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Official USMB What is a Wall? Why a Wall?

I suppose it's just a matter of time before Trump declares martial law due to too many people cheating on their taxes.

"It's a national crisis, for chrissakes!"

or he could do what Obama did and have the IRS illegally attack his political enemies.

Show me evidence Obama ordered his enemies attacked by the IRS.

Lois Lerner testified to those facts, but took no personal responsibility to save her own ass.
Trump never said that Mexico would write us a check or send a pallet of money to pay for the wall. It was always an indirect payment resulting from improved trade deals.

Wow! You are like a character right out of Orwell! You have already forgotten what Big Brother said in the recent past and now parrot the new party line.

This is amazing. Truly, truly amazing. How do you inflict amnesia on yourself like that? I honestly want to know. I am not kidding. How do you do that?

The answer to that question would give some great insight into how Trump’s rubes continually fail to see they have been massively hoaxed on several issues several times.

The original claim by Trump was that the payment was going to be a direct reimbursement or by cutting off remittances by illegals.

See for yourself: Memo explains how Donald Trump plans to pay for border wall

Right there on day 3, prole. A demand for a direct contribution by Mexico to pay for the wall.

The trade deal thing is a recent addition to Trump's horseshit. Trump clearly implied in his original claims that Mexico would indeed make a direct payment for the wall.

And trade deals won't pay for the wall. That's a hoax, too. He's counting on your stupidity and gullibility.

Analysis | President Trump’s nonsensical claim that Mexico is paying for the wall

But on pallets of money-------------------where did Obama get the 150 billion that he shipped to Iran? Did congress vote on that?
Nice red herrring. I guess that's why you call yourself Redfish, eh?

How are you so ignorant of the facts? Seriously.

You can catch up here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...prohibited-by-u-s-law/?utm_term=.91577bf9ef6f
Trump never said that Mexico would write us a check or send a pallet of money to pay for the wall. It was always an indirect payment resulting from improved trade deals.

Wow! You are like a character right out of Orwell! You have already forgotten what Big Brother said in the recent past and now parrot the new party line.

This is amazing. Truly, truly amazing. How do you inflict amnesia on yourself like that? I honestly want to know. I am not kidding. How do you do that? The answer to that question would give some great insight into how Trump’s rubes continually fail to see they have been massively hoaxed on several issues several times.

The original claim by Trump was that the payment was going to be a direct reimbursement or by cutting off remittances by illegals. The "tariff" bullshit was a last ditch effort.

See for yourself: Memo explains how Donald Trump plans to pay for border wall

Right there on day 3, prole. A demand for a direct contribution by Mexico to pay for the wall.

The trade deal thing is horseshit. That's a recent addition. A new hoax.

Trade deals won't pay for the wall. That's a hoax, too. He's counting on your stupidity and gullibility.

Analysis | President Trump’s nonsensical claim that Mexico is paying for the wall

But on pallets of money-------------------where did Obama get the 150 billion that he shipped to Iran? Did congress vote on that?
Nice red herrring. I guess that's why you call yourself Redfish, eh?

How are you so ignorant of the facts? Seriously.

You can catch up here: Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law?
Last edited:
Enough with the idiotic red herrings now. Stick to the topic.
That’s a pretty shitty deal. Tax poor people?!

I’d think most would take Trumps message of Mexico paying for the wall as the Mexican government, not the poor. Of course I think he was full of shit when he said Mexico would pay for it

Agreed it is a shitty deal.

If Mexico wanted to be a good neighbor, they would control their side of the border, and not let millions of their people illegally cross into our country against our democratically enacted laws.

They would do that, with their own tax dollars, internally, and not say boo about it, because it is being responsible for their own actions.

That is what would be a good deal.

BUt, they are a shit hole of a country, with a shitty government, so we end up with a shitty deal.

Ok so we agree that taxing the poor is not justification for Mexico paying for the wall. So Let’s not use that line anymore.

Nothing I said, could be sanely interpreted as what you pretend I just agreed too.
Apologies, I wasn’t trying to put words in your mouth. I had said that it’s a shitty deal taxing the poor and that the “Mexico will pay for it” line reasonably meant that the government would be paying for the wall, not the poor.

You replied “Agreed, it’s a shitty deal” so I took that as agreement.

So to clarify, you think Trump meant to tax poor people in Mexico and that was his plan for “Mexico paying for the wall”? And you think that’s a shitty deal? Please correct me if I’m not understanding you correctly.

I think it has long been established that campaign promises are, at best vague declarations of intent,

and that Trump, specifically, is known as a large scale user of hyperbole.

Thus, examining his statements as though they are legal documents, is not reasonable.

Trump seems to be making an good faith effort to get the Wall started, now.

By any reasonable comparison to the sub set of Presidential Campaign promises, right there, that is a Win, for US, his supporters.

If he were to get the money from Mexico, in ANY fashion, that would be gravy.

That it is "shitty" that the burden falls on Mexico's "poor" that in more on them, for being shitty neighbors, and not on US.

I agree about the campaign hyperbole and wish that wasn’t accepted. I’m curious. Do you consider Obama’s keep your plan keep your doctor line a lie or campaign hyperbole?
Trump never said that Mexico would write us a check or send a pallet of money to pay for the wall. It was always an indirect payment resulting from improved trade deals.

PLEASE point out WHERE in the NAFTA 2.0 Trump.....the greatest deal maker that ever existed.......had Mexico paying for the wall in dollars, pesos, tacos, enchiladas, mariachi, etc......

Go on........I'll wait, Mr. Tuna.......LOL
Trump never said that Mexico would write us a check or send a pallet of money to pay for the wall. It was always an indirect payment resulting from improved trade deals.

Wow! You are like a character right out of Orwell! You have already forgotten what Big Brother said in the recent past and now parrot the new party line.

This is amazing. Truly, truly amazing. How do you inflict amnesia on yourself like that? I honestly want to know. I am not kidding. How do you do that?

The answer to that question would give some great insight into how Trump’s rubes continually fail to see they have been massively hoaxed on several issues several times.

The original claim by Trump was that the payment was going to be a direct reimbursement or by cutting off remittances by illegals.

See for yourself: Memo explains how Donald Trump plans to pay for border wall

Right there on day 3, prole. A demand for a direct contribution by Mexico to pay for the wall.

The trade deal thing is a recent addition to Trump's horseshit. Trump clearly implied in his original claims that Mexico would indeed make a direct payment for the wall.

And trade deals won't pay for the wall. That's a hoax, too. He's counting on your stupidity and gullibility.

Analysis | President Trump’s nonsensical claim that Mexico is paying for the wall

But on pallets of money-------------------where did Obama get the 150 billion that he shipped to Iran? Did congress vote on that?
Nice red herrring. I guess that's why you call yourself Redfish, eh?

How are you so ignorant of the facts? Seriously.

You can catch up here: Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law?

I find it amazing that you continue to remain uninformed and post bullshit from the Wash post and Huff puff as legitimate sources of data. You are brainwashed, you are exactly what the deep state establishment needs, willing idiiots who, like sheep, obey and worship their handlers because they give you free stuff. As to Orwell, he saw it coming and wrote about it, as did Rand. They were right, its happening today and morons like you are allowing it.

Lets understand a few things:

1. the dems want illegals in this country because they see them as their only voting base that will keep them in power
2. the dems voted for a wall twice before Trump came into office
3. they only object to it now in order to grab a talking point for 2020 that Trump failed to deliver on the wall
4. Schumer and Pelosi are the most corrupt disingenuous people ever to represent either party
5. the dems are being split into the Pelosi/Schumer camp, and the socialist/muslim camp. they are destroying themselves
6. the party of Truman and Kennedy died when the Kenyan was elected

Get your shovel ready since you and your moronic ilk will NEVER get the House to approve funding of Trump's useless promise to his equally ignorant cult members.

Funny, I remember when you lefties Party Line was the Trump would never even try to do it.

And now your line is that you will stop him from doing it.

And yet, at no point, did any of you admit that you were wrong initially.

YOu libs are like that.
I can’t speak for other “Libs” but I always saw Trumps wall campaign as unrealistic and full of hot air. The “wall” is now evolving, like most campaign ideas do... but as far as building a new coast to coast “Great Wall of Trump” that Mexico is paying for like he advertised, not going to ever happen. Now for repairing existing fencing and adding walls/fences where neccessary like we have done for decades. Yes of course that is reasonable and will happen. Just gotta get beyond all this political squabbling nonesense

1. If the end result of Trump's Wall is the status quo, that is a failure.

2. There is no reason that we cannot have all the reasonably accessible routs into the country, walled.

3. Who pays for it, is FAR less important, than there being a radical transformation of the border resulting in a massive decrease in the illegal population in this country.
If Trump was interested in unity rather than a divisive fight then he could have gotten the wall by focusing on the shining gates. If it wasn’t a “keep out” brand and if it was more of a Statue of Liberty brand then many more liberals would be supportive.
Trump never said that Mexico would write us a check or send a pallet of money to pay for the wall. It was always an indirect payment resulting from improved trade deals.

Wow! You are like a character right out of Orwell! You have already forgotten what Big Brother said in the recent past and now parrot the new party line.

This is amazing. Truly, truly amazing. How do you inflict amnesia on yourself like that? I honestly want to know. I am not kidding. How do you do that?

The answer to that question would give some great insight into how Trump’s rubes continually fail to see they have been massively hoaxed on several issues several times.

The original claim by Trump was that the payment was going to be a direct reimbursement or by cutting off remittances by illegals.

See for yourself: Memo explains how Donald Trump plans to pay for border wall

Right there on day 3, prole. A demand for a direct contribution by Mexico to pay for the wall.

The trade deal thing is a recent addition to Trump's horseshit. Trump clearly implied in his original claims that Mexico would indeed make a direct payment for the wall.

And trade deals won't pay for the wall. That's a hoax, too. He's counting on your stupidity and gullibility.

Analysis | President Trump’s nonsensical claim that Mexico is paying for the wall

But on pallets of money-------------------where did Obama get the 150 billion that he shipped to Iran? Did congress vote on that?
Nice red herrring. I guess that's why you call yourself Redfish, eh?

How are you so ignorant of the facts? Seriously.

You can catch up here: Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law?

I find it amazing that you continue to remain uninformed and post bullshit from the Wash post and Huff puff as legitimate sources of data. You are brainwashed, you are exactly what the deep state establishment needs, willing idiots who, like sheep, obey and worship their handlers because they give you free stuff. As to Orwell, he saw it coming and wrote about it, as did Rand. They were right, its happening today and morons like you are allowing it.

Lets understand a few things:

1. the dems want illegals in this country because they see them as their only voting base that will keep them in power
2. the dems voted for a wall twice before Trump came into office
3. they only object to it now in order to grab a talking point for 2020 that Trump failed to deliver on the wall
4. Schumer and Pelosi are the most corrupt disingenuous people ever to represent either party
5. the dems are being split into the Pelosi/Schumer camp, and the socialist/muslim camp. they are destroying themselves
6. the party of Truman and Kennedy died when the Kenyan was elected
Trump never said that Mexico would write us a check or send a pallet of money to pay for the wall. It was always an indirect payment resulting from improved trade deals.

Wow! You are like a character right out of Orwell! You have already forgotten what Big Brother said in the recent past and now parrot the new party line.

This is amazing. Truly, truly amazing. How do you inflict amnesia on yourself like that? I honestly want to know. I am not kidding. How do you do that?

The answer to that question would give some great insight into how Trump’s rubes continually fail to see they have been massively hoaxed on several issues several times.

The original claim by Trump was that the payment was going to be a direct reimbursement or by cutting off remittances by illegals.

See for yourself: Memo explains how Donald Trump plans to pay for border wall

Right there on day 3, prole. A demand for a direct contribution by Mexico to pay for the wall.

The trade deal thing is a recent addition to Trump's horseshit. Trump clearly implied in his original claims that Mexico would indeed make a direct payment for the wall.

And trade deals won't pay for the wall. That's a hoax, too. He's counting on your stupidity and gullibility.

Analysis | President Trump’s nonsensical claim that Mexico is paying for the wall

But on pallets of money-------------------where did Obama get the 150 billion that he shipped to Iran? Did congress vote on that?
Nice red herrring. I guess that's why you call yourself Redfish, eh?

How are you so ignorant of the facts? Seriously.

You can catch up here: Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law?

I find it amazing that you continue to remain uninformed and post bullshit from the Wash post and Huff puff as legitimate sources of data.

I posted a link which shows Trump's own memo, retard. And the Washington Post provides plenty of cites for their facts. Trump's been gaslighting you tards to keep you from opening your goddam eyes to the facts.

You can be a willfully blind monkey and keep inflicting amnesia on yourself, and parrot the new lies Trump feeds you, or you can finally, finally, finally wake up to the fact you've been a sap all this time.

Your choice.

The rest of your post is just a pile of straw men.

I'm weary of all the logical fallacies you bring to a debate. Red herrings, straw men, tu quoques. It's getting really, really old.

You are wasting everyone's time with that bullshit.
Trump said quite plainly he was going to make Mexico provide a direct contribution for the wall. It's right there in black and white in his own memo.

It is truly amazing how the rubes repeatedly inflict amnesia on themselves just to support their liar in chief.

That's fucking frightening, actually.
Trump never said that Mexico would write us a check or send a pallet of money to pay for the wall. It was always an indirect payment resulting from improved trade deals.

Wow! You are like a character right out of Orwell! You have already forgotten what Big Brother said in the recent past and now parrot the new party line.

This is amazing. Truly, truly amazing. How do you inflict amnesia on yourself like that? I honestly want to know. I am not kidding. How do you do that?

The answer to that question would give some great insight into how Trump’s rubes continually fail to see they have been massively hoaxed on several issues several times.

The original claim by Trump was that the payment was going to be a direct reimbursement or by cutting off remittances by illegals.

See for yourself: Memo explains how Donald Trump plans to pay for border wall

Right there on day 3, prole. A demand for a direct contribution by Mexico to pay for the wall.

The trade deal thing is a recent addition to Trump's horseshit. Trump clearly implied in his original claims that Mexico would indeed make a direct payment for the wall.

And trade deals won't pay for the wall. That's a hoax, too. He's counting on your stupidity and gullibility.

Analysis | President Trump’s nonsensical claim that Mexico is paying for the wall

But on pallets of money-------------------where did Obama get the 150 billion that he shipped to Iran? Did congress vote on that?
Nice red herrring. I guess that's why you call yourself Redfish, eh?

How are you so ignorant of the facts? Seriously.

You can catch up here: Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law?

I find it amazing that you continue to remain uninformed and post bullshit from the Wash post and Huff puff as legitimate sources of data.

I posted a link which shows Trump's own memo, retard. And the Washington Post provides plenty of cites for their facts. Trump's been gaslighting you tards to keep you from opening your goddam eyes to the facts.

You can be a willfully blind monkey and keep inflicting amnesia on yourself, and parrot the new lies Trump feeds you, or you can finally, finally, finally wake up to the fact you've been a sap all this time.

Your choice.

The rest of your post is just a pile of straw men.

I'm weary of all the logical fallacies you bring to a debate. Red herrings, straw men, tu quoques. It's getting really, really old.

You are wasting everyone's time with that bullshit.

It's a bad day to be a Trumpbot.

However, I am still unclear why Trump made this morass he is La Brae Tar Pitted in. Coulter and Rush called on him to renege his agreement to fund the govt without express provision for funding his wall. Wogs tell us that he had to cave to keep his base, but that's not true. All he had to do was have his pic taking with Neilesn building some barrier and caption it "working on it despite cowardly dem traitor mex-lovers." And maybe put AOC's pic on it to, despite the fact that she's not related to Mexicans and was born here ... but wait, when has that mattered to Trump.

But despite what Rush and Coulter might claim, Trump could always refuse some future legislation that didn't do border reform and fund his wall. This was not a one shot or lose it deal.

Something is motivating to find a crisis to attract the attention of his base.
To objectively address the thread's title, we need to review Trump's campaign mantra.....

Trump promised his loyal base a wall (never mind the moronic assertion that Mexico would pay for it; THAT was just demagoguery.)

Trump also knows that if a wall is NOT built, his chances of re-election are about as probable as Jill Stein's in 2016

Then we have the made-up DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted until he or she is out of office and Trump well knows that there are a ton of legal quagmires awaiting him AND his family in 2021 were he out of office.

Finally, the only viable defense that Trump may have in facing these legal issues, is to rely on the statutes of limitation to save his hide.

Sooooooo, the real reason why Trump NEEDS a wall to be built, is NOT because of a made-up "national crisis"........but simply, to keep his fat ass out of bankruptcies, shame and even possibly out of prison.

We need the wall in order to stop illegal immigration and have a proper border. Pays itself back in no time.
He knew in Jan 16, Mexico wasn't paying, and he asked the Mexican president to keep quiet.

He knew sometime in 16, he didn't have 51 gop senate votes for the wall

He could have just claimed to be working on building it and put up pics in his tweets.

And he agreed to funding the gummit without the wall.

But suddenly just before Christmas, to all the gop senators' surprise, it became necessary for him to create a crisis by shutting down the gummit over the wall. I wonder why
Same responses from a Trump ass licker.......Obviously, instead of growing some more brain cells, the above idiot regresses to the level of a 10 year old.....

I'm simply following Lackotas lead with pity memes!
It is a shame that you ABNORMALS actually need to be raped, robbed or killed to understand our laws and need for security...or perhaps it's the fact that your local drug supplier might be affected and you go into withdrawal!....My, wouldn't that be a hoot!

Go back to bed and dream of a beautiful wall.............LMAO
Wow, what an idiotic comeback...but, then again, an idiot wrote it!
As always, the goal of the lefty is to discuss endlessly the best way to secure the border, and yet, the border is never secured.

You know, dimwit........our military has not won a war since WWII....Does THAT make our military negligent or obsolete???

We have 46.000 CBP agents and your orange clown put in another 6,000 troops.....Are they all ineffective moochers???............

Smarten up and "think" on YOUR OWN.

1. It certainly calls into question at least the way we use our military. Also, I consider the Cold War a Win.

2. The 30 million illegals living in this country, is irrefutable proof they are ineffective.
The Cold War was a win of what? Capitalism is what the right wing alleges to insist on.

Western Liberal Democracies led by a primarily Capitalistic America, vs Communists Soviet Union.

It is odd that you do not know that. Was that a leading question designed to draw out details that you have some point to make about?
there was no need for a socialized Cold War when a more capital Industrial Automation race would have been more cost effective. Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing.

That was nonsense. The Soviet Union was a real threat that needed to be dealt with.

Get your shovel ready since you and your moronic ilk will NEVER get the House to approve funding of Trump's useless promise to his equally ignorant cult members.

Funny, I remember when you lefties Party Line was the Trump would never even try to do it.

And now your line is that you will stop him from doing it.

And yet, at no point, did any of you admit that you were wrong initially.

YOu libs are like that.
I can’t speak for other “Libs” but I always saw Trumps wall campaign as unrealistic and full of hot air. The “wall” is now evolving, like most campaign ideas do... but as far as building a new coast to coast “Great Wall of Trump” that Mexico is paying for like he advertised, not going to ever happen. Now for repairing existing fencing and adding walls/fences where neccessary like we have done for decades. Yes of course that is reasonable and will happen. Just gotta get beyond all this political squabbling nonesense

1. If the end result of Trump's Wall is the status quo, that is a failure.

2. There is no reason that we cannot have all the reasonably accessible routs into the country, walled.

3. Who pays for it, is FAR less important, than there being a radical transformation of the border resulting in a massive decrease in the illegal population in this country.
If Trump was interested in unity rather than a divisive fight then he could have gotten the wall by focusing on the shining gates. If it wasn’t a “keep out” brand and if it was more of a Statue of Liberty brand then many more liberals would be supportive.

The Goal is a policy the protects and advances American interests.

If one side of the political divide is against that, then "Unity" would be a bad thing, as we have to compromise with people who want policies that are bad for America.
Agreed it is a shitty deal.

If Mexico wanted to be a good neighbor, they would control their side of the border, and not let millions of their people illegally cross into our country against our democratically enacted laws.

They would do that, with their own tax dollars, internally, and not say boo about it, because it is being responsible for their own actions.

That is what would be a good deal.

BUt, they are a shit hole of a country, with a shitty government, so we end up with a shitty deal.

Ok so we agree that taxing the poor is not justification for Mexico paying for the wall. So Let’s not use that line anymore.

Nothing I said, could be sanely interpreted as what you pretend I just agreed too.
Apologies, I wasn’t trying to put words in your mouth. I had said that it’s a shitty deal taxing the poor and that the “Mexico will pay for it” line reasonably meant that the government would be paying for the wall, not the poor.

You replied “Agreed, it’s a shitty deal” so I took that as agreement.

So to clarify, you think Trump meant to tax poor people in Mexico and that was his plan for “Mexico paying for the wall”? And you think that’s a shitty deal? Please correct me if I’m not understanding you correctly.

I think it has long been established that campaign promises are, at best vague declarations of intent,

and that Trump, specifically, is known as a large scale user of hyperbole.

Thus, examining his statements as though they are legal documents, is not reasonable.

Trump seems to be making an good faith effort to get the Wall started, now.

By any reasonable comparison to the sub set of Presidential Campaign promises, right there, that is a Win, for US, his supporters.

If he were to get the money from Mexico, in ANY fashion, that would be gravy.

That it is "shitty" that the burden falls on Mexico's "poor" that in more on them, for being shitty neighbors, and not on US.

I agree about the campaign hyperbole and wish that wasn’t accepted. I’m curious. Do you consider Obama’s keep your plan keep your doctor line a lie or campaign hyperbole?

NOpe. Obama is not the notorious big mouth that Trump is. That claim on his seemed very serious, and was used to sell a very important policy.
Trump never said that Mexico would write us a check or send a pallet of money to pay for the wall. It was always an indirect payment resulting from improved trade deals.

Wow! You are like a character right out of Orwell! You have already forgotten what Big Brother said in the recent past and now parrot the new party line.

This is amazing. Truly, truly amazing. How do you inflict amnesia on yourself like that? I honestly want to know. I am not kidding. How do you do that?

The answer to that question would give some great insight into how Trump’s rubes continually fail to see they have been massively hoaxed on several issues several times.

The original claim by Trump was that the payment was going to be a direct reimbursement or by cutting off remittances by illegals.

See for yourself: Memo explains how Donald Trump plans to pay for border wall

Right there on day 3, prole. A demand for a direct contribution by Mexico to pay for the wall.

The trade deal thing is a recent addition to Trump's horseshit. Trump clearly implied in his original claims that Mexico would indeed make a direct payment for the wall.

And trade deals won't pay for the wall. That's a hoax, too. He's counting on your stupidity and gullibility.

Analysis | President Trump’s nonsensical claim that Mexico is paying for the wall

But on pallets of money-------------------where did Obama get the 150 billion that he shipped to Iran? Did congress vote on that?
Nice red herrring. I guess that's why you call yourself Redfish, eh?

How are you so ignorant of the facts? Seriously.

You can catch up here: Analysis | Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law?

I find it amazing that you continue to remain uninformed and post bullshit from the Wash post and Huff puff as legitimate sources of data. You are brainwashed, you are exactly what the deep state establishment needs, willing idiots who, like sheep, obey and worship their handlers because they give you free stuff. As to Orwell, he saw it coming and wrote about it, as did Rand. They were right, its happening today and morons like you are allowing it.

Lets understand a few things:

1. the dems want illegals in this country because they see them as their only voting base that will keep them in power
2. the dems voted for a wall twice before Trump came into office
3. they only object to it now in order to grab a talking point for 2020 that Trump failed to deliver on the wall
4. Schumer and Pelosi are the most corrupt disingenuous people ever to represent either party
5. the dems are being split into the Pelosi/Schumer camp, and the socialist/muslim camp. they are destroying themselves
6. the party of Truman and Kennedy died when the Kenyan was elected
My president is showing these reporters that they are . . . just reporters. Their job is to report what he says, not give their opinions which is worth less than the cup of coffee they drank earlier today.

The collusion between the U.S. Media and the DemonRAT Marxists makes whatever they fabricated against Trump look like kids play. In fact, everything they fabricated was the means to deflect attention away from what they are doing. PDJT knows this and is calling them out to destroy them. I like when Kellyanne Conway called Acosta a “smart ass.” In my book, when the media fails to report the truth, the are worse than ‘smart asses.’ They are subversive scum.


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