Oh Look Another Kennedy is Running for Office. We Need That About Like a Dose of Gonorrhea

Prayers up for the Republican Party. I hope the people of New Jersey will step up to the plate and give the Democrats their marching orders, no matter how famous the name they run on. This nation has killed too many unborn babies, which destroys any sense of morality in the mother who orders the abortion, has allowed a political party to go to war by funding the antifa terrorists who started out in Rep. Maxine Waters' push to stalk and harass Executive Branch members conspiratorially, and have now branched out like a cancer on the soul of America to torture mainly Republican and American ideals, history, and heralded in hate for everything not in lockstep with sociocommunism being pushed by Nancy Pelosi, former card-carrying member of the Communist Party. In Russia they called them "bolsheviks." Antifa wreaks of the totaliatarianism that socialism ultimately brings, right after its chaos results in undoing of established government designed by our founders to bring about freedom of speech to common man and gentry alike. We know it's not perfect, but it's better than what the lying liars of the Democrat national leadership is shilling for, which is first to get rid of Donald Trump after spending 4 years lying their asses off in unison about alleged deeds that likely never took place and don't fit in with the strict businessman our President is.

This was a peaceful nation before the Democrats pulled in their wealthy Hollywood stars to fund and support their causes--and the lies that go along with getting ordinary people to hate every single member of the opposition whether politician, nominee, voter, supporter of Republican leaders. Hopefully, the stars will wise up to their being used to cause the war that is bound to be by enslaving voters to pay for everything on their little gimme list including gold pens given to participants who humiliate our President the most and cause the biggest stink they possibly can against innocent Americans who refuse to be brainwashed by them.

I wish no person running for office anything but the hope that they will make themselves servants to their American constituents, avoid gossip, and make judgments based on the needs of this nation's people.
I doubt an endorsement from the Kopechene family is coming anytime soon. Does this national joke have to continue?

The Kennedy trust fund is held offshore. They'll give millions to shove more Communism on us.
That in and of itself would cause Jack Kennedy to roll over in his grave. He was first an American, second a conservative, but a Democrat of yesteryear when people didn't socialize according to party only but membership in community.
I doubt an endorsement from the Kopechene family is coming anytime soon. Does this national joke have to continue?

Why would an endorsement come from them?

The only national joke is the conservative effort to claim a family dynasty that rivals the Kennedy Family.
Of course it wouldn't come from them. Teddy murdered their daughter. But liberal media and dick faces like you just happened to sidestep that. Typical.
Prayers up for the Republican Party. I hope the people of New Jersey will step up to the plate and give the Democrats their marching orders, no matter how famous the name they run on. This nation has killed too many unborn babies, which destroys any sense of morality in the mother who orders the abortion, has allowed a political party to go to war by funding the antifa terrorists who started out in Rep. Maxine Waters' push to stalk and harass Executive Branch members conspiratorially, and have now branched out like a cancer on the soul of America to torture mainly Republican and American ideals, history, and heralded in hate for everything not in lockstep with sociocommunism being pushed by Nancy Pelosi, former card-carrying member of the Communist Party. In Russia they called them "bolsheviks." Antifa wreaks of the totaliatarianism that socialism ultimately brings, right after its chaos results in undoing of established government designed by our founders to bring about freedom of speech to common man and gentry alike. We know it's not perfect, but it's better than what the lying liars of the Democrat national leadership is shilling for, which is first to get rid of Donald Trump after spending 4 years lying their asses off in unison about alleged deeds that likely never took place and don't fit in with the strict businessman our President is.

This was a peaceful nation before the Democrats pulled in their wealthy Hollywood stars to fund and support their causes--and the lies that go along with getting ordinary people to hate every single member of the opposition whether politician, nominee, voter, supporter of Republican leaders. Hopefully, the stars will wise up to their being used to cause the war that is bound to be by enslaving voters to pay for everything on their little gimme list including gold pens given to participants who humiliate our President the most and cause the biggest stink they possibly can against innocent Americans who refuse to be brainwashed by them.

I wish no person running for office anything but the hope that they will make themselves servants to their American constituents, avoid gossip, and make judgments based on the needs of this nation's people.

jeff is toast.
I doubt an endorsement from the Kopechene family is coming anytime soon. Does this national joke have to continue?

Why would an endorsement come from them?

The only national joke is the conservative effort to claim a family dynasty that rivals the Kennedy Family.
That isn't so, the Democrats have forced the right into protecting the President from the bodily harm Maxine Waters' ilk would do if she could get away with it.
I doubt an endorsement from the Kopechene family is coming anytime soon. Does this national joke have to continue?

The Kennedy trust fund is held offshore. They'll give millions to shove more Communism on us.

Isn't the trump money held in Moscow....
You still in that theater, Otto? I pity you.
Prayers up for the Republican Party. I hope the people of New Jersey will step up to the plate and give the Democrats their marching orders, no matter how famous the name they run on. This nation has killed too many unborn babies, which destroys any sense of morality in the mother who orders the abortion, has allowed a political party to go to war by funding the antifa terrorists who started out in Rep. Maxine Waters' push to stalk and harass Executive Branch members conspiratorially, and have now branched out like a cancer on the soul of America to torture mainly Republican and American ideals, history, and heralded in hate for everything not in lockstep with sociocommunism being pushed by Nancy Pelosi, former card-carrying member of the Communist Party. In Russia they called them "bolsheviks." Antifa wreaks of the totaliatarianism that socialism ultimately brings, right after its chaos results in undoing of established government designed by our founders to bring about freedom of speech to common man and gentry alike. We know it's not perfect, but it's better than what the lying liars of the Democrat national leadership is shilling for, which is first to get rid of Donald Trump after spending 4 years lying their asses off in unison about alleged deeds that likely never took place and don't fit in with the strict businessman our President is.

This was a peaceful nation before the Democrats pulled in their wealthy Hollywood stars to fund and support their causes--and the lies that go along with getting ordinary people to hate every single member of the opposition whether politician, nominee, voter, supporter of Republican leaders. Hopefully, the stars will wise up to their being used to cause the war that is bound to be by enslaving voters to pay for everything on their little gimme list including gold pens given to participants who humiliate our President the most and cause the biggest stink they possibly can against innocent Americans who refuse to be brainwashed by them.

I wish no person running for office anything but the hope that they will make themselves servants to their American constituents, avoid gossip, and make judgments based on the needs of this nation's people.

jeff is toast.
Not if he wins. ;)
I doubt an endorsement from the Kopechene family is coming anytime soon. Does this national joke have to continue?

The Kennedy trust fund is held offshore. They'll give millions to shove more Communism on us.
That in and of itself would cause Jack Kennedy to roll over in his grave. He was first an American, second a conservative, but a Democrat of yesteryear when people didn't socialize according to party only but membership in community.
I think JFK would dump this whole Democrat Party.
I doubt an endorsement from the Kopechene family is coming anytime soon. Does this national joke have to continue?

The Kennedy trust fund is held offshore. They'll give millions to shove more Communism on us.
That in and of itself would cause Jack Kennedy to roll over in his grave. He was first an American, second a conservative, but a Democrat of yesteryear when people didn't socialize according to party only but membership in community.
I think JFK would dump this whole Democrat Party.
I have to say, most war heros don't cotton to nonsense and lies. They made a movie about Kennedy and his PT109 in WWII, and another artist wrote a song about it, "the PT109," seems so to me.
Well, goodnight all. I fell on my butt trying to move 30 chicks back into the barn, and I need a healing sleep. Prayers up for our dear nation, the President, House, and Senate. :hands:
I doubt an endorsement from the Kopechene family is coming anytime soon. Does this national joke have to continue?

Why would an endorsement come from them?

The only national joke is the conservative effort to claim a family dynasty that rivals the Kennedy Family.
That isn't so, the Democrats have forced the right into protecting the President from the bodily harm Maxine Waters' ilk would do if she could get away with it.

I assume you can read vote totals then...
Well, goodnight all. I fell on my butt trying to move 30 chicks back into the barn, and I need a healing sleep. Prayers up for our dear nation, the President, House, and Senate. :hands:
God Bless.
I doubt an endorsement from the Kopechene family is coming anytime soon. Does this national joke have to continue?

Why would an endorsement come from them?

The only national joke is the conservative effort to claim a family dynasty that rivals the Kennedy Family.
Joe bought JFK's election in Chicagoland. Joe made his millions breaking the law during prohibition. JFK and Bobby and Ted, when he was sober, were banging anything with a hole in it. Some fucking 'dynasty'.
Joe was a Nazi supporter. JFK was a fucking communist. They were all up to their necks with the mafia.

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