OH Dear.. Greenland is melting from beneath!


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Greenland ice melting from below

In the decade long posting wars on the net over the potential harm that man made co2 and other greenhouse gasses can have on our future I have never failed to notice that those who push the angle constantly ignore the numerous exculpatory inputs even though they are very well aware of them. Why I wonder? Notice the date on the Article. Have you seen a single lefty bring this article to the board? NO! Why not? Because it doesn't carry water and therefore must be suppresed and certainly never mentioned! This is very telling.

I have never had any hard and fast position on this issue except that I believe humankind will move beyond hydrocarbon combustion long before we have any climate emergencies generated by Anthropocentric or Anthropogenic causes. AGW advocates disagree and have been running about like an army of chicken littles screaming that we must throw our wallets at the feet of the Green gods to save our planet. Typical scam with all the earmarks of a scam. Problem first, money needed second, thirdly..... all of the righteous reasons in the world why YOU should part with your money. You find this kind of confidence BS on every street corner in NY city and lately in your email boxes too.

There is no cause to call down hard working climate scientists who in their endeavors have contributed much to our basic understanding of our climate and climate history but to call this debate settled is nonsense in the extreme. Unfortunately this argument has left the bounds of honest science and has now become an agenda biased discovery mission, an answer in search of a question instead of the other way around. Those who are not on board are routinely treated with the disrespect, name calling and ostracism that is a common tool of left wing thinkers. Read up on LYSENKOISM ....this is important because it has been revived in our modern Politico-scientific community today.

Now let me be clear about my position. I steadfastly believe that we are better off without hydrocarbon combustion and dirty smokestacks but I have never seen any evidence that our current technologies are not sufficient to deal with our perceived pollution problems. There are many good technologies for stack scrubbing that are simply being ignored as barriers to the noble lie. That lie being once again that we are in a climate emergency. Hogwash. Progress is being made on many fronts for abundant, cheap and reliable sources of electricity and I predict that hydrocarbon combustion will pass out of use before 2040.....but that's not good enough for Green CEO's that want to make that big killing on your wallet right now and so they have fielded an army of Lysenkovites ( a JO trademarked word ) to jam the idea up your ass, in your ears and through your skull by insisting that you are simply too stupid to know anything at all.

Rather than to consider alternative sources of heat energy AGW enthusiasts begin with an absolute belief ( this is not scientific method btw and never was ) and then work fastidiously to find a way around all exculpatory input. This is not the subjective honesty of science it is the Agenda-bias of politics....plain and simple.

A list of things that AGW Lysenkovites have claimed to debunk but in truth have not even so much as scratched the surface of yet. Why I wonder?

1.) Varying cosmic inputs along the Herculean path as we perambulate through the milky way once every 200 million years or so. This alone is an entire mountain of new and uninvestigated possibilities that are totally ignored or pooh-poohed by the Lysenkovites.
2.) The variety of solar inputs that have continued to be revealed as we learn more and more about our own personal star next door only eight minutes up the street as far the light-crow flies!
3.) The Gradually shifting gravity field of our own moon that is moving away from us about one inch per year. Sounds like almost nothing but in cosmic terms it's actually huge. We are told that it is inconsequential. Funny how the Lysenkovites get to choose what is inconsequential and what is not. Hey here's a clue.....they can't make any money off of the moon thing so it's back to calling you stupid for even mentioning it.

Well What's the use? The list could climb to one hundred and it wouldn't make a dent.

" One convinced against his will is of the same opinion still "...... good to remember. Saves time.

So to date here is my position:

1.) There's no doubt that smokestacks and humankind are part of the equation. So whaddya going to do about it? Kill off the human race??? Please go away. The earth is here for us and not the other way around.

2.) Hydrocarbon combustion will go away soon enough on its own...there is no real emergency despite all of the Chicken little cries.

3.) Agenda Bias has been demonstrated time and again with the left and the AGW worshipers who want you to believe that you are just too stupid and that you MUST give up your wallet or we will all die a horrible death on a planet of flames! Funny how the Wallet always makes it into the equation isn't it?

4.) I look forward to the next step in energy supply technologies. They should be much, much less expensive than our current supplies with TOKAMAK promising to be as cheap as 1 penny per Kwh!


In the mean time be prepared to be called many different kinds of names by the screaming Lysenkovites that infer you are not intelligent and that you have no peer reviewed standing and threfore must sit down, shut up and open your wallet. Oh and right around the corner get ready to loose your freedom over your failure to believe them.

Good luck lefty......people are on to your scam.

Of course, the paper doesn't say "Greenland is melting from below".

But then, accuracy has never been a priority of the ice agers. Their thing is more data twisting and hysterical pronouncements of doom. That's why they fit in so well with the other deniers.

This comes from Discovery @ A Sudden Surge in Melting Seen Atop Greenland s Ice Sheet - ImaGeo
Greenland ice melting from below

In the decade long posting wars on the net over the potential harm that man made co2 and other greenhouse gasses can have on our future I have never failed to notice that those who push the angle constantly ignore the numerous exculpatory inputs even though they are very well aware of them. Why I wonder? Notice the date on the Article. Have you seen a single lefty bring this article to the board? NO! Why not? Because it doesn't carry water and therefore must be suppresed and certainly never mentioned! This is very telling.

I have never had any hard and fast position on this issue except that I believe humankind will move beyond hydrocarbon combustion long before we have any climate emergencies generated by Anthropocentric or Anthropogenic causes. AGW advocates disagree and have been running about like an army of chicken littles screaming that we must throw our wallets at the feet of the Green gods to save our planet. Typical scam with all the earmarks of a scam. Problem first, money needed second, thirdly..... all of the righteous reasons in the world why YOU should part with your money. You find this kind of confidence BS on every street corner in NY city and lately in your email boxes too.

There is no cause to call down hard working climate scientists who in their endeavors have contributed much to our basic understanding of our climate and climate history but to call this debate settled is nonsense in the extreme. Unfortunately this argument has left the bounds of honest science and has now become an agenda biased discovery mission, an answer in search of a question instead of the other way around. Those who are not on board are routinely treated with the disrespect, name calling and ostracism that is a common tool of left wing thinkers. Read up on LYSENKOISM ....this is important because it has been revived in our modern Politico-scientific community today.

Now let me be clear about my position. I steadfastly believe that we are better off without hydrocarbon combustion and dirty smokestacks but I have never seen any evidence that our current technologies are not sufficient to deal with our perceived pollution problems. There are many good technologies for stack scrubbing that are simply being ignored as barriers to the noble lie. That lie being once again that we are in a climate emergency. Hogwash. Progress is being made on many fronts for abundant, cheap and reliable sources of electricity and I predict that hydrocarbon combustion will pass out of use before 2040.....but that's not good enough for Green CEO's that want to make that big killing on your wallet right now and so they have fielded an army of Lysenkovites ( a JO trademarked word ) to jam the idea up your ass, in your ears and through your skull by insisting that you are simply too stupid to know anything at all.

Rather than to consider alternative sources of heat energy AGW enthusiasts begin with an absolute belief ( this is not scientific method btw and never was ) and then work fastidiously to find a way around all exculpatory input. This is not the subjective honesty of science it is the Agenda-bias of politics....plain and simple.

A list of things that AGW Lysenkovites have claimed to debunk but in truth have not even so much as scratched the surface of yet. Why I wonder?

1.) Varying cosmic inputs along the Herculean path as we perambulate through the milky way once every 200 million years or so. This alone is an entire mountain of new and uninvestigated possibilities that are totally ignored or pooh-poohed by the Lysenkovites.
2.) The variety of solar inputs that have continued to be revealed as we learn more and more about our own personal star next door only eight minutes up the street as far the light-crow flies!
3.) The Gradually shifting gravity field of our own moon that is moving away from us about one inch per year. Sounds like almost nothing but in cosmic terms it's actually huge. We are told that it is inconsequential. Funny how the Lysenkovites get to choose what is inconsequential and what is not. Hey here's a clue.....they can't make any money off of the moon thing so it's back to calling you stupid for even mentioning it.

Well What's the use? The list could climb to one hundred and it wouldn't make a dent.

" One convinced against his will is of the same opinion still "...... good to remember. Saves time.

So to date here is my position:

1.) There's no doubt that smokestacks and humankind are part of the equation. So whaddya going to do about it? Kill off the human race??? Please go away. The earth is here for us and not the other way around.

2.) Hydrocarbon combustion will go away soon enough on its own...there is no real emergency despite all of the Chicken little cries.

3.) Agenda Bias has been demonstrated time and again with the left and the AGW worshipers who want you to believe that you are just too stupid and that you MUST give up your wallet or we will all die a horrible death on a planet of flames! Funny how the Wallet always makes it into the equation isn't it?

4.) I look forward to the next step in energy supply technologies. They should be much, much less expensive than our current supplies with TOKAMAK promising to be as cheap as 1 penny per Kwh!


In the mean time be prepared to be called many different kinds of names by the screaming Lysenkovites that infer you are not intelligent and that you have no peer reviewed standing and threfore must sit down, shut up and open your wallet. Oh and right around the corner get ready to loose your freedom over your failure to believe them.

Good luck lefty......people are on to your scam.


Maybe you're just not quite sharp enough to read your own link. Your link clearly concludes that the geothermal effect " cannot be neglected when modeling the ice sheet as part of a climate study."
Doesn't exactly sound like they're disputing climate change....does it. Sounds more like they're saying there could be more than one cause. Read a little more carefully.
I don't know if the Global Warming issue is a serious matter or not....it is just too complicated for lay people to understand...at least to take the time necessary to understand. And, who do you believe, if you try to learn?

I have a strong suspicion that the the experts who are telling us that there is a problem are in exactly the same situation as Jon Gruber.....Paid Whores....who don't get paid their fee, their grant, their loan, their G'vmt contract etc. until, like the prostitute, their assigned duty is performed.

And, so, while they could be telling the truth, partially, they have forfeited all right to be believed.

I want to be clear. I'll say most or all of the climatologists who have studied this phenomenon are....Gruber-like....nothing but the Paid Whores for a corrupt political apparatus. Or hoping to become Paid Whores.

So, I don't mind being called a neolithic throwback because I decline to buy any more horseshit from the Grubers of this world. They are strictly cancers on this society, if not outright criminals.

I want to apologize to the real Whores out there for comparing them to Jon Gruber and his breed.. I respect the real Whores much more
In other words, you're a conspiracy theory nutter. You have no evidence for your kook beliefs, but you'll get kudos from your political cult if you bleat along with the rest of the herd. You, Macaulay, are a particularly vicious Stalinist type, being you're calling scientists criminals. Like your spiritual mentor Stalin, you want people tossed into a gulag for daring to contradict TheParty.

Every denier you'll see anywhere is a card-carrying member of the kook extremist right-wing fringe cult. Denialism isn't the cult itself; right-wing crybaby fruitloopism is the cult. Denialism is just one of the many insane mantras that the mindless cult acolytes have been commanded to chant.

In contrast, global warming science is embraced by all political types all across the world. That's because it's science, and politics doesn't affect the science at all.

Remember deniers, there's a good reason nearly the entire planet correctly considers you to be cult fruitcakes. It's not because of a vast secret global socialist conspiracy plotting against you. It's because you're all just nuts. Now go enjoy the lifetime of humiliation that you signed on for when you pledged allegiance to your political cult.
In other words, you're a conspiracy theory nutter. You have no evidence for your kook beliefs, but you'll get kudos from your political cult if you bleat along with the rest of the herd. You, Macaulay, are a particularly vicious Stalinist type, being you're calling scientists criminals. Like your spiritual mentor Stalin, you want people tossed into a gulag for daring to contradict TheParty.

Every denier you'll see anywhere is a card-carrying member of the kook extremist right-wing fringe cult. Denialism isn't the cult itself; right-wing crybaby fruitloopism is the cult. Denialism is just one of the many insane mantras that the mindless cult acolytes have been commanded to chant.

In contrast, global warming science is embraced by all political types all across the world. That's because it's science, and politics doesn't affect the science at all.

Remember deniers, there's a good reason nearly the entire planet correctly considers you to be cult fruitcakes. It's not because of a vast secret global socialist conspiracy plotting against you. It's because you're all just nuts. Now go enjoy the lifetime of humiliation that you signed on for when you pledged allegiance to your political cult.

But the denier k00k extremist cult is winning..................huge!!!

The science is not mattering anywhere in the real world............renewables are still a joke and pie in the sky for the climate OCD's. Will be for decades.........even the Obama Energy Information Agency says it!!!:2up: Nobody cares about global warming in 2014.

And go look at Gallup, Pew, Rasmussen...........all the polls show "global warming" at the very bottom of the list of Americans concerns...........in Pew, it is #21 out of 22.!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies::fu:

You could say.........the cult fruitcakes are doing just fine!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

The "cult fruitcakes" know this Mamooth asshole from the ENVIRONMENT forum........in a perpetual state of misery...........throws up about a dozen nutty-ass "my head is exploding" rants every day over there. Angry, miserable, eye poppin' rants...........but his side is winning!!!:D
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Asshole climate obsessed k00ks like Mamooth above are fond of stating that "the whole world considers you fruitcakes".

Yep.......but Gallup's recent poll found quite the opposite!!!

The found that Americans cant give a rats ass about global warming /climate change.

Climate Change Not a Top Worry in U.S.

LMAO......and in the Pew Poll last year, it came in 21 out of 22.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
The vikings called it Greenland because, when they visited it, it was!
Actually, it is greener now than when the Vikings settled there. It was never better than marginal for living as they did, even in the best of times. And they failed to learn from the people that lived on the ice, so they died out. All covered in Jared Diamond's, "Collapse".
The vikings called it Greenland because, when they visited it, it was!
Actually, it is greener now than when the Vikings settled there. It was never better than marginal for living as they did, even in the best of times. And they failed to learn from the people that lived on the ice, so they died out. All covered in Jared Diamond's, "Collapse".


Icy Greenland was Once Pretty Green Study Finds Environment Nature World News

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