OH NOES!!! Katie Hobbs office was burglarized!!!

She was behind it, you know republicans, they do anything to win.
Knowing what reality is to all now, Watergate was a Prog hit on the Nixon Administration and went downhill from there. Woodward, Bernstein and Rather and many others are/were Prog Socialist moles and shills. The then Progs were not happy about the 1968 election. So, they dusted off the old playbook, and now she is trying to start Karigate.
Hobbs very quickly published a statement blaming Kari Lake for the "burglary". Now you wouldn't suppose that Katie Hobbs would stage a burglary of her office to help her plummeting poll numbers against Kari Lake? Nah couldn't be. :abgg2q.jpg:

Dems are absolute fucking scum.

Hobbs is scared of Lake. Lake isnt going to break into Hobbs’ office.

Fuck off pathetic cult fucks.
Secretary Hobbs and her staff have faced hundreds of death threats and threats of violence over the course of this campaign. Throughout this race, we have been clear that the safety of our staff and of the Secretary is our number one priority.
Let’s be clear: for nearly two years Kari Lake and her allies have been spreading dangerous misinformation and inciting threats against anyone they see fit. The threats against Arizonans attempting to exercise their constitutional rights and their attacks on elected officials are the direct result of a concerted campaign of lies and intimidation.

Fuck off. We know who pushes violence.
Secretary Hobbs and her staff have faced hundreds of death threats and threats of violence over the course of this campaign. Throughout this race, we have been clear that the safety of our staff and of the Secretary is our number one priority.
Let’s be clear: for nearly two years Kari Lake and her allies have been spreading dangerous misinformation and inciting threats against anyone they see fit. The threats against Arizonans attempting to exercise their constitutional rights and their attacks on elected officials are the direct result of a concerted campaign of lies and intimidation.

....."dangerous misinformation", translation: the truth
Could it be a Nixon type break-in? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :smoke:

She is doing so poorly now that they must garner sympathy to get votes... Watch them milk this cow dry the next two weeks.

Wouldn't it be funny if it were BLM or ANTIFA folks who did this?
Nixon was well ahead in polling and yet had his "plumbers" break in to the Watergate DNC headquarters.

Ya never know what these nutjob Republicans will do

Well, he should be easy to idenitfy and apprehend.

Why would the Lake campaign send this guy to burglarize the Hobbs office?
The most likely scenario is it's a fake out to try and get some sympathy for her and to sow seeds of doubt in her opposition and maybe turn people against her. As well as excuse away any of her shortcomings.

The simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

But it's also possible it was a real break in and just a wild coincidence. But I highly doubt it had anything to do with lake being involved because lake has constantly and consistently been on the offense and doing a great job of it. She was beating her badly by being upfront, concise, with explanations for her reasonings and by showing she is smart, strong and capable. She was winning just by being her, a break in wasn't needed and only would hurt her campaign.
Let’s not jump to conclusions. Maybe it was an antifa or BLM terrorist that wasn't told the 2020 riots were over.
Hobbs very quickly published a statement blaming Kari Lake for the "burglary". Now you wouldn't suppose that Katie Hobbs would stage a burglary of her office to help her plummeting poll numbers against Kari Lake? Nah couldn't be. :abgg2q.jpg:

More Desperation Propaganda from The DemNazi 666 Deep State.

Next up will be some baseless accusations about Hershel Walker.

Same as what they did about Judge Moore only to find out they were all lies "AFTER THE ELECTION"
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Well, police DEFINITELY should not look for this suspect in any of the local gyms.

Do you even lift bro?

This asshole is the size of Fetterman’s left leg.
Lets look at this from a burglary point of view. He does not cover his face. He holds no apparent tools of burglary. The offices were open. He wears no gloves. His body configuration is one of a feminized person. None of this adds up when you look at a political operative unless this is an inside job to garner support. Nothing about this person fits the mode of a burglar who is not supposed to be there.

He obviously knew his surroundings and was comfortable there. Free publicity and no one to question it openly in the media... Political stunt for free airtime is what this screams of to me... This removes Lake from the headline for a few days and puts this bimbo front and center.

If I was investigating this, I would start in house and work outward. IF what I think is happening here is found true, Hobbs and her staff should be in front of a judge for filing a false police report.
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That guy should be caught already.

He is not disguised at all. He is just walking.

How much you wanna bet this is someone from the Lake campaign who was invited to the Hobbs campaign HQ for some reason…then Hobbs lied?

It would not surprise me.

This person is not a criminal. He is not trying to obscure his identity at all.
That guy should be caught already.

He is not disguised at all. He is just walking.

How much you wanna bet this is someone from the Lake campaign who was invited to the Hobbs campaign HQ for some reason…then Hobbs lied?

It would not surprise me.

This person is not a criminal. He is not trying to obscure his identity at all.
Bingo... Nothing of the pictures put out are accurate if this person was a burglar. What are the other options?
Knowing what reality is to all now, Watergate was a Prog hit on the Nixon Administration and went downhill from there. Woodward, Bernstein and Rather and many others are/were Prog Socialist moles and shills. The then Progs were not happy about the 1968 election. So, they dusted off the old playbook, and now she is trying to start Karigate.
IF you investigate this, the people that pulled off the burglary were Globalist-Socialists, and Nixon though he wanted peace was more of an America First guy, but so was Kennedy, Lincoln, Reagan, and Trump. All were targets. I think it was a planned take down of Nixon, much like The Russian Collusion scam was.

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