Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
Dems gain nothing by giving in

It only encourages Trump to shut down Government whenever he doesn’t get his way

And that's a direct violation of RICO.

In what fucktarded way, Pogo?

Extortion, that's what fucktarded way, Maid Marion.

Okay, let's see your proof of this alleged "extortion" ok?

Somebody gonna beat somebody up? Wreck their property? What?


  1. the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
    "he used bribery and extortion to build himself a huge, art-stuffed mansion"
Never that is not the America way

But I do sugguest you guys brush up on your Russian

If Trump has his way hewill pull America out of NATO

and become part of the Russian/American alliance called SELLOUT

Oh STFU with that silly bullshit. Smack yourself before I do.
Democrats refuse to negotiate or even discuss border security, the shut down is 100% on them.

uh HUH.

So if I go to buy a house, and tell the agent I'll buy the house and you're paying for it, and the agent contacts you and you say, "fuck no", you're refusing to negotiate and the sale not happening is 100% on you.

Because in Rumper Room Land nobody is responsible for anything.
Dems gain nothing by giving in

It only encourages Trump to shut down Government whenever he doesn’t get his way
Never give in to terrorists.

Your "terrorists" are "freedom fighters" to the other half of this country. And don't regurgitate the false statement that you're a "majority", because it's BS.
Oh? It's not true that Democrats won a majority of seats in the last election?

Some 400 seats and the federal and state level.

"Some 400 seats"?! Oh! You gotta come up with some proof of that.

There probably wasn't even that many seats available and Democrats made a poor showing. So proof of 400 seats=-?

Or you're just lying out your ass..
Dems gain nothing by giving in

It only encourages Trump to shut down Government whenever he doesn’t get his way

And that's a direct violation of RICO.

In what fucktarded way, Pogo?

Extortion, that's what fucktarded way, Maid Marion.

Okay, let's see your proof of this alleged "extortion" ok?

Somebody gonna beat somebody up? Wreck their property? What?


  1. the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
    "he used bribery and extortion to build himself a huge, art-stuffed mansion"

So President Trump is using "extortion" to make this country great again?

Yay for him! :banana:

Democrats refuse to negotiate or even discuss border security, the shut down is 100% on them.

uh HUH.

So if I go to buy a house, and tell the agent I'll buy the house and you're paying for it, and the agent contacts you and you say, "fuck no", you're refusing to negotiate and the sale not happening is 100% on you.

Because in Rumper Room Land nobody is responsible for anything.

Yeah, none of that has anything to do with reality, fuck you. Are you going to buy a house? Yes or no.
Democrats refuse to negotiate or even discuss border security, the shut down is 100% on them.

uh HUH.

So if I go to buy a house, and tell the agent I'll buy the house and you're paying for it, and the agent contacts you and you say, "fuck no", you're refusing to negotiate and the sale not happening is 100% on you.

Because in Rumper Room Land nobody is responsible for anything.

Yeah, none of that has anything to do with reality, fuck you. Are you going to buy a house? Yes or no.

I need to buy a house, and Mexico is going to pay for that house. Mark my words.

Except unmark them when Mexico doesn't pay for it and I get to blame a political party who ALSO never agreed to it in the first place.

This is what Rump and his tiny little minded Rumpbots don't get ----------------- just because a whiny little bitch screams and stomps his feet, doesn't mean he's going to get his way, even if he holds 800 thousand workers' paychecks hostage.
Democrats refuse to negotiate or even discuss border security, the shut down is 100% on them.

uh HUH.

So if I go to buy a house, and tell the agent I'll buy the house and you're paying for it, and the agent contacts you and you say, "fuck no", you're refusing to negotiate and the sale not happening is 100% on you.

Because in Rumper Room Land nobody is responsible for anything.

Yeah, none of that has anything to do with reality, fuck you. Are you going to buy a house? Yes or no.

I need to buy a house, and Mexico is going to pay for that house. Mark my words.

Except unmark them when Mexico doesn't pay for it and I get to blame a political party who ALSO never agreed to it in the first place.

This is what Rump and his tiny little minded Rumpbots don't get ----------------- just because a whiny little bitch screams and stomps his feet, doesn't mean he's going to get his way, even if he holds 800 thousand workers' paychecks hostage.

You are one unhinged fucktard.

Still crying about the 2016 election? Really? Fucking grow up and be a real American, asshole.

Are you seriously that fucking immature? Because that's fucked up and you're probably booby hatch material.
Democrats refuse to negotiate or even discuss border security, the shut down is 100% on them.

uh HUH.

So if I go to buy a house, and tell the agent I'll buy the house and you're paying for it, and the agent contacts you and you say, "fuck no", you're refusing to negotiate and the sale not happening is 100% on you.

Because in Rumper Room Land nobody is responsible for anything.

Yeah, none of that has anything to do with reality, fuck you. Are you going to buy a house? Yes or no.

I need to buy a house, and Mexico is going to pay for that house. Mark my words.

Except unmark them when Mexico doesn't pay for it and I get to blame a political party who ALSO never agreed to it in the first place.

This is what Rump and his tiny little minded Rumpbots don't get ----------------- just because a whiny little bitch screams and stomps his feet, doesn't mean he's going to get his way, even if he holds 800 thousand workers' paychecks hostage.

You are one unhinged fucktard.

Still crying about the 2016 election? Really? Fucking grow up and be a real American, asshole.

Are you seriously that fucking immature? Because that's fucked up and you're probably booby hatch material.

I believe this is actually 2019. Check your calendar, maybe I'm thinking ahead again.

I see you're so bereft of any reply to that post that you jumped back three years. See your doctor.
Democrats refuse to negotiate or even discuss border security, the shut down is 100% on them.

uh HUH.

So if I go to buy a house, and tell the agent I'll buy the house and you're paying for it, and the agent contacts you and you say, "fuck no", you're refusing to negotiate and the sale not happening is 100% on you.

Because in Rumper Room Land nobody is responsible for anything.

Yeah, none of that has anything to do with reality, fuck you. Are you going to buy a house? Yes or no.

I need to buy a house, and Mexico is going to pay for that house. Mark my words.

Except unmark them when Mexico doesn't pay for it and I get to blame a political party who ALSO never agreed to it in the first place.

This is what Rump and his tiny little minded Rumpbots don't get ----------------- just because a whiny little bitch screams and stomps his feet, doesn't mean he's going to get his way, even if he holds 800 thousand workers' paychecks hostage.

You are one unhinged fucktard.

Still crying about the 2016 election? Really? Fucking grow up and be a real American, asshole.

Are you seriously that fucking immature? Because that's fucked up and you're probably booby hatch material.

I believe this is actually 2019. Check your calendar, maybe I'm thinking ahead again.

I see you're so bereft of any reply to that post that you jumped back three years. See your doctor.

Bitch! I'm gonna jump back to 1986 with this:

None of that was enforced as should have been, and here we are now.

Where's that wall the Democratic Congress promised Reagan in 1987, aye?

What's that? They were lying sacks of shit? Every Congress since floundered?

Well, we're gonna build a wall anyways, ok?

PS: Fuck You! :04:
The estimate was not intended to become public. It was just leaked.
Their previous estimate was 0.1% every two weeks.

"The Trump administration now estimates that the cost of the government shutdown will be twice as steep as originally forecast.
The original estimate that the partial shutdown would subtract 0.1 percentage point from growth every two weeks has now been doubled to a 0.1 percentage point subtraction every week, according to an official who asked not to be named."‬
Conservatives are conflicted. One commented that it has to be a lie because the official is anonymous, and the other said it just doesn’t matter.
why not fund the wall and call it a day? you didn't care when billions went to other countries for support. why now? oh yeah TDS. keep it shutdown until the 5.7B makes it on a budget. we're cool with the government staying shutdown. are you? at some point someone will need to blink and it won't be trump.

BTW, the dems know what it will take to reopen the government and are doing nothing. and you don't care. it seems you don't care others are not getting paid.

1. Because, having wasted billions on an unnecessary and expensive wall, at a time when the US is running the largest deficits in history, and when there are major issues in the country, like infrastructure spending, education and retraining, and opiod abuse that are not even being mentioned let alone addressed is very foolish, and unwise.

2. Because the Trump Administration is asking for a blank cheque. They haven't done a feasability study, provided cost estimates, a timetable, an environmental impact study, or any of the other standard practices that a member of government must provide when asking for a major appropriation like this. No one can just say to Congress "Give me $5 billion. I want to build a wall". No one. Not even the President.

3. Because the American public just voted a resounding "NO" to the border policies of Donald J. Trump, including building tent cities on the border, detaining asylum seekers at the public's expense.

4, Just the cost estimates of the cost of holding the people currently in detention along the Southern Border until their cases are heard are $5 billion. And holding these people violates their Constitutional rights.

5. And because one should never give into a child's temper tantrum. It makes it all that much more difficult to get him to behave properly the next time he decides to pitch a fit.

It's clear to all but the truly stupid that the Dems are the ones having a tantrum, not Trump. I mean how damn stupid do you have to be to see that Democrats are now refusing to pay for something that just two years ago they agreed was necessary. But Trump is wanting the same thing he has wanted since at least 2010 when he first said publicly that we should have a wall.

Why are you liberals so dishonest?
That's not the way I remember it. Democrats have supported border security; that is smart barriers and not dumb walls. They have voted for increased technology on the border, electronic monitoring and more border patrol agents. They voted for the republican proposed 2006 reinforced border fencing. In the immigration bill during the Obama administration, they proposed barriers be built depending on terrain, not a one size fits all plan that Trump has embraced.

The chance of 234 miles of wall being finished by the election is about zero, even if democrats went along with it. The wall and accompanying fencing, service road, etc would have to be complete at a rate of 11 miles a month. At best 30 to 50 miles of border wall could be completed prior to the election, provide there were no delays due to lawsuits or land right acquisitions.
uh HUH.

So if I go to buy a house, and tell the agent I'll buy the house and you're paying for it, and the agent contacts you and you say, "fuck no", you're refusing to negotiate and the sale not happening is 100% on you.

Because in Rumper Room Land nobody is responsible for anything.

Yeah, none of that has anything to do with reality, fuck you. Are you going to buy a house? Yes or no.

I need to buy a house, and Mexico is going to pay for that house. Mark my words.

Except unmark them when Mexico doesn't pay for it and I get to blame a political party who ALSO never agreed to it in the first place.

This is what Rump and his tiny little minded Rumpbots don't get ----------------- just because a whiny little bitch screams and stomps his feet, doesn't mean he's going to get his way, even if he holds 800 thousand workers' paychecks hostage.

You are one unhinged fucktard.

Still crying about the 2016 election? Really? Fucking grow up and be a real American, asshole.

Are you seriously that fucking immature? Because that's fucked up and you're probably booby hatch material.

I believe this is actually 2019. Check your calendar, maybe I'm thinking ahead again.

I see you're so bereft of any reply to that post that you jumped back three years. See your doctor.

Bitch! I'm gonna jump back to 1986 with this:

None of that was enforced as should have been, and here we are now.

Where's that wall the Democratic Congress promised Reagan in 1987, aye?

What's that? They were lying sacks of shit?

Well, we're gonna build a wall anyways, ok?

PS: Fuck You! :04:
I'm not sure what brand of oven cleaner you're snorting these daze but whatever that pdf thingy is you just desperately tried to change the subject with, it doesn't even contain the word "wall".

I love word search.
Yeah, none of that has anything to do with reality, fuck you. Are you going to buy a house? Yes or no.

I need to buy a house, and Mexico is going to pay for that house. Mark my words.

Except unmark them when Mexico doesn't pay for it and I get to blame a political party who ALSO never agreed to it in the first place.

This is what Rump and his tiny little minded Rumpbots don't get ----------------- just because a whiny little bitch screams and stomps his feet, doesn't mean he's going to get his way, even if he holds 800 thousand workers' paychecks hostage.

You are one unhinged fucktard.

Still crying about the 2016 election? Really? Fucking grow up and be a real American, asshole.

Are you seriously that fucking immature? Because that's fucked up and you're probably booby hatch material.

I believe this is actually 2019. Check your calendar, maybe I'm thinking ahead again.

I see you're so bereft of any reply to that post that you jumped back three years. See your doctor.

Bitch! I'm gonna jump back to 1986 with this:

None of that was enforced as should have been, and here we are now.

Where's that wall the Democratic Congress promised Reagan in 1987, aye?

What's that? They were lying sacks of shit?

Well, we're gonna build a wall anyways, ok?

PS: Fuck You! :04:
I'm not sure what brand of oven cleaner you're snorting these daze but whatever that pdf thingy is you just desperately tried to change the subject with, it doesn't even contain the word "wall".

I love word search.

Gee, dipass, does it contain "Secure border"?

I know for a fact it does.

Know how to secure the border? :eek:

A wall! :aargh:
Give him the 5 Billion, Gov opens.
$5 billion, 5000 million dollars! For what? wall or fence? if so, where? how many miles of it? Any extra border patrol to go with the additional wall? What's the projected final cost? estimated completion date? estimated illegals per year this new additional wall would prevent from crossing in to the U.S.?
I need to buy a house, and Mexico is going to pay for that house. Mark my words.

Except unmark them when Mexico doesn't pay for it and I get to blame a political party who ALSO never agreed to it in the first place.

This is what Rump and his tiny little minded Rumpbots don't get ----------------- just because a whiny little bitch screams and stomps his feet, doesn't mean he's going to get his way, even if he holds 800 thousand workers' paychecks hostage.

You are one unhinged fucktard.

Still crying about the 2016 election? Really? Fucking grow up and be a real American, asshole.

Are you seriously that fucking immature? Because that's fucked up and you're probably booby hatch material.

I believe this is actually 2019. Check your calendar, maybe I'm thinking ahead again.

I see you're so bereft of any reply to that post that you jumped back three years. See your doctor.

Bitch! I'm gonna jump back to 1986 with this:

None of that was enforced as should have been, and here we are now.

Where's that wall the Democratic Congress promised Reagan in 1987, aye?

What's that? They were lying sacks of shit?

Well, we're gonna build a wall anyways, ok?

PS: Fuck You! :04:
I'm not sure what brand of oven cleaner you're snorting these daze but whatever that pdf thingy is you just desperately tried to change the subject with, it doesn't even contain the word "wall".

I love word search.

Gee, dipass, does it contain "Secure border"?

I know for a fact it does.

Know how to secure the border? :eek:

A wall! :aargh:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand ROLL tape.

Where's that wall the Democratic Congress promised Reagan in 1987, aye?
"Legislation Provisions
Employer Sanctions
It is unlawful for any person to knowingly hire, recruit or refer for a fee any alien
not authorized to work in the United States.
All employ
ers must verify newly hired people by examining a U.S. passport, a
certificate of U.S. citizenship, a certificate of naturalization or a resident alien
You are one unhinged fucktard.

Still crying about the 2016 election? Really? Fucking grow up and be a real American, asshole.

Are you seriously that fucking immature? Because that's fucked up and you're probably booby hatch material.

I believe this is actually 2019. Check your calendar, maybe I'm thinking ahead again.

I see you're so bereft of any reply to that post that you jumped back three years. See your doctor.

Bitch! I'm gonna jump back to 1986 with this:

None of that was enforced as should have been, and here we are now.

Where's that wall the Democratic Congress promised Reagan in 1987, aye?

What's that? They were lying sacks of shit?

Well, we're gonna build a wall anyways, ok?

PS: Fuck You! :04:
I'm not sure what brand of oven cleaner you're snorting these daze but whatever that pdf thingy is you just desperately tried to change the subject with, it doesn't even contain the word "wall".

I love word search.

Gee, dipass, does it contain "Secure border"?

I know for a fact it does.

Know how to secure the border? :eek:

A wall! :aargh:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand ROLL tape.

Where's that wall the Democratic Congress promised Reagan in 1987, aye?

They promised him to secure the border in exchange for granting 3 million illegals amnesty, faggot.

Fact. They reneged, also fact. They should hang, fact.
Conservatives are conflicted. One commented that it has to be a lie because the official is anonymous, and the other said it just doesn’t matter.
why not fund the wall and call it a day? you didn't care when billions went to other countries for support. why now? oh yeah TDS. keep it shutdown until the 5.7B makes it on a budget. we're cool with the government staying shutdown. are you? at some point someone will need to blink and it won't be trump.

BTW, the dems know what it will take to reopen the government and are doing nothing. and you don't care. it seems you don't care others are not getting paid.

Yeah and they don't care about the billions the illegals cost we tax payers every year either.

Tell that to small businesses in heavy military and civil service employee's. They are beginning to suffer.

Oh my I'm so sorry. They will all be paid back pay.

You ever get paid if you got furloughed??

Didn't think so.

Oh and Military will be paid.

The military IS being paid. They are not involved in the shutdown.
Not 42,000 members of the Coast Guard

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