CDZ Officially designating drug cartels as Terrorists.

We've been at war with REAL terrorists for 18 years now... how has that been going?

Pretty well since failed former President Barack Hussein Obama left office.

As you know, the ISIS Caliphate no longer exists.


2019 the ISIS Caliphate is totally gone.

It appears that President Trump is serious about this and will designate the Mexican drug cartels as Terrorist groups. It seems like the right thing to do, I just always wonder about the unintended consequences. Does this mean we could have drone strikes launched from the US side to take out a Terrorist cell? Will we be coordinating with Mexico's police and military? I see big problems with that given how corrupt that country is. But we almost have to at this point, the Cartels have already shown they can exert force and make the Mexican government cave like they did releasing El Chapo's son.

US to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorists
While the Murican drug cartels (BigPharm) enjoy the protection rackets of the FDA & DEA to peddle their poisons with impunity.

Pretty fucked up, if you ask me.

That's just a stupid comment.
That's an even more stupid "rebuttal".
Naw, I hang with a classier group of people.

Now, here's the thing. The biggest drug problem we have are people who are addicted to opioids, legally produced, gleefully distributed by doctors and mass produced by big corporations.

You just cannot discipline yourself can you?

I'm not a great example, I seem to have a very high threshold for pain. I have been prescribed some manner of opioid pain-killer at least a dozen times in my adult life. I raced motorcycles for a number of years, have ridden them since I was 13 and have had a few surgeries and oral surgeries. Of all of those, I have taken one tablet. I took that one because it was prescribed that I take it one hour after the local wore off after a root canal. I don't put any weight in anecdotal evidence either.

More to the point, as you know, fewer than five percent (5%) (one in twenty) of people prescribed opioid pain killers, oxy or the like, too long after common surgeries. Apparently then, I'm not at all unusual.

Do you believe that there are addictive personalities? I do. I've seen so many times that the parent, uncle or other close relatives of an alcoholic, are or were alcoholics. Same with druggies.

Much of the problem today comes from the draconian restrictions put on doctors prescribing pain killers that those needing the drug find it easier, and cheaper to switch to heroin.

The last time I checked, "big pharma" wasn't producing heroin or cocaine. Am I wrong?
Maybe- and I'm just spitballing here- we need to stop treating drug addiction as a criminal problem and treat it like a medical one.

We do, it's called drug court.
It removed the consequences for committing those crimes, effectively decriminalizing them. As a direct and obvious result, California has been plagued, since then, by an epidemic of these “non-crimes”. I was directly affected, myself, earlier this year. (I misspoke, earlier, and said it was last year; on rechecking, I see that it was in march of this year.)

I was alerted very early that morning by a neighbor, that my car had been broken into. When I went out to see, this is the sight that greeted me…

And so? You had insurance, right?

My wife and I both had to take the day off of work to deal with the aftermath of this. We ended up being out a bit over a hundred dollars for the two power drills that were not recovered, several hundred to get the window on my car fixed, and a few hundred for lost wages from work; all costs that we really couldn't easily afford to bear at that time. It was very fortunate for me that the tool box with most of its contents was recovered; I would not have been able to afford to replace the contents of it, and I would not have been able to continue in my profession without these tools.

Again, why did you have these tools out where someone could see them?

Here's the thing. I got my car broken into back in 1997, I think it was, because someone wanted a leather jacket I left on the seat. While I'm sure if the Cops where I live had caught the guy in the act, they weren't going to be bothered to actually investigate.... So whether or not it was a "crime" is sort of meaningless.

Several other cars in my apartment complex were also broken into that morning, as well, with various stuff stolen from them. I understand one of my neighbors lost about $1700 worth of tools from his truck.

The police specifically told me that they were not going to investigate this set of crimes.

They wouldn't have investigated them before Prop 49, either. They fill out a report, you go to your insurance company.

I do not know if the subhuman piece(s) of shit who committed this rash of break-ins was/were white, black, yellow, or whatever other color. It doesn't matter. What matters is that I and several of my neighbors had, between us, thousands of dollars worth of property stolen and/or destroyed. You're the only one who thinks it matters what race a thieving, property-destroying subhuman animal might happen to be, and you're the only one assuming that it must be “young people of color”.

Well, if they were white kids, they would have been let off with a warning, the little scamps... that's the whole problem with our justice system. White kids get probation... kids of color get prison. And we have 2 million people in prison for mostly non-violent offences.
Pretty well since failed former President Barack Hussein Obama left office.

As you know, the ISIS Caliphate no longer exists.

yes, thanks to Obama putting together an international coalition to fight it... which wouldn't have been possible with George W. Bush and his "Either your with us or with the terrorists" mantra.

But point being, we are still fighting terrorists 18 years after 9/11... how is that going for us?
Again, a word that meant something will now transform into meaningless.
The cartels are not political terrorist groups. They are viscous, reprehensible, detestable and deserve whatever evil may befall them. To call them terrorists only degrades the term.
More to the point, as you know, fewer than five percent (5%) (one in twenty) of people prescribed opioid pain killers, oxy or the like, too long after common surgeries. Apparently then, I'm not at all unusual.

Do you believe that there are addictive personalities? I do. I've seen so many times that the parent, uncle or other close relatives of an alcoholic, are or were alcoholics. Same with druggies.

Much of the problem today comes from the draconian restrictions put on doctors prescribing pain killers that those needing the drug find it easier, and cheaper to switch to heroin.

The last time I checked, "big pharma" wasn't producing heroin or cocaine. Am I wrong?

Yes, you are wrong.

THere are a lot of people who get addicted to pain killers, not because they got a surgery, but because they suffer from chronic pain... And doctors find it easier to prescribe a pill than to do other treatments.
The cartels are not political terrorist groups. They are viscous, reprehensible, detestable and deserve whatever evil may befall them. To call them terrorists only degrades the term

I suspect some bureaucratic shuffling and subsequent funding are really the root of reediting them

More to the point, as you know, fewer than five percent (5%) (one in twenty) of people prescribed opioid pain killers, oxy or the like, too long after common surgeries. Apparently then, I'm not at all unusual.

Do you believe that there are addictive personalities? I do. I've seen so many times that the parent, uncle or other close relatives of an alcoholic, are or were alcoholics. Same with druggies.

Much of the problem today comes from the draconian restrictions put on doctors prescribing pain killers that those needing the drug find it easier, and cheaper to switch to heroin.

The last time I checked, "big pharma" wasn't producing heroin or cocaine. Am I wrong?

Yes, you are wrong.

THere are a lot of people who get addicted to pain killers, not because they got a surgery, but because they suffer from chronic pain... And doctors find it easier to prescribe a pill than to do other treatments.

We've been a pill poppin nation for quite some time Joe, one doesn't need venture far to be enlightened to this

The antibiotic paradox , trace amounts of psychotropics in our water system, etc

Just as one could argue our oil addiction the catalyst for the WOT, one could also argue our penchant for pharmaceuticals the same for our WOD's

The S America cartels are pikers juxtaposed to the pharmacabal >
American Pharmaceutical Companies and the Emerging Indian Opioid Crisis - Addiction Center

Following this 2014 change, pain management using pharmaceuticals quickly became a flourishing industry in India, with multinational drugs companies discovering new markets there. With a population of 1.3 billion people, India offered struggling American pharmaceutical companies facing multiple lawsuits back home a new source of costumers and income.

But i digress

You've hit the nail on the head going down pharmacabal avenue Joe

You realize there;s no wall, no army, no agency , no foreign policy that will stop this WOD's

Some serious social constructs need revisiting , JHMO

yes, thanks to Obama putting together an international coalition to fight it... which wouldn't have been possible with George W. Bush and his "Either your with us or with the terrorists" mantra.

But point being, we are still fighting terrorists 18 years after 9/11... how is that going for us?

ISIS would not have established a Caliphate in Iraq had failed former President Barack Hussein Obama NOT pulled all our troops out of Iraq against the advice of his advisers.

As you know, but will pretend to not know, is the fact that President George Bush left a Status of Forces Agreement in place well into the administration of failed former President Barack Hussein Obama. All President Obama had to do was negotiate an extension. He either refused or was inept and could not arrange such a simple agreement.
Well, if they were white kids, they would have been let off with a warning, the little scamps... that's the whole problem with our justice system. White kids get probation... kids of color get prison. And we have 2 million people in prison for mostly non-violent offences.

And so? You had insurance, right?

Specifically what does that have to do with the criminals knowing that they can commit these crimes with no fear of prosecution?

How is not enforcing the law a good thing?

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More to the point, as you know, fewer than five percent (5%) (one in twenty) of people prescribed opioid pain killers, oxy or the like, too long after common surgeries. Apparently then, I'm not at all unusual.

Do you believe that there are addictive personalities? I do. I've seen so many times that the parent, uncle or other close relatives of an alcoholic, are or were alcoholics. Same with druggies.

Much of the problem today comes from the draconian restrictions put on doctors prescribing pain killers that those needing the drug find it easier, and cheaper to switch to heroin.

The last time I checked, "big pharma" wasn't producing heroin or cocaine. Am I wrong?

Yes, you are wrong.

THere are a lot of people who get addicted to pain killers, not because they got a surgery, but because they suffer from chronic pain... And doctors find it easier to prescribe a pill than to do other treatments.

Of course, I'm wrong.

I provide FACTS, a reliable source and link and you provide...


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