Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
Never that is not the America way

But I do sugguest you guys brush up on your Russian

If Trump has his way hewill pull America out of NATO

and become part of the Russian/American alliance called SELLOUT

Let me give you a little lesson on how strong leaders negotiate with other countries that are taking advantage of us: Trump does not "want" to pull out of NATO, he has "threatened" to pull out of NATO.

Now do you think those NATO countries which whom we are footing the bill for aren't going to cry "Please Mr. Trump, don't pull out of NATO and let those mean old Russians eat us. We'll pay our fair share, we promise."?

You see, you like every other enemy this country has, are thinking that President Trump is going to signal his intentions to you. What you haven't figured out, is that he is far smarter than you are. So while he feigns a left hook, you get smacked with the uppercut.

If you people weren't blinded by your own hate for this President, you might actually understand him. Get your collective heads out of Alinsky's book and go read Sun Tzu's "Art of War" or something. Maybe you'll figure it all out.
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Dems gain nothing by giving in

It only encourages Trump to shut down Government whenever he doesn’t get his way

They gain less by being anti American asshats. ;)
Projection in the Evening........

Bullshit, motherfucker! My family's been in America since well before it was a country. The Founding Fathers set up a good way, and motherfuckers like you try to pervert it. Fuck you and your triple wide ass.
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Oh....yea...that matters

Face just admitted that you don't want (what you call) amnesty because you're afraid of how those people might vote.

A rare moment of honesty that you will now backtrack on
.you just admitted that you don't want (what you call) amnesty because you're afraid of how those people might vote.
You are damn right....and if you had any foresight at all you would be alarmed as well.....
Trump has barricaded himself in the White House and has no idea or care about the damage his Shutdown is doing to the nation and its people

McConnell has to step up and do his job. Bring a bill to the floor of the Senate to open the government.

It's that simple.

Fuck Trump. He just doesn't care
Nancy Pelosi has proven herself to be a FAILED Speaker of the House by refusing to negotiate or compromise to pass bills capable of being passed into law.

Instead she has guided the House into passing her own 'edicts' and has demanded the remaining 2/3rds of the US government accept them, which is not how our govt works.

Pelosi continues to demonstrate she is, as Schumer openly stated all Democrats are on Day 1 of Trump's Presidency, 100% committed to resistance, obstruction, undermining the President and current US government, and acting to deny President Trump of perceived political 'win' resulting in the current govt shutdown.

Rather than give Trump a 'win' she has chosen to side with illegals against the American people to keep our borders open.

Again, in choosing to attempt to force her will down the throats of the Senate and President she has proven to be a partisan, inept, and incompetent FAILED Speaker.
The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments
From the New York Packet.
Friday, February 8, 1788.

Author: Alexander Hamilton or James Madison
1 partisan House refusing to compromise or negotiate with the other 2/3rds of the govt and instead issuing a 'ransom demand' and declaring they either accept it ir she will keep the govt closed is NOT 'checks and balances' but is instead a hostage situation.

Pelosi demands her way or it stays shutdown. It's all on Pelosi.
THIRTY NINE MILLION Americans on food stamps is absolutely DISGUSTING!

Getting paid to keep the Democrats in power.
I'll tell my 90 year old Ma in law how much you hate her..

Why ain't you and her daughter feeding her? You're a man, right? Sup?

Why should it have to be on the government? This is not a natural thing.
What do you mean there is no such thing as Food Stamps..

I asked why you ain't feeding your mother-in-law, motherfucker. Why is that?
THIRTY NINE MILLION Americans on food stamps is absolutely DISGUSTING!

Getting paid to keep the Democrats in power.
I'll tell my 90 year old Ma in law how much you hate her..

Why ain't you and her daughter feeding her? You're a man, right? Sup?

Why should it have to be on the government? This is not a natural thing.
What do you mean there is no such thing as Food Stamps..

I asked why you ain't feeding your mother-in-law, motherfucker. Why is that?
.you just admitted that you don't want (what you call) amnesty because you're afraid of how those people might vote.
You are damn right....and if you had any foresight at all you would be alarmed as well.....
Well I'm not. Why should I be worried?

they are 11 million people. They will vote as they vote (when that happens years from now) and they'll be as American as anyone.

Are you afraid they will not vote Republican because of the GOP treatment of them?

Meaning what?

Because they can vote on school board claim they vote in general elections?

Are you that stupid or that dishonest....
Meaning if one single party rule sanctuary state can make it legal for undocumented people to vote on local issues it won't be long before they will be able to vote in state races....that's not right by any explanation.....
Well I'm not. Why should I be worried?

they are 11 million people. They will vote as they vote (when that happens years from now) and they'll be as American as anyone.

Are you afraid they will not vote Republican because of the GOP treatment of them?

The nations they flee didn't get the way it is by itself....these folks voted it in...they are socialists by nature....but I guess you are as well....
THIRTY NINE MILLION Americans on food stamps is absolutely DISGUSTING!

Getting paid to keep the Democrats in power.
I'll tell my 90 year old Ma in law how much you hate her..

Why ain't you and her daughter feeding her? You're a man, right? Sup?

Why should it have to be on the government? This is not a natural thing.
What do you mean there is no such thing as Food Stamps..

I asked why you ain't feeding your mother-in-law, motherfucker. Why is that?

Mmmk. Not a valid excuse.
Meaning what?

Because they can vote on school board claim they vote in general elections?

Are you that stupid or that dishonest....
Meaning if one single party rule sanctuary state can make it legal for undocumented people to vote on local issues it won't be long before they will be able to vote in state races....that's not right by any explanation.....
Pure bullshit
The nations they flee didn't get the way it is by itself....these folks voted it in

The hell they did. WE did a lot to screw those countries up through our policies in the 20th Century and more recently by OUR appetite for drugs

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