Oh And That BLM Violence?

I guess we aren’t supposed to believe our own lying eyes. Virtually every time I caught a glimpse of looting and smashing store windows on TV, whether it be local or national, the folks doing the smashing and walking out with the loot certainly did not fit the profile of white supremicists.
Ya , those videos do not back the assertion of the deaths. He full of shit on the deaths. So put up or shut up on them
So you're in agreement with CNN that they were "mostly peaceful" then? LOL
According to public records around 93 percent were peaceful. That would be considered mostly peaceful. When it was not peaceful there were around 4000 arrests in total. They were held accountable. The system worked.

So if you hold the same standard on the protest at the capital on the January 6 you will acknowledge it was mostly peaceful as well. :bye1:
I have not seen the stats on percentage of people inside the capital and out. I will say the people that stayed out were peaceful. The people that stayed out of the Capitol and did not cause trouble exercised their right to assemble in a responsible way and deserve no blame.
I guess we aren’t supposed to believe our own lying eyes. Virtually every time I caught a glimpse of looting and smashing store windows on TV, whether it be local or national, the folks doing the smashing and walking out with the loot certainly did not fit the profile of white supremicists.
keep on saying that lie to yourself...


Turns out some of the most violent and deadly was perpetrated by WHITE Supremacists. Including cop killers
you mean they pulled a jussie?
You people will literally believe anything.

These are the morons that put anything they dont like right wing and try to toss them into us like the klan
The klan was started by democrats for democrats, republicans have repudiated it for oever 100 years and still do...they are not right wing....they are authoritarian..........which is leftwing.
Nothing in there said they were white supremacists. Furthermore, the guy they arrested was Mexican. Also, they were planning to attack cops.

Not one part of this was white or right wing. Right wingers always have and always will defend cops from hateful left wingers.
Yeah, like those Trumpies who attacked the police on January 6 and maced, beat, crushed, bashed with fire extinguishers, and jabbed with their Blue LIves Matter flagpoles, and killed one.
These are the morons that put anything they dont like right wing and try to toss them into us like the klan
The klan was started by democrats for democrats, republicans have repudiated it for oever 100 years and still do...they are not right wing....they are authoritarian..........which is leftwing.
Oh my god. You just claimed the KKK is left wing. Holy shit.

The batshittery is getting exponentially worse around here.

An open bible, a cross, a sword, a Confederate flag, saluting the US flag. Yeah, this SCREAMS "left wing". :auiqs.jpg:

Oh my god. You just claimed the KKK is left wing. Holy shit.

The batshittery is getting exponentially worse around here.

An open bible, a cross, a sword, a Confederate flag, saluting the US flag. Yeah, this SCREAMS "left wing". :auiqs.jpg:

They have never been excepted by republicans...And republicans have been the conservative party since what the........1880s
There are lefty Christians or so they claim. So having those symbols doesn't determine what party/ideology you are and especially back then.
And show me where mainstrean conservastive republicans have excepted the klan

Hell the klan was even in Indiana.......not just the south bro......
He became active in his local politics and eventually secured the Democratic nomination for governor. Because he served during the state's 100th anniversary he is sometimes called the Indiana's Centennial Governor. He was responsible for implementing many progressive era reforms in the state
Ralston campaigned for the United States Senate beginning in 1922. Because of his friendly relationship with the Indiana branch of the Ku Klux Klan, he was able to get their endorsement

Well hot shit.......another narrative busted........Indiana PROGRESSIVE Governor was ENDORSED by the KKK

Robert Byrd was a klansman
Hugo Black appointed by FDR was a klansman

Neither of them were Conservative by any stretch
Nothing in there said they were white supremacists. Furthermore, the guy they arrested was Mexican. Also, they were planning to attack cops.

Not one part of this was white or right wing. Right wingers always have and always will defend cops from hateful left wingers.
What a gas , ya we saw them trying to kill as many cops as they could on Jan.6, You are a total joke!
Yeah, like those Trumpies who attacked the police on January 6 and maced, beat, crushed, bashed with fire extinguishers, and jabbed with their Blue LIves Matter flagpoles, and killed one.
They didnt kill anyone. As for the people who attacked cops, send those miserable fucks to jail.
They have never been excepted by republicans...
Staggering ignorance. The Klan infected the GOP do deeply in the 1920s, many Republicans talked about splitting off into a new party.

Robert Byrd was a klansman
Hugo Black appointed by FDR was a klansman

Neither of them were Conservative by any stretch

Byrd was a staunch conservative.

Face it, dude. Your revisionist bullshit is symptomatic of a mental disorder. The Klan is, was, and always will be a far right organization. Christian terrorists.
Staggering ignorance. The Klan infected the GOP do deeply in the 1920s, many Republicans talked about splitting off into a new party.


Byrd was a staunch conservative.

Face it, dude. Your revisionist bullshit is symptomatic of a mental disorder. The Klan is, was, and always will be a far right organization. Christian terrorists.
What is this ^ moronic horseshit? :laugh:
No cops were killed that day. This wasnt a democrat protest.
One cop was killed. He was attacked by the insurrectionists and maced, then suffered a heart attack and died the next day.

Blue lives matter, my ass.
One cop was killed. He was attacked by the insurrectionists and maced, then suffered a heart attack and died the next day.

Blue lives matter, my ass.
No, that simply isnt true and you know it isnt true. The fact that you have to lie only reveals how weak your position is in this debate.

For the record, fuck loads of cops were murdered at democrat "protests" last year.
No, that simply isnt true and you know it isnt true. The fact that you have to lie only reveals how weak your position is in this debate.

For the record, fuckloads of cops were murered at democrat "protests" last year.
Are you denying he was maced?

Blue live matter, my ass.
Staggering ignorance. The Klan infected the GOP do deeply in the 1920s, many Republicans talked about splitting off into a new party.


Byrd was a staunch conservative.

Face it, dude. Your revisionist bullshit is symptomatic of a mental disorder. The Klan is, was, and always will be a far right organization. Christian terrorists.
Byrd was not......he spent money like a drunken sailor.......what do you consider a conservative and was a huge mentor to Clinton.

I think one senator and on gov were Rs. both were corrupt and didn't do much. the other 100 klan pols were democrats. And the republican pissed off the klan bad on numerous occasions. athey tried to say Harding and Coolidge were klan members which was proposterous.
It was democrats and FDR was not a conservative and appointed a klan member to the Supreme Court. Wilson was not a conservative and segregated civil service jobs....

if by conservative on abortion and gay rights then yeah many were, On racial issues they were not conservative. The Republicans have fought for civil rights since their founding and have been the conservative party since atleast the 1880s.....so stop with the bullshit.
And the southern democrats were not conservative on economic ones, people like Huey Long......not a conservative

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