oh boo hoo Rand Paul shushed a reporter

Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

I think this process is called "Marginalizing" and the Liberal Press has made an art of it. Their proudest work was the Tea Party, which, best I could tell, was a disparate group from all over who mostly wanted to balance the budget and curb the harpies in the federal bureaucracy and the extravagant borrowing and spending by Democrats to buy votes--which has reached the point of naked absurdity.

Out of crowds of good Americans, they found (and filmed) one with a gun; a couple with Rebel flags;a couple more who looked like skinheads---and pounced with ferocity and scurrility, and soon had created a narrative and an image, mostly out of fallacies--that the Tea Party was little more than the Ku Klux Klan.

They pretty much ruined the name Tea Party, and they are most proud of the feat, because they have all learned the politics of Chicago cutthroats, who in their turn, learned them from the Bolsheviks. Tough bunch and a real problem for the liberty of Americans.

But the people who made up the old Tea Party are still around and they still vote----See 2014 Elections.

It isnt the Liberal press,...its the lap-dog establishment press......and its not just Democrat spending its Republican................but otherwise I agree with you.

And I agree with you, but only because the Republicans are cowards.

Cowards with ameliorating circumstances.

If they don't go along with the Big Spend Game, they are excoriated by the Liberal/Socialists Apparatus.

Look what happened to Paul Ryan, a good man from Wisconsin, who tried to come up with a plan that did not cut money for Social Programs, it just slowed the rate of the growth, to try to avoid Bankruptcy---which everyone agrees is coming if something is not done.

And within 48 hours, the Bolsheviks from Chicago had commercials out showing a look-a-like Paul Ryan throwing an old woman in a wheel chair off a cliff.

What must be the state of our country for crap like that to even be tried, let alone work?

Well, as I see it the problem with proposals like Ryan's is that they never hit their own priorities.....did he offer any cuts to the military?....I doubt it. Did he offer any tax rate increases on the rich?...I doubt it He did offer tax cuts to powerful corporations that likely donated money to his campaign....
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

I find it refreshing to hear any candidate speaking honestly and without PC.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

I think this process is called "Marginalizing" and the Liberal Press has made an art of it. Their proudest work was the Tea Party, which, best I could tell, was a disparate group from all over who mostly wanted to balance the budget and curb the harpies in the federal bureaucracy and the extravagant borrowing and spending by Democrats to buy votes--which has reached the point of naked absurdity.

Out of crowds of good Americans, they found (and filmed) one with a gun; a couple with Rebel flags;a couple more who looked like skinheads---and pounced with ferocity and scurrility, and soon had created a narrative and an image, mostly out of fallacies--that the Tea Party was little more than the Ku Klux Klan.

They pretty much ruined the name Tea Party, and they are most proud of the feat, because they have all learned the politics of Chicago cutthroats, who in their turn, learned them from the Bolsheviks. Tough bunch and a real problem for the liberty of Americans.

But the people who made up the old Tea Party are still around and they still vote----See 2014 Elections.

It isnt the Liberal press,...its the lap-dog establishment press......and its not just Democrat spending its Republican................but otherwise I agree with you.

And I agree with you, but only because the Republicans are cowards.

Cowards with ameliorating circumstances.

If they don't go along with the Big Spend Game, they are excoriated by the Liberal/Socialists Apparatus.

Look what happened to Paul Ryan, a good man from Wisconsin, who tried to come up with a plan that did not cut money for Social Programs, it just slowed the rate of the growth, to try to avoid Bankruptcy---which everyone agrees is coming if something is not done.

And within 48 hours, the Bolsheviks from Chicago had commercials out showing a look-a-like Paul Ryan throwing an old woman in a wheel chair off a cliff.

What must be the state of our country for crap like that to even be tried, let alone work?

Well, as I see it the problem with proposals like Ryan's is that they never hit their own priorities.....did he offer any cuts to the military?....I doubt it. Did he offer any tax rate increases on the rich?...I doubt it He did offer tax cuts to powerful corporations that likely donated money to his campaign....

Ryan was mainly trying to save Social Security and Medicare, but the Bowles/Simpson Plan (a respected Democrat and a respected Republican appointed by Obama) addressed the very matters you mentioned.....The final report didn't suit Obama's Socialist bent, so he trashed it.

Heard Paul say he would go after Clinton based on her honesty. What an absurd tactic for any politician to use.
Perhaps he is just a foil for the Republicans and has no real ambition to be president

I think Paul and Cruz and Carson and a lot of these other guys are the equivlent to Bridesmaids.

You know, how the Bridesmaids all have to wear ugly dresses in order to make the Bride look better.


So the GOP puts up a collection of complete fucking lunatics and mutants to make Jeb Bush look somewhat reasonable.

And then people might even forget that his father and brother were the most fucked up presidents in recent history.

no, Paul offers a real alternative to traditional republican and democratic candidates...that is why the establishment is scared to death of him and will come up with the dumbest damn reasons to smear him.....
shushing reporters.....and have, I believe actually fielded a whole candidacy (Cruz) as a shill against him
Paul is the establishment. He is in the race to make sure Jeb wins the nomination

No, his record in the Senate shows he has real policy differences, offers a real difference, as his father did. Christy is even in a better position to get the nomination than Bush, as is Walker. Nobody wants a Bush again.
What a joke. He like his father are there to keep real conservatives from getting nominated. He did shill for mconell
Heard Paul say he would go after Clinton based on her honesty. What an absurd tactic for any politician to use.
Perhaps he is just a foil for the Republicans and has no real ambition to be president

I think Paul and Cruz and Carson and a lot of these other guys are the equivlent to Bridesmaids.

You know, how the Bridesmaids all have to wear ugly dresses in order to make the Bride look better.


So the GOP puts up a collection of complete fucking lunatics and mutants to make Jeb Bush look somewhat reasonable.

And then people might even forget that his father and brother were the most fucked up presidents in recent history.

no, Paul offers a real alternative to traditional republican and democratic candidates...that is why the establishment is scared to death of him and will come up with the dumbest damn reasons to smear him.....
shushing reporters.....and have, I believe actually fielded a whole candidacy (Cruz) as a shill against him
Paul is the establishment. He is in the race to make sure Jeb wins the nomination

No, his record in the Senate shows he has real policy differences, offers a real difference, as his father did. Christy is even in a better position to get the nomination than Bush, as is Walker. Nobody wants a Bush again.
What a joke. He like his father are there to keep real conservatives from getting nominated. He did shill for mconell

? how did he shill for mconnell, ? youve got it exactly backwards.....Cruz has the resume of an insider....he is the shill.
I think Paul and Cruz and Carson and a lot of these other guys are the equivlent to Bridesmaids.

You know, how the Bridesmaids all have to wear ugly dresses in order to make the Bride look better.


So the GOP puts up a collection of complete fucking lunatics and mutants to make Jeb Bush look somewhat reasonable.

And then people might even forget that his father and brother were the most fucked up presidents in recent history.

no, Paul offers a real alternative to traditional republican and democratic candidates...that is why the establishment is scared to death of him and will come up with the dumbest damn reasons to smear him.....
shushing reporters.....and have, I believe actually fielded a whole candidacy (Cruz) as a shill against him
Paul is the establishment. He is in the race to make sure Jeb wins the nomination

No, his record in the Senate shows he has real policy differences, offers a real difference, as his father did. Christy is even in a better position to get the nomination than Bush, as is Walker. Nobody wants a Bush again.
What a joke. He like his father are there to keep real conservatives from getting nominated. He did shill for mconell

? how did he shill for mconnell, ? youve got it exactly backwards.....Cruz has the resume of an insider....he is the shill.
If you know so little why do you vote?
no, Paul offers a real alternative to traditional republican and democratic candidates...that is why the establishment is scared to death of him and will come up with the dumbest damn reasons to smear him.....
shushing reporters.....and have, I believe actually fielded a whole candidacy (Cruz) as a shill against him
Paul is the establishment. He is in the race to make sure Jeb wins the nomination

No, his record in the Senate shows he has real policy differences, offers a real difference, as his father did. Christy is even in a better position to get the nomination than Bush, as is Walker. Nobody wants a Bush again.
What a joke. He like his father are there to keep real conservatives from getting nominated. He did shill for mconell

? how did he shill for mconnell, ? youve got it exactly backwards.....Cruz has the resume of an insider....he is the shill.
If you know so little why do you vote?

I think I know more than you. Cuban-Canadian Cruz is the shill and isnt even really eligible to be president. For a guy who claims to honor the Constitution he aught to study the meaning of "natural born citizen" a little better.
Paul is the establishment. He is in the race to make sure Jeb wins the nomination

No, his record in the Senate shows he has real policy differences, offers a real difference, as his father did. Christy is even in a better position to get the nomination than Bush, as is Walker. Nobody wants a Bush again.
What a joke. He like his father are there to keep real conservatives from getting nominated. He did shill for mconell

? how did he shill for mconnell, ? youve got it exactly backwards.....Cruz has the resume of an insider....he is the shill.
If you know so little why do you vote?

I think I know more than you. Cuban-Canadian Cruz is the shill and isnt even really eligible to be president. For a guy who claims to honor the Constitution he aught to study the meaning of "natural born citizen" a little better.
Your ignorance and racism isn't proof of anything other then you know nothing
No, his record in the Senate shows he has real policy differences, offers a real difference, as his father did. Christy is even in a better position to get the nomination than Bush, as is Walker. Nobody wants a Bush again.
What a joke. He like his father are there to keep real conservatives from getting nominated. He did shill for mconell

? how did he shill for mconnell, ? youve got it exactly backwards.....Cruz has the resume of an insider....he is the shill.
If you know so little why do you vote?

I think I know more than you. Cuban-Canadian Cruz is the shill and isnt even really eligible to be president. For a guy who claims to honor the Constitution he aught to study the meaning of "natural born citizen" a little better.
Your ignorance and racism isn't proof of anything other then you know nothing

oh there you go again squawking racism....cheap pathetic smear.....

The Senator for Goldman Sachs is not even a natural born citizen as specified by the Constitution....thus is ineligible for the office.
What a joke. He like his father are there to keep real conservatives from getting nominated. He did shill for mconell

? how did he shill for mconnell, ? youve got it exactly backwards.....Cruz has the resume of an insider....he is the shill.
If you know so little why do you vote?

I think I know more than you. Cuban-Canadian Cruz is the shill and isnt even really eligible to be president. For a guy who claims to honor the Constitution he aught to study the meaning of "natural born citizen" a little better.
Your ignorance and racism isn't proof of anything other then you know nothing

oh there you go again squawking racism....cheap pathetic smear.....

The Senator for Goldman Sachs is not even a natural born citizen as specified by the Constitution....thus is ineligible for the office.
You are the dumb fuck that brought up race not i.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

I hope he continues doing it. It isn't as if he is going to win, anyway.
She shuuushed an ignorant kuuuunt, who is nothing more than a typical water carrying bimbo whore for the democrat party.

Like every fucking dumbass arrogant kuuuuuunt and asshole liberal, they are ignorant as all fuck while thinking they are so smart all at the same time.


The kuuuunt hovering over her rich husband, who is yet another Judas Jew American liberal. Yes, if you are rich enough, a good enough socialist, and hate republicans enough, you too can get a whore like this to bend over a counter and spread em.
She shuuushed an ignorant kuuuunt, who is nothing more than a typical water carrying bimbo whore for the democrat party.

Like every fucking dumbass arrogant kuuuuuunt and asshole liberal, they are ignorant as all fuck while thinking they are so smart all at the same time.


The kuuuunt hovering over her rich husband, who is yet another Judas Jew American liberal. Yes, if you are rich enough, a good enough socialist, and hate republicans enough, you too can get a whore like this to bend over a counter and spread em.
Was the question wrong?
She shuuushed an ignorant kuuuunt, who is nothing more than a typical water carrying bimbo whore for the democrat party.

Like every fucking dumbass arrogant kuuuuuunt and asshole liberal, they are ignorant as all fuck while thinking they are so smart all at the same time.


The kuuuunt hovering over her rich husband, who is yet another Judas Jew American liberal. Yes, if you are rich enough, a good enough socialist, and hate republicans enough, you too can get a whore like this to bend over a counter and spread em.
Was the question wrong?

Actually, none of the fucking statements were right you dumb fuck.

Show me anywhere, where the dumb kuuuunt ever asked a series of fucking questions like this. (BTW Paul fucking owned the whore)

“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

When you said that, why did you knowingly lie and treat the voters like the idiots you believe they are, according to the architect of your healthcare Gruber?

“My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government.”

That statement ended up being totally and completely and blatantly false, why?

“We agree on reforms that will finally reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums…”

Is that a true statement, Mr obama?

“I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be the president
 of the United States of America.”

Well, there those of us that know the democrat schemes in dividing races, genders and classes in order to gain seats in the house and senate and other offices. All you did was commit to divide those three areas during your entire fraudulent presidency, why can't you democrats just try leading?

There are some sample questions you would never see a whore like Savannah Guthrie ask any democrat.

You fucking moron.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

Thank you... American candidates should treat the media as one any reasonable person treats an inferior species, with ill-intent. The first thing they should do when they enter the room for the interview is walk up to the "New Reader" and slap the shit out of them... then shove their ass into the chair and tell them what they've come to convey... if the Reader tries to speak, stand up and SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN! If their mouth opens upon that slap... SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN.

At some point, the Left will figure out where they are in the pecking order of life and things will get back to normal.
She shuuushed an ignorant kuuuunt, who is nothing more than a typical water carrying bimbo whore for the democrat party.

Like every fucking dumbass arrogant kuuuuuunt and asshole liberal, they are ignorant as all fuck while thinking they are so smart all at the same time.


The kuuuunt hovering over her rich husband, who is yet another Judas Jew American liberal. Yes, if you are rich enough, a good enough socialist, and hate republicans enough, you too can get a whore like this to bend over a counter and spread em.
Was the question wrong?

Actually, none of the fucking statements were right you dumb fuck.

Show me anywhere, where the dumb kuuuunt ever asked a series of fucking questions like this. (BTW Paul fucking owned the whore)

“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

When you said that, why did you knowingly lie and treat the voters like the idiots you believe they are, according to the architect of your healthcare Gruber?

“My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government.”

That statement ended up being totally and completely and blatantly false, why?

“We agree on reforms that will finally reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums…”

Is that a true statement, Mr obama?

“I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be the president
 of the United States of America.”

Well, there those of us that know the democrat schemes in dividing races, genders and classes in order to gain seats in the house and senate and other offices. All you did was commit to divide those three areas during your entire fraudulent presidency, why can't you democrats just try leading?

There are some sample questions you would never see a whore like Savannah Guthrie ask any democrat.

You fucking moron.
You are full of shit because Rand Paul did flip flop on those issues .
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

It' hysterical the way libs whine over a simple shushing, yet remained silent when Obama didn't allow reporters in or had closed door meetings with them that they weren't allowed to report on. Standards run the gamut with liberals considering which side we are talking about.
She shuuushed an ignorant kuuuunt, who is nothing more than a typical water carrying bimbo whore for the democrat party.

Like every fucking dumbass arrogant kuuuuuunt and asshole liberal, they are ignorant as all fuck while thinking they are so smart all at the same time.


The kuuuunt hovering over her rich husband, who is yet another Judas Jew American liberal. Yes, if you are rich enough, a good enough socialist, and hate republicans enough, you too can get a whore like this to bend over a counter and spread em.
Was the question wrong?

Actually, none of the fucking statements were right you dumb fuck.

Show me anywhere, where the dumb kuuuunt ever asked a series of fucking questions like this. (BTW Paul fucking owned the whore)

“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

When you said that, why did you knowingly lie and treat the voters like the idiots you believe they are, according to the architect of your healthcare Gruber?

“My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government.”

That statement ended up being totally and completely and blatantly false, why?

“We agree on reforms that will finally reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums…”

Is that a true statement, Mr obama?

“I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be the president
 of the United States of America.”

Well, there those of us that know the democrat schemes in dividing races, genders and classes in order to gain seats in the house and senate and other offices. All you did was commit to divide those three areas during your entire fraudulent presidency, why can't you democrats just try leading?

There are some sample questions you would never see a whore like Savannah Guthrie ask any democrat.

You fucking moron.
You are full of shit because Rand Paul did flip flop on those issues .


The ladies are wetting their collective panties over the GOP field.


THIS is HYSTERICAL! (And in every sense of the word)
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

It' hysterical the way libs whine over a simple shushing, yet remained silent when Obama didn't allow reporters in or had closed door meetings with them that they weren't allowed to report on. Standards run the gamut with liberals considering which side we are talking about.
I think it hilarious libertarians think not answering questions about his flip flops as a good thing. ... bit only a Paul who they worship more them liberal zombies worship Obama gets that pass

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