Official USMB Mafia Game #6: The Rebels In The Palace


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013

Revolution is now! The oppressed citizens are at a breaking point: should the Ruler fall the course of history itself will change. It is up to ten brave Rebels to fight for the future of their nation. Should they succeed in killing the Ruler then the Loyal Guards under that tyrant's command will be defeated as well. Take note that there is also a Usurper out there who will fight to take the reins of power, and will also automatically win if it survives with only one other rebel. Prepare yourselves for the long struggle for freedom!

Game Mod:

Player List:

01) Shaitra♀
02) tso!♂
03) FA_Q2♂
04) Avatar4321♂
05) Josh_B♂
06) ScarletRage♀
07) ika♂
08) House♂
09) AyeCantSeeYou♀
10) RosieS♀
11) Mertex♀
12) TheOldSchool♂
13) Wolfsister77♀
14) ★Arden ♀
15) MeBelle60♀

The Road So Far...

RosieS ~
AyeCantSeeYou ~
ScarletRage ~
Mertex ~
House ~
Shaitra ~
TheOldSchool ~
★Arden ~
Avatar4321 ~
Josh_B ~
Wolfsister77 ~
FA_Q2 ~
tso! ~
MeBelle60 ~
ika ~

Vote Counts
All USMB rules must be obeyed, along with the following.

Game Timeline
  • Day Phases last one week.
  • There are no Night phases

General Rules
  • Zone 1 USMB rules are in effect.
  • Don't quote PMs or hidden links. Paraphrasing's fine.
  • Don't PM players about the game. That's cheating.
  • No invisible text allowed.
  • Don't edit/delete posts.
  • No accusing players of cheating openly. PM the Mod instead.
  • Pretending to break a rule is considered rulebreaking.
  • Play to your win condition (play to win.)
  • Modkilled players' alignments change to Neutral; they don't win.
  • I reserve the right to change the rules at any time; notification will be given.
  • You get three chances to not break my rules. Burn them and get modkilled.
  • Scum win when their numbers equal or exceed that of the Town's.

  • 72 hours inactivity earns a prod (reminder PM). If two days go by, I'll seek replacement.
  • 3 prods and I'll also seek a replacement.
  • If a replacement isn't found within a week, that slot will be modkilled.
  • It's fine and encouraged to @ players.
  • Please be aware of PMs from the Mod.
  • You may go V/LA (Vacation/Limited Access). Reason isn't required.

Votes and Lynching
  • Votes must be in the format of VOTE: Player Name. I'll count it if it's obvious.
  • Unvotes are not necessary to change a vote.
  • Majority Vote = 1/2 all votes, +1.
  • Once I have posted your death scene, you may not post.
  • You may change your vote as many times as you wish.
  • All players can keep talking after the lynch until thread is locked.
  • Deadline passed without majority vote = no lynch that Day.
  • Players may choose not to lynch with VOTE: No Lynch.
  • Dead players are dead, and may not talk after death scene.

  • Personal attacks won't be tolerated. Focus on the game.
  • Don't mention or discuss family or pets in this game.
  • I can't "Like" any post in an ongoing game.
  • Avoid replacing out. Please speak with me first.
  • I will only respond to the breaking of rules if sent a PM. If you feel you are being personally attacked, and you want something done about it, please shoot me a PM.
  • This game is an Open Setup, and has a Day start. (This means everyone knows what's in our game)
  • There are no Night phases in this game.
  • If the Ruler is lynched, all the Loyal Guards die, too.
Please read these rules one more time.
The Setup

Rebel x10
Ruler x1
Loyal Guard x3
Usurper x1

Sample Role PMs:

Welcome, _____. You are a Rebel.


You are one of ten rebels. You win when the Ruler is lynched. But who is the Ruler? Happy hunting... You lose if the Ruler and its Loyal Guards outnumber OR EQUAL you. Also, watch out for the Usurper, too.

You may post in-thread.
You may vote in-thread.

Please confirm by responding with your Role via PM.

Welcome, _____. You are the Ruler.

You are the Ruler! To win you must lynch enough rebels that you and your Loyal Guards outnumber OR EQUAL them. You don't know who your three loyal guards are, and you lose if you are lynched. There is also a Usurper who has come to kill you. You must defeat this third-party enemy, too.

Post You may post in-thread.
Vote You may vote in-thread.

Please confirm by responding with your Role via PM.

Welcome, _____. You are a Loyal Guard.

You are one of three loyal guards to the magnificent Ruler, ____. To win you must lynch enough rebels that you, your fellow Guards, and the Ruler outnumber OR EQUAL them. You know who the Ruler is, but you don't know who the other Guards are. You all lose if the King is lynched. There is also a Usurper who has come to kill your leader. You must defeat this third-party enemy, too.

Post You may post in-thread.
Vote You may vote in-thread.

Please confirm by responding with your Role via PM.

Welcome, _____. You are a Usurper.

Your time has come to claim the throne. Who doesn't see opportunity in the devastation of chaos? You need to see the Ruler lynched and the Loyal Guards defeated. And as for those pesky Rebels... all you need do is survive with only one of them at the end, and then OFF with the head! If you want to survive, just hunt for the bad guys, you know? It shouldn't be too difficult. :D

Post You may post in-thread.
Vote You may vote in-thread.

Please confirm by responding with your Role via PM.
Randomizing and sending out Role PMs now. :)

Game starts when 12/15 PMs are confirmed.

All Role PMs sent. 11/15.
Let the games begin!


It is now Day 1.

With 15 players, it take 8 to lynch!

Not Voting (15):
RosieS, AyeCantSeeYou, ScarletRage, Mertex, House, Shaitra, TheOldSchool, ★Arden, Avatar4321, Josh_B, Wolfsister77, FA_Q2, tso!, MeBelle60, ika
Vote: ScarletRage

Too eager, picking on newbs, can't figure out how to vote after all this time. :p
VOTE: Wolf

Purely RVS. I'll know soon enough from your posts if you're a rebel or not. LOL
I know a josh b. He sometimes dresses as the burger king. So why not?

vote: josh b
Seeking a replacement for MeBelle60.

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