OH NOES!!! Katie Hobbs office was burglarized!!!

The most likely scenario is it's a fake out to try and get some sympathy for her and to sow seeds of doubt in her opposition and maybe turn people against her. As well as excuse away any of her shortcomings.

The simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

But it's also possible it was a real break in and just a wild coincidence. But I highly doubt it had anything to do with lake being involved because lake has constantly and consistently been on the offense and doing a great job of it. She was beating her badly by being upfront, concise, with explanations for her reasonings and by showing she is smart, strong and capable. She was winning just by being her, a break in wasn't needed and only would hurt her campaign.
And that is the other side of any investigation. What was there to gain and who would benefit? Lake had nothing to gain. Hobbs however did, political adds for free in airtime and a willing media to spout it.

What was supposably taken? No one is telling. Was there anything actually taken? All of this leads me to believe this is a political stunt.
Of course she did.

Lake doesn't need to steal anything from Hobbs - Lake already OWNS Hobbs.


As badly and pathetically as Hobbs has been, this sounds more like a desperate 'Smollett' move to gain sympathy & try to hurt Lake by blaming her.
Get free political add time called the news and point blame with a complicit media, unwilling to the job the constitution expects of them.
The FBI still hasn't been able identify a domestic terrorist inside a small group called 'Ruth Sent Us' who firebombed a pro-life target them bragged about doing it on social media...more than 6 months ago.

The DOJ / FBI will never find out who did this and make any arrest...if its an inside job.
The FBI still hasn't been able identify a domestic terrorist inside a small group called 'Ruth Sent Us' who firebombed a pro-life target them bragged about doing it on social media...more than 6 months ago.

The DOJ / FBI will never find out who did this and make any arrest...if its an inside job.
That would be correct. Democrats are not held responsible for anything, ever.
More Desperation Propaganda from The DemNazi 666 Deep State.

Next up will be some baseless accusations about Hershel Walker.

Same as what they did about Judge Moore only to find out they were all lies "AFTER THE ELECTION"
Oh look another ANONYMOUS victim of Herschel Walker just remembered that he WANTED HER to have an abortion. She suddenly realized that when Walker got to within 2% of Warnok in the polls. I'm having Gloria Allred flashbacks.
Of course she did.

Lake doesn't need to steal anything from Hobbs - Lake already OWNS Hobbs.


As badly and pathetically as Hobbs has been, this sounds more like a desperate 'Smollett' move to gain sympathy & try to hurt Lake by blaming her.
Sounds like Fake Russian Collusion scam, same as Smollet, or some DimTard painting a Swastika on their own house.
Oh look another ANONYMOUS victim of Herschel Walker just remembered that he WANTED HER to have an abortion. She suddenly realized that when Walker got to within 2% of Warnok in the polls. I'm having Gloria Allred flashbacks.
Once folks realize this is standard Dirty POLITICS MO for the DemNazi Left, they will be smart enough to ignore it.
Oh look another ANONYMOUS victim of Herschel Walker just remembered that he WANTED HER to have an abortion. She suddenly realized that when Walker got to within 2% of Warnok in the polls. I'm having Gloria Allred flashbacks.
Isn't it amazing how they Magically show up.... No proof.. they supposedly did nothing for 20 years and now it's an OMG moment. Such bull shit. And of course, demotards will want to believe every woman now with it being a republican being accused. When it's a dem, not so much. political hit jobs..
Hobbs very quickly published a statement blaming Kari Lake for the "burglary". Now you wouldn't suppose that Katie Hobbs would stage a burglary of her office to help her plummeting poll numbers against Kari Lake? Nah couldn't be. :abgg2q.jpg:

What...the guy wasn't wearing a MAGA hat?
Republicans are thugs, example infinity.
When you define everything bad as republican it is pretty easy to make that assertion.

Like this instance for example. One where we have no idea who this person is and no idea why they broke in. You know it is a republican because it was bad therefore it MUST be a republican.
Penny, checking in. Do you still want unvaccinated to "die at home"? And what does "unvaccinated" even mean, anyway? Are you unvaccinated? Have you had all five shots? If not, and you get ill, do you plan to not clog up the hospitals and "die at home?"

With all these people dropping dead for no apparent reason (yeah right), would you just love it if us purebloods started saying hey, stop clogging up our hospitals with your cancers and heart issues? You can just die at home?

You like, Penny?
I just saw this. . . I'm sort of suspicious of Lake, and I don't really vote for establishment candidates, but damn, if I lived in Arizona, I think I might visit the polls after everything I am learning about this jab, after seeing this interview. :sigh2:

Why is this woman so closed about what her plans are?

I just saw this. . . I'm sort of suspicious of Lake, and I don't really vote for establishment candidates, but damn, if I lived in Arizona, I think I might visit the polls after everything I am learning about this jab, after seeing this interview. :sigh2:

Why is this woman so closed about what her plans are?

I do live in Arizona and Katie Hobbs is a total puppet for Pelosi and the Extreme Leftwing of the Democratic Party. This is retarded, Lake is beating Hobbs like a drum WHY WOULD LAKE have anything to do with a two bit break-in on Hobbs office? Gimme a break.
I just saw this. . . I'm sort of suspicious of Lake, and I don't really vote for establishment candidates, but damn, if I lived in Arizona, I think I might visit the polls after everything I am learning about this jab, after seeing this interview. :sigh2:

Why is this woman so closed about what her plans are?

Odd that she did not have a premade answer for this. This is one of those questions that you know before you get out of bed in the morning you are going to run into at one point or another.
Dems are absolute fucking scum.

Hobbs is scared of Lake. Lake isnt going to break into Hobbs’ office.

Fuck off pathetic cult fucks.
If a Republican made the same accusation as Hobbs, the media would have said "without evidence".

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