oh boo hoo Rand Paul shushed a reporter

She shuuushed an ignorant kuuuunt, who is nothing more than a typical water carrying bimbo whore for the democrat party.

Like every fucking dumbass arrogant kuuuuuunt and asshole liberal, they are ignorant as all fuck while thinking they are so smart all at the same time.


The kuuuunt hovering over her rich husband, who is yet another Judas Jew American liberal. Yes, if you are rich enough, a good enough socialist, and hate republicans enough, you too can get a whore like this to bend over a counter and spread em.
Was the question wrong?

Actually, none of the fucking statements were right you dumb fuck.

Show me anywhere, where the dumb kuuuunt ever asked a series of fucking questions like this. (BTW Paul fucking owned the whore)

“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

When you said that, why did you knowingly lie and treat the voters like the idiots you believe they are, according to the architect of your healthcare Gruber?

“My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government.”

That statement ended up being totally and completely and blatantly false, why?

“We agree on reforms that will finally reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums…”

Is that a true statement, Mr obama?

“I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be the president
 of the United States of America.”

Well, there those of us that know the democrat schemes in dividing races, genders and classes in order to gain seats in the house and senate and other offices. All you did was commit to divide those three areas during your entire fraudulent presidency, why can't you democrats just try leading?

There are some sample questions you would never see a whore like Savannah Guthrie ask any democrat.

You fucking moron.
You are full of shit because Rand Paul did flip flop on those issues .


The ladies are wetting their collective panties over the GOP field.


THIS is HYSTERICAL! (And in every sense of the word)
Hey dumb fuck I am not a Democrat. ... that doesn't mean I want a lying fuck like Paul as president.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU
Yeah, other politicians have learned to their dismay that no woman is going to vote for a man who is rude and dismissive of women.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU
Yeah, other politicians have learned to their dismay that no woman is going to vote for a man who is rude and dismissive of women.
And here I thought women wanted to be treated just like men in the work place. Wow, how times change.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU
Yeah, other politicians have learned to their dismay that no woman is going to vote for a man who is rude and dismissive of women.
And here I thought women wanted to be treated just like men in the work place. Wow, how times change.
That's just how it is, all humans want to be treated with respect but women are especially sensitive about it. Only assholes vote for assholes, the rest of us would rather have someone who has some manners and conducts themselves calmly and with dignity.
Well, I don't know. I think the reporter was asking Rand some valid questions and that Rand misspoke and lost his cool a bit. The reporter's premise that Rand at one point called for cutting off all foreign aid is correct. I'm a big fan of Rand's, but I don't think he handled that interview well.

Rand needs to explain the difference between what he views as the perfect ideal and what he would intend to try to do as president. I think he realizes now that he simply would not be able to end all foreign aid. I think he would try to reduce it, but not end it.

Rand is not a career politician. Until a few years ago, he was working as an eye surgeon. I think he will get better at dealing with reporters and at explaining his positions, but in the meantime his enemies will nit-pick him over things like his performance the other day.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU
Yeah, other politicians have learned to their dismay that no woman is going to vote for a man who is rude and dismissive of women.
And here I thought women wanted to be treated just like men in the work place. Wow, how times change.
That's just how it is, all humans want to be treated with respect but women are especially sensitive about it. Only assholes vote for assholes, the rest of us would rather have someone who has some manners and conducts themselves calmly and with dignity.

When a reporter, as many do, has an agenda and asks questions designed to further that agenda, then doesn't allow for an answer that isn't what they want to hear, they should be shushed.

Now then, since you desire calm and dignity, where do you stand on the head of the DNC, aka Sargent Shultz?
The four establishment family in politics. Bush. Gore. Clinton. Paul all think they are royalty and look out for each other

PAUL! establishment?..............Wtf.......get real

your little favorite.........Goldman Sachs Cruz is the classic shill...........resume of an insider....and only the rhetoric of an outsider.

I wonder what he will do as a president when Goldman Sachs sends in the wife with a request for another bail-out...hmmm
The four establishment family in politics. Bush. Gore. Clinton. Paul all think they are royalty and look out for each other

PAUL! establishment?..............Wtf.......get real

your little favorite.........Goldman Sachs Cruz is the classic shill...........resume of an insider....and only the rhetoric of an outsider.

I wonder what he will do as a president when Goldman Sachs sends in the wife with a request for another bail-out...hmmm
Yes Paul is establishment that only got elected because of his name.
so all you paulbots think the path to victory is to be rude and misogynistic to female reporters asking legit questions.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

straw-man fallacy mixed with a pathetic attempt at a smear and a false narrative.
And if the same "legit" question is asked two or three times, have a little fucking respect for the intelligence of your listeners and let it go.
The four establishment family in politics. Bush. Gore. Clinton. Paul all think they are royalty and look out for each other

PAUL! establishment?..............Wtf.......get real

your little favorite.........Goldman Sachs Cruz is the classic shill...........resume of an insider....and only the rhetoric of an outsider.

I wonder what he will do as a president when Goldman Sachs sends in the wife with a request for another bail-out...hmmm
Yes Paul is establishment that only got elected because of his name.

you are truly uninformed on the history,... name recognition helped perhaps but Paul won AGAINST the establishment.

as opposed to Cruz, where the establishment took a fall to pave the way for the shill.
Last edited:
The four establishment family in politics. Bush. Gore. Clinton. Paul all think they are royalty and look out for each other

PAUL! establishment?..............Wtf.......get real

your little favorite.........Goldman Sachs Cruz is the classic shill...........resume of an insider....and only the rhetoric of an outsider.

I wonder what he will do as a president when Goldman Sachs sends in the wife with a request for another bail-out...hmmm
Yes Paul is establishment that only got elected because of his name.

you are truly uninformed on the history,... name recognition helped perhaps but Paul won AGAINST the establishment.

as opposed to Cruz, where the establishment took a fall to pave the way for the shill.
He won against someone who didn't have a powerful established family like he does. ... no different then if he was a Bush or gore
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

I guess asking them what they might read would be a gotcha question
to a republican. It wouldn't be to an informed citizen who actually cares about what is happening though.
Jeb Bush was up front he simply said he would not answer questions about the past. Why cant Paul do the same, no questions about the past or politics. If reporters knew that they would stop asking nonsense questions about Iran and so forth and restrict their questions to how warm does Rand like his bath water.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

Thank you... American candidates should treat the media as one any reasonable person treats an inferior species, with ill-intent. The first thing they should do when they enter the room for the interview is walk up to the "New Reader" and slap the shit out of them... then shove their ass into the chair and tell them what they've come to convey... if the Reader tries to speak, stand up and SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN! If their mouth opens upon that slap... SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN.

At some point, the Left will figure out where they are in the pecking order of life and things will get back to normal.

Right, because that's what everybody is looking for in a president, A real ass hole who is rude to everyone. You should throw your hat into the ring.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

Thank you... American candidates should treat the media as one any reasonable person treats an inferior species, with ill-intent. The first thing they should do when they enter the room for the interview is walk up to the "New Reader" and slap the shit out of them... then shove their ass into the chair and tell them what they've come to convey... if the Reader tries to speak, stand up and SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN! If their mouth opens upon that slap... SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN.

At some point, the Left will figure out where they are in the pecking order of life and things will get back to normal.

Right, because that's what everybody is looking for in a president, A real ass hole who is rude to everyone. You should throw your hat into the ring.

"everybody"? The issue here is "Americans".

What the US needs is someone who YOU and the cult would wet your collective pant over... . Someone who on day one sends SEAL Team 6 into the offices of the ACLU and upon their departure, leaves the building a pile of rubble. This they do on their way to the offices of NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS... and of course CNN, for roughly the same treatment, minus the demolition. Leaving the appropriate personnel behind to make sure everyone 'play's ball' and stays 'on the team'.

All the while the Marines are clearing out Academia... and the heads of Microsoft, Apple and Google are brought in for some long term counseling...

The Army would be working its way around the nation's various Political Precincts, cleaning out the old guard, setting new individuals in charge, after a quick briefing showing them the names and addresses of their parents and children, wherein they inform them of how important it is, TO THEM... that they get this right the first time... just prior to their watching John Wayne's explanation of the Pledge of Allegiance, and sign their loyalty to the US Constitution Oath, having signed up for Hillsdale Colleges' online courses on The Constitution.

So... yeah. A REAL ASSHOLE; OKA: An American.
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The four establishment family in politics. Bush. Gore. Clinton. Paul all think they are royalty and look out for each other

PAUL! establishment?..............Wtf.......get real

your little favorite.........Goldman Sachs Cruz is the classic shill...........resume of an insider....and only the rhetoric of an outsider.

I wonder what he will do as a president when Goldman Sachs sends in the wife with a request for another bail-out...hmmm
Yes Paul is establishment that only got elected because of his name.

you are truly uninformed on the history,... name recognition helped perhaps but Paul won AGAINST the establishment.

as opposed to Cruz, where the establishment took a fall to pave the way for the shill.
He won against someone who didn't have a powerful established family like he does. ... no different then if he was a Bush or gore

youre living in lala land
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

Thank you... American candidates should treat the media as one any reasonable person treats an inferior species, with ill-intent. The first thing they should do when they enter the room for the interview is walk up to the "New Reader" and slap the shit out of them... then shove their ass into the chair and tell them what they've come to convey... if the Reader tries to speak, stand up and SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN! If their mouth opens upon that slap... SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN.

At some point, the Left will figure out where they are in the pecking order of life and things will get back to normal.

Right, because that's what everybody is looking for in a president, A real ass hole who is rude to everyone. You should throw your hat into the ring.

It was the reporter who was being rude.........AND disrespecting the intelligence of the listener/viewer

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