Oh Kamala-toe, you just did a BRILLIANT THING....

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I know you didn't plan it, but you just did something so brilliant that it is blinding in its implications. And yes, it's about Joe Biden....

"Biden apologizes for remarks about segregationist senators"
"Former Vice President Joe Biden apologized Saturday for his recent remarks about his ability to work with segregationists during his time as a Senator."

You see Kammy, Biden apologized for working with segregationist Senators. He admitted something that has been pointed out for YEARS; that the DemonRATS were the party of segregation. But you made him PUBLICLY apologize for it. And now?

Here's where it gets delicious. Every other demonRAT Senator who cooperated with the segregationist Senators also must apologize ... now. Everyone who VOTED for those Senators has to apologize now.

And how about Obama and Hillary? They said nice things about Senator Byrd. Obama and Hillary MUST apologize because of the nice things they said about Senator Byrd. And everyone who voted for, donated to, and cooperated with Obama and Hillary must ALSO apologize. How about it liberal politicians, movies stars, singers, sports figures, and media tramps.

"Well? We're waiting!"

KamalaToe Harris.....she is the gift that keep on giving....:04:

You see Kammy, Biden apologized for working with segregationist Senators. He admitted something that has been pointed out for YEARS; that the DemonRATS were the party of segregation. But you made him PUBLICLY apologize for it. And now?

It's never enough with Kamala-toe....
She will say that, "Biden only apologized, so he didn't have to hear it anymore."
Just wait and watch...

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