Officials accuse DHS acting chief of leaking ICE raids to sabotage plan

“I hire the best people”. Another lie from your blob.

What do you guys do? Beg for more.

did he say the best were always the first ones in? ever watch the apprentice? you're fired!!! why did he fire them? hmmm you ain't to bright

Because it was a staged reality show and he did not actually pick the contestants.

Quit confusing reality TV with real life

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I’m glad you responded. I can’t figure out if Popeye is high on heroin or brain damaged
How about, after firing McAllenanan, having the DoJ bring charges charges against him? Then reorganize and put ICE under the authority of the military? That way, subverting the Commander-in-Chief's orders would e a court martial offense.

I see you're new here. The fact that you don't know about the Posse Comitatus Act makes me believe you're another russian trying to get trump reelected.

So since you have no concept of our laws I'll explain it to you.

It's very simple, that law prevents US military from any police action in the US.

It's against the law for ICE to be under the military authority and for our military to be involved with any police action in the US.
so how would they protect citizens on our soil? are you saying they can only fight for other countries and not ours? ahhh come on, man up, you're funnin us right?
He was an Obama appointee.....'Nuff Said.

Toss him in a 'Leaker Line-Up' with Comey, Strzok, and Schiff....

He was handpicked by Trump to be the Acting DHS, bypassing the Dept DHS, ignoring the law in doing so.

He was never appointed by Obama to anything.

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“I hire the best people”. Another lie from your blob.

What do you guys do? Beg for more.

did he say the best were always the first ones in? ever watch the apprentice? you're fired!!! why did he fire them? hmmm you ain't to bright

Because it was a staged reality show and he did not actually pick the contestants.

Quit confusing reality TV with real life

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Seriously, it is exhausting how few people actually realize that 'reality' TV is nearly 100 percent scripted.
That's all I needed to read. You are obviously somepunkass little snot-nosed bitch. Tell your crap to somebody else.

I'll be here long after you are gone... but to the point, Trump shows what happens when you have a crazy person in the White House, and everyone else tries to act like things are "Normal".
“I hire the best people”. Another lie from your blob.

What do you guys do? Beg for more.

did he say the best were always the first ones in? ever watch the apprentice? you're fired!!! why did he fire them? hmmm you ain't to bright

So what. You are still obviously somepunkass little snot-nosed bitch.

We know why the raids were delayed, and the OP was not the reason.

We know exactly why, too. Because Trump didn't have a plan, telegraphed what he wanted, and it was such a cluster fuck when it was done, that he realized they'd come up with exactly zero people.

There's a real problem when you are so awful as a president that your subordinates have to keep you from looking stupid by undermining you.

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