OFFICIAL USMB State of the Union 2018 Thread.....

Melania Trump arrived at State of the Union separately from the President - CNNPolitics

I think they have been apart since early January. I guess the Comrade's tumble with the slut has really dampen their relationship. Not to worry, he will find someone else soon...
A grown ass man peddling the type of shit that daytime dramas are made of.

How embarrassing
Ya. it was embarrassing when the entire republican party tried to impeach Bill over a blow job wasn't it from a willing participant, I guess it's only ok if ya have to pay for it?

And because he LIED under oath, he was impeached. Lol. He was impeached due to his own lying and that is all.
Ya and what did he supposedly lie about, a fucking blow job which he should not have been asked about in the first place but the entire republican party wanted t be Jerry Fucking Springer.

Oh well. No use crying now! That is ancient history, and nobody cares . . . well except you maybe.
Melania Trump arrived at State of the Union separately from the President - CNNPolitics

I think they have been apart since early January. I guess the Comrade's tumble with the slut has really dampen their relationship. Not to worry, he will find someone else soon...
A grown ass man peddling the type of shit that daytime dramas are made of.

How embarrassing
Ya. it was embarrassing when the entire republican party tried to impeach Bill over a blow job wasn't it from a willing participant, I guess it's only ok if ya have to pay for it?

And because he LIED under oath, he was impeached. Lol. He was impeached due to his own lying and that is all.
Ya and what did he supposedly lie about, a fucking blow job which he should not have been asked about in the first place but the entire republican party wanted t be Jerry Fucking Springer.

Oh well. No use crying now! That is ancient history, and nobody cares . . . well except you maybe.

Then why do you RWNJs bring him up a few dozen times each day?
A grown ass man peddling the type of shit that daytime dramas are made of.

How embarrassing
Ya. it was embarrassing when the entire republican party tried to impeach Bill over a blow job wasn't it from a willing participant, I guess it's only ok if ya have to pay for it?

And because he LIED under oath, he was impeached. Lol. He was impeached due to his own lying and that is all.
Ya and what did he supposedly lie about, a fucking blow job which he should not have been asked about in the first place but the entire republican party wanted t be Jerry Fucking Springer.

Oh well. No use crying now! That is ancient history, and nobody cares . . . well except you maybe.

Then why do you RWNJs bring him up a few dozen times each day?

Why don't you ask them? Now, obviously you have nothing important to say, so buh bye now. :bye1:
Wait a minute though, didn't he get a hummer in the oval (oral - :D) office from one of his own young interns? Classy guy! Lol!
A whole lot classier than having to pay for it. That is not the poimt.

Then what is your point? That you are mad? Oh well. That means nothing to me. I liked the speech. I agreed with just about everything Trump said. That is all that matters. Your opinions on Clinton and his BJ don't mean jack shit!
Wait a minute though, didn't he get a hummer in the oval (oral - :D) office from one of his own young interns? Classy guy! Lol!
A whole lot classier than having to pay for it. That is not the poimt.

Then what is your point? That you are mad? Oh well. That means nothing to me. I liked the speech. I agreed with just about everything Trump said. That is all that matters. Your opinions on Clinton and his BJ don't mean jack shit!
This was not realy a conversation meant for you it was for grandpa. I am not going to spend time explaining to some one that was not realy involved and is not bright enough to follow the conversation to gleen some type of comprehension. Glad you liked the speech, must be nice to be easily amused and easily impressed! Now STFU adults will talk now!
Wait a minute though, didn't he get a hummer in the oval (oral - :D) office from one of his own young interns? Classy guy! Lol!
A whole lot classier than having to pay for it. That is not the poimt.

Then what is your point? That you are mad? Oh well. That means nothing to me. I liked the speech. I agreed with just about everything Trump said. That is all that matters. Your opinions on Clinton and his BJ don't mean jack shit!
This was not realy a conversation meant for you it was for grandpa. I am not going to spend time explaining to some one that was not realy involved and is not bright enough to follow the conversation to gleen some type of comprehension. Glad you liked the speech, must be nice to be easily amused and easily impressed! Now STFU adults will talk now!

I will not. You are a nobody. You have no power to tell me to shut up. This is a messageboard. Up yours.
the dems/blacks/latino hated the ''America First'' theme/idea
real smart...real American.....real patriotic :rolleyes-41:
as I've linked-proved many times---they hate America and white Donald
Wait a minute though, didn't he get a hummer in the oval (oral - :D) office from one of his own young interns? Classy guy! Lol!
A whole lot classier than having to pay for it. That is not the poimt.

Then what is your point? That you are mad? Oh well. That means nothing to me. I liked the speech. I agreed with just about everything Trump said. That is all that matters. Your opinions on Clinton and his BJ don't mean jack shit!
This was not realy a conversation meant for you it was for grandpa. I am not going to spend time explaining to some one that was not realy involved and is not bright enough to follow the conversation to gleen some type of comprehension. Glad you liked the speech, must be nice to be easily amused and easily impressed! Now STFU adults will talk now!

I will not. You are a nobody. You have no power to tell me to shut up. This is a messageboard. Up yours.

Their Arrogance is astounding.
None seem to be able to see it. :)
Wait a minute though, didn't he get a hummer in the oval (oral - :D) office from one of his own young interns? Classy guy! Lol!
A whole lot classier than having to pay for it. That is not the poimt.

Then what is your point? That you are mad? Oh well. That means nothing to me. I liked the speech. I agreed with just about everything Trump said. That is all that matters. Your opinions on Clinton and his BJ don't mean jack shit!
This was not realy a conversation meant for you it was for grandpa. I am not going to spend time explaining to some one that was not realy involved and is not bright enough to follow the conversation to gleen some type of comprehension. Glad you liked the speech, must be nice to be easily amused and easily impressed! Now STFU adults will talk now!
If you need to have a conversation with ONE MEMBER take it to PM. this is an open discussion forum.
This is the place to discuss the speech and immediate aftermath. I will post a separate Official thread for all of the 183 Dem rebuttals.... PLEASE USE these threads and do not create new ones.. I will unlock 10minutes ahead of the scheduled events..

Mods: Please bump and delete the bump threads. Thanks.

Democrats are going to lose because even a lot of us who identify as liberals agree when Trump talked about immigrants:

“They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans."

Dreamers can get relief, Trump says, so long as he can more easily deport other undocumented people, build a border wall and slash legal immigration.

Why would Democrats mind??? Are they/we now the party of undocumented people? Fuck them they can't even vote you stupid Democrats!!!

He wants to end the diversity visa lottery. So?

Trump also wants to end types of family-based immigrant visas, which he refers to derisively as “chain migration.” The president wants to allow Americans and legal permanent residents to sponsor only spouses and minor children for green cards ― a move that would cut legal immigration dramatically. YES!!!

Nancy Pelosi


#DREAMers are Americans too.

No they aren't Nancy, no they are not.
Good speech once he got around to speaking of what's next on the agenda. Am sort of disappointed in that it seems the source of all our criminal problems are from illegal immigrants and he didn't address crime that's taking place by our own citizens. Otherwise I liked his approach that are mainly middle of the road which is where I'm at politically.

Yes, he did address criminal problems. He talked about the opioid crisis, illegal immigration, and black unemployment dropping. All three of those will help reduce crime if they are addressed.
This is the place to discuss the speech and immediate aftermath. I will post a separate Official thread for all of the 183 Dem rebuttals.... PLEASE USE these threads and do not create new ones.. I will unlock 10minutes ahead of the scheduled events..

Mods: Please bump and delete the bump threads. Thanks.

Democrats are going to lose because even a lot of us who identify as liberals agree when Trump talked about immigrants:

“They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans."

Dreamers can get relief, Trump says, so long as he can more easily deport other undocumented people, build a border wall and slash legal immigration.

Why would Democrats mind??? Are they/we now the party of undocumented people? Fuck them they can't even vote you stupid Democrats!!!

He wants to end the diversity visa lottery. So?

Trump also wants to end types of family-based immigrant visas, which he refers to derisively as “chain migration.” The president wants to allow Americans and legal permanent residents to sponsor only spouses and minor children for green cards ― a move that would cut legal immigration dramatically. YES!!!

Nancy Pelosi


#DREAMers are Americans too.

No they aren't Nancy, no they are not.
26 billion for a wall that will not work. There are already millions of tunnels dug and most our ilegal immigrants come right through the air port and over stay their visa. Reform immigration, that is fine but billions for a wall that will not work and can be defeated with a ladder is stupid! It did not work for the Romans and we have much better technology to defeat a wall today! The wall is folley. The real way to stop illegles is to jail those who hire them!
I saw a clip of one of the women on the view and she made a comment on chain migration.
She is so caught up in the racism card she changed it to chained migration in order to make it racial.
This is the place to discuss the speech and immediate aftermath. I will post a separate Official thread for all of the 183 Dem rebuttals.... PLEASE USE these threads and do not create new ones.. I will unlock 10minutes ahead of the scheduled events..

Mods: Please bump and delete the bump threads. Thanks.

Democrats are going to lose because even a lot of us who identify as liberals agree when Trump talked about immigrants:

“They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans."

Dreamers can get relief, Trump says, so long as he can more easily deport other undocumented people, build a border wall and slash legal immigration.

Why would Democrats mind??? Are they/we now the party of undocumented people? Fuck them they can't even vote you stupid Democrats!!!

He wants to end the diversity visa lottery. So?

Trump also wants to end types of family-based immigrant visas, which he refers to derisively as “chain migration.” The president wants to allow Americans and legal permanent residents to sponsor only spouses and minor children for green cards ― a move that would cut legal immigration dramatically. YES!!!

Nancy Pelosi


#DREAMers are Americans too.

No they aren't Nancy, no they are not.
26 billion for a wall that will not work. There are already millions of tunnels dug and most our ilegal immigrants come right through the air port and over stay their visa. Reform immigration, that is fine but billions for a wall that will not work and can be defeated with a ladder is stupid! It did not work for the Romans and we have much better technology to defeat a wall today! The wall is folley. The real way to stop illegles is to jail those who hire them!

It's working very well where it already has been built.
PS. it's 30ft high with a round top so you can't scale it.
LIVE, On WORLD-WIDE TV - Democrats Showed They Do NOT Support THESE Things:

- job creation

- higher wages

- lower African American and Hispanic
un-employment rates

- bonuses for employees

- securing the border

- fighting the opioid epidemic

- merit-based immigration

- the American flag and the national anthem

- in God we trust

- a path to citizenship

- Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

- diminishing the Islamic State

- lower prescription drug costs

- defense and modernizing our nuclear arsenal

Entire row of Democrats refusing to stand for family whose two girls were murdered by MS-13 #SOTU
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) January 31, 2018

It's absolutely hysterical to watch Joe Manchin applaud on Trump's various economy lines & Schumer look down the aisle and shoosh him.
this has happened twice now
— Benny (@bennyjohnson)
January 31, 2018

Here Are Some of the Most Shocking Times Democrats Refused to Applaud During Trump's SOTU Address
Trump just referenced the Statue of Liberty... all while his biggest platform is to stop immigrants from coming to the U.S. unless they have value. Did his grandfather have any special skills when he came to the U.S.? He was a barber's apprentice... not a doctor, or lawyer, or teacher... under Trump's own policy his grandfather wouldn't have been allowed to come to the U.S.

At that time what was valued was unskilled raw labor. And while a nice poem, and reflecting a dramatized version of some people's thoughts at the time, it wasn't the official policy of the United States government. All had to go through places like Ellis Island. Plus there was no safety net, and people were expected to suffer a generation or two for the chance that their children or children's children would have a better life than the one they left.

You are comparing our current situation, where we have too many undocumented immigrants, to a time when our industries were starved for labor.

Yeah... except the jobs in the United States right now with some of the biggest need... is low skilled labor.

and we have citizens who could do it, if they weren't brainwashed into thinking it was beneath them.

And how much of it is truly low skilled labor compared to physical labor or current crop of entry level job people are either too lazy for or too snotty for?

We have some of the lowest unemployment rates in a long time and we STILL have a huge amount of low skilled labor jobs. Not to mention, people who work those jobs can't support themselves working those jobs. You want your cake and eat it too.

Isn't that the definition of an American?

Who pays for cake they can't eat?
Trump’s speech (someone else’s words read from a teleprompter):

Brown people bad; nuclear weapons good; I want to be able to fire people that I currently can’t; let’s be bipartisan (even though I have insulted everyone in this room and refuse to work with Democrats).

Run with that for Dems 2018 and 2020
This is the place to discuss the speech and immediate aftermath. I will post a separate Official thread for all of the 183 Dem rebuttals.... PLEASE USE these threads and do not create new ones.. I will unlock 10minutes ahead of the scheduled events..

Mods: Please bump and delete the bump threads. Thanks.

Democrats are going to lose because even a lot of us who identify as liberals agree when Trump talked about immigrants:

“They have allowed millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs and wages against the poorest Americans."

Dreamers can get relief, Trump says, so long as he can more easily deport other undocumented people, build a border wall and slash legal immigration.

Why would Democrats mind??? Are they/we now the party of undocumented people? Fuck them they can't even vote you stupid Democrats!!!

He wants to end the diversity visa lottery. So?

Trump also wants to end types of family-based immigrant visas, which he refers to derisively as “chain migration.” The president wants to allow Americans and legal permanent residents to sponsor only spouses and minor children for green cards ― a move that would cut legal immigration dramatically. YES!!!

Nancy Pelosi


#DREAMers are Americans too.

No they aren't Nancy, no they are not.
26 billion for a wall that will not work. There are already millions of tunnels dug and most our ilegal immigrants come right through the air port and over stay their visa. Reform immigration, that is fine but billions for a wall that will not work and can be defeated with a ladder is stupid! It did not work for the Romans and we have much better technology to defeat a wall today! The wall is folley. The real way to stop illegles is to jail those who hire them!

It's working very well where it already has been built.
PS. it's 30ft high with a round top so you can't scale it.
We really don't need a wall and it won't work but a wall will not get me to vote against Trump. I don't give a shit about illegals or any immigrant who isn't already here.

Maybe the money we save by not giving free social services to illegals will pay for the wall. Imagine if all the immigrants who came here and some how got on medicaid or disability suddenly disappeared?

My sister in law is a physical therapist. She deals with people going through rehab. All the Americans have insurance and all the arabs that come in are on disability.

My mom was in an Alzheimers home. We paid $12,000 a month to keep her there. All the Chaldeans who came here from Iraq had their grandmothers staying at this place for free. They had no money so medicaid paid. This is why I like what Trump says about immigrants coming here and bringing their entire extended family. Fuck that. Why bring a 59 year old Iraqi parent to America? Is that person going to pay for the medicare/medicaid they are going to need in the next ten years?

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