OFFICIAL USMB State of the Union 2018 Thread.....

Trump’s speech (someone else’s words read from a teleprompter):

Brown people bad; nuclear weapons good; I want to be able to fire people that I currently can’t; let’s be bipartisan (even though I have insulted everyone in this room and refuse to work with Democrats).

Run with that for Dems 2018 and 2020
No doubt they will, and for good reason. Trump has shown again and again that he doesn’t like brown people, including the Dreamers that 80% of Americans (including a majority of Republicans) support; he’s talking nuclear proliferation when most don’t support it; and he’s trying to make it easier for people like him to fire civil servants (dog whistle: He wants to be able to fire Mueller).

Nobody but his base supports those positions.
This is the place to discuss the speech and immediate aftermath. I will post a separate Official thread for all of the 183 Dem rebuttals.... PLEASE USE these threads and do not create new ones.. I will unlock 10minutes ahead of the scheduled events..

Mods: Please bump and delete the bump threads. Thanks.

Democrats are going to lose because even a lot of us who identify as liberals agree when Trump talked about immigrants:

“They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans."

Dreamers can get relief, Trump says, so long as he can more easily deport other undocumented people, build a border wall and slash legal immigration.

Why would Democrats mind??? Are they/we now the party of undocumented people? Fuck them they can't even vote you stupid Democrats!!!

He wants to end the diversity visa lottery. So?

Trump also wants to end types of family-based immigrant visas, which he refers to derisively as “chain migration.” The president wants to allow Americans and legal permanent residents to sponsor only spouses and minor children for green cards ― a move that would cut legal immigration dramatically. YES!!!

Nancy Pelosi


#DREAMers are Americans too.

No they aren't Nancy, no they are not.
26 billion for a wall that will not work. There are already millions of tunnels dug and most our ilegal immigrants come right through the air port and over stay their visa. Reform immigration, that is fine but billions for a wall that will not work and can be defeated with a ladder is stupid! It did not work for the Romans and we have much better technology to defeat a wall today! The wall is folley. The real way to stop illegles is to jail those who hire them!

It's working very well where it already has been built.
PS. it's 30ft high with a round top so you can't scale it.
There is no such thing as a wall that can not be scaled, sorry. We defeated wall technology back in the dark ages, that is why no one builds large walls any more.It will keep a few of the idiots out but not 26 billion dollars worth and again most of the illegal immigration is through our ports. If you are going to spend 26 billion dollars on immigration spend it where it will actually make a difference.
This is the place to discuss the speech and immediate aftermath. I will post a separate Official thread for all of the 183 Dem rebuttals.... PLEASE USE these threads and do not create new ones.. I will unlock 10minutes ahead of the scheduled events..

Mods: Please bump and delete the bump threads. Thanks.

Democrats are going to lose because even a lot of us who identify as liberals agree when Trump talked about immigrants:

“They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans."

Dreamers can get relief, Trump says, so long as he can more easily deport other undocumented people, build a border wall and slash legal immigration.

Why would Democrats mind??? Are they/we now the party of undocumented people? Fuck them they can't even vote you stupid Democrats!!!

He wants to end the diversity visa lottery. So?

Trump also wants to end types of family-based immigrant visas, which he refers to derisively as “chain migration.” The president wants to allow Americans and legal permanent residents to sponsor only spouses and minor children for green cards ― a move that would cut legal immigration dramatically. YES!!!

Nancy Pelosi


#DREAMers are Americans too.

No they aren't Nancy, no they are not.
26 billion for a wall that will not work. There are already millions of tunnels dug and most our ilegal immigrants come right through the air port and over stay their visa. Reform immigration, that is fine but billions for a wall that will not work and can be defeated with a ladder is stupid! It did not work for the Romans and we have much better technology to defeat a wall today! The wall is folley. The real way to stop illegles is to jail those who hire them!

It's working very well where it already has been built.
PS. it's 30ft high with a round top so you can't scale it.

US Commandos Unable To Scale Border Wall Prototypes In Tests

Oh gimme a break. I bet the beaners can figure out a way.
This is the place to discuss the speech and immediate aftermath. I will post a separate Official thread for all of the 183 Dem rebuttals.... PLEASE USE these threads and do not create new ones.. I will unlock 10minutes ahead of the scheduled events..

Mods: Please bump and delete the bump threads. Thanks.

Democrats are going to lose because even a lot of us who identify as liberals agree when Trump talked about immigrants:

“They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans."

Dreamers can get relief, Trump says, so long as he can more easily deport other undocumented people, build a border wall and slash legal immigration.

Why would Democrats mind??? Are they/we now the party of undocumented people? Fuck them they can't even vote you stupid Democrats!!!

He wants to end the diversity visa lottery. So?

Trump also wants to end types of family-based immigrant visas, which he refers to derisively as “chain migration.” The president wants to allow Americans and legal permanent residents to sponsor only spouses and minor children for green cards ― a move that would cut legal immigration dramatically. YES!!!

Nancy Pelosi


#DREAMers are Americans too.

No they aren't Nancy, no they are not.
26 billion for a wall that will not work. There are already millions of tunnels dug and most our ilegal immigrants come right through the air port and over stay their visa. Reform immigration, that is fine but billions for a wall that will not work and can be defeated with a ladder is stupid! It did not work for the Romans and we have much better technology to defeat a wall today! The wall is folley. The real way to stop illegles is to jail those who hire them!

It's working very well where it already has been built.
PS. it's 30ft high with a round top so you can't scale it.

US Commandos Unable To Scale Border Wall Prototypes In Tests

Oh gimme a break. I bet the beaners can figure out a way.

Sure they will.
That's where we use all of the other methods .
Trump’s speech (someone else’s words read from a teleprompter):

Brown people bad; nuclear weapons good; I want to be able to fire people that I currently can’t; let’s be bipartisan (even though I have insulted everyone in this room and refuse to work with Democrats).

Run with that for Dems 2018 and 2020
No doubt they will, and for good reason. Trump has shown again and again that he doesn’t like brown people, including the Dreamers that 80% of Americans (including a majority of Republicans) support; he’s talking nuclear proliferation when most don’t support it; and he’s trying to make it easier for people like him to fire civil servants (dog whistle: He wants to be able to fire Mueller).

Nobody but his base supports those positions.
A. Do you think Americans want a lot of brown people flooding in?
B. Nuclear proliferation won't cost Trump the 2020 election. No one cares. Boy are Democrats in trouble.
C. Civil servants? Do you mean government workers? No one cares about government workers either.

I do care about the environment but even pollution won't cost the GOP the election. I know because in Michigan GOP Governor Rick Snyder poisoned the city of Flint with led and he still won re election.
This is the place to discuss the speech and immediate aftermath. I will post a separate Official thread for all of the 183 Dem rebuttals.... PLEASE USE these threads and do not create new ones.. I will unlock 10minutes ahead of the scheduled events..

Mods: Please bump and delete the bump threads. Thanks.

Democrats are going to lose because even a lot of us who identify as liberals agree when Trump talked about immigrants:

“They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans."

Dreamers can get relief, Trump says, so long as he can more easily deport other undocumented people, build a border wall and slash legal immigration.

Why would Democrats mind??? Are they/we now the party of undocumented people? Fuck them they can't even vote you stupid Democrats!!!

He wants to end the diversity visa lottery. So?

Trump also wants to end types of family-based immigrant visas, which he refers to derisively as “chain migration.” The president wants to allow Americans and legal permanent residents to sponsor only spouses and minor children for green cards ― a move that would cut legal immigration dramatically. YES!!!

Nancy Pelosi


#DREAMers are Americans too.

No they aren't Nancy, no they are not.
26 billion for a wall that will not work. There are already millions of tunnels dug and most our ilegal immigrants come right through the air port and over stay their visa. Reform immigration, that is fine but billions for a wall that will not work and can be defeated with a ladder is stupid! It did not work for the Romans and we have much better technology to defeat a wall today! The wall is folley. The real way to stop illegles is to jail those who hire them!

It's working very well where it already has been built.
PS. it's 30ft high with a round top so you can't scale it.

US Commandos Unable To Scale Border Wall Prototypes In Tests

Oh gimme a break. I bet the beaners can figure out a way.

Sure they will.
That's where we use all of the other methods .

I don't know why we can't use high tech solutions rather than a stupid wall. And have our troops down there patrolling the border. They need to train for desert conditions so the border is perfect environment.
This is the place to discuss the speech and immediate aftermath. I will post a separate Official thread for all of the 183 Dem rebuttals.... PLEASE USE these threads and do not create new ones.. I will unlock 10minutes ahead of the scheduled events..

Mods: Please bump and delete the bump threads. Thanks.

Democrats are going to lose because even a lot of us who identify as liberals agree when Trump talked about immigrants:

“They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans."

Dreamers can get relief, Trump says, so long as he can more easily deport other undocumented people, build a border wall and slash legal immigration.

Why would Democrats mind??? Are they/we now the party of undocumented people? Fuck them they can't even vote you stupid Democrats!!!

He wants to end the diversity visa lottery. So?

Trump also wants to end types of family-based immigrant visas, which he refers to derisively as “chain migration.” The president wants to allow Americans and legal permanent residents to sponsor only spouses and minor children for green cards ― a move that would cut legal immigration dramatically. YES!!!

Nancy Pelosi


#DREAMers are Americans too.

No they aren't Nancy, no they are not.
26 billion for a wall that will not work. There are already millions of tunnels dug and most our ilegal immigrants come right through the air port and over stay their visa. Reform immigration, that is fine but billions for a wall that will not work and can be defeated with a ladder is stupid! It did not work for the Romans and we have much better technology to defeat a wall today! The wall is folley. The real way to stop illegles is to jail those who hire them!

It's working very well where it already has been built.
PS. it's 30ft high with a round top so you can't scale it.

US Commandos Unable To Scale Border Wall Prototypes In Tests

Oh gimme a break. I bet the beaners can figure out a way.
So thirty foot ladders do not exist huh! I used one the other day in a Foundry. Also we have these strange new things called explosives, I can move mountains with it! If you belive that a wall mcan not be defeated, I have some land in Florida to sell you! Never midn the armed squatters they are only there on the week ends for the boar hunt they leave on monday!
Democrats are going to lose because even a lot of us who identify as liberals agree when Trump talked about immigrants:

“They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans."

Dreamers can get relief, Trump says, so long as he can more easily deport other undocumented people, build a border wall and slash legal immigration.

Why would Democrats mind??? Are they/we now the party of undocumented people? Fuck them they can't even vote you stupid Democrats!!!

He wants to end the diversity visa lottery. So?

Trump also wants to end types of family-based immigrant visas, which he refers to derisively as “chain migration.” The president wants to allow Americans and legal permanent residents to sponsor only spouses and minor children for green cards ― a move that would cut legal immigration dramatically. YES!!!

Nancy Pelosi


#DREAMers are Americans too.

No they aren't Nancy, no they are not.
26 billion for a wall that will not work. There are already millions of tunnels dug and most our ilegal immigrants come right through the air port and over stay their visa. Reform immigration, that is fine but billions for a wall that will not work and can be defeated with a ladder is stupid! It did not work for the Romans and we have much better technology to defeat a wall today! The wall is folley. The real way to stop illegles is to jail those who hire them!

It's working very well where it already has been built.
PS. it's 30ft high with a round top so you can't scale it.

US Commandos Unable To Scale Border Wall Prototypes In Tests

Oh gimme a break. I bet the beaners can figure out a way.

Sure they will.
That's where we use all of the other methods .

I don't know why we can't use high tech solutions rather than a stupid wall. And have our troops down there patrolling the border. They need to train for desert conditions so the border is perfect environment.
Drones would be much more effective!
Democrats are going to lose because even a lot of us who identify as liberals agree when Trump talked about immigrants:

“They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans."

Dreamers can get relief, Trump says, so long as he can more easily deport other undocumented people, build a border wall and slash legal immigration.

Why would Democrats mind??? Are they/we now the party of undocumented people? Fuck them they can't even vote you stupid Democrats!!!

He wants to end the diversity visa lottery. So?

Trump also wants to end types of family-based immigrant visas, which he refers to derisively as “chain migration.” The president wants to allow Americans and legal permanent residents to sponsor only spouses and minor children for green cards ― a move that would cut legal immigration dramatically. YES!!!

Nancy Pelosi


#DREAMers are Americans too.

No they aren't Nancy, no they are not.
26 billion for a wall that will not work. There are already millions of tunnels dug and most our ilegal immigrants come right through the air port and over stay their visa. Reform immigration, that is fine but billions for a wall that will not work and can be defeated with a ladder is stupid! It did not work for the Romans and we have much better technology to defeat a wall today! The wall is folley. The real way to stop illegles is to jail those who hire them!

It's working very well where it already has been built.
PS. it's 30ft high with a round top so you can't scale it.

US Commandos Unable To Scale Border Wall Prototypes In Tests

Oh gimme a break. I bet the beaners can figure out a way.

Sure they will.
That's where we use all of the other methods .

I don't know why we can't use high tech solutions rather than a stupid wall. And have our troops down there patrolling the border. They need to train for desert conditions so the border is perfect environment.

Wall in certain areas, high tech and boarder patrol where it's not feasible .
Trump’s speech (someone else’s words read from a teleprompter):

Brown people bad; nuclear weapons good; I want to be able to fire people that I currently can’t; let’s be bipartisan (even though I have insulted everyone in this room and refuse to work with Democrats).

Run with that for Dems 2018 and 2020
No doubt they will, and for good reason. Trump has shown again and again that he doesn’t like brown people, including the Dreamers that 80% of Americans (including a majority of Republicans) support; he’s talking nuclear proliferation when most don’t support it; and he’s trying to make it easier for people like him to fire civil servants (dog whistle: He wants to be able to fire Mueller).

Nobody but his base supports those positions.
A. Do you think Americans want a lot of brown people flooding in?
B. Nuclear proliferation won't cost Trump the 2020 election. No one cares. Boy are Democrats in trouble.
C. Civil servants? Do you mean government workers? No one cares about government workers either.

I do care about the environment but even pollution won't cost the GOP the election. I know because in Michigan GOP Governor Rick Snyder poisoned the city of Flint with led and he still won re election.
We both know he shouyld not have won the election under these circumstances, and how long until they think they can poison your water and get away with it! As far as the browns go as you call them. Are you afraid of competing, I am not. Here the stupid americans are worried about immigrants when our governemnt can poison their own people with out back lash, what is the real worry here. A republican governor poisons an entire town and still gets support from the right and no one is crying foul. How do you look at your self in the mirror?
This is the place to discuss the speech and immediate aftermath. I will post a separate Official thread for all of the 183 Dem rebuttals.... PLEASE USE these threads and do not create new ones.. I will unlock 10minutes ahead of the scheduled events..

Mods: Please bump and delete the bump threads. Thanks.

Democrats are going to lose because even a lot of us who identify as liberals agree when Trump talked about immigrants:

“They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans."

Dreamers can get relief, Trump says, so long as he can more easily deport other undocumented people, build a border wall and slash legal immigration.

Why would Democrats mind??? Are they/we now the party of undocumented people? Fuck them they can't even vote you stupid Democrats!!!

He wants to end the diversity visa lottery. So?

Trump also wants to end types of family-based immigrant visas, which he refers to derisively as “chain migration.” The president wants to allow Americans and legal permanent residents to sponsor only spouses and minor children for green cards ― a move that would cut legal immigration dramatically. YES!!!

Nancy Pelosi


#DREAMers are Americans too.

No they aren't Nancy, no they are not.
26 billion for a wall that will not work. There are already millions of tunnels dug and most our ilegal immigrants come right through the air port and over stay their visa. Reform immigration, that is fine but billions for a wall that will not work and can be defeated with a ladder is stupid! It did not work for the Romans and we have much better technology to defeat a wall today! The wall is folley. The real way to stop illegles is to jail those who hire them!

It's working very well where it already has been built.
PS. it's 30ft high with a round top so you can't scale it.

US Commandos Unable To Scale Border Wall Prototypes In Tests

Oh gimme a break. I bet the beaners can figure out a way.
So thirty foot ladders do not exist huh! I used one the other day in a Foundry. Also we have these strange new things called explosives, I can move mountains with it! If you belive that a wall mcan not be defeated, I have some land in Florida to sell you! Never midn the armed squatters they are only there on the week ends for the boar hunt they leave on monday!

I agree with you. The wall is a stupid idea.
Trump’s speech (someone else’s words read from a teleprompter):

Brown people bad; nuclear weapons good; I want to be able to fire people that I currently can’t; let’s be bipartisan (even though I have insulted everyone in this room and refuse to work with Democrats).

Run with that for Dems 2018 and 2020
No doubt they will, and for good reason. Trump has shown again and again that he doesn’t like brown people, including the Dreamers that 80% of Americans (including a majority of Republicans) support; he’s talking nuclear proliferation when most don’t support it; and he’s trying to make it easier for people like him to fire civil servants (dog whistle: He wants to be able to fire Mueller).

Nobody but his base supports those positions.
A. Do you think Americans want a lot of brown people flooding in?
B. Nuclear proliferation won't cost Trump the 2020 election. No one cares. Boy are Democrats in trouble.
C. Civil servants? Do you mean government workers? No one cares about government workers either.

I do care about the environment but even pollution won't cost the GOP the election. I know because in Michigan GOP Governor Rick Snyder poisoned the city of Flint with led and he still won re election.
We both know he shouyld not have won the election under these circumstances, and how long until they think they can poison your water and get away with it! As far as the browns go as you call them. Are you afraid of competing, I am not. Here the stupid americans are worried about immigrants when our governemnt can poison their own people with out back lash, what is the real worry here. A republican governor poisons an entire town and still gets support from the right and no one is crying foul. How do you look at your self in the mirror?

I agree. If only the poor brown people living in Flint were smart enough to vote. I tried to help them. I tried to be fair to the poorest Americans but did you know about 80% of the poor don't vote? What have we always been told? Don't vote don't complain. Don't vote DON'T MATTER. So poor people will matter only after they show up and vote in 2018, 2020, 2022. Not just every 4 years and not just when a brown guy is running.

Poor people are learning what they had to lose. I'm not poor so fuck them. Now if they want social services they're going to have to fight to get them back. They're going to have to vote every 2 years.

Don't picket. Don't protest. Don't riot. Don't cry on message boards. VOTE!

They look evil. Lol!
Hell they are.
Libs don't watch the speech, they have too many other "important" things to do so they let the fake news MSM tell them what the speech was
Trump’s speech (someone else’s words read from a teleprompter):

Brown people bad; nuclear weapons good; I want to be able to fire people that I currently can’t; let’s be bipartisan (even though I have insulted everyone in this room and refuse to work with Democrats).

Run with that for Dems 2018 and 2020
No doubt they will, and for good reason. Trump has shown again and again that he doesn’t like brown people, including the Dreamers that 80% of Americans (including a majority of Republicans) support; he’s talking nuclear proliferation when most don’t support it; and he’s trying to make it easier for people like him to fire civil servants (dog whistle: He wants to be able to fire Mueller).

Nobody but his base supports those positions.
A. Do you think Americans want a lot of brown people flooding in?
B. Nuclear proliferation won't cost Trump the 2020 election. No one cares. Boy are Democrats in trouble.
C. Civil servants? Do you mean government workers? No one cares about government workers either.

I do care about the environment but even pollution won't cost the GOP the election. I know because in Michigan GOP Governor Rick Snyder poisoned the city of Flint with led and he still won re election.

Typical racist democrats ^^^^^^
After 8 years of a president with a clinically severe, 'narcissistic pronoun disorder', Trump was surprisingly refreshing....!
Trump’s speech (someone else’s words read from a teleprompter):

Brown people bad; nuclear weapons good; I want to be able to fire people that I currently can’t; let’s be bipartisan (even though I have insulted everyone in this room and refuse to work with Democrats).

Run with that for Dems 2018 and 2020
No doubt they will, and for good reason. Trump has shown again and again that he doesn’t like brown people, including the Dreamers that 80% of Americans (including a majority of Republicans) support; he’s talking nuclear proliferation when most don’t support it; and he’s trying to make it easier for people like him to fire civil servants (dog whistle: He wants to be able to fire Mueller).

Nobody but his base supports those positions.
A. Do you think Americans want a lot of brown people flooding in?
B. Nuclear proliferation won't cost Trump the 2020 election. No one cares. Boy are Democrats in trouble.
C. Civil servants? Do you mean government workers? No one cares about government workers either.

I do care about the environment but even pollution won't cost the GOP the election. I know because in Michigan GOP Governor Rick Snyder poisoned the city of Flint with led and he still won re election.

Typical racist democrats ^^^^^^
I'm a racist Republican now. Don't worry they won't turn me away.
Trump’s speech (someone else’s words read from a teleprompter):

Brown people bad; nuclear weapons good; I want to be able to fire people that I currently can’t; let’s be bipartisan (even though I have insulted everyone in this room and refuse to work with Democrats).

Run with that for Dems 2018 and 2020
No doubt they will, and for good reason. Trump has shown again and again that he doesn’t like brown people, including the Dreamers that 80% of Americans (including a majority of Republicans) support; he’s talking nuclear proliferation when most don’t support it; and he’s trying to make it easier for people like him to fire civil servants (dog whistle: He wants to be able to fire Mueller).

Nobody but his base supports those positions.
A. Do you think Americans want a lot of brown people flooding in?
B. Nuclear proliferation won't cost Trump the 2020 election. No one cares. Boy are Democrats in trouble.
C. Civil servants? Do you mean government workers? No one cares about government workers either.

I do care about the environment but even pollution won't cost the GOP the election. I know because in Michigan GOP Governor Rick Snyder poisoned the city of Flint with led and he still won re election.

Typical racist democrats ^^^^^^
I'm a racist Republican now. Don't worry they won't turn me away.

Typical lefty troll ^^^^^
Run with that for Dems 2018 and 2020
No doubt they will, and for good reason. Trump has shown again and again that he doesn’t like brown people, including the Dreamers that 80% of Americans (including a majority of Republicans) support; he’s talking nuclear proliferation when most don’t support it; and he’s trying to make it easier for people like him to fire civil servants (dog whistle: He wants to be able to fire Mueller).

Nobody but his base supports those positions.
A. Do you think Americans want a lot of brown people flooding in?
B. Nuclear proliferation won't cost Trump the 2020 election. No one cares. Boy are Democrats in trouble.
C. Civil servants? Do you mean government workers? No one cares about government workers either.

I do care about the environment but even pollution won't cost the GOP the election. I know because in Michigan GOP Governor Rick Snyder poisoned the city of Flint with led and he still won re election.

Typical racist democrats ^^^^^^
I'm a racist Republican now. Don't worry they won't turn me away.

Typical lefty troll ^^^^^
I’m serious. I hate immigrants coming in droves. This is one of the things I like about republicans. Their position on immigration. We don’t need more bodies we need less. We’re over populated as is.

And we have the lowest unemployment for blacks ever! How can I be racist I’m happy about it
Trump called on Congress to give him unprecedented and unquestionably antidemocratic powers: “Tonight,” he said, “I call on the congress to empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers—and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.”

Under Trump’s proposal, any Cabinet secretary could decide that, say, a law enforcement official investigating the president had “undermined the public trust” or “failed the American people”—and fire him on the spot. In other words, Trump is calling for an end to any semblance of independence for the IRS, the FBI, the Department of Justice, or any other federal agency.
What a load of crap...

Unions have protected pieces of shit for way too long, removing the stop on administrators removing the trash is needed...

Just look at the IRS and the Veterans Affairs office... lots of poor performing crap needs to go..

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