Oh My Gosh! Kellyanne Screwed Up Royally!

This is the crap that is deemed newsworthy.

Stating there had been other coronaviruses before 19,

“The adviser made the slip-up while explaining to the co-hosts of “Fox and Friends” why President Donald Trump decided to halt the U.S.’s payments to the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to Conway, one reason for doing so was because the organization supposedly can’t be trusted to know how to handle the pandemic.

“Some of the scientists and doctors say that there could be other strains later on,” she said. “This could come back in the fall in a limited way.”

“This is COVID-19, not COVID-1 folks, and so you would think the people charged with the World Health Organization facts and figures would be on top of that,” the adviser continued.

So, since she spoke it and it’s true there have been any number of coronaviruses before this one, let’s call out her choice of calling the first one covid 1, she needs to be chastised! They assume she meant they were all numbered the same because she used covid instead of coronavirus.
Typical. This administration not known for belief or understanding the disease since the beginning of this mess.
It's fake news.
Probably. Absolutely true that she said it, but utterly fake news, in that anything trumpers don't like is fake news, regardless of the facts.
You were there and heard it?
Nope. Brought to my attention because the OP thought it newsworthy, other poster verified, and now that you ask, I am seeing it reported by The Daily Beast, CNN, and others. OP must be correct. It apparently is newsworthy.
You tell us why talkingpointsmemo deemed it newsworthy.
I don't work for talking point, the daily beast, cnn or huffpost. You will have to take it up with their editorial boards. I only responded because you found it newsworthy.
Not newsworthy that she said it, but that they did as well as the search engines.

Not newsworthy? A spokesperson for Trump Administration made a statement on a national news network using her alternative "facts". Let that sink in.
The President's spokesperson. Speaking for the President. And on behalf of his administration.

You don't think that's newsworthy?
Alternative? She mislabeled it, just as Obama did stating 57 states! Lol
Hypocrisy is thy name.
It is at least as newsworthy as all the so called “Biden is senile” crap.

biden is running for president. i hear 24x7 from the left that since trump is president he gets held to another standard. this is done so they don't have to hold pelosi, schiff or any of the left to the same standards as they do trump. now they're free to dump on trump.

so if biden is running for the same office, he *will* get more scrutiny. also, kellyanne doesn't have a history of something like this - the left is just picking on this because they can and going apeshit cause that's what they do. but the mental state of biden is a legitimate question for someone running for office.

the left made it so with trump and has done everything they possibly can to paint trump as a psycho - go get ready for it to be done to biden. at least with biden we have him betting lost between words and simply leaving conversations in the middle of them.

i'm not here to attack biden. we get old and this shit happens. it sucks. but you can't dismiss it either and say what he is going through is no worse than kellyanne making a bad joke.
Do you think Biden will get a bump out of this glaring example of the Trump adminstration's failure to communicate the facts about the virus to the American people?

I just think it's good to make fun of dummies who should know better. Don't you?
no you are just a very old jr high school level mentality who thinks it's fun to pick 1 side and defend at all costs as if only 1 side can be correct. in the entire time i've been here i've NEVER seen you give credit to "the other side"

ANYONE who has ONLY pushed 1 side over the other is part of the fucking problem as far as i'm concerned.
Rumors are that Kellyanne sang off key once, while taking a shower three weeks ago!

I'll bet the bitch has an opinion on certain musical performances too!

Fucking Trump!
The woman speaking for the administration in charge of the virus response not only doesn't understand the basic facta of the topic, but even makes stuff up on the spot about it.

Welcome to Trump's america.
so you know why she said it, how it was meant to be said, her mindset when she said it -

or do you do what most of you assholes do - assign your interpretation as the ONLY one it could be and get all giggly?

yea, door #2 is you. the shitroom.
Rumors are that Kellyanne sang off key once, while taking a shower three weeks ago!

I'll bet the bitch has an opinion on certain musical performances too!

Fucking Trump!
The woman speaking for the administration in charge of the virus response not only doesn't understand the basic facta of the topic, but even makes stuff up on the spot about it.

Welcome to Trump's america.
so you know why she said it, how it was meant to be said, her mindset when she said it -

or do you do what most of you assholes do - assign your interpretation as the ONLY one it could be and get all giggly?

yea, door #2 is you. the shitroom.
Okay. Give some possible reasons why she would say what she did. What could have possibly been her "mindet" when she tried to defend cutting off funds to the World Health Organization by accusing them of not preparing for COVID 19 when there were 18 other COVIDs before it? What could have possessed her to make something like that up out of whole cloth? Or do you think she heard it from Alex Jones?
Rumors are that Kellyanne sang off key once, while taking a shower three weeks ago!

I'll bet the bitch has an opinion on certain musical performances too!

Fucking Trump!
The woman speaking for the administration in charge of the virus response not only doesn't understand the basic facta of the topic, but even makes stuff up on the spot about it.

Welcome to Trump's america.
so you know why she said it, how it was meant to be said, her mindset when she said it -

or do you do what most of you assholes do - assign your interpretation as the ONLY one it could be and get all giggly?

yea, door #2 is you. the shitroom.
Okay. Give some possible reasons why she would say what she did. What could have possibly been her "mindet" when she tried to defend cutting off funds to the World Health Organization by accusing them of not preparing for COVID 19 when there were 18 other COVIDs before it? What could have possessed her to make something like that up out of whole cloth? Or do you think she heard it from Alex Jones?
so you don't know for sure - you just want to assume she's a stupid bitch. yet if someone does that to pelosi or someone on the left - you cry foul. there simply is no difference. if wrong to assume what someone meant and giggle at their stupidity because you interpret any way you feel necessary, you're the 2 year old who needs to grow the fuck up.

this is for trump; pelosi, conway or any of us. for far too long as a culture we see a 3 second video on CNN or elsewhere and know who they are, what they want, how evil/good they are and things simply impossible to know even from knowing someone for years.

she was kidding around. "hey, this isn't covid-1 ya know" trying to be funny. not a funny joke but i don't find a lot of things funny others do. maybe she was having a hell of a day (and that fact is quite possible, isn't it) and just said something off the top of her head without thinking.

those are quite possible. for ANY of us. yet people attack and make it what they want it to be to justify their attack and hate.

fuck hate. fuck blind attacks with assumed information. we all need to grow the fuck up and stop that shit.

but the bottom line is NO ONE IN HERE TODAY BITCHING AT HER has any idea what she was really referencing or meaning. yet here we are, in attack mode.

rinse, repeat, see you for tomorrows edition of blind hate.

the other bullshit thing we do is ask someone a question then answer it for them according to how they want it to go. ie - she heard it from alex jones" - let's keep associating people with an extreme to help sell your bullshit fucked up point. same as calling people a nazi racist for disagreeing with you.
Rumors are that Kellyanne sang off key once, while taking a shower three weeks ago!

I'll bet the bitch has an opinion on certain musical performances too!

Fucking Trump!
The woman speaking for the administration in charge of the virus response not only doesn't understand the basic facta of the topic, but even makes stuff up on the spot about it.

Welcome to Trump's america.
so you know why she said it, how it was meant to be said, her mindset when she said it -

or do you do what most of you assholes do - assign your interpretation as the ONLY one it could be and get all giggly?

yea, door #2 is you. the shitroom.
Okay. Give some possible reasons why she would say what she did. What could have possibly been her "mindet" when she tried to defend cutting off funds to the World Health Organization by accusing them of not preparing for COVID 19 when there were 18 other COVIDs before it? What could have possessed her to make something like that up out of whole cloth? Or do you think she heard it from Alex Jones?
so you don't know for sure - you just want to assume she's a stupid bitch. yet if someone does that to pelosi or someone on the left - you cry foul. there simply is no difference. if wrong to assume what someone meant and giggle at their stupidity because you interpret any way you feel necessary, you're the 2 year old who needs to grow the fuck up.

this is for trump; pelosi, conway or any of us. for far too long as a culture we see a 3 second video on CNN or elsewhere and know who they are, what they want, how evil/good they are and things simply impossible to know even from knowing someone for years.

she was kidding around. "hey, this isn't covid-1 ya know" trying to be funny. not a funny joke but i don't find a lot of things funny others do. maybe she was having a hell of a day (and that fact is quite possible, isn't it) and just said something off the top of her head without thinking.

those are quite possible. for ANY of us. yet people attack and make it what they want it to be to justify their attack and hate.

fuck hate. fuck blind attacks with assumed information. we all need to grow the fuck up and stop that shit.

but the bottom line is NO ONE IN HERE TODAY BITCHING AT HER has any idea what she was really referencing or meaning. yet here we are, in attack mode.

rinse, repeat, see you for tomorrows edition of blind hate.

the other bullshit thing we do is ask someone a question then answer it for them according to how they want it to go. ie - she heard it from alex jones" - let's keep associating people with an extreme to help sell your bullshit fucked up point. same as calling people a nazi racist for disagreeing with you.

Ah, so it's bad for a political rival to ascribe motivations, but you, without any evidence, say she was "joking". Try watching the video. She wasn't joking. Try again.

This is the crap that is deemed newsworthy.

Stating there had been other coronaviruses before 19,

“The adviser made the slip-up while explaining to the co-hosts of “Fox and Friends” why President Donald Trump decided to halt the U.S.’s payments to the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to Conway, one reason for doing so was because the organization supposedly can’t be trusted to know how to handle the pandemic.

“Some of the scientists and doctors say that there could be other strains later on,” she said. “This could come back in the fall in a limited way.”

“This is COVID-19, not COVID-1 folks, and so you would think the people charged with the World Health Organization facts and figures would be on top of that,” the adviser continued.

So, since she spoke it and it’s true there have been any number of coronaviruses before this one, let’s call out her choice of calling the first one covid 1, she needs to be chastised! They assume she meant they were all numbered the same because she used covid instead of coronavirus.
Typical. This administration not known for belief or understanding the disease since the beginning of this mess.
It's fake news.
Probably. Absolutely true that she said it, but utterly fake news, in that anything trumpers don't like is fake news, regardless of the facts.
You were there and heard it?
Nope. Brought to my attention because the OP thought it newsworthy, other poster verified, and now that you ask, I am seeing it reported by The Daily Beast, CNN, and others. OP must be correct. It apparently is newsworthy.
You tell us why talkingpointsmemo deemed it newsworthy.
I don't work for talking point, the daily beast, cnn or huffpost. You will have to take it up with their editorial boards. I only responded because you found it newsworthy.
Not newsworthy that she said it, but that they did as well as the search engines.

Not newsworthy? A spokesperson for Trump Administration made a statement on a national news network using her alternative "facts". Let that sink in.
The President's spokesperson. Speaking for the President. And on behalf of his administration.

You don't think that's newsworthy?
Alternative? She mislabeled it, just as Obama did stating 57 states! Lol
Hypocrisy is thy name.
It is at least as newsworthy as all the so called “Biden is senile” crap.

biden is running for president. i hear 24x7 from the left that since trump is president he gets held to another standard. this is done so they don't have to hold pelosi, schiff or any of the left to the same standards as they do trump. now they're free to dump on trump.

so if biden is running for the same office, he *will* get more scrutiny. also, kellyanne doesn't have a history of something like this - the left is just picking on this because they can and going apeshit cause that's what they do. but the mental state of biden is a legitimate question for someone running for office.

the left made it so with trump and has done everything they possibly can to paint trump as a psycho - go get ready for it to be done to biden. at least with biden we have him betting lost between words and simply leaving conversations in the middle of them.

i'm not here to attack biden. we get old and this shit happens. it sucks. but you can't dismiss it either and say what he is going through is no worse than kellyanne making a bad joke.

Oh, I'm not saying he shouldn't get scrutiny. I'm calling BS on all the claim he is mentally incapacitated based on the fact he is a lousy speaker (and that is nothing new).

We have many examples of Trump losing words, losing his train of thought, disjointed sentences and a decrease in speaking ability over time.

It all deserves scrutiny. But how much is really newsworthy?
after the birth certificate bs, a fart with a lump in it is newsworthy
This is the crap that is deemed newsworthy.

Stating there had been other coronaviruses before 19,

“The adviser made the slip-up while explaining to the co-hosts of “Fox and Friends” why President Donald Trump decided to halt the U.S.’s payments to the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to Conway, one reason for doing so was because the organization supposedly can’t be trusted to know how to handle the pandemic.

“Some of the scientists and doctors say that there could be other strains later on,” she said. “This could come back in the fall in a limited way.”

“This is COVID-19, not COVID-1 folks, and so you would think the people charged with the World Health Organization facts and figures would be on top of that,” the adviser continued.

So, since she spoke it and it’s true there have been any number of coronaviruses before this one, let’s call out her choice of calling the first one covid 1, she needs to be chastised! They assume she meant they were all numbered the same because she used covid instead of coronavirus.
Typical. This administration not known for belief or understanding the disease since the beginning of this mess.
It's fake news.
Probably. Absolutely true that she said it, but utterly fake news, in that anything trumpers don't like is fake news, regardless of the facts.
You were there and heard it?
Nope. Brought to my attention because the OP thought it newsworthy, other poster verified, and now that you ask, I am seeing it reported by The Daily Beast, CNN, and others. OP must be correct. It apparently is newsworthy.
You tell us why talkingpointsmemo deemed it newsworthy.
I don't work for talking point, the daily beast, cnn or huffpost. You will have to take it up with their editorial boards. I only responded because you found it newsworthy.
Not newsworthy that she said it, but that they did as well as the search engines.

Not newsworthy? A spokesperson for Trump Administration made a statement on a national news network using her alternative "facts". Let that sink in.
The President's spokesperson. Speaking for the President. And on behalf of his administration.

You don't think that's newsworthy?
Alternative? She mislabeled it, just as Obama did stating 57 states! Lol
Hypocrisy is thy name.
It is at least as newsworthy as all the so called “Biden is senile” crap.

biden is running for president. i hear 24x7 from the left that since trump is president he gets held to another standard. this is done so they don't have to hold pelosi, schiff or any of the left to the same standards as they do trump. now they're free to dump on trump.

so if biden is running for the same office, he *will* get more scrutiny. also, kellyanne doesn't have a history of something like this - the left is just picking on this because they can and going apeshit cause that's what they do. but the mental state of biden is a legitimate question for someone running for office.

the left made it so with trump and has done everything they possibly can to paint trump as a psycho - go get ready for it to be done to biden. at least with biden we have him betting lost between words and simply leaving conversations in the middle of them.

i'm not here to attack biden. we get old and this shit happens. it sucks. but you can't dismiss it either and say what he is going through is no worse than kellyanne making a bad joke.

Oh, I'm not saying he shouldn't get scrutiny. I'm calling BS on all the claim he is mentally incapacitated based on the fact he is a lousy speaker (and that is nothing new).

We have many examples of Trump losing words, losing his train of thought, disjointed sentences and a decrease in speaking ability over time.

It all deserves scrutiny. But how much is really newsworthy?
If you are getting to be seruiosly diagnosed with a disorder its serious, but very personal.

Ragging on a brain fart is about as petty and hypocritical as you can get.
This is the crap that is deemed newsworthy.

Stating there had been other coronaviruses before 19,

According to Conway, one reason for doing so was because the organization supposedly can’t be trusted to know how to handle the pandemic.

“Some of the scientists and doctors say that there could be other strains later on,” she said. “This could come back in the fall in a limited way.”

“This is COVID-19, not COVID-1 folks, and so you would think the people charged with the World Health Organization facts and figures would be on top of that,” the adviser continued.

So, since she spoke it and it’s true there have been any number of coronaviruses before this one, let’s call out her choice of calling the first one covid 1, she needs to be chastised! They assume she meant they were all numbered the same because she used covid instead of coronavirus.
Typical. This administration not known for belief or understanding the disease since the beginning of this mess.
It's fake news.
Probably. Absolutely true that she said it, but utterly fake news, in that anything trumpers don't like is fake news, regardless of the facts.
You were there and heard it?
Nope. Brought to my attention because the OP thought it newsworthy, other poster verified, and now that you ask, I am seeing it reported by The Daily Beast, CNN, and others. OP must be correct. It apparently is newsworthy.
You tell us why talkingpointsmemo deemed it newsworthy.
I don't work for talking point, the daily beast, cnn or huffpost. You will have to take it up with their editorial boards. I only responded because you found it newsworthy.
Not newsworthy that she said it, but that they did as well as the search engines.

Not newsworthy? A spokesperson for Trump Administration made a statement on a national news network using her alternative "facts". Let that sink in.
The President's spokesperson. Speaking for the President. And on behalf of his administration.

You don't think that's newsworthy?
Alternative? She mislabeled it, just as Obama did stating 57 states! Lol
Hypocrisy is thy name.
It is at least as newsworthy as all the so called “Biden is senile” crap.

biden is running for president. i hear 24x7 from the left that since trump is president he gets held to another standard. this is done so they don't have to hold pelosi, schiff or any of the left to the same standards as they do trump. now they're free to dump on trump.

so if biden is running for the same office, he *will* get more scrutiny. also, kellyanne doesn't have a history of something like this - the left is just picking on this because they can and going apeshit cause that's what they do. but the mental state of biden is a legitimate question for someone running for office.

the left made it so with trump and has done everything they possibly can to paint trump as a psycho - go get ready for it to be done to biden. at least with biden we have him betting lost between words and simply leaving conversations in the middle of them.

i'm not here to attack biden. we get old and this shit happens. it sucks. but you can't dismiss it either and say what he is going through is no worse than kellyanne making a bad joke.

Oh, I'm not saying he shouldn't get scrutiny. I'm calling BS on all the claim he is mentally incapacitated based on the fact he is a lousy speaker (and that is nothing new).

We have many examples of Trump losing words, losing his train of thought, disjointed sentences and a decrease in speaking ability over time.

It all deserves scrutiny. But how much is really newsworthy?
As long as Biden continues to make gaffs, it will be just as newsworthy as Trump's gaffs. Trump may lose his train of thought but Biden falls off his train!! :auiqs.jpg:

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