Oh And That BLM Violence?

Despite the widespread media narrative blaming Black Lives Matter and antifascist activists for last summer’s protest violence, there were plenty of suspicions that far-right extremists seeking to intensify the public’s fear of the “violent left” were in fact responsible for a significant amount of it. These suspicions were fed by such incidents as the assassination of a federal officer in Oakland by two far-right “Boogaloo Bois” and the arrest of another “Boogaloo” enthusiast from Texas for attacking a police station in Minneapolis.

Now we know, thanks to federal prosecutors investigating the Oakland incident, that in fact it was not the act of a single “lone wolf” and his accomplice, but rather part of a larger plot by group of far-right extremists who called themselves the “Grizzly Scouts” and planned a series of deadly attacks on law-enforcement officers with the intent of making it appear to be the work of the “violent left.” Even more disturbing, according to the San Jose Mercury-News, most of these conspirators, following their arrests for destroying evidence in the case, have been released on bond by federal magistrates who have deemed them not a risk to the community.
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Turns out some of the most violent and deadly was perpetrated by WHITE Supremacists. Including cop killers
You'll run out of so-called white supremacists before you run out of violent BLM riots. You folks are funny, in the not good way.
The "anti-BLM" types are domestic terrorists and cop killers.

Ya know...like the Capitol Insurrectionists
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Let's check.

“Between the early 1980s and 2007 we lived in an economic Golden Age. Never before have so many people advanced so far economically in so short a period of time as they have during the last 25 years. Until the credit crisis, 70 million people a year were joining the middle class. The U.S. kicked off this long boom with the economic reforms of Ronald Reagan, particularly his enormous income tax cuts. We burst from the economic stagnation of the 1970s into a dynamic, innovative, high-tech-oriented economy. Even in recent years the much-maligned U.S. did well. Between year-end 2002 and year-end 2007 U.S. growth exceeded the entire size of China's economy.”

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.

George Gilder: The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan

Reaganomics - Wikipedia

And the tax cuts of the Economic Recovery Act of 1981 stimulated economic growth. “As a 1982 JEC study pointed out,[1] similar across-the-board tax cuts had been implemented in the 1920s as the Mellon tax cuts, and in the 1960s as the Kennedy tax cuts. In both cases the reduction of high marginal tax rates actually increased tax payments by "the rich," also increasing their share of total individual income taxes paid.” http://www.house.gov/jec/fiscal/tx-grwth/reagtxct/reagtxct.htm

“As inflation came down and as more and more of the tax cuts from the 1981 Act went into effect, the economic began a strong and sustained pattern of growth.” http://www.ustreas.gov/education/fact-sheets/taxes/ustax.shtml

  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) http://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop/tables10.html
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

b. and c. Kiva Lending Team: Team REAL Americans | Kiva

In your face, boooooyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
Yada yada bullshit. One problem all this went to the wealthy .

distrobution of wealth.png

distafter taxes.png

GEE WHAT HAPPENED IN 81 First chart shows the distorbution of wealth after ass ole Reagan and worse yet the second chart show the disaster tax laws were for everyone except the golden few. The tax law for the wealthy allowed them to keep it all , the tax law for everyone else was a disaster, their real income dropping upto 30% just to 07 and it dropped faster after that. Fuck Reagan everything he did all your bullshit numbers all went to the top.


YOU are a total joke gee what happened in 1981 to make this chart such a disaster for 95% of this country , You right wingers are clowns when it comes to the truth about economics . Try this out for size , I will bury you with this point also. You would be a absolute idiot to elect a president from the right if you were concerned at all about the econemy, They are a joke compared to the results of Democratic presidents.


  • distrobution of wealth.png
    distrobution of wealth.png
    36 KB · Views: 12
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I'm happy to let readers decide, you dunce.
I'll just add this little snippet , I really care little about how well this economy is doing , if it all goes to the top 5%, Which it has since the trickle down lie, all this goofy womens numbers mean little to me because all those dollars went to the golden few at the top. Look at my charts. If you think I'm wrong, show me a chart that shows I'm wrong.
Yada yada bullshit. One problem all this went to the wealthy .

View attachment 547486
View attachment 547483
GEE WHAT HAPPENED IN 81 First chart shows the distorbution of wealth after ass ole Reagan and worse yet the second chart show the disaster tax laws were for everyone except the golden few. The tax law for the wealthy allowed them to keep it all , the tax law for everyone else was a disaster, their real income dropping upto 30% just to 07 and it dropped faster after that. Fuck Reagan everything he did all your bullshit numbers all went to the top.

View attachment 547488
YOU are a total joke gee what happened in 1981 to make this chart such a disaster for 95% of this country , You right wingers are clowns when it comes to the truth about economics . Try this out for size , I will bury you with this point also. You would be a absolute idiot to elect a president from the right if you were concerned at all about the econemy, They are a joke compared to the results of Democratic presidents.

Us right wingers pay your bills. Stop acting as if you losers are smarter than the winners.
The "anti-BLM" types are domestic terrorists and cop killers.

Ya know...like the Capitol Insurrectionists
That would be a fact , add in the fact that they tried to bring down our demacracy , destroy our country to force in a piece of shit for a dictator and nothing else has to be said about these traitors.
Us right wingers pay your bills. Stop acting as if you losers are smarter than the winners.
What does that even mean , that is supid. Every study shows we are way smarter as a group then you Q-anons.
Yada yada bullshit. One problem all this went to the wealthy .

View attachment 547486
View attachment 547483
GEE WHAT HAPPENED IN 81 First chart shows the distorbution of wealth after ass ole Reagan and worse yet the second chart show the disaster tax laws were for everyone except the golden few. The tax law for the wealthy allowed them to keep it all , the tax law for everyone else was a disaster, their real income dropping upto 30% just to 07 and it dropped faster after that. Fuck Reagan everything he did all your bullshit numbers all went to the top.

View attachment 547488
YOU are a total joke gee what happened in 1981 to make this chart such a disaster for 95% of this country , You right wingers are clowns when it comes to the truth about economics . Try this out for size , I will bury you with this point also. You would be a absolute idiot to elect a president from the right if you were concerned at all about the econemy, They are a joke compared to the results of Democratic presidents.

Exactly my point: what the Democrats have done for their black constituents.

I'll just add this little snippet , I really care little about how well this economy is doing , if it all goes to the top 5%, Which it has since the trickle down lie, all this goofy womens numbers mean little to me because all those dollars went to the golden few at the top. Look at my charts. If you think I'm wrong, show me a chart that shows I'm wrong.

Let's go further, and prove that Democrats have made certain that success is unattainable for black Americans.

This is what they warn blacks against:

. The Liberals want to make certain that their 'pets' never succeed, and therefore paint as pejorative, the most successful culture ever to exist, and they call it 'white.'

According to the recent Smithsonian display on whiteness, these are the traits real black persons must avoid in order not to be ridiculed as ‘acting white.’

“Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

Among other things, this graphic suggests that the nuclear family, science, capitalism, and the Judeo-Christian tradition are forms of oppressive “whiteness” that non-white people should reject as part of an oppressive system.

“Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal,” the Smithsonian “whiteness” page reads. The “teaching tool” suggests that “whiteness” needs to be overthrown in order for non-white people to become liberated from an oppressive “white culture.”

“Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color,” the Smithsonian page argues. “Acts of microaggressions include verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults toward nonwhites. Whether intentional or not, these attitudes communicate hostile, derogatory, or harmful messagese

They cannot allow their 'pets' to assume those traits, and face the fact that they don't need the Democrats.

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.”
Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

Turns out some of the most violent and deadly was perpetrated by WHITE Supremacists. Including cop killers
Seems that you're fairly desperate to find excuses for bad behavior. "It wasn't REALLY them, it was somebody else in a few cases, so we can't criticize".

Turns out some of the most violent and deadly was perpetrated by WHITE Supremacists. Including cop killers
Good, the difference is we want them arrested and executed for killing. We don't post their bail and say things to make them do that. But hey it looks like they learned from Jussie Smollet........you know the guy that fabricates a hate crime and doesn't get punished......becasue apparently hate crimes are no big deal.

And why do you care......the Grizzy Scouts are just an idea.....it's not a real group...who is the leader?
Us right wingers pay your bills. Stop acting as if you losers are smarter than the winners.

“ The top 1% pays 40% of all the income taxes. One addendum: The top 1% earned 21% of the income but paid 40% of the income tax. I’d say that’s twice their fair share. There’s more. The entire bottom half of taxpayers who earned 11.6% of the income paid a scant 2.9% of the income tax.

Some more facts: Six in ten households receive more in direct government benefits than they pay in federal taxes. Another fact, over 53 million low and middle income individuals pay no income taxes because of refundable tax credit, which are effectively a form of federal spending through the tax code.

… , according to Congressional Budget Office data for 2017 the lowest quintile of the income groups actually had an income tax rate of negative 10.9%. The second lowest quintile had a negative 1% income tax. That means they received more benefits from the government than they paid in taxes.” Biden's Budget: The Road to Serfdom
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Nuthin funny about that
We know your post is shit, you give zero fucks about cops....you and your side constantly trash them as racists and oppression. You also allowed rioters to damage several cities, kill people and ruin people's livelyhoods, mostly black folk......and you didn't care. Black people are a prop for you. As long as they speak the line you want........you're pretend to care, but if they don't tow the line or vote the way you want, then they somehow aren't black. I'm still trying to figure that one out, but only a lefty could think that in their Never Never Land they have, because no lefty has grown up yet.....they are still looking for Peter Pan.
We know your post is shit, you give zero fucks about cops....you and your side constantly trash them as racists and oppression. You also allowed rioters to damage several cities, kill people and ruin people's livelyhoods, mostly black folk......and you didn't care. Black people are a prop for you. As long as they speak the line you want........you're pretend to care, but if they don't tow the line or vote the way you want, then they somehow aren't black. I'm still trying to figure that one out, but only a lefty could think that in their Never Never Land they have, because no lefty has grown up yet.....they are still looking for Peter Pan.
"Us on our side" don't claim to blindly support cops. Most are decent. Some are VERY bad. And those very bad ones have enormous power.

YOU do claim that, and it's a LIE

You're as transactional as anyone.

You support cops ONLY when you think it makes you look good or you can use it politically.

You support of the attacks on the Capitol police and the actions illustrated in this thread prove that
"Us on our side" don't claim to blindly support cops. Most are decent. Some are VERY bad. And those very bad ones have enormous power.

YOU do claim that, and it's a LIE

You're as transactional as anyone.

You support cops ONLY when you think it makes you look good or you can use it politically.

You support of the attacks on the Capitol police and the actions illustrated in this thread prove that
That is wrong.........first of all if you attack cops, you should be in jail..........never said other wise.....so suck it.
Second your side does not give the impression that most are decent.....especially when they want to defund the police and say the criminal justice system is about opressing black people........
And what extra power does a bad cop have over a good cop?

Hint: If you have warrants and lots of priors......fucking listen to the cops.....if you try to fuck with them you will end up dead........good advice for those without warrants and priors too.
Let's go further, and prove that Democrats have made certain that success is unattainable for black Americans.

This is what they warn blacks against:

. The Liberals want to make certain that their 'pets' never succeed, and therefore paint as pejorative, the most successful culture ever to exist, and they call it 'white.'

According to the recent Smithsonian display on whiteness, these are the traits real black persons must avoid in order not to be ridiculed as ‘acting white.’

“Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

Among other things, this graphic suggests that the nuclear family, science, capitalism, and the Judeo-Christian tradition are forms of oppressive “whiteness” that non-white people should reject as part of an oppressive system.

“Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal,” the Smithsonian “whiteness” page reads. The “teaching tool” suggests that “whiteness” needs to be overthrown in order for non-white people to become liberated from an oppressive “white culture.”

“Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color,” the Smithsonian page argues. “Acts of microaggressions include verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults toward nonwhites. Whether intentional or not, these attitudes communicate hostile, derogatory, or harmful messagese

They cannot allow their 'pets' to assume those traits, and face the fact that they don't need the Democrats.

“The chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.”
Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'
What a idiot

Turns out some of the most violent and deadly was perpetrated by WHITE Supremacists. Including cop killers
They plotted? In other words, they didn't actually do anything. Meanwhile



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