Oh boy Joe Biden really put his foot in his mouth this time. Must see!

He is really an idiot. That can’t be said enough and is no way overstated

Yep. This election is shaping up to be a bad sequel to Dumb and Dumber.
Sorry but Hilary will not be Biden's running mate so Biden will have to play the part of both dumb and dumber

Trump is the dumbest fucking President we've ever had. Even dumber that GW.

GW whooped the Dems ass twice, Trump is about to whoop the Dem's ass twice, what does that say about Dem policies and candidates.

It says Leftists must riot in blue cities because of those policies and then the democrats can blame it all on Trump. lol

LOL I know right, Dem run states, Dem run cities, Dem policies and when Dems riot, loot, and burn its Trump's fault? Only in the land of the liberal news media can that happen.

He is really an idiot. That can’t be said enough and is no way overstated

Yep. This election is shaping up to be a bad sequel to Dumb and Dumber.
Sorry but Hilary will not be Biden's running mate so Biden will have to play the part of both dumb and dumber

Trump is the dumbest fucking President we've ever had. Even dumber that GW.

GW whooped the Dems ass twice, Trump is about to whoop the Dem's ass twice, what does that say about Dem policies and candidates.

Well, I think the Democratic Party basically agrees with you. They seem to think American voters want an idiot - thus Biden. Maybe they're right. Maybe you all are that goddamned stupid.

Come on man are you a cocaine addict? Look man unlike the black community the Hispanic community is very diverse in their thinking. I'm happy to sit or stand before the American people and have them judge my fimness, fuhfuh famness, uh uh uh fit fit fit fitness.

He is really an idiot. That can’t be said enough and is no way overstated

Yep. This election is shaping up to be a bad sequel to Dumb and Dumber.
Sorry but Hilary will not be Biden's running mate so Biden will have to play the part of both dumb and dumber

Trump is the dumbest fucking President we've ever had. Even dumber that GW.

GW whooped the Dems ass twice, Trump is about to whoop the Dem's ass twice, what does that say about Dem policies and candidates.

Well, I think the Democratic Party basically agrees with you. They seem to think American voters want an idiot - thus Biden. Maybe they're right. Maybe you all are that goddamned stupid.

Come on man are you a cocaine addict? Look man unlike the black community the Hispanic community is very diverse in their thinking. I'm happy to sit or stand before the American people and have them judge my fimness, fuhfuh famness, uh uh uh fit fit fit fitness.

Biden sounds awfully stupid. But is he stupid enough to beat Trump? We'll have to wait and see.

He is really an idiot. That can’t be said enough and is no way overstated

Yep. This election is shaping up to be a bad sequel to Dumb and Dumber.
Sorry but Hilary will not be Biden's running mate so Biden will have to play the part of both dumb and dumber

Trump is the dumbest fucking President we've ever had. Even dumber that GW.

Barry was pretty ignorant to believe he was going to fundamentally transform America and for pushing the racial divide

Have you watched Trump try to form coherent sentences? It's a hoot!

I've watched how he can easily manipulate and trigger you leftists

I know! I mean, I'm not a leftist, but you're right. Trump's main skill is being a troll. Pretty pathetic.

that's a big pile of shit you wrote leftists

Can you rephrase that into a coherent sentence? I have no idea what you were trying to say.

I didn't think so.

He is really an idiot. That can’t be said enough and is no way overstated

Yep. This election is shaping up to be a bad sequel to Dumb and Dumber.
Sorry but Hilary will not be Biden's running mate so Biden will have to play the part of both dumb and dumber

Trump is the dumbest fucking President we've ever had. Even dumber that GW.

GW whooped the Dems ass twice, Trump is about to whoop the Dem's ass twice, what does that say about Dem policies and candidates.

Well, I think the Democratic Party basically agrees with you. They seem to think American voters want an idiot - thus Biden. Maybe they're right. Maybe you all are that goddamned stupid.

Come on man are you a cocaine addict? Look man unlike the black community the Hispanic community is very diverse in their thinking. I'm happy to sit or stand before the American people and have them judge my fimness, fuhfuh famness, uh uh uh fit fit fit fitness.

Put down the crack pipe and see if you can write a post that makes sense.
People know exactly what is going on with Biden...who is behind Biden....and people DO NOT LIKE IT!

In fact people HATE IT!


He is really an idiot. That can’t be said enough and is no way overstated

This was a clip taken out of context from the question he was asked.
And this silly-assed pundit is spinning it.
Can you pronounce Yosemite?
Or do you say Yo' semite?

Taken out of context? How about just listen to what Joe Babble said WORD FOR WORD in full context. There is no ambiguity in what he said. Because his feeble mind can no longer filter, he states EXACTLY what Democrats believe about Black people. They are a monolithic non thinking entity that MUST vote Democrat or THEY AIN"T BLACK.

He is really an idiot. That can’t be said enough and is no way overstated

Yep. This election is shaping up to be a bad sequel to Dumb and Dumber.
Sorry but Hilary will not be Biden's running mate so Biden will have to play the part of both dumb and dumber

Trump is the dumbest fucking President we've ever had. Even dumber that GW.

Barry was pretty ignorant to believe he was going to fundamentally transform America and for pushing the racial divide

Have you watched Trump try to form coherent sentences? It's a hoot!

I've watched how he can easily manipulate and trigger you leftists

I know! I mean, I'm not a leftist, but you're right. Trump's main skill is being a troll. Pretty pathetic.

that's a big pile of shit you wrote leftists

Can you rephrase that into a coherent sentence? I have no idea what you were trying to say.

I was speaking in Biden
However, I see that I used a couple of words that had more than 3 letters maybe that's your problem big words scare you.
Joe Biden has repeatedly exposed the hypocrisy of the democrat party by being accidentally and candidly accurate. There was a time when many Dunkin Donuts (and cheap motel chains) were managed by Indian immigrants.
He’s correct when he generalized about blacks being of a monolithic culture because most still are. However, the democrat gestapo does not allow those things to be discussed.
But since he’s the democrats’ potus nominee, pravda has to ignore those perceived gaffes.
Not surprised. Every time Biden opens his mouth he sticks his foot in it. No wonder he has 24/7 handlers. Mans his own worst enemy.
Joe Biden has repeatedly exposed the hypocrisy of the democrat party by being accidentally and candidly accurate. There was a time when many Dunkin Donuts (and cheap motel chains) were managed by Indian immigrants.
He’s correct when he generalized about blacks being of a monolithic culture because most still are. However, the democrat gestapo does not allow those things to be discussed.
But since he’s the democrats’ potus nominee, pravda has to ignore those perceived gaffes.

Blacks are the only group I know of that will call one of their own racist names for having minority opinions.

He is really an idiot. That can’t be said enough and is no way overstated

This was a clip taken out of context from the question he was asked.
And this silly-assed pundit is spinning it.
Can you pronounce Yosemite?
Or do you say Yo' semite?

The question is not important, Biden believes that black people are stupid, he said so

Heck the entire democrat party thinks that black people are too stupid to get an ID. What does that tell you?

You are correct leftists believe blacks are too stupid to get an ID or even find the DMV

So sad that someone had to make that video to show what should be obvious to any rational person. Sadly it won't open the eyes of the people it exposes as having ignorant and derogatory perceptions about minorities. The political con artists who feed those ignorant white people the narratives they're programmed to follow (including blacks who sell are financial opportunists that sell out their own people like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al) will just discount everything the black people in that video said by making unsubstantiated accusations that they were paid actors, or disparaging them as uncle toms, etc.
President Trump will do well with the Black vote on November 3rd because of the racist senility of Joe Biden :smoke:

Said the racist thing about blacks not being diverse and then when back on the air 4 hours later with a big notepad filled out in crayon Capital letters with what he was supposed to say, he said the Same Damn Racist Thing Again.

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