Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
Not to mention 30 democrats having a party at the resort while 800000 people don't get a paycheck because they refuse to negotiate with our president.

Now is NOT a good time to be a democrat.

I notice the GOP propaganda says call it a “party”

The Dems went there on a fact finding and fund raising effort for Hurricane Maria recovery. You know......Hurricane Maria, an actual crisis

The same crisis that Trump wants to pull construction funds away from to pay for his wall
Show me your source that states that Trump said he wants to use funds for Hurricane Maria for the wall.
Wait, the government is shut down? I haven't noticed any change.

And this is the problem.

This Admin is making sure nobody feels any pain except for those not getting paid of course. They keep making more and more people come back to work without a paycheck so that nobody notices anything.

It is such bullshit.
And it's not sustainable.

Something will have to give
Because when you pay ransom to kidnappers...they do it again and again

This is not the first Republican initiated shutdown the Dems have been through

They know how to respond to Republican extortion
They aren't responding. The democrats turned down a meeting yesterday, not the President. That looks bad on their part. Nancy and Chuckie get their paychecks. Looks bad.

the dems passed 6 bills to open the government- Trump refused to even look at them

and they are the ones not responding ?

:abgg2q.jpg: riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

Because none of them had border wall funding or highly inadequate border wall funding. THUS THE SENATE NEVER VOTED ON THEM. You must be pretty stupid because Trump never vetoed them, they never got to him. So don't blame Trump. Fucking moron.

The people elected Democratic Congressmen to represent them. A useless wall was not part of the package.

The votes for wall funding are not in the House or Senate

A presidential temper tantrum will not change it
Because when you pay ransom to kidnappers...they do it again and again

This is not the first Republican initiated shutdown the Dems have been through

They know how to respond to Republican extortion
They aren't responding. The democrats turned down a meeting yesterday, not the President. That looks bad on their part. Nancy and Chuckie get their paychecks. Looks bad.

the dems passed 6 bills to open the government- Trump refused to even look at them

and they are the ones not responding ?

:abgg2q.jpg: riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

Because none of them had border wall funding or highly inadequate border wall funding. THUS THE SENATE NEVER VOTED ON THEM. You must be pretty stupid because Trump never vetoed them, they never got to him. So don't blame Trump. Fucking moron.


same legislation that passed last year isnt good enough this year.


If you're an anarchist...I suppose it's a good thing.

But then anarchists aren't exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer
I'm a rational anarchist,,,

like I said there is a lot of dead weight in the government that is just a waste of money and time
The estimate was not intended to become public. It was just leaked.
Their previous estimate was 0.1% every two weeks.

"The Trump administration now estimates that the cost of the government shutdown will be twice as steep as originally forecast.
The original estimate that the partial shutdown would subtract 0.1 percentage point from growth every two weeks has now been doubled to a 0.1 percentage point subtraction every week, according to an official who asked not to be named."‬
You would think that would scare the shit out of Trump and Congress but no, it will be just lead to more finger pointing.

I'm convinced the only thing that is going to break the stalemate is a real national emergency, such as a terrorist attack or a disaster linked to the goverment shutdown.
seems simple put in the five bucks into the budget and hand it to the pres to sign. seems rather simple. as long as playing partisan politics isn't your thing.
I think the right compromise would be to give Trump the amount of money that the projects will need in this fiscal year. That's what normally happens in a budget.

There is no way that he needs 5.8 billion this fiscal year. He certainly is not going to build his 235 miles of wall in 7 or 8 months, probably not during his term of office. During his first two years in office, Trump has not build a single mile of the new designed wall. He has replaced 40 miles of reinforced fences and a steel barrier built using the same design used 10 years ago. Construction has not started on any of the new wall sections, no land has been acquired, no contracts have been let, no land surveys have been done, and the thousands things that are needed to start a large federal project are still undone.

Trump would hate such a compromise and so would democrats which means it's probably a good compromise. However, we haven't reached the sufficient level of national pain yet for either side to consider a compromise.

Border Patrol is who came up with the $5.8B figure. It is they who said "in order to seriously stop illegal immigration, we need $X amount of money, and some of that needs to be specifically for building new fence where WE need it most"

Trump didn't just pull that figure out of his ass, he's not a Democrat.
5.8 billion is only and initial allocation to get the project started. A document that went to congress some months ago had a figure of 33 billion. However, Homeland Security said the total would be about 40 billion over 10 years to complete their border security project, whatever that entails. If Pelosi thought 5.8 billion was all Trump really wanted for his border security project, she might be more willing to negotiation. However, I don't see her negotiating until something pretty serious happens due to the shutdown such as a major disrupting in commercial aviation which is certainly going to happen eventually with both flight controls and the TSA not being paid. And when it does, there will be a House bill sent to the Senate in 24 hours granting pay for the TSA and flight controllers, daring Trump to turn it down.
so the experts said it would take 40 billion. wow, I thought it was trump. which is it. you know more than the experts? the politicians know more than the experts? really? come on man.
Because when you pay ransom to kidnappers...they do it again and again

This is not the first Republican initiated shutdown the Dems have been through

They know how to respond to Republican extortion
They aren't responding. The democrats turned down a meeting yesterday, not the President. That looks bad on their part. Nancy and Chuckie get their paychecks. Looks bad.

the dems passed 6 bills to open the government- Trump refused to even look at them

and they are the ones not responding ?

:abgg2q.jpg: riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

Because none of them had border wall funding or highly inadequate border wall funding. THUS THE SENATE NEVER VOTED ON THEM. You must be pretty stupid because Trump never vetoed them, they never got to him. So don't blame Trump. Fucking moron.

The people elected Democratic Congressmen to represent them. A useless wall was not part of the package.

The votes for wall funding are not in the House or Senate

A presidential temper tantrum will not change it
So democrats are the only voice that counts? The votes are there if Pelosi and Chuckie want them.
Not to mention 30 democrats having a party at the resort while 800000 people don't get a paycheck because they refuse to negotiate with our president.

Now is NOT a good time to be a democrat.

I notice the GOP propaganda says call it a “party”

The Dems went there on a fact finding and fund raising effort for Hurricane Maria recovery. You know......Hurricane Maria, an actual crisis

The same crisis that Trump wants to pull construction funds away from to pay for his wall

And liberals call this "fact finding." What facts was he finding?

Give it a rest. When you take exception to the outright stupidity of most of the Democratic members of Congress I'll take your complaints about "too dumb to be in office" seriously.

Until then you are a clown who just wants to bitch about Trump.

Nice strawman, well done.

I have never said he was too dumb to be in office, but way to attack something you made up.

Because when you pay ransom to kidnappers...they do it again and again

This is not the first Republican initiated shutdown the Dems have been through

They know how to respond to Republican extortion
They aren't responding. The democrats turned down a meeting yesterday, not the President. That looks bad on their part. Nancy and Chuckie get their paychecks. Looks bad.
Too funny! And republicans have declined to be paid while the federal government is shut down. Got it.
This is the way negotiations work, seems most people know that.

One side...will you give me what I want...

Other side...No.

Then the true negotiations start.

Have you never been in sales?

Yes, that's how they start, but that meeting wsn't the start, and your post assumes that at some point Democrats will get off the "no" but it doesn't appear that's going to happen does it.

This was the FIRST meeting with the new Speaker of the House. This was the START of negotiations with her. You don't say "Give me what I want" and then leave the first meeting when the answer is "No".

Why on Earth are you Democrats so dishonest? Yes, okay this was the first official meeting since Pelosi was reelected as Speaker of the House, but no one believes she was going to suddenly say "okay I'm Speaker now, time to work with Trump" especially when she had been making public statements every day since being elected that she would never give $1 for a border wall.

If you TRULY wanted to see cvetoompromise you would be asking Nancy "Why are you not negotiating?"
She has no reason to compromise yet on the wall. She must have read Art of the Deal. Trump's job approval ratings has been falling like a rock since the shutdown started. Pelosi has given him everything else in his request except the wall.
does she want the government open or not? that is a want. in order to get that accomplished she needs to give something. again, your brainwashed mind doesn't understand negotiating 101. go fking figure.

Are you really this stupid? Nancy doesn't have to compromise at all and she has no reason to do so.

Trump walked out. Dumbest move ever but this is Trump after all. It makes him look really, really weak. You only walk out of negotiations is all else has failed and you're ready to give up on the deal. Trump walked out of the first meeting, without even asking what she would do. Trump has boxxed himself in and he doesn't have a door out. If he goes back to Pelosi and the Democrats and asks to negotiate, he's lost.

The idea of walking out is to have the other side say "Wait"! Nobody is doing that. What they're doing is to force Mitch McConnell to bring the spending bills that the House has passed, to the floor of the Senate. The Dems are assembling a veto-proof coalition with Republicans, and they're going to send a veto-proof spending bill to the White House, and the government will re-open.

And so much for the House Democrats can't do anything.
Not to mention 30 democrats having a party at the resort while 800000 people don't get a paycheck because they refuse to negotiate with our president.

Now is NOT a good time to be a democrat.

I notice the GOP propaganda says call it a “party”

The Dems went there on a fact finding and fund raising effort for Hurricane Maria recovery. You know......Hurricane Maria, an actual crisis

The same crisis that Trump wants to pull construction funds away from to pay for his wall
Show me your source that states that Trump said he wants to use funds for Hurricane Maria for the wall.
Here idiot
Not to mention 30 democrats having a party at the resort while 800000 people don't get a paycheck because they refuse to negotiate with our president.

Now is NOT a good time to be a democrat.

I notice the GOP propaganda says call it a “party”

The Dems went there on a fact finding and fund raising effort for Hurricane Maria recovery. You know......Hurricane Maria, an actual crisis

The same crisis that Trump wants to pull construction funds away from to pay for his wall
Show me your source that states that Trump said he wants to use funds for Hurricane Maria for the wall.
Because that is where the military construction funds are

Trumps nuclear option of declaring an emergency does not create funding out of thin air. It will come out of money dedicated to military construction. Most of which is in Puerto Rico

If Trump has another source.......he hasn’t identified it
Wait, the government is shut down? I haven't noticed any change.

And this is the problem.

This Admin is making sure nobody feels any pain except for those not getting paid of course. They keep making more and more people come back to work without a paycheck so that nobody notices anything.

It is such bullshit.


to wipe off the coffee I spit up laughing at your partisan sheep ass?

no thanks
Wait, the government is shut down? I haven't noticed any change.
You'll notice when air traffic controllers and TSA workers decide that working for free is not a viable option and airports get shut down

Don't worry illegals will take their jobs.

damn you are fucking stupid.

both require a deep background check, something no illegal can pass
What he said is known as a "joke"....But we already knew that progs are too dense to get humor that doesn't involve schadenfreude.

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