Oh ... My ... Gawd ... Ellison Checks Out

He was an intelligent, creative, massively talented man. He was a GIANT of the sci-fi genre. Loved his short stories....mind bending!!

All time winner of 'Coolest Story Title EVAH'


And author of 'Star Trek TOS' best episode ...

"City on the Edge of Forever" was the original Trek's finest and most deeply haunting hour.

You should read Ellison's original script. It's a kick in the teeth.


This book contains all of the original drafts and rewrites as Ellison intended them. I love the Star Trek version, but Ellison's original vision for the story stands on its own as one of the great sci-fi stories ever.
"City on the Edge of Forever" was the original Trek's finest and most deeply haunting hour.

You should read Ellison's original script. It's a kick in the teeth.


This book contains all of the original drafts and rewrites as Ellison intended them. I love the Star Trek version, but Ellison's original vision for the story stands on its own as one of the great sci-fi stories ever.

Grab his script for "I, Robot" too. No connection with the Will Smith film.
"City on the Edge of Forever" was the original Trek's finest and most deeply haunting hour.

You should read Ellison's original script. It's a kick in the teeth.


This book contains all of the original drafts and rewrites as Ellison intended them. I love the Star Trek version, but Ellison's original vision for the story stands on its own as one of the great sci-fi stories ever.

Grab his script for "I, Robot" too. No connection with the Will Smith film.

I know that Mr. Ellison's sci-fi writings & ideas were highly ambitious and really liked to get grandiose, no doubt about that.
The first time I saw Harlan it was at a science fiction writers convention in Los Angeles. It was 1971 and i had squeezed into a very crowded elevator. Somewhere along the back was a booming voice hurling profanity at everyone and anyone. I could not see who it was until the elevator emptied out. It turned out to be a very short and very good looking man smoking a pipe. I said something into the air like "who the fuck is that ". The reply was "That little loudmouth is Harlan Ellison."

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