CDZ Officially designating drug cartels as Terrorists.

It appears that President Trump is serious about this and will designate the Mexican drug cartels as Terrorist groups. It seems like the right thing to do, I just always wonder about the unintended consequences. Does this mean we could have drone strikes launched from the US side to take out a Terrorist cell? Will we be coordinating with Mexico's police and military? I see big problems with that given how corrupt that country is. But we almost have to at this point, the Cartels have already shown they can exert force and make the Mexican government cave like they did releasing El Chapo's son.

And what practical effect would that have?

We've been at war with REAL terrorists for 18 years now... how has that been going?

Here's how you take care of the drug cartels... Decriminalize drugs, treat addiction as a medical problem instead of a criminal one.
While I agree with you in general- the drug cartels themselves are still a menace. When we ended Prohibition, we didn't stop prosecuting the gangsters that became wealthy and powerful during Prohibition.
Thank you, President Trump.

And if we choose to go to war -- and I mean REAL war -- with them, I'm good with that, too.
Yeah they need to be killed........but again...........why the hell don't the people there Stand..............

Why do they keep running..................smh
Because the cartels have destroyed the country with corruption and made its people desperate. They then buy off not just the politicians, but the police and the people in the streets. No one can make a move. It's another version of North Korea.

Educate yourself.

Nothing like North Korea at all.

Certainly drugs have added to the corruption in Mexico- (don't pretend it started with cartels).

North Korea exerts the most control of its citizens of any country on the planet.
Mexico can't control its gangs which control parts of the country.

Nothing like North Korea at all.
You’ve obviously never seen what injecting is basically toilet bowl cleaner does to the human body.

oh, I agree. Drugs are bad.

So is alcohol
So is tobacco
So are fatty foods with saturated fats and an ingredient list you need a Ph.D. in Chemistry to read.

Yet we live longer now than we have at any time in history.. so go figure. .
Alcohol is a natural process of nature converting sugar to alcohol.

What your wanting to do is legalize putting acetone, hydrochloric acid, phosphorus, brake fluid, lye and drain cleaner into people’s bodies.

Ever seen a person after a year of that? I have. The smell of rotting flesh is what you remember the most.

Alcohol is a natural process- doesn't make alcohol any less poisonous to humans. And of course humans go beyond the natural fermentation process which in nature tops out at about 3-5% and we distill alcohol to make 50% proof or more- which is why we have so many alcohol addicts in America.

Do I want people using Meth or Crack or Heroin? Of course not. But keeping it illegal:
a) Makes criminals wealthy
b) Makes criminals violent to protect their wealth
c) Doesn't stop the use or addiction to these drugs
d) Gets in the way of treatment to those actually addicted.

I think legalization is the clearly the lesser of two evils- by a long shot. And by legalization I mean, regulated and distributed at distribution centers.

Not perfect- but better than our current system which just feeds the cartels.
Alcohol is a natural process- doesn't make alcohol any less poisonous to humans. And of course humans go beyond the natural fermentation process which in nature tops out at about 3-5% and we distill alcohol to make 50% proof or more- which is why we have so many alcohol addicts in America.

Do I want people using Meth or Crack or Heroin? Of course not. But keeping it illegal:
a) Makes criminals wealthy
b) Makes criminals violent to protect their wealth
c) Doesn't stop the use or addiction to these drugs
d) Gets in the way of treatment to those actually addicted.

I think legalization is the clearly the lesser of two evils- by a long shot. And by legalization I mean, regulated and distributed at distribution centers.

Not perfect- but better than our current system which just feeds the cartels.

A and B are somewhat correct but the addicts are also violent criminals.

C. You're right, making Meth, Crack, Heroin, Pain Killers illegal does not STOP their use, but it restricts their use substantially. Using your philosophy, decriminalizing petty theft, shoplifting, minor possession of drugs would have no effect on the number of crimes committed. Oh wait, some cities in crashing California are doing just that and crime is exploding. Exploding to the point where small businesses are being forced to close because of massive theft and losses.

D. That makes no sense. How does the enforcement of drug laws interfere with drug rehabilitation? How has alcohol being legal interfered with treatment for alcoholism?

Before you rail about simple drug users being imprisoned, we have DRUG COURTS all over the country.
You’ve obviously never seen what injecting is basically toilet bowl cleaner does to the human body.

oh, I agree. Drugs are bad.

So is alcohol
So is tobacco
So are fatty foods with saturated fats and an ingredient list you need a Ph.D. in Chemistry to read.

Yet we live longer now than we have at any time in history.. so go figure. .
Alcohol is a natural process of nature converting sugar to alcohol.

What your wanting to do is legalize putting acetone, hydrochloric acid, phosphorus, brake fluid, lye and drain cleaner into people’s bodies.

Ever seen a person after a year of that? I have. The smell of rotting flesh is what you remember the most.

Alcohol is a natural process- doesn't make alcohol any less poisonous to humans. And of course humans go beyond the natural fermentation process which in nature tops out at about 3-5% and we distill alcohol to make 50% proof or more- which is why we have so many alcohol addicts in America.

Do I want people using Meth or Crack or Heroin? Of course not. But keeping it illegal:
a) Makes criminals wealthy
b) Makes criminals violent to protect their wealth
c) Doesn't stop the use or addiction to these drugs
d) Gets in the way of treatment to those actually addicted.

I think legalization is the clearly the lesser of two evils- by a long shot. And by legalization I mean, regulated and distributed at distribution centers.

Not perfect- but better than our current system which just feeds the cartels.
The comparison to alcohol and illegal drugs is ludicrous. Nobody takes two drinks and becomes addicted, nor does anyone have body parts falling off after a year of even binge drinking.
ISIS would not have established a Caliphate in Iraq had failed former President Barack Hussein Obama NOT pulled all our troops out of Iraq against the advice of his advisers.

ISIS wouldn't have established a caliphate in Iraq had Bush not toppled Saddam Hussein.

Should point out that most of our troops were out by the time Obama got there.... we were already drawing down.

So we didn't want to stay and the Iraqis didn't want us to stay... so how were we going to stay at that point?

As you know, but will pretend to not know, is the fact that President George Bush left a Status of Forces Agreement in place well into the administration of failed former President Barack Hussein Obama. All President Obama had to do was negotiate an extension. He either refused or was inept and could not arrange such a simple agreement.

Why was he obligated to continue Bush's mistake? America realized we had been LIED into that war and they wanted out. They specifically elected Obama and a Democratic Congress for the express purpose of getting us out.... but Obama was supposed to negotiate an extension of Bush's agreement that neither the US or Iraq really wanted?

Specifically what does that have to do with the criminals knowing that they can commit these crimes with no fear of prosecution?

How is not enforcing the law a good thing?

How is throwing 2 million people in prison a good thing, most for non-violent offenses?
D. That makes no sense. How does the enforcement of drug laws interfere with drug rehabilitation? How has alcohol being legal interfered with treatment for alcoholism?

Hey, did you read up on how well Prohibition actually worked?


Oh, yeah, it didn't.
ISIS would not have established a Caliphate in Iraq had failed former President Barack Hussein Obama NOT pulled all our troops out of Iraq against the advice of his advisers.

ISIS wouldn't have established a caliphate in Iraq had Bush not toppled Saddam Hussein.

Should point out that most of our troops were out by the time Obama got there.... we were already drawing down.

So we didn't want to stay and the Iraqis didn't want us to stay... so how were we going to stay at that point?

As you know, but will pretend to not know, is the fact that President George Bush left a Status of Forces Agreement in place well into the administration of failed former President Barack Hussein Obama. All President Obama had to do was negotiate an extension. He either refused or was inept and could not arrange such a simple agreement.

Why was he obligated to continue Bush's mistake? America realized we had been LIED into that war and they wanted out. They specifically elected Obama and a Democratic Congress for the express purpose of getting us out.... but Obama was supposed to negotiate an extension of Bush's agreement that neither the US or Iraq really wanted?

Specifically what does that have to do with the criminals knowing that they can commit these crimes with no fear of prosecution?

How is not enforcing the law a good thing?

How is throwing 2 million people in prison a good thing, most for non-violent offenses?
You mean that JV team that isn’t worthy of taking seriously.
While I agree with you in general- the drug cartels themselves are still a menace. When we ended Prohibition, we didn't stop prosecuting the gangsters that became wealthy and powerful during Prohibition.

No, we didn't. And we shouldn't stop prosecuting these guys, either.

But designating them a terrorist group when they clearly don't meet the criteria, and would be counterproductive in our cooperation with Mexico on the issue, is not an answer.
You mean that JV team that isn’t worthy of taking seriously.

Still not entirely sure why we did, other than the Military Industrial Complex needing an enemy... A few guys riding around in pickups in the Desert is hardly a threat. I mean, Al Qaeda brought down warships, airliners, skyscrapers... they were a real threat.

These jokers?
It appears that President Trump is serious about this and will designate the Mexican drug cartels as Terrorist groups. It seems like the right thing to do, I just always wonder about the unintended consequences. Does this mean we could have drone strikes launched from the US side to take out a Terrorist cell? Will we be coordinating with Mexico's police and military? I see big problems with that given how corrupt that country is. But we almost have to at this point, the Cartels have already shown they can exert force and make the Mexican government cave like they did releasing El Chapo's son.

US to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorists

That corruption is going to (make that already IS) expand into the US like the ebola virus in the Congo.

We "can" choose to look the other way, but kicking the Cartel Can down the road wil make it exponentially harder to clean up the mess once they have deep tentacles into every US city and control important law enforcement officials pockets....just as they do in Mexico now.

They will threaten politicans and their off police departments and wreak havoc on our justice system. The US is not prepared for the type of guerilla warfare and subversion on our own soil that the Cartels excel at. They will make US crime / mob syndicates look like the JV.

We are absolute imbeciles to not see the looming threat and put whatever resources necessary to stop it now...early on. The wall is a start....but only a speck of what needs to be done.

All the while and at the same time, the rabid Left will be demanding Americans all face forced gun buy backs and arms confiscations so we can be as helpless as possible.
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You mean that JV team that isn’t worthy of taking seriously.

Still not entirely sure why we did, other than the Military Industrial Complex needing an enemy... A few guys riding around in pickups in the Desert is hardly a threat. I mean, Al Qaeda brought down warships, airliners, skyscrapers... they were a real threat.

These jokers?
Ask the dead people murdered in Europe today.
It appears that President Trump is serious about this and will designate the Mexican drug cartels as Terrorist groups. It seems like the right thing to do, I just always wonder about the unintended consequences. Does this mean we could have drone strikes launched from the US side to take out a Terrorist cell? Will we be coordinating with Mexico's police and military? I see big problems with that given how corrupt that country is. But we almost have to at this point, the Cartels have already shown they can exert force and make the Mexican government cave like they did releasing El Chapo's son.

And what practical effect would that have?

We've been at war with REAL terrorists for 18 years now... how has that been going?

Here's how you take care of the drug cartels... Decriminalize drugs, treat addiction as a medical problem instead of a criminal one.
But where’s the fun in that?

Unless it involves blowing things up and killing people, the kids on the right aren’t much interested.
It appears that President Trump is serious about this and will designate the Mexican drug cartels as Terrorist groups. It seems like the right thing to do, I just always wonder about the unintended consequences. Does this mean we could have drone strikes launched from the US side to take out a Terrorist cell? Will we be coordinating with Mexico's police and military? I see big problems with that given how corrupt that country is. But we almost have to at this point, the Cartels have already shown they can exert force and make the Mexican government cave like they did releasing El Chapo's son.

And what practical effect would that have?

We've been at war with REAL terrorists for 18 years now... how has that been going?

Here's how you take care of the drug cartels... Decriminalize drugs, treat addiction as a medical problem instead of a criminal one.
But where’s the fun in that?

Unless it involves blowing things up and killing people, the kids on the right aren’t much interested.
Maybe we should start some wars. You know, nations that are a threat to America.

Like Syria and Libya.

Oh wait. Obama already did that.
While I agree with you in general- the drug cartels themselves are still a menace. When we ended Prohibition, we didn't stop prosecuting the gangsters that became wealthy and powerful during Prohibition.

No, we didn't. And we shouldn't stop prosecuting these guys, either.

But designating them a terrorist group when they clearly don't meet the criteria, and would be counterproductive in our cooperation with Mexico on the issue, is not an answer.

How do they NOT meet the criteria? Why do you demand that these terrorists/animals be protected?

If any Republican/Conservative posted that the sky is blue, you would call them a liar and tell them that the sky is green.
How do they NOT meet the criteria? Why do you demand that these terrorists/animals be protected?

If any Republican/Conservative posted that the sky is blue, you would call them a liar and tell them that the sky is green.


Criteria for a terrorist organization is that the use violence to achieve a political aim and that they have a centralized organizational structure..

Neither of these are true of the Mexican Drug Cartels....

We could end their power pretty quickly. End the stupidity that is the war on drugs.
Maybe we should start some wars. You know, nations that are a threat to America.

Like Syria and Libya.

Oh wait. Obama already did that.

We didn't start those wars, the people of those countries did.

Now, if you want to make the argument we shouldn't have gotten involved, totally with you... that was a dumb thing to do. But as long as the Oil Companies and the Zionists are dictating our foreign policy, we are going to get involved in these things, no matter who is president.
Maybe we should start some wars. You know, nations that are a threat to America.

Like Syria and Libya.

Oh wait. Obama already did that.

We didn't start those wars, the people of those countries did.

Now, if you want to make the argument we shouldn't have gotten involved, totally with you... that was a dumb thing to do. But as long as the Oil Companies and the Zionists are dictating our foreign policy, we are going to get involved in these things, no matter who is president.


we're complicit as well in S America , even back to the Monroe doctrine , which really wasn't so much about protecting S America, as it was protecting our interests in it....

fwiw, general Butler did one stroke of biz there in the 20's & 30's ,and tried to expose this

alas, his timing on the eve of WW2 wasn't quite so grand


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