OH NO! Bernie say it ain't so!..If elected he's bringing a "A Vast Sea of Debt!"

Republitards got no problem running a debt as long its saving money for the rich or paying for more wars.
How much did Obuma ADD to our debt since inaugurated?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
And? Bush took a surplus and turned it into a deficit from a DEMOCRAT president.

What perhaps 400 billion, how about $8 TRILLION that the Manchurian muslim RAPED us of!... get your head on straight, fool!


The economic downturn and slow recovery have caused numerous individuals to file a claim for federal disability benefits through Social Security's disability program with applications for benefit claims.

The run of disability applications, the federal governmment admits, is pushing the financially strapped system toward the brink of insolvency.

The lengthy recession has had a serious impact on disability applicaions. Claims for disability benefits typically increase in a bad economy because many disabled people get laid off and can't find a new job. This year, about 3.3 million people are expected to apply for federal disability benefits. That's 700,000 more than in 2008 and 1 million more than a decade ago.

Individuals who qualify for Social Security disability automatically get Medicare after two years, even if they are younger than 65, the age when other retirees qualify for the government-run health insurance program.

Today, about 13.6 million people receive disability benefits through Social Security or Supplemental Security Income. Social Security is for people with substantial work histories, and monthly disability payments average $927. Supplemental Security Income does not require a work history but it has strict limits on income and assets. Monthly SSI payments average $500.

Disability benefits aren't something you can just jump onto if you get laid off. It requires having an extensive history of unsolvable medical issues. There are checks built into the system and can take several years before it is granted during which approval no money is distributed.
That is irrelevant to what was stated.

During bad times applications will increase (as will those that get benefits) because need increases.
Republitards got no problem running a debt as long its saving money for the rich or paying for more wars.
How much did Obuma ADD to our debt since inaugurated?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
And? Bush took a surplus and turned it into a deficit from a DEMOCRAT president.

What perhaps 400 billion, how about $8 TRILLION that the Manchurian muslim RAPED us of!... get your head on straight, fool!
Waiting on you....

George W. Bush - President Bush added the second greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. This more than doubled the debt, which was $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001 -- the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. This drove military spending to record levels, $600-$800 billion a year. This included the Iraq War, which cost $807.5 billion. President Bush also responded to the 2001 recession by passing EGTRRA and JGTRRA, otherwise known as the Bush tax cuts, which reduced revenue. He approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks to combat the 2008 global financial crisis. Both Presidents Bush and Obama had to contend with higher mandatory spending for Social Security and Medicare.

2nd only behind Obama who of course had to try and FIX what Bush had managed to fuck up.
Republitards got no problem running a debt as long its saving money for the rich or paying for more wars.
How much did Obuma ADD to our debt since inaugurated?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
And? Bush took a surplus and turned it into a deficit from a DEMOCRAT president.

What perhaps 400 billion, how about $8 TRILLION that the Manchurian muslim RAPED us of!... get your head on straight, fool!
Waiting on you....

George W. Bush - President Bush added the second greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. This more than doubled the debt, which was $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001 -- the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. This drove military spending to record levels, $600-$800 billion a year. This included the Iraq War, which cost $807.5 billion. President Bush also responded to the 2001 recession by passing EGTRRA and JGTRRA, otherwise known as the Bush tax cuts, which reduced revenue. He approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks to combat the 2008 global financial crisis. Both Presidents Bush and Obama had to contend with higher mandatory spending for Social Security and Medicare.

2nd only behind Obama who of course had to try and FIX what Bush had managed to fuck up.

The fact that Bush was a MAJOR fuck up has something to do with the fact that Obama is a fuck up as well?
We were told ObamaCare would save money, but now you wanna' change programs?

So are you saying that ObamaCare is a failure Luddy?

See, this is proof that Luddy neither READS nor THINKS about what he/she posts. That's why it posts so much of the link and says "read more at the link".
Is this a Lie?
From an Official ObamaCare Propaganda website:
Cost of ObamaCare
Obamacare was originally projected to cut the national deficit by over $200 billionduring its first 10 years, and by over $1 trillion over the next two decades in March of 2012. Although estimates have changed, the law’s provisions continue to curb healthcare costs. This helps offset the current estimated $1.207 trillion net cost of ObamaCare’s insurance related provisions. (The gross cost of ObamaCare is $1,707 billion, offset by a projected $500 billion in revenue for 2016–2025.)
Which is better Luddy, ObamaCare or BernieCare?
Bernie has his own troubles, a guy not even running is about to beat him in the polls. More or less currently tied with a stroke victim who lies.
Republitards got no problem running a debt as long its saving money for the rich or paying for more wars.
How much did Obuma ADD to our debt since inaugurated?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
And? Bush took a surplus and turned it into a deficit from a DEMOCRAT president.

What perhaps 400 billion, how about $8 TRILLION that the Manchurian muslim RAPED us of!... get your head on straight, fool!
Waiting on you....

George W. Bush - President Bush added the second greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. This more than doubled the debt, which was $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001 -- the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. This drove military spending to record levels, $600-$800 billion a year. This included the Iraq War, which cost $807.5 billion. President Bush also responded to the 2001 recession by passing EGTRRA and JGTRRA, otherwise known as the Bush tax cuts, which reduced revenue. He approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks to combat the 2008 global financial crisis. Both Presidents Bush and Obama had to contend with higher mandatory spending for Social Security and Medicare.

2nd only behind Obama who of course had to try and FIX what Bush had managed to fuck up.

The fact that Bush was a MAJOR fuck up has something to do with the fact that Obama is a fuck up as well?

You do understand that Presidents don't start with a clean slate when they take office, right? This basic concept doesn't escape you, does it?
We were told ObamaCare would save money, but now you wanna' change programs?

So are you saying that ObamaCare is a failure Luddy?

See, this is proof that Luddy neither READS nor THINKS about what he/she posts. That's why it posts so much of the link and says "read more at the link".

A fully single payer system or even a public option would be better than what we have now. But what we have now is progress over what we had Pre-Obamacare. I know you're allergic to progress and change, but try and keep up.
I suppose actually fixing the medical care system never occurred to you progressives?
How much did Obuma ADD to our debt since inaugurated?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
And? Bush took a surplus and turned it into a deficit from a DEMOCRAT president.

What perhaps 400 billion, how about $8 TRILLION that the Manchurian muslim RAPED us of!... get your head on straight, fool!
Waiting on you....

George W. Bush - President Bush added the second greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. This more than doubled the debt, which was $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001 -- the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. This drove military spending to record levels, $600-$800 billion a year. This included the Iraq War, which cost $807.5 billion. President Bush also responded to the 2001 recession by passing EGTRRA and JGTRRA, otherwise known as the Bush tax cuts, which reduced revenue. He approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks to combat the 2008 global financial crisis. Both Presidents Bush and Obama had to contend with higher mandatory spending for Social Security and Medicare.

2nd only behind Obama who of course had to try and FIX what Bush had managed to fuck up.

The fact that Bush was a MAJOR fuck up has something to do with the fact that Obama is a fuck up as well?

You do understand that Presidents don't start with a clean slate when they take office, right? This basic concept doesn't escape you, does it?

Unless theyr are Bush, then there was no recession, no deficit that was hidden by raiding SS and no divisiveness in the country... Just like if a Republican wins in 2016.
Republitards got no problem running a debt as long its saving money for the rich or paying for more wars.
How much did Obuma ADD to our debt since inaugurated?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
And? Bush took a surplus and turned it into a deficit from a DEMOCRAT president.

What perhaps 400 billion, how about $8 TRILLION that the Manchurian muslim RAPED us of!... get your head on straight, fool!
Waiting on you....

George W. Bush - President Bush added the second greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. This more than doubled the debt, which was $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001 -- the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. This drove military spending to record levels, $600-$800 billion a year. This included the Iraq War, which cost $807.5 billion. President Bush also responded to the 2001 recession by passing EGTRRA and JGTRRA, otherwise known as the Bush tax cuts, which reduced revenue. He approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks to combat the 2008 global financial crisis. Both Presidents Bush and Obama had to contend with higher mandatory spending for Social Security and Medicare.

2nd only behind Obama who of course had to try and FIX what Bush had managed to fuck up.
Try and fix?

5 million Syrian refugees says he fucked up.

Did Bush get rid of Gaddafi too?

Libya has turned into an al Qaeda haven.

Did Bush do that too?

ISIS is what happens when our president decides political favors are more important than national security.
Republitards got no problem running a debt as long its saving money for the rich or paying for more wars.
How much did Obuma ADD to our debt since inaugurated?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
And? Bush took a surplus and turned it into a deficit from a DEMOCRAT president.
He was forced to rebuild a military that Clinton decimated. 911 made that necessary.
Fucking around in foreign countries caused 9/11 of the official account the true account is Mossad and CIA did 9/11 to get us involved in more wars.

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