tired of the shoutfest and went to bed.
What a freaking mess. Trump simply doesn't know when to shut up.
Biden passed his very low brow test, no one expecting much out of him - and we didn't get it.
Trump was a schoolyard bully. He hardly let Biden say two words without interrupting, so the last thing Biden had to worry about was having senior moments.... he never got a moment to show one.

In my opinion - Biden won. He won because he made it. He survived it. He did so without any major senile moments due to Trumps beating. Trump fucked it up like I was afraid he would. He looked childish, bullyish throwing tantrums. Absolutely terrible.
And he gave Biden great reasons to have no more debates.
I think that was the impression Chris Wallace gave everyone......because Wallace was there to keep Trump off of Biden.
Biden could interrupt Trump any time he wanted.....but Trump wasn't even allowed to finish his thoughts without Wallace going....but...but...but...but....this is a tactic Wallace uses on his Sunday shows. When he doesn't like the answer....he starts doing his motorboat routine. It's why I stopped watching his show.
This is a trend I've seen with debate moderators....the Republican isn't just debating the Democrat....he has to deal with an argumentative moderator as well.
In my opinion, all Trump had to do was show up and let Biden destroy himself. But it went the other way around. The debate isn't going to change anyone's mind that is already made up. Like both of ours. I am not voting for Biden now, just like I wasn't yesterday. But there are people on the fence. There are folks that can go either way, and last night I believe Trump took more hits than Biden. It was a schoolyard brawl, a complete mess.
And I do agree Wallace does indeed interrupt too much. It isn't a high school debate forum. That can add frustration to an already obvious tense debate. I agree he certainly interrupted Trump more than Biden, particularly when it was Trump's turn and he would start to talk and Wallace would interrupt simply to tell him it is his turn. That was dumb, and he did it 3 times by my count.
But in the end - I think for fence sitters... Biden looked better. Everyone was expecting little from him, but also expected him to falter and lose his place...confused.. but Trump never gave him more than 10 seconds to speak.
Trump was agressive and got his message across. Biden did not.
Chris Wallace claimed before the debate to want to be invisible...but he spent most of the debate defending Biden and admonishing Trump.
He also broke his own format.....2 mins for each candidate and then a period of free-discussion.
That lasted for one question....then it became ask Biden a question...then admonish Trump for interrupting him. Ask Biden another question.....and then admonish Trump for talking over him. Trump was never allowed to finish his thoughts. Biden was given at one point over 8 mins to answer two related questions and Trump had to sit there and stay quiet while it went on and on and on.
Wallace was just there saying, "Go ahead and finish what you had to say before you were so rudely interrupted President Biden".
National polls have Biden winning by seven points.

A CBS poll immediately after the debate said that Biden won by seven points.

It shouldn’t be a surprise that not many people have changed their mind about anything from the debate.

But that’s bad news for Trump because he’s losing
I watched the first hour before I was tired of the shoutfest and went to bed.
What a freaking mess. Trump simply doesn't know when to shut up.
Biden passed his very low brow test, no one expecting much out of him - and we didn't get it.
Trump was a schoolyard bully. He hardly let Biden say two words without interrupting, so the last thing Biden had to worry about was having senior moments.... he never got a moment to show one.

In my opinion - Biden won. He won because he made it. He survived it. He did so without any major senile moments due to Trumps beating. Trump fucked it up like I was afraid he would. He looked childish, bullyish throwing tantrums. Absolutely terrible.
And he gave Biden great reasons to have no more debates.
I think that was the impression Chris Wallace gave everyone......because Wallace was there to keep Trump off of Biden.
Biden could interrupt Trump any time he wanted.....but Trump wasn't even allowed to finish his thoughts without Wallace going....but...but...but...but....this is a tactic Wallace uses on his Sunday shows. When he doesn't like the answer....he starts doing his motorboat routine. It's why I stopped watching his show.
This is a trend I've seen with debate moderators....the Republican isn't just debating the Democrat....he has to deal with an argumentative moderator as well.
In my opinion, all Trump had to do was show up and let Biden destroy himself. But it went the other way around. The debate isn't going to change anyone's mind that is already made up. Like both of ours. I am not voting for Biden now, just like I wasn't yesterday. But there are people on the fence. There are folks that can go either way, and last night I believe Trump took more hits than Biden. It was a schoolyard brawl, a complete mess.
And I do agree Wallace does indeed interrupt too much. It isn't a high school debate forum. That can add frustration to an already obvious tense debate. I agree he certainly interrupted Trump more than Biden, particularly when it was Trump's turn and he would start to talk and Wallace would interrupt simply to tell him it is his turn. That was dumb, and he did it 3 times by my count.
But in the end - I think for fence sitters... Biden looked better. Everyone was expecting little from him, but also expected him to falter and lose his place...confused.. but Trump never gave him more than 10 seconds to speak.
Trump was agressive and got his message across. Biden did not.
Chris Wallace claimed before the debate to want to be invisible...but he spent most of the debate defending Biden and admonishing Trump.
He also broke his own format.....2 mins for each candidate and then a period of free-discussion.
That lasted for one question....then it became ask Biden a question...then admonish Trump for interrupting him. Ask Biden another question.....and then admonish Trump for talking over him. Trump was never allowed to finish his thoughts. Biden was given at one point over 8 mins to answer two related questions and Trump had to sit there and stay quiet while it went on and on and on.
Wallace was just there saying, "Go ahead and finish what you had to say before you were so rudely interrupted President Biden".

He kept admonishing Trump because Trump kept breaking the rules that were agreed-upon prior to the debate
Biden’s “deal” is like Obamacare, vote for him and find out later what’s in it; pack the courts, green new deal, economy, health care, etc.
I can tell you this... Bidens camp last night probably had one helluva party after the debate.
You can bet they were worried. Sitting on pins and needles... oh God... is he going to forget something major and stand there and stutter??
How many times will he do it??... And in came Trump to the rescue, never giving him the chance to. All Trump had to do was let Biden talk. He didn't.
Meanwhile Trumps camp was no doubt horrified.

I doubt they had a party. I'd bet they were glad Biden got through it without looking like a bumbling idiot.

Oh and I'd bet Trumps camp was pretty happy with his performance. Bout time he told the Dems exactly what he thinks since they have done nothing but try to get him out of office since 2016.

I had loads of the questions I had answered last night. I'll be voting for Trump, not green Biden.
I think it was just a set-up.
They intentionally lowered expectations for Biden so as long as he didn't shit himself or do a face plant they could claim victory.
I think alot of it was designed to make women feel sorry for Biden.
I watched the first hour before I was tired of the shoutfest and went to bed.
What a freaking mess. Trump simply doesn't know when to shut up.
Biden passed his very low brow test, no one expecting much out of him - and we didn't get it.
Trump was a schoolyard bully. He hardly let Biden say two words without interrupting, so the last thing Biden had to worry about was having senior moments.... he never got a moment to show one.

In my opinion - Biden won. He won because he made it. He survived it. He did so without any major senile moments due to Trumps beating. Trump fucked it up like I was afraid he would. He looked childish, bullyish throwing tantrums. Absolutely terrible.
And he gave Biden great reasons to have no more debates.
I think that was the impression Chris Wallace gave everyone......because Wallace was there to keep Trump off of Biden.
Biden could interrupt Trump any time he wanted.....but Trump wasn't even allowed to finish his thoughts without Wallace going....but...but...but...but....this is a tactic Wallace uses on his Sunday shows. When he doesn't like the answer....he starts doing his motorboat routine. It's why I stopped watching his show.
This is a trend I've seen with debate moderators....the Republican isn't just debating the Democrat....he has to deal with an argumentative moderator as well.
In my opinion, all Trump had to do was show up and let Biden destroy himself. But it went the other way around. The debate isn't going to change anyone's mind that is already made up. Like both of ours. I am not voting for Biden now, just like I wasn't yesterday. But there are people on the fence. There are folks that can go either way, and last night I believe Trump took more hits than Biden. It was a schoolyard brawl, a complete mess.
And I do agree Wallace does indeed interrupt too much. It isn't a high school debate forum. That can add frustration to an already obvious tense debate. I agree he certainly interrupted Trump more than Biden, particularly when it was Trump's turn and he would start to talk and Wallace would interrupt simply to tell him it is his turn. That was dumb, and he did it 3 times by my count.
But in the end - I think for fence sitters... Biden looked better. Everyone was expecting little from him, but also expected him to falter and lose his place...confused.. but Trump never gave him more than 10 seconds to speak.
Trump was agressive and got his message across. Biden did not.
Chris Wallace claimed before the debate to want to be invisible...but he spent most of the debate defending Biden and admonishing Trump.
He also broke his own format.....2 mins for each candidate and then a period of free-discussion.
That lasted for one question....then it became ask Biden a question...then admonish Trump for interrupting him. Ask Biden another question.....and then admonish Trump for talking over him. Trump was never allowed to finish his thoughts. Biden was given at one point over 8 mins to answer two related questions and Trump had to sit there and stay quiet while it went on and on and on.
Wallace was just there saying, "Go ahead and finish what you had to say before you were so rudely interrupted President Biden".

He kept admonishing Trump because Trump kept breaking the rules that were agreed-upon prior to the debate
They both broke the rules....and even Wallace broke his own rules.

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