Oh And That BLM Violence?

And of course there was this guy

1 guy in middle of hundreds.
The Strib is the most fake of fake nooz.

The Star Tribune could not independently verify the police account, which has so far only surfaced in the search warrant, and isn't naming the man because so far he has not been charged with a crime. The man, who has a criminal history that includes convictions of domestic violence and assault, did not respond to messages seeking comment. Spokespersons for the Minneapolis Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which is also involved in the investigation, declined to comment.

IOW, they don't have jack shit but innuendo and vague accusation....If that dude was in fact identified and arrested, we would have heard about it shouted from the mountain tops.
WTF do you think you're talking about?
I'm talking about the POS scam rag from Minneapolis, that masquerades as a "newspaper", that you linked to.

I'm also very tuned into Twin Cities media...If there was a shred of veracity to the shitty yellow "journalism" that you linked to, the MSP press would have had a field day.

But it's just more wishful thinking, if not outright propaganda, for you violent shit heads to try and shif the blame.
What facts do you dispute?
There were no facts presented...That's the point, dullard.
well over 90% of BLM/George Floyd demonstrations were peaceful. Some became violent due to police actions. Some because of right wing assholes as detailed above.

And yes some were violent all on their own

To my knowledge, the only police that were killed were killed by RIGHT WING White Supremacists.
Everyone has their limits.
Ya , those videos do not back the assertion of the deaths. He full of shit on the deaths. So put up or shut up on them
So you're in agreement with CNN that they were "mostly peaceful" then? LOL
According to public records around 93 percent were peaceful. That would be considered mostly peaceful. When it was not peaceful there were around 4000 arrests in total. They were held accountable. The system worked.
Wrong. It's totally wrong. There's never any excuse for it.

Anyone involved in that plot, if proved guilty should be locked up for a long time and remain on Government/Police watchlists for a few years once released, too.

But it still needs said (and yes it is whataboutary) why can't BLM and Antifa be condemned with the same gusto for the same thing, by the politicians and mainstream media.

BLM and Antifa have done considerably more violence and damage than anyone on the far-right or any white supremacy groups in recent years. That's a fact - so let's have parity and perspective?
Absolutely right. BLM, and blacks using other group names, have caused enormous damage to this country over many, many decades. Police should be turned loose to do whatever it takes to shut the BLM traitors down. Anything it takes.

Unlike immigrants, BLM whiners and thugs bring nothing positive or needed to this country. Just never-ending problems
Wrong. It's totally wrong. There's never any excuse for it.

Anyone involved in that plot, if proved guilty should be locked up for a long time and remain on Government/Police watchlists for a few years once released, too.

But it still needs said (and yes it is whataboutary) why can't BLM and Antifa be condemned with the same gusto for the same thing, by the politicians and mainstream media.

BLM and Antifa have done considerably more violence and damage than anyone on the far-right or any white supremacy groups in recent years. That's a fact - so let's have parity and perspective?
Absolutely right. BLM, and blacks using other group names, have caused enormous damage to this country over many, many decades. Police should be turned loose to do whatever it takes to shut the BLM traitors down. Anything it takes.

Unlike immigrants, BLM whiners and thugs bring nothing positive or needed to this country. Just never-ending problems
unless you can rid the first amendment of the right to protest, the protests will continue as long as the systemic racism does.

Turns out some of the most violent and deadly was perpetrated by WHITE Supremacists. Including cop killers
I have a bridge for sale...

Turns out some of the most violent and deadly was perpetrated by WHITE Supremacists. Including cop killers

Crooksandliars.com? Oh brother. You'll reach anywhere to push an agenda huh?

Let's say it was true it says plotted. That doesn't mean carried out, or even attempted.

When CNN admits they lied to create propaganda against a president I have a hard time believing some back water website trying to make the right look bad.

Wrong. It's totally wrong. There's never any excuse for it.

Anyone involved in that plot, if proved guilty should be locked up for a long time and remain on Government/Police watchlists for a few years once released, too.

But it still needs said (and yes it is whataboutary) why can't BLM and Antifa be condemned with the same gusto for the same thing, by the politicians and mainstream media.

BLM and Antifa have done considerably more violence and damage than anyone on the far-right or any white supremacy groups in recent years. That's a fact - so let's have parity and perspective?
Absolutely right. BLM, and blacks using other group names, have caused enormous damage to this country over many, many decades. Police should be turned loose to do whatever it takes to shut the BLM traitors down. Anything it takes.

Unlike immigrants, BLM whiners and thugs bring nothing positive or needed to this country. Just never-ending problems
unless you can rid the first amendment of the right to protest, the protests will continue as long as the systemic racism does.
The right to free speech DOES NOT include the right to burn down buildings, destroy the businesses others built, to infringe on the rights of other Americans to go about their peaceful affairs. It also doesn't give these lazy, worthless, BLM pukes the right to steal everything they can carry.

The.right to Peaceful Assembly, and to Freedom of Speech does NOT give people the right to run around acting like brainless baboons and stepping on the rights of other citizens.

BLM thugs would be far better off if they spent their time learning how to read, and learning how NOT to be led around by their noses by their whining, brainless, worthless, 'leaders.'
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Wrong. It's totally wrong. There's never any excuse for it.

Anyone involved in that plot, if proved guilty should be locked up for a long time and remain on Government/Police watchlists for a few years once released, too.

But it still needs said (and yes it is whataboutary) why can't BLM and Antifa be condemned with the same gusto for the same thing, by the politicians and mainstream media.

BLM and Antifa have done considerably more violence and damage than anyone on the far-right or any white supremacy groups in recent years. That's a fact - so let's have parity and perspective?
Absolutely right. BLM, and blacks using other group names, have caused enormous damage to this country over many, many decades. Police should be turned loose to do whatever it takes to shut the BLM traitors down. Anything it takes.

Unlike immigrants, BLM whiners and thugs bring nothing positive or needed to this country. Just never-ending problems
unless you can rid the first amendment of the right to protest, the protests will continue as long as the systemic racism does.
You should have someone read my post to you...very slowly. So that even you can understand it.

We hope.
Absolutely right. BLM, and blacks using other group names, have caused enormous damage to this country over many, many decades.
You mean like Tulsa and Rosewood?
Get real. You come off like a clown when you twist and turn trying to equate a billion year old event with the constant bitching, moaning, and constant crime perpetuated almost non-stop by black groups over many, many.decades.

It may be impossible for blacks ever to conduct themselves in a peaceful way that might make them.seem a bit more desirable, as neighbors or fellow countrymen, to members of other ethnic groups.
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Turns out some of the most violent and deadly was perpetrated by WHITE Supremacists. Including cop killers

So you're trying to deflect the blame for the injuries and deaths of more than 700 officers during the year of riots on theses 4 idiots? Sorry commie, your propaganda doesn't pass the smell test.

Actually I'm exploring it. Turns out a lot of what you're talking about was perpetrated or caused by white supremacists and your buddies shrug and think that's funny

And it's a lot more than "four idiots".

Read through the thread

You are an asshole. I suspect that like me, the others are laughing at you, not at the idea of killing police officers. We really need a "you are an asshole" option so you don't get confused and understand that the laughter is directed at you.

I am not the subject of this thread. The killing of cops by right wing assholes is and you fuckers think that's hilarious

Damn it - I would hit the "you are an asshole" button but the site hasn't installed it yet. Even without the button, you are an asshole.


Ya , those videos do not back the assertion of the deaths. He full of shit on the deaths. So put up or shut up on them
So you're in agreement with CNN that they were "mostly peaceful" then? LOL
According to public records around 93 percent were peaceful. That would be considered mostly peaceful. When it was not peaceful there were around 4000 arrests in total. They were held accountable. The system worked.

Ya , those videos do not back the assertion of the deaths. He full of shit on the deaths. So put up or shut up on them
So you're in agreement with CNN that they were "mostly peaceful" then? LOL
According to public records around 93 percent were peaceful. That would be considered mostly peaceful. When it was not peaceful there were around 4000 arrests in total. They were held accountable. The system worked.

So if you hold the same standard on the protest at the capital on the January 6 you will acknowledge it was mostly peaceful as well. :bye1:

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