Oh, No....Not This Lie Again!

Obviously Obama is displaying his honesty gap.

Here from a left wing source. It will be ignored because being left wing takes the one counter argument that the left likes to use.

What this is all about is control. The government wants to control what you are paid. In order to take that control there must be a crisis. Thus the BS of women, in the same job, making less. Which unless you are working for the Obama or Clinton campaigns isn't true.

Wage Gap Myth Exposed — By Feminists

Wage Gap Myth Exposed -- By Feminists

It will not be not easy for the AAUW and its allies to abandon the idea of systemic gender injustice. AAUW officials are trying mightily to sustain the bad-news-for-women narrative. According to “Graduating to a Pay Gap” publicity materials, “The AAUW today released a new study showing that just one year out of college, millennial women are paid 82 cents for every dollar paid to their male peers. Women are paid less than men even when they do the same work and major in the same field.” Many journalists seem to have read and reported on the AAUW’s press releases rather than its research.

That is the hype. Look at the numbers.

Factcheck.org is calling out the president. Seems facts get in the way of confirmed liberal left wing liars.

Obama’s 77-Cent Exaggeration

But the president was flatly wrong to say that women are paid 77 percent of the pay of men for the “same work.” And the fact that women’s median annual earnings are 77 percent of men’s isn’t all or even mostly due to discrimination, as the ad implies.
Like Hollywood who keeps telling basically 5 or 6 stories over and over again disguised in different costumes and actors, the democrats repeat the same basic 5 or 6 lies over and over again.

Rinse repeat

Seems to work...it keeps 'em in power.

And that leads to the conclusion that the number of IQ points remains constant, but must be divided among an ever increasing population.
Ohhhhh....Obama was speaking about himself!

"AEI: Obama White House Pays Women 15.8 Percent Less Than Men"

Breaking News at Newsmax.com AEI: Obama White House Pays Women 15.8 Percent Less Than Men

No it doesn't.
What a validation! NYCarbineer says so so it MUST be true!
Must be a great weight being like the Messiah who as the sycophant for MSM said Obama sort of a God!

2014 Report to Congress on White House Staff | Open Data | The White House
Ohhhhh....Obama was speaking about himself!

"AEI: Obama White House Pays Women 15.8 Percent Less Than Men"

Breaking News at Newsmax.com AEI: Obama White House Pays Women 15.8 Percent Less Than Men

No it doesn't.
What a validation! NYCarbineer says so so it MUST be true!
Must be a great weight being like the Messiah who as the sycophant for MSM said Obama sort of a God!

2014 Report to Congress on White House Staff | Open Data | The White House

Well, I didn't read it but if this report shows that Obama is lying then thanks.
1. Y'know.....the dunce has had seven unproductive, incompetent years of failure.....but, he speaks so very well: shouldn't he have come up with some new, imaginative, amusing and/or interesting lies.

I mean....really....what are we paying him for???

After all...as Liar-in-Chief of the most powerful and advanced nation on earth....jeeezzzz....do better than this long-in-the-tooth hoary ol' fable.

2. Barack Obama


It's been 51 years since the Equal Pay Act was signed, but women still don't have equal pay.#TimeForProgress

10:39 AM - 10 Jun 2014


APR 12 2016, 2:11 PM ET
Obama: Memorial a 'Centerpiece' for Women's Struggle for Equality
President Barack Obama designated as a national monument on Tuesday an important symbol of the women's rights movement — a move that the White House used to highlight the pay gap between men and women.

The president's comments came on National Equal Pay Day — a day when those who push for gender pay equity highlight the disparity.

....Obama, who has pushed gender pay equity since his he first took office,...."
Obama: Memorial a 'Centerpiece' for Women's Struggle for Equality

4. What this indicates is that Democrats are worried about the election....and need to juice up the "victims," get the troops ready to vote.

5. Now...before I eviscerate the fable....let's remind all that the Left's control of the dissemination of information....lies in this case.....allow them to post it all over the internet......like this:

"They are the equal, if not main, breadwinner in four out of ten families. They receive more college and graduate degrees than men. Yet, on average, women continue to earn considerably less than men. In 2014,female full-time workers made only 79 cents for every dollar earned bymen, a gender wage gap of 21 percent."
Pay Equity & Discrimination — IWPR - Institute for Women's ...
Institute for Women's Policy Research

6. Ready?
a. It has been federal law for over 50 year.
"An Act

To prohibit discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages by employers engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Equal Pay Act of 1963."
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA)

b. Now for the really, really stupid Democrat voters (I know, that's redundant).....mull this over.
If employers actually paid men 21% more for the very same work....

.....get that: the very same work!!!!.....

....then all they would have to do to get 21% more in profit would be fire all the men and hire women to fill those jobs.

Get it?????

oh no.... not your cut and paste wing nut lies again.


Please list the lies in the OP.
Oh you can't. Because you don't have the knowledge or brainpower to figure out if you're breathing or not. You arent the dumbest poster on here. Which should worry you.

you mean her cut and paste idiocy?

truth is irrelevant to rightwingnuts
All you need to do is list the lies, and prove they are lies.

That is all.

Consider yourself owned.
1. Y'know.....the dunce has had seven unproductive, incompetent years of failure.....but, he speaks so very well: shouldn't he have come up with some new, imaginative, amusing and/or interesting lies.

I mean....really....what are we paying him for???

After all...as Liar-in-Chief of the most powerful and advanced nation on earth....jeeezzzz....do better than this long-in-the-tooth hoary ol' fable.

2. Barack Obama


It's been 51 years since the Equal Pay Act was signed, but women still don't have equal pay.#TimeForProgress

10:39 AM - 10 Jun 2014


APR 12 2016, 2:11 PM ET
Obama: Memorial a 'Centerpiece' for Women's Struggle for Equality
President Barack Obama designated as a national monument on Tuesday an important symbol of the women's rights movement — a move that the White House used to highlight the pay gap between men and women.

The president's comments came on National Equal Pay Day — a day when those who push for gender pay equity highlight the disparity.

....Obama, who has pushed gender pay equity since his he first took office,...."
Obama: Memorial a 'Centerpiece' for Women's Struggle for Equality

4. What this indicates is that Democrats are worried about the election....and need to juice up the "victims," get the troops ready to vote.

5. Now...before I eviscerate the fable....let's remind all that the Left's control of the dissemination of information....lies in this case.....allow them to post it all over the internet......like this:

"They are the equal, if not main, breadwinner in four out of ten families. They receive more college and graduate degrees than men. Yet, on average, women continue to earn considerably less than men. In 2014,female full-time workers made only 79 cents for every dollar earned bymen, a gender wage gap of 21 percent."
Pay Equity & Discrimination — IWPR - Institute for Women's ...
Institute for Women's Policy Research

6. Ready?
a. It has been federal law for over 50 year.
"An Act

To prohibit discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages by employers engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Equal Pay Act of 1963."
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA)

b. Now for the really, really stupid Democrat voters (I know, that's redundant).....mull this over.
If employers actually paid men 21% more for the very same work....

.....get that: the very same work!!!!.....

....then all they would have to do to get 21% more in profit would be fire all the men and hire women to fill those jobs.

Get it?????

oh no.... not your cut and paste wing nut lies again.


Please list the lies in the OP.
Oh you can't. Because you don't have the knowledge or brainpower to figure out if you're breathing or not. You arent the dumbest poster on here. Which should worry you.

you mean her cut and paste idiocy?

truth is irrelevant to rightwingnuts
All you need to do is list the lies, and prove they are lies.

That is all.

Consider yourself owned.

only in your dreams, nutbar
1. Y'know.....the dunce has had seven unproductive, incompetent years of failure.....but, he speaks so very well: shouldn't he have come up with some new, imaginative, amusing and/or interesting lies.

I mean....really....what are we paying him for???

After all...as Liar-in-Chief of the most powerful and advanced nation on earth....jeeezzzz....do better than this long-in-the-tooth hoary ol' fable.

2. Barack Obama


It's been 51 years since the Equal Pay Act was signed, but women still don't have equal pay.#TimeForProgress

10:39 AM - 10 Jun 2014


APR 12 2016, 2:11 PM ET
Obama: Memorial a 'Centerpiece' for Women's Struggle for Equality
President Barack Obama designated as a national monument on Tuesday an important symbol of the women's rights movement — a move that the White House used to highlight the pay gap between men and women.

The president's comments came on National Equal Pay Day — a day when those who push for gender pay equity highlight the disparity.

....Obama, who has pushed gender pay equity since his he first took office,...."
Obama: Memorial a 'Centerpiece' for Women's Struggle for Equality

4. What this indicates is that Democrats are worried about the election....and need to juice up the "victims," get the troops ready to vote.

5. Now...before I eviscerate the fable....let's remind all that the Left's control of the dissemination of information....lies in this case.....allow them to post it all over the internet......like this:

"They are the equal, if not main, breadwinner in four out of ten families. They receive more college and graduate degrees than men. Yet, on average, women continue to earn considerably less than men. In 2014,female full-time workers made only 79 cents for every dollar earned bymen, a gender wage gap of 21 percent."
Pay Equity & Discrimination — IWPR - Institute for Women's ...
Institute for Women's Policy Research

6. Ready?
a. It has been federal law for over 50 year.
"An Act

To prohibit discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages by employers engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Equal Pay Act of 1963."
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA)

b. Now for the really, really stupid Democrat voters (I know, that's redundant).....mull this over.
If employers actually paid men 21% more for the very same work....

.....get that: the very same work!!!!.....

....then all they would have to do to get 21% more in profit would be fire all the men and hire women to fill those jobs.

Get it?????

oh no.... not your cut and paste wing nut lies again.


Please list the lies in the OP.
Oh you can't. Because you don't have the knowledge or brainpower to figure out if you're breathing or not. You arent the dumbest poster on here. Which should worry you.

you mean her cut and paste idiocy?

truth is irrelevant to rightwingnuts
All you need to do is list the lies, and prove they are lies.

That is all.

Consider yourself owned.

only in your dreams, nutbar

You blurted that the OP was a lie....

....posters challenged you to provide any.

Of course....you couldn't, because the liar turns out to be you.

The recurring theme seems to be this:
Whenever the indictment centers on Democrats/Liberals in general, and Obama, in particular, your response is that of a six year old when her father is insulted.

And the insults are true and undeniable.

"Lies....lies....all lies!!!!!"

Gads, you are neither intelligent, nor even adult.

Sadly...you aren't the only one, presaging the end of our once great nation.
oh no.... not your cut and paste wing nut lies again.


Please list the lies in the OP.
Oh you can't. Because you don't have the knowledge or brainpower to figure out if you're breathing or not. You arent the dumbest poster on here. Which should worry you.

you mean her cut and paste idiocy?

truth is irrelevant to rightwingnuts
All you need to do is list the lies, and prove they are lies.

That is all.

Consider yourself owned.

only in your dreams, nutbar

You blurted that the OP was a lie....

....posters challenged you to provide any.

Of course....you couldn't, because the liar turns out to be you.

The recurring theme seems to be this:
Whenever the indictment centers on Democrats/Liberals in general, and Obama, in particular, your response is that of a six year old when her father is insulted.

And the insults are true and undeniable.

"Lies....lies....all lies!!!!!"

Gads, you are neither intelligent, nor even adult.

Sadly...you aren't the only one, presaging the end of our once great nation.
Jillian is unable to engage in meaningful debate or answer reasonable questions. IT is tough when you are 14 years old and pretending to be a lawyer on the internet.
Please list the lies in the OP.
Oh you can't. Because you don't have the knowledge or brainpower to figure out if you're breathing or not. You arent the dumbest poster on here. Which should worry you.

you mean her cut and paste idiocy?

truth is irrelevant to rightwingnuts
All you need to do is list the lies, and prove they are lies.

That is all.

Consider yourself owned.

only in your dreams, nutbar

You blurted that the OP was a lie....

....posters challenged you to provide any.

Of course....you couldn't, because the liar turns out to be you.

The recurring theme seems to be this:
Whenever the indictment centers on Democrats/Liberals in general, and Obama, in particular, your response is that of a six year old when her father is insulted.

And the insults are true and undeniable.

"Lies....lies....all lies!!!!!"

Gads, you are neither intelligent, nor even adult.

Sadly...you aren't the only one, presaging the end of our once great nation.
Jillian is unable to engage in meaningful debate or answer reasonable questions. IT is tough when you are 14 years old and pretending to be a lawyer on the internet.

Spot on.

There is no way to engage Liberals/Democrats....it's 'lies...lies...lies" or 'is not, is not" and off they go.

Here is our pal with two friends:

  1. "Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…" From the prescient Ann Coulter

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