OH NO! Bernie say it ain't so!..If elected he's bringing a "A Vast Sea of Debt!"

Townhall.com ^ | September 22, 2015 | Paul Greenberg
You won't find it on any map; it probably wouldn't fit. But the Wall Street Journal's staff has done its best to trace the outlines of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' spending plans. Which isn't easy. Because this sea of debt is not just big but huge, immense, and no sea of tranquility, either. It's full of turbulent wave after wave of mounting debt. It includes proposals for a government-run health-care program ($15 trillion over the next decade); plans to build new highways, bridges and roads, and rebuild old ones; a vast expansion of Social Security, and free tuition at every...

You do realize of course that Bernie plans on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for this right?
GOP is party of the rich by the rich for the rich. He knows and he doesn't care.

Who are the richest people in the country, are they DemocRATS?





Need more??? Fucking idiot!
And? I am not a democrat, moron.

Hell, I use to be a republican but the tea party started bitching about shit and shutting the government down so I said fuck it. I voted for Bush, McCain and Romeny...No more,,, at least until the moderates portion takes over again that cares about maintaining this country.
Townhall.com ^ | September 22, 2015 | Paul Greenberg
You won't find it on any map; it probably wouldn't fit. But the Wall Street Journal's staff has done its best to trace the outlines of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' spending plans. Which isn't easy. Because this sea of debt is not just big but huge, immense, and no sea of tranquility, either. It's full of turbulent wave after wave of mounting debt. It includes proposals for a government-run health-care program ($15 trillion over the next decade); plans to build new highways, bridges and roads, and rebuild old ones; a vast expansion of Social Security, and free tuition at every...

You do realize of course that Bernie plans on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for this right?

Slanders isn't a fucking DemocRAT, he's an avowed Socialist!...You actually think the DNC will let him win the nomination... It's the senile old pedophile, JoJo "The World's Dumberst Politician" Biden that the obomanation and the FAR LEFT want! They can control him with Valeria Jarrett staying on to Direct his every move!
Townhall.com ^ | September 22, 2015 | Paul Greenberg
You won't find it on any map; it probably wouldn't fit. But the Wall Street Journal's staff has done its best to trace the outlines of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' spending plans. Which isn't easy. Because this sea of debt is not just big but huge, immense, and no sea of tranquility, either. It's full of turbulent wave after wave of mounting debt. It includes proposals for a government-run health-care program ($15 trillion over the next decade); plans to build new highways, bridges and roads, and rebuild old ones; a vast expansion of Social Security, and free tuition at every...

You do realize of course that Bernie plans on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for this right?
GOP is party of the rich by the rich for the rich. He knows and he doesn't care.

Who are the richest people in the country, are they DemocRATS?





Need more??? Fucking idiot!

And a lot of them have come out and said they wanted to be taxed more. I think that is fair and the right thing to do...
Townhall.com ^ | September 22, 2015 | Paul Greenberg
You won't find it on any map; it probably wouldn't fit. But the Wall Street Journal's staff has done its best to trace the outlines of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' spending plans. Which isn't easy. Because this sea of debt is not just big but huge, immense, and no sea of tranquility, either. It's full of turbulent wave after wave of mounting debt. It includes proposals for a government-run health-care program ($15 trillion over the next decade); plans to build new highways, bridges and roads, and rebuild old ones; a vast expansion of Social Security, and free tuition at every...

You do realize of course that Bernie plans on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for this right?

Slanders isn't a fucking DemocRAT, he's an avowed Socialist!...You actually think the DNC will let him win the nomination... It's the senile old pedophile, JoJo "The World's Dumberst Politician" Biden that the obomanation and the FAR LEFT want! They can control him with Valeria Jarrett staying on to Direct his every move!

YOu know, I am getting to the point where the corporations have so fucked the workers that I might even vote for him. Believe me, I like corporations and the innovation they bring to our country but something needs to be done about their disrespect of our nation and the workers.
Townhall.com ^ | September 22, 2015 | Paul Greenberg
You won't find it on any map; it probably wouldn't fit. But the Wall Street Journal's staff has done its best to trace the outlines of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' spending plans. Which isn't easy. Because this sea of debt is not just big but huge, immense, and no sea of tranquility, either. It's full of turbulent wave after wave of mounting debt. It includes proposals for a government-run health-care program ($15 trillion over the next decade); plans to build new highways, bridges and roads, and rebuild old ones; a vast expansion of Social Security, and free tuition at every...

You do realize of course that Bernie plans on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for this right?
GOP is party of the rich by the rich for the rich. He knows and he doesn't care.

This is proven by the fact that they want to grant another huge tax cuts for the super rich and cut everything that helps the non-rich. Evil is what they're.
I am one example of how dumb the loserterians are and how badly they're hurting the republican party. Bush won the white house because he brought people together and wanted investment into our country...With of course, some conservative views. All the loserterians wants is to be a backwood hick and bomb other countries for fun...Fuck that.
Townhall.com ^ | September 22, 2015 | Paul Greenberg
You won't find it on any map; it probably wouldn't fit. But the Wall Street Journal's staff has done its best to trace the outlines of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' spending plans. Which isn't easy. Because this sea of debt is not just big but huge, immense, and no sea of tranquility, either. It's full of turbulent wave after wave of mounting debt. It includes proposals for a government-run health-care program ($15 trillion over the next decade); plans to build new highways, bridges and roads, and rebuild old ones; a vast expansion of Social Security, and free tuition at every...

You do realize of course that Bernie plans on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for this right?
GOP is party of the rich by the rich for the rich. He knows and he doesn't care.

Who are the richest people in the country, are they DemocRATS?





Need more??? Fucking idiot!

And a lot of them have come out and said they wanted to be taxed more. I think that is fair and the right thing to do...

There is NOTHING stopping them from sending in MORE FUCKING MONEY THAN THEY OWE, Genius!
Townhall.com ^ | September 22, 2015 | Paul Greenberg
You won't find it on any map; it probably wouldn't fit. But the Wall Street Journal's staff has done its best to trace the outlines of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' spending plans. Which isn't easy. Because this sea of debt is not just big but huge, immense, and no sea of tranquility, either. It's full of turbulent wave after wave of mounting debt. It includes proposals for a government-run health-care program ($15 trillion over the next decade); plans to build new highways, bridges and roads, and rebuild old ones; a vast expansion of Social Security, and free tuition at every...

You do realize of course that Bernie plans on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for this right?
GOP is party of the rich by the rich for the rich. He knows and he doesn't care.

Who are the richest people in the country, are they DemocRATS?





Need more??? Fucking idiot!
Liberals don't give a shit people are wealthy.
Townhall.com ^ | September 22, 2015 | Paul Greenberg
You won't find it on any map; it probably wouldn't fit. But the Wall Street Journal's staff has done its best to trace the outlines of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' spending plans. Which isn't easy. Because this sea of debt is not just big but huge, immense, and no sea of tranquility, either. It's full of turbulent wave after wave of mounting debt. It includes proposals for a government-run health-care program ($15 trillion over the next decade); plans to build new highways, bridges and roads, and rebuild old ones; a vast expansion of Social Security, and free tuition at every...

You do realize of course that Bernie plans on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for this right?

They dont have that much money.
Townhall.com ^ | September 22, 2015 | Paul Greenberg
You won't find it on any map; it probably wouldn't fit. But the Wall Street Journal's staff has done its best to trace the outlines of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' spending plans. Which isn't easy. Because this sea of debt is not just big but huge, immense, and no sea of tranquility, either. It's full of turbulent wave after wave of mounting debt. It includes proposals for a government-run health-care program ($15 trillion over the next decade); plans to build new highways, bridges and roads, and rebuild old ones; a vast expansion of Social Security, and free tuition at every...

You do realize of course that Bernie plans on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for this right?

They dont have that much money.

He will pay for it by keeping us out of trillion dollar wars, not infusing tens of billions into the stock market and fixing our healthcare system. You keep attacking infrastructure, science, r&d and education but they never caused one red cent of the debt.

Please educate yourself. damn.
Townhall.com ^ | September 22, 2015 | Paul Greenberg
You won't find it on any map; it probably wouldn't fit. But the Wall Street Journal's staff has done its best to trace the outlines of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' spending plans. Which isn't easy. Because this sea of debt is not just big but huge, immense, and no sea of tranquility, either. It's full of turbulent wave after wave of mounting debt. It includes proposals for a government-run health-care program ($15 trillion over the next decade); plans to build new highways, bridges and roads, and rebuild old ones; a vast expansion of Social Security, and free tuition at every...

You do realize of course that Bernie plans on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for this right?

They dont have that much money.
Obviously not all at once. Bernie's spending isn't all at once.
Townhall.com ^ | September 22, 2015 | Paul Greenberg
You won't find it on any map; it probably wouldn't fit. But the Wall Street Journal's staff has done its best to trace the outlines of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' spending plans. Which isn't easy. Because this sea of debt is not just big but huge, immense, and no sea of tranquility, either. It's full of turbulent wave after wave of mounting debt. It includes proposals for a government-run health-care program ($15 trillion over the next decade); plans to build new highways, bridges and roads, and rebuild old ones; a vast expansion of Social Security, and free tuition at every...

You do realize of course that Bernie plans on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for this right?
GOP is party of the rich by the rich for the rich. He knows and he doesn't care.

Who are the richest people in the country, are they DemocRATS?





Need more??? Fucking idiot!
Liberals don't give a shit people are wealthy.

Well, if we taxed these rich as we did in the 50's and regulated the market they'd still be billionaires and we'd probably have more of them. Why? Competition could form and there'd be more people with money to build them.

You see reaganism has destroyed our middle class and so now we only have the super rich!
Townhall.com ^ | September 22, 2015 | Paul Greenberg
You won't find it on any map; it probably wouldn't fit. But the Wall Street Journal's staff has done its best to trace the outlines of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' spending plans. Which isn't easy. Because this sea of debt is not just big but huge, immense, and no sea of tranquility, either. It's full of turbulent wave after wave of mounting debt. It includes proposals for a government-run health-care program ($15 trillion over the next decade); plans to build new highways, bridges and roads, and rebuild old ones; a vast expansion of Social Security, and free tuition at every...

You do realize of course that Bernie plans on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for this right?

They dont have that much money.
Obviously not all at once. Bernie's spending isn't all at once.

So do you really believe the rich are just going to go along with being screwed?
Townhall.com ^ | September 22, 2015 | Paul Greenberg
You won't find it on any map; it probably wouldn't fit. But the Wall Street Journal's staff has done its best to trace the outlines of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' spending plans. Which isn't easy. Because this sea of debt is not just big but huge, immense, and no sea of tranquility, either. It's full of turbulent wave after wave of mounting debt. It includes proposals for a government-run health-care program ($15 trillion over the next decade); plans to build new highways, bridges and roads, and rebuild old ones; a vast expansion of Social Security, and free tuition at every...

You do realize of course that Bernie plans on raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for this right?

They dont have that much money.
Obviously not all at once. Bernie's spending isn't all at once.

So do you really believe the rich are just going to go along with being screwed?
With or without Bernie's spending plan, most of the burden must be on the wealthy. Taxing them the most isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. What do you think pays for our badass military and public schools? TAXES. Where does most of the revenue in this country come from? It's what's generated from the capital of the wealthy class. That's just what's feasible and realistic.
Spending money = saving money

Often times, it does. You just need to spend wisely.

For example, you could tack on $10 a month to your cable bill to rent a modem/router for your internet. Or you could shell out $100 and buy your own. You spent money to save money.
Spending money = saving money

Often times, it does. You just need to spend wisely.

For example, you could tack on $10 a month to your cable bill to rent a modem/router for your internet. Or you could shell out $100 and buy your own. You spent money to save money.
But does that match THIS case.

I would say that is a bad example as that is not what we will be doing.
How much did Obuma ADD to our debt since inaugurated?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
And? Bush took a surplus and turned it into a deficit from a DEMOCRAT president.

What perhaps 400 billion, how about $8 TRILLION that the Manchurian muslim RAPED us of!... get your head on straight, fool!
Waiting on you....

George W. Bush - President Bush added the second greatest amount to the debt, at $5.849 trillion. This more than doubled the debt, which was $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001 -- the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget. Bush responded to the 9/11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. This drove military spending to record levels, $600-$800 billion a year. This included the Iraq War, which cost $807.5 billion. President Bush also responded to the 2001 recession by passing EGTRRA and JGTRRA, otherwise known as the Bush tax cuts, which reduced revenue. He approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks to combat the 2008 global financial crisis. Both Presidents Bush and Obama had to contend with higher mandatory spending for Social Security and Medicare.

2nd only behind Obama who of course had to try and FIX what Bush had managed to fuck up.

The fact that Bush was a MAJOR fuck up has something to do with the fact that Obama is a fuck up as well?

You do understand that Presidents don't start with a clean slate when they take office, right? This basic concept doesn't escape you, does it?
No it does not.

That STILL does not address the fact that Bush being a shit president has absolutely nothing to do with Obama being a shit president.

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